So a LONG time ago I read a story called "Teacher Extraordinary" by an author called Reyus. Some may be more familiar with "The Glass House". Anyway, Reyus was a very talented writer and I am going to try to do my own version of this tale.
One of the reasons I liked this story was because it wasn't the clichéd "Mamoru is a teacher, Usagi is a student" tale that we see so often.
I modified some of the characters personalities but I don't think they're too out of character. Usagi definitely got the biggest change. She's more serious and sarcastic, definitely NOT boy crazy (which there is a reason for) and, most importantly, NOT automatically in love with Mamoru or going all first season around him. Oh, she's also grown out of her klutzy, crybaby stage.
Oh, and no Senshi.
To clarify a few things: the girls are all seniors, Rei goes to school with them (which also has a reason), and Moto Azabu High School is where Mamoru went in the manga (a very prestigious school), and Keio University is the oldest university in Japan.
"You want to transfer out of Chiba-sensei's class?" the stunned receptionist asked.
"That's right," Tsukino Usagi answered, giving her most charming smile.
Akiyama Higure shook her head slightly at the unusual request, readjusting her glasses. "I've had at least a dozen girls come up to me today and ask to be put into his class."
"That's the point. His class is full of girls. I want to be where all the guys are," the student humorously responded.
The adult laughed slightly before putting on a serious face. "That is hardly appropriate, young lady."
"I was just kidding, Akiyama-san," Usagi replied sheepishly.
"Well, the only other Physics class is with Amanogawa-sensei. It would also be your new home room class."
"That's fine. Thank you, Akiyama-san!" the blonde answered sweetly.
Usagi had a bounce in her step at her victory as she exited the registration office, making her way down the main staircase.
"Tsukino-san," an all too familiar voice called out from behind.
Wincing slightly, the senior turned to face the perfect male specimen known as Chiba Mamoru.
"Chiba-sensei," she replied stiffly but bowed respectively, the two steams of her hair slightly brushing along the floor.
"Were you just in the registration office?" he asked politely.
"Yes sir. I had to switch my schedule around. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to meet up with my friends."
After another quick bow, the girl made her way down the stairs, picking up her speed.
"Out of all the people, why do I always have to run into him? It's like he's stalking me or something," Usagi thought.
No matter. She was out of his class and in a few months she would never have to see Chiba Mamoru again.
"I can't believe you transferred out of Chiba-sensei's class!" Minako practically screamed as they walked outside, a few heads turning in their direction.
"Really? Even after all my complaining?" Usagi asked skeptically. Her disdain for the teacher wasn't exactly a secret.
"You're just mad because he failed you last year," the other blonde replied, readjusting her red bow.
"Yeah, I am mad. Mad as hell! I was practically imprisoned by my mother all summer, had to put up with serious hell from Rei, and to top it off, all of Juuban High School thinking I'm stupid just because I was five points away from a passing grade!" the shorter girl yelled in frustration.
"Come on, Usagi! You weren't the only one who had to take his remedial class. Any sane female would have loved to be in the same room with him all summer." Minako's sky blue eyes glazed over at the thought, though Usagi knew that her fantasies would soon be taking on more of an adult theme. She could practically see the beginnings of a nosebleed coming on.
"Please, I know for a fact that a lot of the girls there actually failed on purpose just to stare at his ass all day. It was so embarrassing," Usagi answered, remembering all the stupid things they would do to get his attention.
Kuri was constantly dropping things right in front of him so that he would bend over, causing the girls to all blush and giggle. Yumiko would ask him to repeat everything a million times, which meant that class was never done on time (not that anyone else minded). And short, chubby Kiyomi would bomb the make-up tests and start crying in order to receive his comfort and encouragement.
God, it was painful to watch! How the hell did he put up with all their obvious stunts? It would have driven her insane.
"Oh well, at least we'll be in the same home room now. We can flunk together," the enthusiastic Minako replied, always finding the best in any situation.
The two blondes made their way to their group's favorite lunch spot, located right under a large oak tree that provided plenty of shade.
"So guess what? Usagi got out of Chiba-sensei's class!" Minako said before anyone else could speak. She always had to be the one to tell everyone any bit of semi-interesting news.
"What! Why would you do that?" Makoto yelled, dropping her chopsticks.
Usagi merely rolled her eyes while sitting down and taking out her lunch.
"Are you sure that was a good decision? Chiba-sensei is one of the best teachers here," the thoughtful Ami replied, laying down her book and removing her reading glasses.
