Mustang Socs

Disclaimer: I only own Robin (the main character); I simply enjoy S.E. Hinton's characters.

It was a cold November afternoon that I first met Randy. I was walking home from school, where I had stayed to work on a history project on the Renaissance. The air had a harsh coldness to it, and I shivered under my sweater, trying desperately to stay warm. Why hadn't I just taken Darry's jacket this morning. He'd offered it, but I knew he would need it today, with the cold front coming in, and since he's outside all day, he'd make more use of a jacket than I would.

The sky was quickly turning a dark blue, a signal I should've called Darry or Two-Bit or Johnny or somebody to come walk me home. A cold rush came over my body as the familiar roar of a Mustang came up behind me. I gulped, my heart nearly pounding outside my chest. I forced my feet to walk faster as I tried to hurry the last few blocks home. There was no way I was going to let some dumb Socs jump me. I had no chance if they did.damn it, why did I leave Soda's blade at home? At least then I could've scared them a little.

"Hey, greasette, c'mere and gimme some greaser lovin'," called one of the passengers, a reddish-haired boy wearing a tight white cardigan and high-watered khakis.

"Yeah, c'mon, baby, you know you want it," another jeered.

I broke out into a run. I had to at least get in earshot of the house, or I'd be dead. If I could just get a couple blocks closer, Soda or Ponyboy could hear me. Hur-ry, hur-ry, my feet seemed to say as they pounded against the pavement.

I didn't have a chance. In less than a block, the Socs had caught up to me. There were three of them, each armed with a blade. They jumped over the doors of the Mustang convertible and sprinted towards me. I ran with all my heart, my feet barely touching the ground. It was an effortless battle for them, though, as they trampled me after just a few feet.

A/N: Sorry if the story looks bunched together. This is my first time ever uploading a document, so bear with me, please! And please give me criticism, good or bad! I can take it. Thanks for reading! - Ashley