Sansa had stopped believing in love.

She knew that Annablyth would never force her to marry somebody, but Sansa knew she didn't want to die sorrowful and alone with no children.

So, when winter ended and she was sixteen, she headed South with a small escort.

Most of the Northern Houses had already come and courted her, and she found no man to her liking. Plus, all those men were either the age of her late father or of Rickon. They wanted a princess in the family, a claim, if not a terrible one, to the North. So Sansa decided to go South. She completely avoided the Crownlands and the Westerlands, even under new management by Daenerys and the Lollistons, respectably. Also, Sansa knew she wouldn't survive a day in the Iron Islands.

The Vale also held ill memories, even though Petyr Baelish was executed long before, so she only stayed a week. Then there were the Riverlands, and the Stormlands, until she finally reached the Reach.

The Tyrells offered Loras, since there was no Kingsguard and Willas was already married, but Sansa politely declined. She wanted nothing to do with the scheming Tyrells, though she stayed for Highgarden.

Sansa then started to wander from house to house, desperately trying to find the perfect suitor.

When she reached Goldengrove, she met Tristan Rowan.

He had brown hair that glimmered in sunlight, and smiling brown eyes. Tristan was polite, gallant, and Sansa failed to find any of the cunning glint in his eyes that she always found in the other suitors.

He was clever, and was an accomplished knight, and he showered Sansa with gifts that were always personal. The best thing was he saw her as Sansa, not as a Princess.

Tristan would take her on strolls of the gardens, which were substantially smaller than Highgarden's, but were much more genuine.

Unlike the other places, where she only stayed a night or so, Sansa stayed a month at Goldengrove before excepting Tristan's proposal. She had hurriedly wrote to her family, and Arya, Rickon, and Bran would be able to come. Annablyth was on bed rest with her fourth child and fifth pregnancy, and Robb was needed.

The wedding wasn't as big as Sansa once dreamed, but was ten times better. Her silks fit her perfectly, and she knew she looked beautiful. When they were bedded, Tristan kept on stopping and asking if she was okay, and Sansa actually enjoyed it.

A year after came Calla, who was named after Sansa's favorite flower. By then, Sansa and Tristan loved each other with the entirety of their hearts.

Calla had the caramel hair of her father, with bright blue Tully eyes. She had a sharp tongue and a quick wit, with eyes that almost always seemed to be rolling.

Two years later, Felix came. With bright red hair and twinkling brown eyes, he was to be heir of the Rowan house.

The two children were happy, and Sansa loved the peaceful simplicity of her life. She expanded the gardens a little, and fixed all the problems in their lands.

Arya even visited sometimes, occasionally alone, other times with her children or her husband. It wasn't the extravagant life Sansa always considered for herself, but it was infinitely better.

Besides, Tristan taught her how to believe in love again.


Arya traveled for a few years. Until she was nineteen, to be exact.

She went to every part of the Seven Kingdoms, before crossing the Narrow Sea and exploring the Nine Free Cities. The wolf girl even went as far as Qarth, the Summer Isles, and, eventually, Sothoros. Annablyth had been terribly worried when Arya disappeared for a few months without sending a letter, but it turned out that she had been training with a sellsword company.

Arya would visit infrequently, often with blue or purple hair, bringing tales of basilisks, lovers from Naath, sorceresses and dragonglass blades from Asshai, and brilliant fights between creatures from Old Nan's stories. Even the perfect little lady Thea thirsted for the battles of her Aunt Arya.

Annablyth always made sure to stop 'Auntie' if she got too detailed in the lovers from Naath tales.

Then, when Arya decided to finally return home to her new keep, she found somebody in Braavos.

Arya simply needed to have her Needle fixed, when she wandered to some tiny blacksmith's. There, older and much more mature, sat Gendry Waters.

The Stark had kept her hair so short that it barely touched the bottom of her ears, and Gendry immediately recognized her. She never stopped wearing trousers.

"Arya?" Gendry had asked, confused. She nodded, biting her lip, and he rushed to embrace her.

Now that the war was over, Arya brought Gendry home with her. Arya was no maid, she had lost it to her sword master of the Golden Company when she was fifteen, but Gendry took her anyway.

Daenerys legitimized Gendry at the request of Annablyth, though the couple didn't care. Arya married Gendry, and they ruled their little keep in the North.

They explored Essos and Westeros again after that, together, and sometime Arya got pregnant and they returned home.

Syrio, with a long face that had the coloring of his father, had been first. He was fierce, hungry for glory and gore. Then came Estus, so similar to Syrio in not only looks.

Finally, Nymeria was born.

She was the little baby girl in her family, but she was fiercer than her brothers combined and a better fighter as well. Nymeria preferred poison laced daggers over swords, unlike the rest of her family.

When she was seven, the Martells offered to foster her. Gendry said no, Arya said yes, and they had argued over it for a while.

Nymeria made the choice for them and was able to steal a horse and ride all the way to the Vale before being found. There was evidence that Nymeria even killed somebody who tried to rape her, but she refused to speak of it.

By now, Gendry was absolutely decisive. His baby girl was to stay at home. So Nymeria went on a hunger strike, refusing to eat until her father agreed.

She became a ward of Tyene Sand, who taught her the ways of poison. When she returned at twelve, Nymeria was as deadly as her mentor, truly the Sand Snake's protege.

Arya sent Syrio and Estus to Essos with an escort, and they learned how it felt to live as a commoner. They came back ten times the fighters they once were, and much wiser as well.

Sometimes they traveled to Essos, as the place always had a special place in their parent's hearts, but they always returned to the chilly keep they called home.

All was happy.


Bran stopped dwelling on the past, stopped thinking of all the things he wanted to be, of all the things he wished went differently.

Instead, he learned, and grew, to be as wise the Weirwoods.


Rickon barely remembered the war, much less his parents. The only Eddard and Catelyn he knew were his brother's children.

The first clear memory he had was meeting Perra, who was the prettiest girl he had ever seen.

She was one year younger than him, with wide green eyes and fair hair. They were to be married, Annablyth told him, so they should become friends.

They did.

Perra and Rickon got into a lot of trouble as children, stealing from the kitchens and destroying vases that Arya had brought from Essos. Annablyth would yell and scold at them, and the Queen was more a mother to Rickon than the faded memory of Catelyn ever was.

Perra had only her father, Petyr, left after her mother died. Sometimes Perra admitted to Rickon that sometimes she could barely remember her, and it made the young girl sad.

Then, Perra's new mother, a beautiful woman named Beatrice, had three children. First came Pace, future Lord of the Crossing, then Paden, and finally Perlie. Rickon had never actually met them until his wedding, but Perra once visited and came back saying that all three children took after Beatrice, except with her father's pale blue eyes. She was also able to meet Edmure and Roslin, who had two children already together. Minisa, after Edmure's late mother, and then Illiam.

Perra was also kind, and sweet, and she was the one who convinced Rickon to give his niece and nephew a chance. In the beginning, he hated them, just seeing them as terrible replacements of his dead parents.

When they were both sixteen, they wed under the Godswood.

Rickon thought that his lady never looked prettier than she did that day, wearing white lace and grey furs.

She has blushed prettily as well, making him grin. The Septon had tied their hands together, bringing Northern and Southern traditions together.

Perra had giggled when he kissed her, and it made him love her even more. Two years later, they had a son named Edrick, and another two years a second son, called Harlon.

However content Rickon might be with his sons, Perra keeps on mentioning a daughter.