"You still blame him for failing you?" Rei asked, annoyed by her friend's childish behavior.
"No, but clearly his style of teaching didn't work with me so why would I take another class with him?" Usagi answered logically.
"Yeah, it's his fault you couldn't name Newton's Second Law of Motion," Rei sarcastically replied.
Usagi merely took a bit out of her sandwich, pointedly ignoring the raven-haired miko.
"Hey, I can admit it would be nearly impossible to concentrate with all that manliness in one room," Makoto said, her emerald eyes sparkling. "He epitomizes the 'tall, dark, and handsome' motto perfectly."
"You forgot those eyes, those midnight blue orbs that just make your bones melt," Minako sighed.
"Not to mention his intelligence. Graduating early from Moto Azabu High School, summa cum laude at Keio University…" Ami trailed off, her cheeks turning pink.
"Honestly, can you even hear yourselves?" Usagi asked in annoyance. That man had somehow managed to convince every female that he was the Second Coming or something. It was pathetic.
"Alright Usagi, what exactly is your problem with Chiba-sensei?" Rei pointedly asked.
"Yeah really, what's your deal?" Makoto chimed in with curiosity.
"It's just… he's… I don't know. I just don't like him. There's just something odd about him," she replied defensively.
"Like what!" four girls immediately answered back.
"Come on, you said it yourselves, he's smart and handsome but in all the conversations I've heard about the man, none has ever mentioned his personal life."
"That's hardly any of our business," Ami responded.
"I mean like his dating life. With all the time he spends teaching and all the other stuff he does, he wouldn't have much time of a girlfriend," Usagi reasoned.
"You bring up a good point. He doesn't have a wedding ring…" Minako trailed off.
"And all of the female teachers and staff members have tried to make a pass at him at least once," Usagi reminded the others.
Make a pass? More like thrown themselves at him! The adults were even more pitiful than the students! Wearing low tops and short skirts, the suggestive glances, and exaggerating the swing of their hips as they walked past him. Some of them were even married with kids! If the sexes were reversed, there would have been a bunch of sexual harassment lawsuits!
"Well that's just it! He donates so much of his time to the students and the community that he doesn't have time for a social life. He's so selfless!" Minako said as her expression returned to its dreamy state.
"Great, another reason for them to love him," Usagi though sarcastically before a devious idea came to mind, one that would wipe those stupid grins off their faces.
"Or maybe he doesn't like girls… maybe… maybe he likes boys…"
"NO!" four voices cried out in horror as she chuckled at their overreaction.
"Chiba-sensei's not like that," Rei insisted.
"I don't know… he's got impeccable style, never a wrinkle, never a hair out-of-place…" This was so much fun!
"Now you're just using stereotypes," Makoto stated but there was a defensive tone in her voice, as if she was secretly thinking about the possibility.
"Can we please change the subject?" innocent Ami practically begged, her face changing from light pink to dark red.
"I know. Have you guys been listening to DJ Jack's 'Midnight Zero' radio show?" Minako asked with excitement. If there was anything new in pop culture, Aino Minako was the girl to go to.
"Oh! The one where listeners send in letters and the most romantic one gets read on the radio and the winner gets one of those pretty purple flower brooches?" Makoto responded.
"What station is it on?" Ami inquired.
"FM No. 10," Rei answered. "I listened last night. That one letter about the…"
Usagi tuned out her friends silly conversation, still focusing on Rei's earlier question.
Why didn't she like Chiba Mamoru? He was every girl's dream - gorgeous, smart, and charming - the kind of guy that could be taken home to meet the father.
But it wasn't just that he turned everyone with two X chromosomes into mindless sheep.
What made it worse was the fact that even though all the females in school, save one, had a crush on him, the boys weren't even jealous! They looked at the teacher and coach of practically every sport like an older brother or a mentor figure. Not to mention the guys who swung that way were even more vocal in some of their fantasies than the girls.
Chiba Mamoru simply could do no wrong.
Maybe that was it. Maybe he was too perfect. A guy like that had to have some kind of dark secret. Maybe he tortured animals, or was into some 50 Shades of Grey things, or an alien that came here to enslave the human race. She would go with option number three.
"Why hello girls," a cheerful voice said from behind, breaking Usagi out of her thoughts.
The group turned to see a tall woman with wavy, auburn hair, large teal eyes, and a wide smile.
