A/N: Sorry I update that late! I won't be explaining this because it's too much. I don't know when I will post next chapter. I think this month, but I don't promise. There's many things going in my life now. Did you see Mockingjay teaser trailer? It's amazing! Sooo, while reading this, remember:

I'm from Poland ; I don't have a beta .

Thanks for all reviews! Last ones motivated me to end this chapter ( I had almost the entire chapter but I didn't have the ending and I have to rewrite this few times).

I'm on tumblr : ms-dreamland

Soooo, enjoy!

Chapter 2

The night was cold. I could feel it in my skin and a shiver run down my spine. I was in the woods where I was often going in my childhood. This time it wasn't so pleasant. Everything was dark. I was running from something but I didn't know from who. It was intuition. I stopped to catch my breath and I leaned against a tree. A few seconds later I heard a crack of breaking branches. I stopped dead in my trackss. Holding my breath I looked out from behind the trees. Someone stood there. It was a man but he had a hood, so I couldn't see his face. Also, he was holding a knife. When he look up, my heart stopped for a moment. He raised his hands to remove the hood but when he touched it, my vision started to blur. I closed my eyes but I couldn't open them again.

First thing I notice is that , I hear voices but I can't open my eyes. They're so heavy. It was a weird dream. I don't understand it. Last time I went to woods was before I moved to New York with my parents. I was seven years old. Why now, twenty years later, I was dreaming about something like that ? I don't know if it was a nightmare but still, I'm stressed and terrified.

The voices are becoming clearer and I hear fragments of sentences like, "… she will wake up and … ?" Someone says.

"…don't…yet but we will…you… okay?"

"Okay. Thank … Doctor Cinna."

I hear footsteps , like someone is leaving the room. I can recognize that the voices were of two men. I'm curious who are they. Unfortunately I'm very tired and I fall asleep. This time I don't dream of mystery man and woods.

I slowly open my eyes. Everything is so bright and I have to blink. Few moments later my vision becomes clearer and I see a doctor standing next to me. He is tall and dark-skinned.

He smiles at me and says, "Hi! I'm Cinna and I will be your doctor. Miss Everdeen, three days ago you was shot in a chest. We had to do surgery. It went successful. We removed the bullet and stopped the bleeding. Now, you are in stable condition but your wound was very dangerous and you have to stay in a hospital for at least one week."

I'm shocked that it was three days ago. It feels like few hours ! Is Prim okay?! What happened after I pass out? Can I move or sit?

I think senses my anxiety, because he responds for my silent questions, " Don't worry Miss Everdeen. Your family is behind these door –" he gestures to the entrance of my hospital room, "and they are fine. You can sit but be careful, you can't rip your stitches. Also, you can't stand up and walk. You are very weak now. You will get some strength in this week. We will give you vitamins in IV. Police Officer will question you tomorrow. Now, I will go and call your family. Your mother and sister will see you shortly."

I'm little overwhelmed with information but I quickly recover and reply in hoarse voice, " Thank you Dr. Cinna."

He leaves my room and closes door behind him. I think like few seconds later door opens again. Prim rushes to me and tightly hugs me. I'm very happy that I see her. I love my sister so much. I hug her too but immediately pain shots through my chest and I squeak.

Prim jumps back from me. She looks very frightened and she says in panicked tone, "Katniss! Are you in pain? What happened? I'm so sorry," she starts sobbing.

Oh my god, it's not her fault. I feel very guilty. "Little Duck! I'm okay , don't worry. It's not your fault. Doctor warned me before that I can't move so rapidly. Please, don't cry."

She looks at me like she is checking if I'm telling the truth. Then she comes to me and she sits on my bed. Prim isn't sobbing anymore but I can tell she is sad.

"Kat, I was so worried! I thought that you were going to die!"

Prim looks like she will cry at any moment. I notice my mother who is standing by the door. She closes space to us and takes Prim's hand to calm her down. I have never had a good relationship with my mother. After my dad died in a car accident, she abandoned us. Mentally, of course. She could sit and star at a wall for many days. She was like a wreck. I can't forgive her for that.

"See ? I'm here and everything is okay. I will be home in a week." I try to comfort her.

"Okay, okay." She calms down.

