Epilogue: No Time Like Party Time!

Plainsvill Beach- 2:33 PM

It had been about a week since our adventures in the dragon realms. School was starting tomorrow, and we decided to hang out at the beach, it was cloudy out so it was really just the four of us, save for one or two hardcore surfers trying to get their licks in before surfing season ended.

Andy didn't seem to have sustained any real damage to his human body from the punishment he received while in his dragon form. Save for a few scars running down his chest and back from the hydra's teeth. Everyone else seemed to be perfectly fine, it was good to just sit back and relax for once. Mom and Selena had questioned why I had come home so early, but I'm sure they were glad to have me back regardless.

I wore my Spyro scale necklace all the time now, people asked me what it was and were I got it, but I just told them they'd never believe me if I told them. Dean plopped onto the sand next to me. "Still having trouble getting used to being back home dude?" Dean asked me. "Yeah, this morning I tried to crawl on all fours, my mom thought I lost my mind or something." I said with a laugh. "Still, at least we got to have our end of summer adventure right?" Dean asked. "And then some." I replied.

Suddenly we heard panicked screams as several surfers ran like hell screaming the whole way. Me and Dean looked at each other before going to investigate. When we found what it was they were running from our hearts sank, it was a vortex. "Aw man! Not again!" Dean whined. However, instead of The Chronicler stepping our like we were expecting, we saw a rather familiar purple dragon step through. "Hey guys!" Spyro greeted as if this wasn't weird at all. His friends soon followed out. Flame, Ember, Cynder, even the guardians! The hell was this?!

Finally The Chronicler stepped through. "You four seemed to make quite an impact with Spyro and his friends, they wanted to see you again." The Chronicler said happily. I was at a loss for words, yes let's make the space time continuum our bitch so we can stop by for a visit! Nothing could go wrong with this plan! "Dude! You sure this won't cause any damage?" Dean asked. "I wouldn't have done it if it could have, besides, we never got a chance to celebrate our victory over Red." The Chronicler said with a wink.


Well this beach part just got allot weirder, the dragons were quite happy to see us again, even Cyril surprisingly. Me and Spyro caught up on the events that happened between when we left and now, apparently the moles had already fixed Warfang, the last of the shadows were wiped out along with the remaining blood crystals, and he and Cynder were going steady. "Sounds like you guys have been doing pretty well for yourselves." I commented. "Yeah, Cynder's already talking about starting a family." Spyro said, dude really? Spyro had said a while ago he was about our age in dragon years, isn't that a little, young to be thinking about... kids? Whatever, maybe it worked differently for dragons.

I watched as the dragons played around in the water with Dean and Andy. Flame not noticing a starfish had decided to hitch a ride on his tail. "Dude, there's a starfish on your tail man." Dean said laughing. "Star-what now?" Flame said before seeing his newest hitchhiker. "AHH! Get it off me! Get it OFF!" Flame said flailing around like a total spaz.

"So what about you? Anything interesting?" Spyro asked me. "Outside of school starting tomorrow no not really. It's almost like we never left." I said to him. This little visit may be taking the space time continuum and breaking it over it's knee but I'm kinda glad they dropped by, I couldn't think of a better way to end my last summer vacation then to spend it with all my friends. They said they were only going to be here for a day, but that was just fine with me, I just hope they didn't make this a habit...

My life is so weird...


A/N- And there you have it folks! Story #2 I managed to finish! I'm on a roll! Again thanks to everyone who read and to those who took the time to type a review as well! You are all awesome!

While I admit I liked my first story better, this one was an interesting experience for me, I was honestly scared to post this given the human to dragon story's reputation. But it seems as though I was wrong and actually got some positive feedback for this.

As for what I'm going to do next, I don't like to make solid plans because when I do they almost always fail. I do have an idea in mind but I still need to iron out the kinks.

Don't fret though, I will write more stories, maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not even next week! But someday soon, I will once again subject you to the creations of my twisted mind! NYEHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahem, sorry.

Anyways, as always, see you guys next story! FOR GREAT JUSTICE! *Rides into the sunset on a unicorn*