Summary: What if you were to fall into the Naruto-verse and overtake the body of one of the main characters? What would you do? Would you try to fit in, or try to have fun? Si-OC

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

A/N: Ah, I'm really not sure if I'm happy with this chapter. I thought I'd better get something out for you guys though. P.S. This was going to be over 7k but I found that a bit too long so I cut it short.

On another note- My laptop broke (Sigh) So story update times are going to be crazier than they already are. Sorry my lovelies :(


"Naruto your other left!" I reprimanded him, half amused, half annoyed. Sasuke and Sakura were already halfway through the course I'd set up and we were still at the beginning, basically.

Sakura sent me another grateful look, firstly because I'd paired her with Sasuke, and secondly because that meant she wasn't stuck with Naruto.

Albeit, I'd helped Naruto enough that he wasn't nearly as irritating as the boy Sakura knew in the series. "Heh, uh, sorry Hina-chan."

Naruto scratched his head sheepishly as he turned the right way. "Now five steps- no wait, one more. Yeh now turn straight. I mean face the- yeah that's good." I hurried to instruct him of wear to go.

Sasuke scoffed from up ahead. "Once again, I want to remind how stupid the whole blindfold thing is-" he quickly sidestepped a 'mine' (peices of plastic I'd dotted around the course) after Sakura warned him.

"Well I'm enjoying it," Sakura disagreed quietly.

That's right ladies and gentlemen, Sakura disagreed with Sasuke.

The dark haired Uchiha only laughed. "I don't think Hinata is, by the sound of it."

"Hey!" I shrieked, offended. "Me and Naruto just haven't learned to communicate yet, that's all- Naruto! Stop no-" But I was too late.

He stepped on one of the mines.

"Damnit Sasuke! You distracted me!" I groaned as Naruto stopped moving in confusion. I ignored Sasuke's chuckles as I began guiding my partner. "We stepped on a mine," I explained.

Naruto pouted. "We were doing so well!"

Sasuke was still laughing, so I glared at him (although he couldn't really see me since he was blindfolded.) "May I remind you Sasuke, this is a team building exercise, which means the next pair will be you and Naruto! So laugh it up while you can jerkface!"

That shut him up.

Once we reached the beginning of the course again, Sasuke and Sakura were nearly finished. I shrugged anyway and began guiding Naruto again. I wasn't one to give up. "Alright. Naruto I want you to turn right and walk three paces- No that was four paces."

"Sorry," he apologised sheepishly.

I sighed. "That's okay, we didn't step on a mine. Now turn straight- No you're facing the village- Yes face the forest good. And walk six paces. Okay another, another, one more-"

"We're done!" Sasuke called arrogantly and I groaned just as Naruto stepped on a mine.

Sakura smiled genuinely as they returned to us, Sasuke taking off his masks. "You guys didn't do that bad."

"Thanks Sakura," I replied, just as honest.

Naruto and Sasuke had entered an argument over the fact that Naruto had 'lost'. To which the Jinchuuriki argued that it was unfair because his side of the course had more mines than Sasuke's- "Okay. Sasuke pull on a blindfold and Naruto guide him."

"I'll take the blindfold this time?" I offered.

There wasn't much point in me directing again, but Sakura undoubtedly needed more help with gaining confidence in leading. "Sure," she grinned, somewhat hesitantly, and helped tie the blindfold.

"Alright everyone ready?" I called as Sakura guided me to the course.

Sasuke grunted whilst Naruto proclaimed, "Believe it!"

"Let's go then," I declared and waited patiently for Sakura to offer instructions.

There was silence for a moment, only filled with Naruto's loud shouting.

"Um, well. There's a mine to the right of you, so turn left maybe? Then step about five feet forward," Sakura said.

Patiently, we began.

Sakura was pretty intelligent, she had plenty of strategies. After a few minutes she realised I never forbade stepping over mines, so that saved us a tonne of time. She also had pretty good eyes, able to tell almost exactly how many steps it would take.