Then I turn to my mother. She looks exhausted. Probably from staying at the hospital. She works here and because of my accident, she stayed longer. She has bags under her eyes and I feel pang of guilt. I was awful to her over the years. She cares about us. After all, she is our mother.

"Katniss," she pauses and takes a deep breath. "I know that you hate me , because of what happened after Jack… died. I'm sorry that I abandoned you. I was ill. I know that you won't forgive me now," she pauses again and looks into my eyes. "But remember. You are my daughter and I will always love you."

Tears well up in my eyes. I think that her statement is new start for our relationship. Maybe everything will be okay. I know that it's impossible but now I want to feel hope.

"I really want to hug you now, mom but unfortunately I can't." I reply.

She smiles and I see something what flashes in her eyes, that I don't recognize. Hope? Love? Happiness?

Mom and Prim went out to home after our conversation. Doctor Cinna said that I have to rest, because tomorrow Police Officer will question me. My family can come after he will exit. Now, I'm lying on my hospital bed and I'm staring at the wall. I'm bored. I can't stand, because I'm weak. I can't sit, because it hurts like hell. I start to play Angry Birds on my smartphone, when nurse comes to my room. I put down my phone.

"Hello dear! I'm Miss Trinket, your nurse! How are you feeling?"

First thing I notice about her is that she is strangely happy. She has her hair worn in a perfect bun, like for a gala. Her nails are pink with patterns and she wears many bracelets. She has fashionable shoes and much make-up on her face. I'm little uncomfortable.

"Uh, I'm feeling well."

"Oh! It's very good! However I have to check your blood pressure."

She wraps my arm and device starts to work. Few moments later she takes off it and says, "Your blood pressure is okay. Do you want some water, my dear?"

I nod and she gives me a cup of water. When she walks out of my room I sigh in relief. She left me a book, which I can read when I will bored.

I notice that sky is dark. I look at a clock and it shows 10:01 pm. My eyelids start to fall and few moments later I fall asleep.

I'm walking on the street, when something catches my eye. I slowly approach a group of people. They're whispering something. I have a feeling that something bad is happening. I come closer and see masked man. He is holding someone. When that person turns head, my heart stops.

"Katniss!" Prim shouts. The masked man is threatening her with knife.

"Prim!" I scream.

I want to reach her but I'm too late. He kills her on my eyes. He kills Prim and I can't do anything.

I'm heavy breathing when I wake up. My throat is sore from screaming. I look at the clock who shows 3:34am. It was one of the worst nightmares in my entire life. I don't want to go back to sleep. I take a book, which Effie gave me earlier. It's 'Pride and Prejudice' by Jane Austen. It's classic of English literature. Effie is from England? Wow.

I start to read it. Elizabeth Bennet is main character of the book. It's about how she deals with issues of manners, education, morality, upbringing and marriage in 19th-century England. I got drew by the book and I didn't notice that it's 5:21 am. I decide to try to fall asleep. I'm quickly sound asleep. This time I don't have nightmares.

When I wake up I notice that sun is shining outside. Weather is beautiful. I wish I could go outside. Slowly, I sit on the bed. My chest doesn't hurt that much anymore. It's bandaged and it's little rolled up so I straighten it.

Someone opens the door. I turn and see It's Doctor Cinna. I think he comes to check on me.

"Hello Katniss! Did you get enough sleep last night?" He pleasantly asks me.

"Uh, I…" I stutter. "Um, partly."

He raises an eyebrow but don't ask more questions. Doctor Cinna checks my temperature and tells me to drink more water. I nod. He asks me to lie down. Then he unwraps my bandages and I hold my breath. I have stiches on my right breast. It's place where bullet hit me. I'm lucky because if it hit me in the left , I would be immediately dead.

Doctor Cinna wraps bandages back and says, "Wound is healing correctly but I have to warn you Katniss that you will have in the future a scar in this place."

When Cinna exits I have time for myself. Honestly, I don't know what to think about it. I'm happy that I'm alive but when I think of the scar… I feel ugly. I feel undervalued. I'm sad.

I don't notice when someone enters my room until the person clears his throat. I'm immediately pulled out of my thoughts. I turn my head and see that it's Police Officer. Oh, right. Doctor Cinna said something about questioning. I recognize this Police Officer. It was he, who held me when I lost my consciousness.

"Hello. I'm Officer Peeta Mellark. I will be leading your case."

