Warning: This chapter mentions and references abortions in more depth than previous chapters.

This situation is a situation that many women have gone through and I hope that I represent all options fairly and write them justly. Please let me know if at any times it does not come off as such. Thank you.

11 June 2003 (11 Weeks)


"The game next week is going to bloody suck," Beatrice Brunette muttered. She hissed as she rolled out her shoulder slowly.

"Diaz is good and all, but she's definitely not you, Weasley," Valmai Morgan added. She tossed Brunette a bag of ice, before she sunk into the couch cushions next to Ginny. "What did the Healer say?"

"That I'm twelve weeks next Thursday." Ginny sighed, picking at the corner of the ultrasound picture where the alien-like creature fluttered around.

Her appointment had been the day before, and afterwards, she locked herself in her bedroom and spent the night crying. Half of the time was spent destroying every blanket, drawer, and trinket in her room that Harry had touched, while the other half was spent curled in a ball on her naked bed. Both scenarios left her the same way though: alone. If the other girls in the flat had heard, no one checked on her. Instead, their music turned up a little louder in the living area and the smell of alcohol wafted through the space between her door and her room. It had made Ginny's stomach churn, as she curled into a fetal position and sobbed into her knees.

"That blows. No way Jones will let you play," Morgan answered.

"Even if I wasn't, she wouldn't let me play after being out of practice for the past month," Ginny snapped. The lack of sympathy vexed her, reminding her of their party the previous night.

"She's right, V. When I had my situation, it took almost two months to get back into proper condition despite my procedural. It sucks how easily we get out of shape," Brunette reminded.

"Do you regret it?" The question slipped out before Ginny realized it and she looked up immediately with wide eyes. "I'm so sorry, Beatrice. I shouldn't have asked that. I just... I don't know. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. Well, it's not. But I get your situation," she replied shortly. Removing her ice bag off her shoulder, Beatrice began working out her shoulder again. Hissing, she narrowed her eyes at Ginny. "But to answer your question, no. I don't regret my decision. Being mum right now or maybe ever, it's just not for me, yeah? It was never in the plan. At least, not for now."

"Right." Ginny nodded, bowing her head back down to look at the ultrasound again.

She recalled the fast, strong heartbeat the day before. The one that as soon as she heard it she envisioned a small baby with black, unruly hair and green eyes, or maybe they were brown eyes and red hair, smiling a toothless grin like she'd seen from her nieces. The moment where she craved for Harry's company. The moment the guilt, the fear, and the pain burned through her, when she realized that she had stolen that moment- the moment of hearing the baby's heartbeat for the first time- away from Harry. She recalled how excited Bill had been to hear the girls' heartbeats, and so had Percy. But she had decided not to tell Harry about the appointment, because going into the appointment, she had been so sure of her decision.

Now, everything was muddled again. The heartbeat had created such an emotion out of her, and the ultrasound minutes later sent her reeling in the opposite direction. She hadn't been wrong when she called it a parasite to Harry, because this being attached itself to her insides, stealing its nutrients from her body, and claiming her womb as its home where it would continue to grow until it wrecked the ultimate havoc on her body to make its entrance into the world. Afterwards, it would spend at least the next eighteen years dependent on her.

Yet the image fabricated by the heartbeat only solidified, and Ginny couldn't decide if letting the parasite survive off of her was that bad. She had always wanted to be a mum anyway. And as much as it killed her to say it, Quidditch was only a sport to her. This parasite was rooted deep in her DNA. The baby was a part of herself. The baby was a part Potter, as well. A not so far off dream that terrified her.

"You okay Ginny?" Morgan asked. She looked away at her quizzically.

Shrugging away the thoughts, Ginny shifted her position. "Yeah, just wondering if Diaz regrets her decision."

"Of what?" Brunette asked, standing up to stretch out her sore muscles some more.

"Of keeping her baby," Ginny stated simply.

Brunette opened her mouth to reply when someone knocked on their flat's door. Leaving the conversation, she walked slowly over to the door and opened it up. She eyed the guest up and down, before she rolled her eyes. "Weasley, one of the other Weasleys are here for you."

Ginny's head shot up in the direction of the doorway, and she scrunched her eyebrows together at the sight of Ron.

He stood in the doorway, wearing his work clothes from the shop, and shifted her weight nervously from one foot to the other.

"What're you doing here?" Ginny asked, standing up.

"Oh, I thought today would be a great day to stop by and see Morgan," Ron answered dryly, before adding, "What do you think? To see you. My little sister who hasn't came around to Mum's in over a month, who isn't replying to anyone's owls, and who broke up with her sodding boyfriend." He sighed, bowing his head. "Everybody's worried about you, Gin."