Attention to detail was a very important factor to the Shinobi life.

So far I had counted quite a few yelled 'Naruto!''s coming from Sasuke. So my guess was that they'd at least restarted three times.

We hadn't even even restarted once.

"Okay, we're nearly there. There's three mines in a row now. So you're going to have to jump again. Take two steps and then jump as far as you can," Sakura said, her final instruction.

I did as she said, and soon I ripped the blindfold off and crossed my arms smugly. "Hey losers!" I called smugly to the boys. "We beat yah, so come and buy us ramen!"

Sakura giggled as the boys glared at each other scathingly.

But one look from me stopped any arguments that would have sprouted from their mouths.

They'd caught on quickly.


Neji and I were lazing by the pond in the court of my home, when Tenten skipped in, a smile on her face. She immediately dropped by Neji's side, and to my satisfaction Neji sent her a warm grin. "Hey."

"Hey," she replied.

The air suddenly became thick.

I cleared my throat. "Well, I'll be back for dinner Nii-san. I've got some errands to run with Sakura and Shino, so I'll see you later?"

"Oh, sure," Neji said, somewhat dazed.

I smirked as I got up and walked away.

Something was going on between those two, and I had a pretty good idea what it was.


"So… What do you think then Shino?"

I finally turned to the silent bug boy to settle our conflict. Sakura swore she preferred her long hair flowing, and I swore I prefered mine tied back. "Yeah Shino, which is prettier?"

"Well," Shino began, but trailed off. His ears turned a distinct shade of red.

I shared a look with Sakura.

We both giggled and waved Shino off. "I love your hair, honestly Sakura. It's such a lovely color."

"Your's is a great color too Hinata, suits you," Sakura responded and we linked arms as we moved on from the display window of a hairdresser.

I felt kind of bad for Shino, but I'd done my best not to spend too much time talking about 'girl' things with her. "Right, so what else did you need Shino?" I asked after a few minutes.

Sakura frowned. "I think it was just the new coat, right?"

"Yes, you are correct," Shino agreed.

Pleased, we made our way to the store Shino claimed he always bought from and helped pick out a coat for him. Coincidently, it looked almost identical to the one he wore. Although I knew (I'd read a lot about it on the subject when I was considering making my own clothes) the fabric was far more durable than the one he had.

After that, I'd asked Kiba to meet with us (Naruto and Sasuke were training together, as they often did in the afternoons) at an awesome tea place in the middle of the village.

I wasn't sure he'd turn up, as he was helping his sister at the centre. But I offered anyway.

We took a table towards the back, after ordering our drinks. I sipped from my honeydew tea as Sakura brushed back her fringe. "So how are your missions going?"

"Pretty good, same as always. Boring and uneventful. Kurenai-sensei is pretty awesome though. She's kind of quiet though, but she gives us awesome scrolls to study," I paused to frown. "Although I don't think Dumbass reads all of them."

Shino smirks slightly. "Yes, Kiba-san does have difficulty completing sensei's assigned homework on time."

"Well," Sakura sipped her tea. "It still sounds better than Kakashi-sensei."

I feigned confusion. "Why's that?"

"He shows up late every day, at least three hours. Then he spends most of the time reading whilst he makes us do missions. He doesn't teach us anything." Sakura's voice quietened at the end.

I wasn't too worried of course. I knew how terrible of a teacher Kakashi was in the series, so I'd been making sure to keep them all up to standard in our training sessions we had a few times a week.

But it still sucked to see Sakura so… disappointed.

"Perhaps you should go to Iruka-san or Hokage-sama about this," Shino suggested. "If he is not performing to the correct standard expected of genin sensei-"

He was cut off when Kiba burst in, wrapping his arms around Shino and I. "Hey guys! Sorry I'm late. Hana made me clean up the roaming area. Took longer than I thought."

"Oh, hello Kiba-kun. We only just got here a few minutes ago, it's fine." Sakura spoke up.

