Hello! So here is the last chapter of this fic. Which means, be on the look out for the sequel! The first chapter of will be posted next month.

So here goes!

If Vanille thought that Fang was going to be enraged at her choices would be bad, she had obviously forgotten what an enraged Fang was like. The older woman was standing with her face still a little pale from chaos travel looking at her with a face that Vanille could honestly say she hadn't seen since she'd lied to her during their l'cie days. Fang was more then angry but Vanille was not going to back down. Fang might think it right to continuously treat her like a child. But there was no way she was going to leave when there was a chance to make everything better.

"So explain to me why you think it's okay to be a sacrificial lamb for The Order? Why you think that it will be perfectly okay to let them do what they want?!" The older woman was getting increasingly louder and Vanille found herself getting more and more annoyed.

"So… What you're telling me is that what I should do is go back out into the desert and let The Order continue to kill innocent people? That my one chance to contact Hope when there are no other options is pointless? You claim you love me enough to move destroy worlds for me but you… You don't trust me to make decisions for myself. You don't trust me to do my part Fang and it hurts." Vanille closed her eyes and lifted her hands into the prayer position that she found so comforting. "You want me to just sit back and watch the world march to the end when there has become a chance that things can change."

"A chance for change? Hope?" Fang laughed almost hysterically. "Hope is dead Vanille! In both senses of the word. And yes, the end is coming. We are all going to die. Why should we have to die for other people's wishes?"

"I'm dying for my own wish!" Vanille glared at her furiously. "And Hope is alive. Both of them."

Fang stepped back and looked at the smaller woman. And realized that yes, woman was the thing that she had been missing. Vanille was still in the body she possessed at nineteen though at this point she was hundreds of years old. And probably quite adult in her ways of thinking. Fang swallowed hard and sat down heavily on the bed.

"Is it so wrong that I want to keep you safe?" She asked quietly and Vanille sighed and sat next to her.

"Keeping me safe is one thing." She took the other's hand and held it tightly. "But you aren't doing that and you know it. You've got to get over the hold that the chaos and the long life has had on you. What use will you be to the others if you are always reacting with rage and hate and regret?"

Fang swallowed hard and pulled Vanille close. She pressed her face into the other's hair and closed her eyes. She didn't know if she had the ability to let go of the crippling pain, and guilt she felt. She kissed her temple and pulled back.

"I… I'm going to trust you. I can't say that I believe that things will change or get better but I will trust you." Fang replied softly.

"Then do what I need you to do. Go back to The Wastelands and protect the ruins. Keep The Order from getting ahold of the Clavis. Do your part Fang."

The older woman nodded weakly and stood up and headed back to where Noel was waiting. When she exited the room Noel was glaring at her with such ferocity that she stepped back. She straightened her back and stepped forward and he lifted up his hand and held it out, palm up with chaos brimming inside it.

"Don't you ever talk shit out your mouth that you don't know to get your way. Hope is alive and is a person not a tool. The next time, I won't be so nice to you." He took her hand and dragged her into the streams of chaos.

Lighting sat before the throne Etro looking at the whispery remains of the goddess with a low sigh. The goddess spoke in riddles and other ridiculously means as her power and even her mind had been splintered. The world was dying and everything was wrong. She turned her back on the ailing goddess and looked towards the Ark. Hope's saving grace of humanity that was now his prison as he was held up by an insane god.

"You worry for him." It was from another person, it had to be with that striking amount of clarity. Lightning spun around to find not Etro but the daughter of Etro. Yeul was standing next to the throne, wrapped in chaos magic but her eyes were surprisingly clear. The two stared at each other and Yuel sigh softly. "She can barely even think anymore. Bhunivelze is attacking her from the inside. It's up to you to stop him and save the goddess."

"And how do you think I should do that?" Lightning rolled her eyes.

"I can't see the future anymore. But I do know on thing. Only the gods can kill the gods. That is why Etro is wounded and not dead. If you could procure a part of one of the three Gods. Or even the greater Fal'cie... You could change things. Even better the relics of Mywnn." She stepped forward and took Lightning's hand. "Making the impossible possible. That is what you and the other's do. The chosen of Etro." She disappeared.

Lightning rolled her eyes and turned to walk away. "Claire…" The goddess spoke quietly. "Don't leave yet Claire."

Lighting turned back around to reach out to the goddess but something wrapped around her. Brighter then anything she'd ever seen before the tendrils of light curled around her and pulled her away.