"Well, obviously, I'm fine," Ginny replied, signaling at herself.

"I wouldn't say barricading yourself in your room over the last month is fine, but to each their own," Morgan stated.

Ginny glared at her. "Now you decide to take notice what I'm doing?"

"We've noticed a lot of things actually. Just thought it was you, you know, coping with the break-up and everything," Brunette added, calmly.

"Why did you leave me alone to drink all last night if you were so observant?"

"Because you didn't like our help in the past. Thought you preferred being alone," Brunette replied, matter-of-factly.

"What? Like when?" Ginny gapped.

"I don't know. Let's see, the day after the break-up or whatever, you threatened to throw a lamp at me if I came into your room again. Not to mention, to cursed out Morgan four times in the last week." Brunette counted off on her fingers.

"Okay, so I've been a little all over the place. Do you blame me?"

"Look, we love you, Ginny, but you need to sort yourself out. And stop taken if out on us," Morgan stated. She stood up, stretching. "Good to see you again, other Weasley."

With that, Morgan went to her room, and Brunette followed not long after. Ron remained in the doorway. He continued shifting his weight like he was debating on running or staying.

Ginny stared at where her teammates had fled, blinking her burning eyes. They hadn't said anything entirely mean or cruel, but the way the said it made her feel like a bad friend. What they said had been true. She had spent the last month mostly in her room, and when she wasn't in her room, her emotions was all over the place. And she knew it wasn't anything to do with the pregnancy either. It wasn't hormones talking. It was all directed at Harry with no Harry to direct it at. Then again, Harry had tried nearly every day for the first three weeks to get her to talk to him, but she refused. It had only been this last week where he started to get the message. So, maybe, she wasn't mad at Harry. But that meant that only left herself. All the guilt, the fear, the pain, the anger came flooding back over her.

Gritting her teeth, she snapped her attention back to Ron. "I was having a pretty great day until you had to show up. What the hell do you want? And if you say you're here because of Harry, I swear to Merlin I will hex you so hard you will be smelling bats for the next year."

"I'm not here because of Harry." Ron assured. He placed his hands up in the air in innocence.

"Then, why?" Ginny hardened her stare.

"Because I'm your big brother and the only one in the family that knows," He stated. "Not even Hermione. A promise is a promise."

Softening, Ginny placed a hand over her stomach. It had definitely gotten harder over the last few weeks, and she could make out the beginning of a little roundness. "Harry hasn't said anything?"

"Why would he? He thinks you're, well, you know. I mean, I thought so too, until just now."

"Right, well, I didn't, or at least haven't yet. I don't know." Ginny cringed at her voice breaking, scrunching her eyes up as tears welled into them.

"Ginny…" Ron stepped forward slowly.

"Don't." Immediately, Ginny snapped her eyes open and wiped away the tears. "It's just hormones."

Ron rubbed his neck awkwardly, staring intently at her. It made Ginny feel exposed like he was studying the smallest of body movements on her.

Wiping her tears away, she shook her head. "So, why're you here?"

"Mum's having a dinner tomorrow," Ron stated matter-of-factly like it would solve all of her questions.

"It's Sunday. Nothing new." She shrugged, walking over behind Ron and shutting the front door finally. "Thought since you're here, might as well make yourself comfortable."

"You can't stay away forever. You know that, right?"

Fixating on the doorknob, Ginny traced her finger around the lining. She hanged her head, resting her forehead gently against the door, and her hair cascaded around her face, hiding any part of it from Ron's view.

He stood behind her. She heard the floorboard creak as he shifted his weight back and forth again. Then, he let out a deep, heavy sigh.

"Look, Harry's going to come to dinner-"

"And why would I care? It's not like we're together anymore."

Ginny swallowed down the chocking feeling in her throat as she remembered their break-up. She had been so mad and angry, not to mention confused, and his accusations were too much. Every day she had wanted to floo him or owl him, but she knew it'd only make her feel guiltier about her lack of maternal feelings. How could someone who hated the thought of being pregnant ever become a loving, devoted mother? She called the baby a parasite. What type of mother would say that? No matter how the image of the small baby in her mind- the perfect combination of Harry and her- made her heart swell.

"You're both stupidly stubborn, yeah?" Rob chuckled darkly. Ginny heard him move closer to her, and then he began to pace. "You should care because you love him still, and don't give me some barmy excuse, because I know you do. And he loves you too. I know you know that. And, you know."