The rest of the conversation continued, revolving around Kiba's experiences at the animal centre.

But my mind was frozen on one thing.

Somehow, I'd managed to lead Shino to suggesting that- To suggesting that Sakura complain to the Hokage-sama about Kakashi. And what if she did? Would Kakashi not be there sensei anymore?

I was nearly sure Shino hadn't ever mentioned something like that to Sakura in the series, nor anyone else.

So- I'd nearly- I'd nearly torn apart team Kakashi?

My stomach churned.

It was something so simple, inviting Sakura and Shino out for shopping. But I'd nearly messed up the entire timeline.

Yeah, maybe I was overreacting, because surely the Hokage wouldn't take Kakashi from his team. But… if he did, or if he changed something…

This could've been something huge, and I hadn't even seen it coming. I was lucky Kiba cut Shino off.


It was hardly a surprise when our team received a C-rank mission.

Kiba was practically bouncing as Kurenai read the scroll.

"...To gather information on a small group of bandits, according to latest reports, consisting of three at most. Located twenty minutes from furthest Village gates. Marked point A on map." Kurenai frowned slightly when she finished.

Shino adjusted his glasses as Kiba leapt into the air. "Finally! We're living the village, this is going to be-"

"It's only twenty minutes away," I pointed out.

"-Awesome!" Kiba finished, although he'd grown somewhat irritated by my interruption.

Shino though, was watching our sensei closely.

Kurenai was silent one more moment before shaking her head to clear it and looking up. An excited smile grew on her face. "Well, this shouldn't take more than two days. Pack light, and meet at the gate's in two hours."

"Of course sensei," Shino promised as she waved and headed off.

Kiba was already running.

I waited until I was sure they were out of earshot, before turning to Shino. "You noticed that too, right?"

"Her hesitation? Of course." Shino said and we began walking. "I'm not sure what about the mission confused her. My first and only guess was the location. Why you ask? Because it's so close to Konoha. Why would a group of bandits, so close, be declared harmless enough, for a C-rank mission?"

And I had thought that too, although not as extensively. "Maybe- Maybe it's a test?"

"Perhaps," Shino acknowledged. "It would make sense. Kurenai sensei does test us often, but it doesn't quite fit. I'm worried Hinata. This sounds very suspicious."

I sighed and ran my fingers through my hair. "Well, worst comes to worst we'll have Kurenai to back us up. And if it goes sour we can yell at the Hokage for not determining the rank of the mission properly and score some extra cash."

Shino smirked at that, and we parted ways.

It surprised me I wasn't really worried. I cared far less about my own safety, than those of every other character in the series.


"Kotone-san," I greeted with a smile.

She returned it, even bent down and smoothed my hair. "Ah my little Hinata-san. How are you today? I missed you this morning at breakfast."

"Sorry," I said bashfully and she laughed lightly as she stood.

"So what can I do for you?" She asks patiently.

I bite my lip. "Well, I'm going on a mission. Two days. I was hoping you could pack for me while I talk to Otou-san?"

"Of course!" She grinned knowingly. "I'm so proud of you, little Hinata-san."

"Thanks Kotone," I smile and quickly hurry to find my father.

It wasn't very hard, having been training for weeks in a tracking team.

He was seated at his desk, dealing with a stack of papers. One of the Hyuuga servants waited patiently. As expected, I waited in the doorway until he addressed me.

After a few minutes, he shuffled the papers and turned to the man at his side. "Take these to Kaede, and send Kotone-san to fetch the parcel I'm expecting."

"Yes Hiashi-sama," the man hurried off, brushing past Hinata with a bow of the head and a quick 'Hinata-sama.'

It was another few minutes of Father searching through the stacks of paper in the boxes behind him before he finally looked up to me. "Yes, come in Hinata."

"Otou-san," I greeted. "I'm sorry for interrupting."

He watched me carefully. "Yes, well I don't expect you to do it often of course. I assume this is about your mission?"

