Final Author's Note

Hey, it's LoquaciousQuibbler.

…What's that? You were hoping for a happy ending? …What's a happy ending? …Oh, yeah, those. I will write a happy ending one day…. But not today.

I feel this is the proper way to end Battle of Wits. Now, I know you're all probably wondering why the smeg I didn't put the answer to Loki's last riddle in the story. If you're getting ticked at me for not putting the answer in the story, allow me to explain a little further as to why I didn't. Naomi and Loki's first real moment together was their battle of wits. It is something they both enjoy, relate to, and something only they fully understand. Therefore, Loki's final words to her are another riddle, which he knows only she will understand. Because of this, the answer to the riddle shall remain a secret known only to them, and those who are able to figure it out. It's something that only belongs to them, and writing it down for just anyone to see just seems to …. Make it lose its magic. I hope you will understand. But… Naomi won't tell anyone. She won't tell Thor, Tony, Clint, Natasha, Bruce, Steve, or Fury. She won't even tell us. Again, sorry, you guys… but please just understand that. Darkonesroses was getting really ticked at me when I told her I'm not putting the answer in the story… but I feel this is just… right. Okay, sorry for the rant.

I simply want it as an unspoken answer, and it seems like if it is in the story, that it isn't just a secret between Naomi and Loki. I hope that you will all be able to figure it out, but please, please, pretty please do not ask if you're correct in a review. If you figure it out, please do not say it in a review. If you'd like to double check the answer, please PM me. I just have this one request… don't put the answer in a review. Also, you can't simply type the riddle in a search engine to get the answer. I don't mean you can't as in, you shouldn't…. I mean, you literally can't. It cannot be found online. It is based off a riddle I found online, but the words have been severely tweaked and Loki-fied in order to make the answer more paradoxical.

I know your next question: Will there be a sequel? The answer to that question is a very complicated one. This is not the end of all things Naoki. There will be more Naoki, but it will not be, shall we say, "Cannon," if you'll forgive the irony of saying fan fiction is cannon. Other stories with Naomi Carson in it will be purely for entertainment value, unless I specifically say otherwise. I plan on posting some comedy stories, most of which shall involve the Huntress. However, they will not be real sequels to Battle of Wits. These stories will be one shots or mini-series, and all that have Naomi in them will say so in the summary. I will probably have some of these such stories up by the time you read this, so feel free to check my profile for them.

Also, there is a possibility that there will be an actual sequel, but it will probably be some time before it is posted. The planned title is "Gods and Monsters." It is still in the works, and it will be a crossover of the Avengers and the Invisible Man. I am working on it with my friend Mary, but, again, it will be awhile before it is posted.

As far as my comments on this story, as it stands now completed, I want to give all of you my deepest gratitude. This is my first multi-chapter story to be completed, and the first Loki fan fiction I ever started. It has been amazing to do this, and I love all of you who have read it, favorited, followed, and reviewed. Thank you all for the encouragement and such.

This story turned into so much more than I ever intended. It was originally supposed to be about ten chapters, with no Steomi twist, no chapter from Loki's POV, and no Naomi's near-betrayal. Somehow, though, those all got added in, and the story became much more than I meant. Though I dare not call myself deep or philosophical, that's the best way to describe the way this story morphed on me.

I accidentally made it have recurring themes, like indecision and making your choices in life. I never intended it… but somehow that became the theme of the story. Naomi must accept her choices (or lack thereof) and Loki must make his own decision involving his tormented mind and Naomi. The idea of emotions being the catalyst, or the choices made in response to such a catalyst also became an idea that shone through. While this story was originally romance and humor, it ended up having some very serious undertones that I hope you can appreciate and forgive me for making the story stray from strict "Romance and Humor."

Since this is the last of this story, I would appreciate all the reviews you can offer up, whether you are reading this story as I post it in 2014, or anytime in the future, when The Avengers is an oldie movie and the special effects are cheesy. You are also still welcome to PM me if you would like to talk, about the story or about anything.

I thought I would be crying by this point… I'm not. Which is actually surprising me. Maybe it's just because I know there is more Naoki to come. Take solace in that, my friends. Naomi is my number one queen (female cat :P) and I don't plan on leaving her hanging forever. One day… but not today. Until the day I decide to write a "cannon" happy ending for her, we can all enjoy the comedy, right?

Again, thank you all, and I give you all gigantic hugs and a kiss on the cheek. Naomi gives you kitty snuggles (unless you're allergic to cats… in which case, she gives you hugs, too). And Loki merely gives you a distasteful look, thinking that you are beneath him. But I suppose that in the end, we will always kneel.

With all the appreciation and gratitude in Midgard, Asgard, Jotunheim, and all the other realms, I bid you and Battle of Wits goodbye for now.