"I know. Okay? I know. What do you want me to say? That I'm fucked up? That there's no way in hell I'd make a good mum, especially after the shitshow I've caused in the last two months? Ever since I've found out, it's like one mess up to the next. I'm not like Fleur or Audrey, or even Mum. I don't have that maternal connection. I just… I feel nothing to the baby like it's not even real. I know Mum had like three of us by my age, but I'm only twenty-two." Ginny shouted, turning toward Ron. She shook her head, not even caring that she was crying.

"Honestly, I don't know what to say, because if Hermione told me she was pregnant right now, I don't know what I would do. And I wouldn't even be the one pregnant with the thing," Ron replied, shrugging.

"Oh, geez, thanks Ron. You're such a bloody help." She ran a hand through her hair.

"What I do know, though," he started firmly, walking over and placing a hand on each of her arms. "Is that any baby would be lucky to have you two as its parents, if that's what you want. And if not, you're not alone. I'll be here, and I know Harry will be too."

She shook her head, placing a hand on top of her stomach. "He'll hate me."

"He's a stubborn git, but he'll come around. Poor bloke's too infatuated with you not to. I don't see why, but you know," Ron joked lightly.

Smiling softly, Ginny rolled her eyes. She broke away from him and brushed past him, with her hand never leaving her stomach. "After the war, when we couldn't find Harry, you know how I found him under the tree near the Black Lake?"


Ginny chewed on her lip, recalling the memory. "When I found him, we just sat there for a little bit. We didn't say anything, until he told me that for the first time in his life, he knew he had a future. That he could dream of that future. He felt guilty, because for the first time, he felt hopeful for his life, when so many people died."

"Noble bastard," Ron mumbled.

She laughed softly. "My thoughts exactly. But I asked him what that future looked like. In that moment. In that second." Pausing, she looked down at her stomach and then back at Ron. She blinked back tears again. "And he said me. And a family. Not then, obviously, but he always knew. And I hate myself that when I found out I couldn't feel anything except that I'd lose Quidditch."

"I mean, you've worked so hard for Quidditch. I think that… wait." Ron looked over at her quizzically. "You said couldn't. Like in the past?"

"There was one moment at the doctor's appointment when I heard the heartbeat. It suddenly became so, so real. I could see it, but then the ultrasound happened, and I don't know. How could I ever have this baby knowing I was so close to not doing it? That I wanted it gone. That it feels like some parasite inside of me sometimes? And then, there's still Quidditch!"

Truthfully, Ginny didn't know why she was telling any of this to Ron, but she couldn't get herself to quit talking. The more she did so, the more it made her head less dizzy and her chest less constricted. She could breathe for a moment without being consumed in complete panic. For a few seconds, she felt like she could regain control of herself.

Rubbing his neck again, Ron began shifting his weight once more. "Look, Ginny, I want to be here for you. You're my little sister- my annoying and stubborn little sister, but I don't think I'm who you're needing to tell all this to. You obviously need to talk to Harry."

"I know, but I can't! Not after everything, and-"

"You can. Tomorrow at dinner, actually. Like I said, Harry will be there, and it's the first time anyone has seen him outside of the Ministry since, well, you know. I've tried to talk to him at home, and so has Hermione, but he's taken on extra shifts at work or he goes straight over to see Teddy afterwards. He's missed the last few dinners too, and well, everyone knows something is up but no one is talking, but you know, he's not making it through dinner tomorrow without a thousand and twelve bloody questions. So, you need to stop whatever the bloody hell you're doing here and go talk to him. For you sanity, for his, and for mine," he firmly replied, standing up tall.

Ginny took a step back, taken aback by his sudden command of the situation. Usually, he was the confider, the assistance, or the comedic relief, but she rarely saw Ron take control of situations. The worst part of it all was that she knew that he was right. She'd been avoiding Harry for too long, mostly out of selfish and prideful reasons. They needed to talk.

Bowing her head, Ginny collapsed down on the couch again. As she did so, the ultrasound picture slipped off of the armrest and on to her lap. She picked it up gently, once again staring at the small, alien-like form. But it wasn't an alien, or a parasite, no matter how much she wanted to deny its existence. Truthfully, it was easier for her to deny and pretend that staring at the small, moving image of her unborn baby was exactly not that. Because underneath all of her claims and excuses, fear swirled inside of her. It twisted her emotions, her thoughts, and her perceptions. What if she was never good enough to return to Quidditch? What if some better player came along and took her spot on her team? What if she never gained that maternal connection? What if she was a horrible mother? How could she bring a child into the world when she was barely managing herself?

"Is that the ultrasound?" Ron plopped down on the couch next her, jolting her from her thoughts.