I slowly sit on my bed. I wince when bandage presses too much to my breast for one moment. I see a concern in Officer Mellark's eyes so I smile and say, "My name is Katniss Everdeen."

He opens a notebook and clears his throat.

"Okay. Can we start? If something in my notes isn't correct, please inform me about it. " He asks and smiles.

I nod and I return the smile. Stop, Katniss. What is wrong with me?

"Your full name is Katniss Margaret Everdeen , your date of birth is May 8, 1987, place of birth is Manistee, Michigan and you work in the Hawthorne law firm?" I confirm with nod and he continues. "Marital status – single, nationality – American." I nod again, because everything is correct.

He opens the notebook on another page and he takes out a pen.

"Three days ago you were shot in chest. The criminalist who did it is named Seneca Crane. Do you know this name?"

Seneca Crane. Crane. I don't recognize this name. Why is he doing an investigation? Crane is dead. It doesn't make sense. It was a psychopath who had mind problems , in my opinion.

"No, I've never heard this name before."

He doesn't seem surprised by my answer. He nods and begins to read from his notebook. "Seneca Crane was punished for corruption and he had been in jail for 4 years. He worked in Snow & Coin factory. They sell exotic flowers. He was a CFO in that firm. Is it possible that he knew you or who you are?"

These questions are becoming strange. It was an accident. Of course, I know Snow & Coin's factory. It's very popular. Their flowers are beautiful. I'm sure that Crane didn't know who I am, so I shake my head.

Officer Mellark sighs and close his notebook. "Sorry, I had to ask you these questions. If you're not feeling well, tell me and I'll go."

I smile and respond, " I'm all right and also I understand your responsibilities, sir."

He looks a little relieved and takes a deep breath. "Now, I want to talk about that unfortunate day. Can you tell me about it from the beginning?"

I nod and start to speak. " Like always, I wake up at 6:00 am. Before I left the house, my sister called me. She said that her boyfriend proposed to her and she agreed. I wanted to talk her about it so, we decided to meet in a café after my work, at 16:00 pm. I went to work. We celebrated 4th anniversary of our law firm. Then I went to a court, because I had a trial of my client. After that I returned to the law firm and I started to work at my new case. When I finished for a day, Prim came and together we walked to the café. We stayed there till it darkened outside. We took a taxi but traffic was blocked, so we decided to finish the way on foot, " I pause and I take few deep breaths to calm myself down. "The rest you know…"

Officer looks like he's thinking about saying something but he slightly shakes his head. "Miss, I think that … what you did for your sister," he pauses and starts again. "I think that your volunteering to save your sister's life was very… brave," for one moment I see guilt flashing in his eyes. "I'm very sorry that you were hurt and I should –"

I immediately cut him off, " It's not your fault that Crane shot me, sir. You did what you could do."

He nods and looks at the clock. "Miss, I have to go now. If you'll recall something, please contact me immediately. Thank you for the interview. I hope you'll feel better soon. Goodbye, Miss Everdeen."

"Goodbye, Officer Mellark."

Last time he smiles at me and he leaves the room. I think he was little stressed earlier when we started, about this conversation. I don't know why. Is it possible that his boss punished him for that, I was shot? I hope not. I liked him though. He was very polite.

Week later, Doctor Cinna released me from the hospital. Mom and Prim picked me up and they took me home. Prim insists that she will be helping me. Of course I don't agree. She knows that I'm very stubborn so she eventually gives up.

Mom makes a dinner and we together eat it in comfortable silence. It's my favorite. Lamb stew with plums and rice. I can't cook so I'm very happy that I can finally eat a decent meal. They leave an hour later.

I decide to watch TV ( Cinna said that I have to rest ). Of course, like always, there's nothing interesting to watch. Life of Kim Kardashian doesn't interest me, sorry. I turn off the TV and start to read a book. I think I fall asleep , because a doorbell wakes me up. I slowly sit and yawn. I'm in my pajamas and my hair is disheveled. I open the door.

It's strange. I don't see anyone. I want to close them but something catches my attention. A single flower lies on the ground. I raise it .

It's a rose. A white rose.

A note is attached to it. I open it and read. A shiver runs down my spine. I think I have to call Officer Mellark. Only one sentence it's written on the note.

It's not the end, Miss Everdeen.

Review ?