A/N: I feel like I should apologies for the last chapter, based on the lack of response I'm led to believe it wasn't what you all were hopping. I hope you guys like this chapter better and if not, review anyway, so I can improve. Your support truly means a lot an I appreciate every one of you that take the time to review.

It's a warm night full of mirth and excitement, what had started out as Robin wanting to visit with his Merry Men had turned to most of the town showing up and an impromptu full on celebration in the forest.

There is talk and laughter and unbridled joy. Excited energy that begins to shift as Robin's men start to clap their hands, voices rising above the clatter as they begin to sing.

Regina sits upon a log watching the display as the town is helpless to resist the song, dancing joyfully in the middle of the woods, reconnecting with old roots.

It's a life she knows nothing of.

"Come on," Robin grins eagerly ear from ear, letting Roland fly off his lap to join in on the fun. He slips off the log, hand outstretched to her, vibrating with the infectious happy energy.

Regina can't help but cringe and shake her head in response. The dance is unstructured, wild and carefree, no right or wrong step. It's nothing like the stiff ballroom dances she knows.

Robin rolls his eyes in return, snatching at her wrist, pulling her from the log despite her protests.

"Robin I-I-" she fumbles awkwardly as he spins her around letting her crash against his chest, holding her tight.

"Just relax," he grins, cutting off her retort with a kiss.

She melts instantly, butterflies replacing the knots in her stomach. "That isn't fair," she mumbles against his mouth, unable to stop the smile from stretching across her face.

Robin chuckles in response, sealing his lips to hers again he begins to sway, pulling her right along with him. He keeps them rooted for a moment, letting her find her rhythm, it's awkward and clumsy with Robin insisting she's simply over thinking. She finds the steps uncoordinated and chaotic while Robin is sure footed, confidant, as he begins to move from the spot, his smile contagious.

He has her singing and clapping along shortly after, her cheeks ache with the force of her smile. She is happy, elated, really as she spins around in the dirt, no place for a royal queen.

It's a life she knows nothing of, a world without gold thrones and stone castles, with a man who steals from the rich, all the more eager to share it.

A/N: reviews keep the muse happy and me, hope you all enjoyed!