It only slightly surprised me that he knew already. I quickly pushed down my surprise to nod slowly. "Yes Otou-san. I wanted to inform you of-"

"Of course," Hiashi interrupted, clasping his hands together. "We've talked before on this, but I trust you will perform at the standard I expect of the Hyuuga heir. Do not fail this mission Hinata, or I will have to reconsider your schedule."

I ground my teeth to keep from speaking, careful not to express my annoyance. "I will not fail. I assure you this mission will be completed."

"Then we've reached an understanding," He said before turning back to his papers.

I left quickly, leaving a formal goodbye before hurrying out of the room. As soon as I was free I let out a breath. He was getting worse, every time.

It took even longer for me to finally make it back to the main hall of the home, and by then Kotone was waiting with my pack. "Hinata-sama. I'm afraid our goodbye will have to be short."

"I heard about the parcel," I mentioned.

She smiled and quickly pulled me into a hug. "Stay safe little one. I've packed you some dango and cookies. Also I've had Nagisa sharpen your kunai and shuriken."

"You're too kind," I said as I pulled on my pack. "Thank you Kotone, I'll be home soon."

"I don't doubt it," she assured as I left.


"I didn't get to say goodbye to Neji," I realised as we left the village.

Shino glanced at me sympathetically. "I'm sure he'll understand Hinata."

"Hurry it up you two!" Kiba shouted, although he was ahead of all of us.

Sensei smiled fondly at his antics. "We'll be back soon Hinata. Now, where are we going Shino?"

"Well, the last reported sighting was to the east," Shino said as he glanced at the map.

Kurenai nodded and turned to me. "We're far enough now. Can you see them Hinata?"

It was true. We were surrounded by dense forest now and I glanced around. After taking a breath I activated my byakugan, sending chakra to my eyes.

My range had improved dramatically since I'd graduated from the academy, so it didn't surprise me when I made out at least two genin sized chakra signatures in the distance.

"I see them," I informed my team. "Follow me."

They all nodded, remaining silent so I could concentrate. We swiftly jumped into the tree's and began leaping from branch to branch. Soon we found ourselves crouching around an open space.

"What," Kiba whispered hurriedly. "Is that?"

In the middle of the bandit's camp, there was a huge tower. And tied to that tower was a person.

"Kurenai-sensei?" Shino whispered hurriedly.

Said sensei was biting her lip and frowning. I didn't blame her.

The person, from what I could tell, was a young girl. I assumed she was older than us, by a few years perhaps. "Smuggling," Kurenai finally decided after a moment.

"Probably someone taken from the outer towns in the land. These bandits are most likely delivering the girl to someone within the walls of Konoha," she continued.

I gawked. "Someone in Konoha?" I repeated, stunned.

"That makes sense," Shino began. "Why you ask? They've clearly treated her poorly, and it seems unlikely that they'd want to be travelling very far from here. I am surprised though, that the other shinobi who reported these bandits, hadn't noticed the prisoner."

Kiba bristled at my side. "We have to save her."

"Our mission is to just report it back Kiba," I said, although my stomach was churning at the thought of leaving that girl with those men much longer.

Kurenai remained silent as Kiba spoke up again, Akamaru growling at me. "Well I'm not leaving her here. Come on Akamaru!"

He then proceeded to leap into the middle of the camp.

I swore and moved to jump down as well, but Shino gripped my arm to stop me. "Not yet. We haven't received orders yet."

We both turned to Kurenai expectantly. "It seems Kiba has made our decision for us."

"Shino, your mission is to retrieve the girl. Hinata you assist Kiba in detaining the bandits," Kurenai continued. "I'll be there just in case you need me. But this is your mission as much as it is mine."

Shino and I nodded before leaping into action.

This was going to be fun.


The group of bandits were currently eating lunch,s o when I dropped down next to Kiba, they hadn't noticed us yet. "Damnit Kiba," I hissed angrily. "You really are a dumbass!"

