Cole was all by himself, traveling down a mysterious rocky path. The sun was at its peak up in the sky, beating down on Cole's shirtless body. I guess you could say he was very warm and lonely. As he beared with the heat Cole looked down at his feet sadly, lost in thought. How could this happen to me? he thought miserably. Then he began to think about how this all happened.


Cole was training outside the Ninja HQ for MANY HOURS, and was getting really tired and sweaty. He wiped the sweat off his forehead and, while panting, went inside to cool off. Cole went into the kitchen where Zane was preparing dinner, and headed over to the fridge to get a glass of water. The smell of the soup Zane was making caught Cole's attention suddenly, and he decided to walk over to him.

"Zane, what are you doing," Cole said flatly.

"Preparing Violet Berry Soup." Zane replied simply.

"I know but I mean you're making it wrong." Cole insisted, pushing Zane away so he could make adjustments to the soup.

Zane just stared in surprise at Cole. "I sense that something is wrong. And I don't mean with the soup."

Cole's eyes widened and he looked at Zane, then down to his hands. He hesitated a moment before saying "Y-you're right..."

Zane approached Cole and placed his hand on his shoulder. "You can tell me. We are more than brothers after all."

Cole realized that Zane was right. But how could he understand his DIRTY LITTLE SECRET? But he had to be strong. He sighed, looked at Zane straight in the face, and blurted out "I THINK SENSEI WU'S BOOTY IS HOT!"

The confession left Zane speechless and his mouth agape, making Cole feel uncomfortable. As Zane went to speak, Cole interrupted him with "I'M SORRY!" and ran out of the kitchen.

"COLE! WAIT!" Zane yelled and ran after him, but Cole was nowhere to be seen.


WHY DID I HAVE TO LET THIS HAPPEN? Cole thought as he began to cry. He missed the way Zane cooked. He missed the way Zane laughed awkwardly when he didn't understand a joke. He missed the way Zane sang to Cole "Hello my baby, hello my honey, hello my ragtime gal," and he simply missed EVERYTHING THEY HAD TOGETHER!

I'm all out of love
I'm so lost without you
I know you were right
Believing for so long

I'm all out of love
What am I without you
I can't be too late to say that I was so wrong

Suddenly out in the distance he heard a really loud noise. It was the sound of Zane's vehicle!

Zane rode up to Cole and stopped next to him. "Cole," he said sadly, "please get in the car."

Cole wasn't sure what he should do. Why was Zane not angry at him? Cole shook his head and started walking away.

"Wait..." Zane called, driving alongside him. "I got a confession too."

Cole instantly stopped, awaiting his answer.

"I think Sensei Wu's booty is hot too," the Nindroid admitted.

"What?!" Cole gasped. "But I- but you-"

"Will you please get in the car now?" Zane said calmly.

Cole, still shocked, nodded and hopped in. "...can you please sing 'hello my baby, hello my honey' to me on our way home?" Cole whispered awkwardly.

Zane smiled and sang it all the way back home.