Here's the promised chepter! My exams are over, finaly, yey! =)

Don't own. No money for me, damn. =_=''

- Are you… The Man in Moon? – asked Jack breathlessly, stunned by the realization.

- Yes, Jack. I am. However, I'd prefer it if you called me Manny. It's something of a nickname everyone uses, as my actual name is not very short or easy to remember… I'm rambling, sorry. You have no idea how long it has been since I've spoken to someone face to face…

The Man in Moon, visibly nervous, took a step back to release Jack from his embrace and look him in the eyes again. And what expressive eyes they were, thought Manny, watching Jack's expression change from stunned disbelief to confused hurt. That was the first opportunity he had to look from up close at his chosen one, the cherished child of his hopes. If all goes well, it will be the last, too.

Jack opened his mouth to ask something, anything, one of the endless questions that has plagued him for the last three centuries, but Manny lifted his open palm, asking him silently to wait. Then, he closed his eyes and imagined what they would need.

Jack noticed the space around them start to change, shape into actual surroundings. Out of the white mist appeared first a chair, then another one, a small table in-between, a rug under their feet, walls around them, a ceiling above, windows – one on every wall save one. Out of that wall a mass of white mist bulged, only to take shape of a fireplace.

Slowly, the environment was taking definition and color. The chairs became plush and wooden, the rug – dark red and soft to the touch, the fireplace filled with cracking embers and golden flames, licking at its roof.

They sat down, facing each other, and Manny spoke.

Pitch attacked the Tooth palace in the morning, and the Guardians didn't have any more time to stop and think until the all teeth had been collected. They gathered in Jamie's bedroom and tried to make light of the situation by showing off their bags of teeth.

- How're you feeling, Tooth? – asked North, looking her over.

- Believed in! – she whispered with a smile.

- Good, - he replied, thinking to himself that one death was quite enough.

Then they got a little carried away with competing and suddenly found themselves under the glare of an electric flashlight.

Jamie was able to see all of them, which reminded them again of the terrible unfairness of last night and the empty space between them that nothing could fill. Sandy already was going to knock Jamie out when he happened to notice the drawings pinned to the wall above his bed. He drifted closer to them and registered the common theme to all of them.

Snow days.

Jamie playing snowballs with his friends, Jamie and the others building a huge snowman, making snow angels, sledding…

Sandy touched the last drawing with gentle reverence, his imagination adding another stick figure to the picture, hoodie colored with blue pencil, staff a little too long to look realistic and a big smile on his face, just like the one Jamie had drawn for himself.

Sandy's shoulders shook.

The others got rid of the dog by throwing it gently out the door and noticed, finally, Sandy's position. Jamie, having long seen the golden guardian's fascination with his drawings, was enthusiastically explaining them to Sandy.

- This one was last week, we played until dark! It was so cold I couldn't feel my fingers from all the snowballs! And this one, this one was the day before yesterday! We were running from Cupcake, not because we're scared of her, we were just playing, she's really ok. So, we were running, and I had the sled with me, and I fell on it and it started going faster and faster! I was scared at first because the sled was going to hit the street, but then, there was suddenly ice on the asphalt! I swear it kept appearing out of thin air just before the sled! I was sliding so fast, but even though there were cars on the street, somehow, I got through it alright! And then, and then there was this huge ice springboard, see, I drew it here! I jumped so high it was like flying! And then I hit a snowbank. I would've been completely fine if not for the couch, see here? It hit me afterwards. Must've fallen out of a truck…

- That's what he meant, then, - said Bunny, his eyes pensive and shining a bit too brightly. The other guardians, gathered around Jamie, turned to look at him. – He said, 'I play with them every day'. You're one lucky kid, Jamie, to have had such a protecta'…

- What do you mean? What protector? – asked Jamie, drawings forgotten in his curiosity. The guardians exchanged looks.

Usually, it was against the unspoken rules of the spirit community, to tell children about the existence of other spirits. It was risky, as the kids could start telling adults and other kids, which can be the start of many a new legend. However, the guardians all agreed on this – Jack Frost deserved to live, even if in children's stories only. And so, they told Jamie a part of the truth.

Thank's for reading, everyone! Till next time!

Review? =)