"Hello, Sakurada-sensei," the five girls responded in unison.
Sakurada Hauruna was one of Usagi's favorite teachers. Sure she was a drill sergeant, but was also fair and straightforward.
"So, has everyone been thinking about any extracurricular activities?" the English teacher asked, getting right to the point.
"Computer Club for me," said the ever-predictable Ami though it was a bit odd since she was the closest thing to a human computer.
"Cooking and Gardening. I know it will be a lot of work, but I want to own a cake and flower shop one day," Makoto stated.
"Archery; I bet we can make it to the championship this year," Rei replied confidently.
"Volleyball here I come!" Minako yelled while giving a little pose.
"And you, Tsukino-san?" the adult asked.
"I'm not entirely sure. Haruka-san is still trying to get me to join the Track Team but I haven't decided yet," Usagi respond.
"Well if I could make a suggestion, we are still looking for people to join the Theater Group. This year we're doing Snow White. I've noticed that you are quite popular among the students, Tsukino-san. You might be able to convince more to join."
Usagi blinked in confusion. "I'm not…"
"Great! Here's a copy of the script. First meeting is Wednesday at four. See you there!"
Sakurada-sensei then walked toward another group of students, leaving the blonde staring in shock at her retreating form.
"Did she just order me to join the Drama Club?" Usagi asked in surprise.
"I think she did," Ami replied with a smile.
"You should join. You'd be a good dwarf; what about Grumpy?" Minako joked.
"I think Sleepy would be better. That's what you do most of the time," Rei said in a teasing tone.
"Or whatever dwarf eats the most!" Makoto said.
Usagi curled up a four sheets of paper and threw the balls at each of the laughing girls. "Ha-ha, very funny. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to stop at the restroom before class."
After exiting the bathroom, Usagi took another look at the script as she walked down the hall. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to be part of the play. It would certainly be something new and different. And given the schedule, with most of the rehearsals being after school, she might still be able to join the Track Team since their meetings were basically on the weekends. Not that she really needed any practice. When she was younger, Usagi had been completely clumsy but had thankfully grown out of it and all those days of running to class had made her very fast.
Still looking down at the pages, she failed to mind her surroundings and crashed head on into an incoming body.
"Ouch!" she cried, falling on the hard floor.
"Are you alright, Tsukino-san?"
Usagi froze at that concerned, husky voice, slowly looking up until her light blue eyes met the dark orbs of Chiba Mamoru.
"Here," the teacher said, offering his hand to her.
Needless to say she refused it. "I'm fine, Chiba-sensei. Are you OK?" she asked while standing up, brushing her skirt.
"Yes," was his simple, reaching for the script. The man looked at it for a moment before handing it back to her.
"Thinking of joining theater?" he asked politely but his eyes were a bit too focused on her face for the girl's comfort.
"I'm considering it," the student replied with ambiguity. "I'm sorry but I need to get to class," Usagi said, trying to end this uncomfortable encounter.
"I'm heading that way too. Mind if I walk with you?"
"Sure," the girl replied with a strained voice. It's not like she could say no to such a simple request. Luckily she was able to hide her annoyed scowl.
They walked down the hall in a very awkward silence, Usagi managing to stay a few paces behind him.
After what felt like an eternity, they came to her next classroom. There were a few students already inside but the teacher wasn't there yet.
"Well, this is it," she said civilly, placing her hand on the doorknob.
"Wait Tsukino-san, there is something I would like to say to you," he replied before she could turn the damn thing.
"Yes, Chiba-sensei?" she asked with a pleasant smile, her hand still on the handle.
"First, I have to say I'm disappointed that you transferred out of my class. I thought you were one of my best students," the man replied with utmost sincerity.
"Best student? Then why did you fail me?" Usagi angrily thought.
"Well, I felt it was for the best." Apparently, he didn't know how to take a hint. Then again, it's not like many women were trying to say 'Leave!' whether verbally or non-verbally whenever they were around him.
"That's too bad. Oh… and one more thing…" he trailed off for a moment, his features taking on a harder look.
"Yes?" the student asked, unable to contain the strain of nervousness in her voice.
"I'm not gay," he said darkly before walking away and leaving a stunned, red-faced Usagi in his wake.
How… how the hell did he know about that conversation with her friends?
Now more than ever, she needed to keep her distance from Chiba Mamoru.
So what did you think? Please review!
Love from, EvanSol0919!