But he ignored me in favor of ruining our current concealment. "Hey you group of bastards! Let go of the girl, now!"

And of course they turned, immediately spotting Kiba and I.


"Kids?" One of the bandits asked in confusion.

The other sneered. "Damn village sent shinobi finally. Oh well, the deals still on as long as we get her to the house."

"So what do we do?" The last asked.

It was then that Kiba charged.

They reacted straight away, dropping their food in favor of sending kunai flying. Kiba dodged them nimbly and I sighed as I jumped into the air.

In the moments I had midair, I quickly looked for Shino, spotting him approaching from the other side. A smile grew on my face.

"Kidnappers!" Kiba screamed angrily as he jumped back on course and threw himself at the closest bandit.

They went tumbling behind one of the tents and I lowered into a defensive stance as the remaining two bandits turned to me.

I wondered who they were going to take the girl too.

"Just let the girl go, and I won't have to detain you," I warned them calmly.

One of them spat as the other brandished a rather sharp looking sword.

In answer I pulled out a kunai, and activated my byakugan.

Stupidly, they attacked first.

The one with the sword reached me first, and with a grunt I stopped his slash with my kunai and with my free hand I swiftly hit three of his tenketsu points. Two near his heart and one by his shoulder.

He staggered back and dropped to his knees as I ducked under a kick from the other man.

"Don't ruin my hair," I told him as I grabbed his fist aimed at my stomach and slapped away his other hand. "I just had it done."

Furious, the man jumped back and formed a series of handsigns. I froze as a ball of fire grew in front of his face before launching at me.

I jumped out of the way, but not quick enough. I felt as the ball of fire singed the edge of my pants and quickly rolled on the ground to put it out.

When I looked up the man was already on me, aiming a kick to my chest.

Irritated, and growing impatient, I rolled back. His foot slammed into the ground instead and he lost his balance. I quickly threw myself up and gained my balance.

"Goodnight princess," I said as I slammed my open palm over his heart.

It only took seconds to form the coil that ripped his heart apart.

"Hinata!" I heard a frantic cry, just before something cut into my side.


"I'm okay!" I swore once more as Kurenai tied the disarmed bandits hands behind him. "Really."

My sensei narrowed her eyes at me, then at the gash in my side. "I wasn't aware that you wore armor under your shirt."

"I don't normally," I admitted as I ripped the middle of my shirt, exposing my stomach but getting rid of the tattered material. "Thank you for saving me sensei."

She rolled her eyes. "It's not- Just-" she sighed. "Go finish the mission Hinata."

I nodded quickly and ran to the tent Kiba had disappeared behind, Leaving Kurenai to clean up the one bandit I killed and the other she detained.

The thought froze me in my place.


I repressed the urge to be sick and focused once more, only to hear a yelp of pain.

Worried, I sprinted behind the tent, then followed the trail of a fight back into the forest.

I looked around frantically, where the hell was Kiba?

Suddenly a whimper sounded from nearby, no doubt Akamaru's.

"Kiba!" I shouted and rushed to the noise, finding said boy propped up against the tree with the dog licking his ankle.

There was a body nearby, the bandits.

With a gulp I approached the body first. I had to make sure Kiba was of no more danger.

To my shock, the bandit was dead.

Kiba had- Kiba had killed him.

"I rolled my ankle," Kiba said as I turned to him. "He shoved me pretty hard. I think it's broken."

I nodded and silently approached him. "Hold still," I told him as I focused chakra to my hands. A simple diagnostic jutsu that I'd learned through my studies of medical ninjutsu.

"You're right, it's pretty bad. I can get it set and everything but you're going to have to go to the hospital when we get back," I continued.

He nodded and swallowed and I gripped his ankle. Using another medic jutsu I'd learnt, I reduced the swelling and bruising, then I adjusted his foot and bandaged it tightly. "Don't put too much weight on it. It's not fixed."

"Got it," Kiba said.

I realized now that his voice wasn't as… vibrant as it usually was. I lifted my head to ask, but his eyes were hard, daring me to speak.

"Let's go," I said after a moment.

He only nodded as I helped him up, Akamaru climbed onto his head once more.


"You're going to what?" Kiba shouted incredulously.

The Hokage puffed on his pipe. "Your mission was to report on the bandits status. But instead you killed two of them and brought a girl back as well. Your team single handedly jeopardized a very important operation that this village is currently involved in."

"But Hokage-sama," I interrupted. "With all due respect, he still assaulted us. You can't just drop all his charges?"

We'd returned back to the village, one prisoner, and one severely injured girl in hand. But when we'd gotten to the tower, the Hokage had been furious. He decided that the bandit was going to be let free, because we, our team, ruined some stupid operation by saving the poor girls life.

"This is bullshit!" Kiba agreed.

Kurenai stepped in front of us, blocking the Hokage's view of Kiba and I. "My apologies Hokage-sama. Thank you, and do have a good afternoon."

"What?" Kiba gaped at our sensei whilst Shino grabbed my arm lightly and began tugging me away.

Once Kurenai had tugged Kiba and the rest of us out of the tower, Kiba punched a nearby tree. "This is insane! What was the Hokage thinking?"

"It was a deal," Shino spoke up for the first time since returning to the village. "The girl for something. It must have been very important, probably with one of the clan heads."

Kurenai nodded slowly. "Impressive Shino," she admitted, although she didn't bother to help explain the situation.

I myself was clenching and unclenching my fists.

What exactly could we do? We were lucky the Hokage hadn't fired us or worse, killed us, for our mistake. Although, it was incredibly difficult for me to accept that we'd made a mistake.

Wasn't it our duty to help people?

"Come on Kiba," I said finally. "Let's get your ankle fixed up."


I had avoided everyone for as long as possible after I returned home. There were a lot of things I had to think about and deal with.

One of the main things, was the fact I had killed someone.

It was hard to keep telling myself that it didn't matter. This was what it was like in the Naruto world, killing wasn't exactly bad. Some even considered it a good thing, as it showed your strength.

But- But I couldn't think like that.

It hurt to know I'd killed a man. He was young, probably had at least a few dozen years left. He could have had a family, kids.

Then again, it was his life or mine-

"Hinata!" Someone yelled loudly and I looked up from my desk to see Neji standing, looking somewhat annoyed. "You're back and didn't tell me?"

I blinked. "Oh hey Neji-nii-san."

"Hinata?" He repeated as he approached. "You okay?"

Should I tell him? "Not sure, but I don't really want to talk about that. So, did you miss me?" I finished, trying to perk up a bit for him.

He watched me closely. "'Course I did," he said finally and pulled me into a hug. "But before I get into a whole welcome back party, you should probably go and talk to Sasuke and Naruto. Their leaving tomorrow for a mission."

"What?" I gaped. "Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Neji shrugged. "Couldn't find you."

Oh right.

"Right well, I'll be back in a bit okay?"

Neji nodded. "I hope so. I'll see if I can get dinner prepared for us."

"Great!" I hugged him tightly once more. "See you Neji!"

And then I was off.

I knew already though, that they were going on a C-rank.

Their first C-rank.

The C-rank that nearly cost them their lives.

Because that was the first mission they ever had to leave for.

It was too soon, what the hell was I going to do?


Thank you for reading!

Follow my twitter for chapter previews, update notices, quotes and other awesome info! SPCMRose


If you did not read AN at top, basically updates are going to be a little wacky. My laptop has broken so I can only work on the story at home on my PC.

P.S. Apologies if this chapter seems a bit choppy. Between my laptop and stupid plot bunnies overwhelming me (damn teen wolf) everything's a bit of a mess.


I'd have to pick Shikamaru to have an owl summon!


In the Naruto world, there are civilian jobs. What would be your dream job in the Naruto world?

Reviews are like the sun on a cold day, they are like the rain on the weekend and like love when you are feeling down.