Nodding, she handed the picture over. "Yeah."

He took it. Tilting his head to the side, he narrowed his eyes. Then, he widened them. He hummed. "Do all of these things look like some weird blob or something?"

"Hey, that's my weird blob you're talking about." Ginny nudged him on the arm, laughing.

"Yours?" He turned to her, raising his eyebrows. Then, his features softened. "You want this baby, don't you? I know you, Ginny. If you didn't, you would've made up your mind already and it wouldn't be an issue any longer. Like when you decided you'd be Harry Potter's girlfriend when you were ten. Or when you decided you were going to learn to fly a broom. I mean, you just decide things and do them. Like fighting during the war, even underage."

"Honestly, at first, I didn't know." She took the picture back and rubbed the image of the baby gently. "But, I don't know, I always wanted children. Not as many as Mum, but some. It's just-" She took a deep breath, handing her head.

"It's just what? Quidditch? Because you said it yourself, your replacement's a Mum. Plus, I have no doubt you'll come back just as strong, if not stronger. I mean, you taught yourself how to fly in the middle of the night as a kid. You're talented at Seeker, where you won us the cup if you remember, and you're bloody amazing at Chaser. Jones would be daft to not bring you back."

"One, Jones won't be there. She's retiring. And two-"

"What? Since when? Her career has been legendary and-"

"It's really not the point and I shouldn't have even told you. So, don't tell anyone," Ginny ordered.

"You and these damn secrets," Ron grumbled, folding his arms over his chest. "But you're right. It's not the point. The point is that you'd be a bloody fantastic Mum, and your Quidditch comeback will probably be even more fierce than your entrance, because that's how annoyingly stubborn you are."

"You think I'd be a good mum? Even after all of this?" Her head popped up with her eyes locking with her brother's. A smile tugged at her lips.

He shrugged, picking at a loose thread in his pants. "I mean, well, yeah. The kid would be lucky."

She could probably count on her hands how many times she had hugged Ron, but before she could control herself, she wrapped her arms around his torso tightly. Tears sprang to her eyes again, as she choked out, "Thank you."

Patting her awkwardly on her back, Ron nodded. "You're welcome?"

Breaking the hug, she sunk back down into the cushions again and stared again at the ultrasound. Her mind was running a million miles an hour, but somehow Ron had managed to send away the fear that had consumed her for the moment. For the first time, she could really see that the picture was her baby. The one with the heartbeat from the appointment. The perfect blend of Harry and her. And she'd be a damn good mum, despite all the thoughts leading up to this moment.

"I'll be there tomorrow. We have so much to talk about. Plus, it'd be plain rude of me to let him walk into that mess on his own," she decided.

"Thank Merlin one of you is making sense again. The poor bloke would be interrogated by every person,"

"Well, not every person. Not you."

Ron laughed. "Yes me! I'm not giving anybody any reason to suspect I know a thing about your guys' shitshow. I'm not being interrogated."

"What a kind friend." Ginny laughed back.

"Hey, you're the one promising me to keep all these secrets. So, really, it's your fault," he added, standing up. "Speaking of secrets, I should head back before Hermione gets too suspicious if you want that secret to stay safe for now."

Ginny followed suit. "We both know Hermione already knows you know something. Just as long as she doesn't know what that something is."

"You're right. I had to talk her out of coming here. She wanted me to stay with Harry and she was coming here, but lucky for you, I got thing's switched around." Ron headed back over towards the door.

"Don't you two have your own lives to worry about?"

"Yeah, but yours is a lot more exciting at the moment."

"Get out," Ginny ordered, signaling towards the door.

Laughing, Ron opened the door. Turning back around, he waved. "See you for sure tomorrow then? Because if I tell Hermione, and then you don't come, there's no way I'm stopping her from coming over then."

Taking a breath, Ginny nodded. Her hand unconsciously found her stomach again, and she smiled. "Yeah, I'll be there. It's just all so unexpected."

"Hate to break it to you, but nothing surrounding Harry has ever gone as expected. So, you might as well get used to it." Ron chuckled deeply, throwing his head back, and then he vanished out her front door.

Shaking her head, Ginny locked the front door again. As soon as it clicked, the tears welled in her eyes again and the fear that had somehow vacated her came back stronger. It was nice that Ron believed so strongly about her, but it didn't matter. Because in the end, Ginny knew her faults better than anyone. She was gullible and weak, as shown by the diary incident her first year, and she was naïve and stupid. For so long, she spent her life creating this tough exterior wall of strength, determination, and courage, but she was still that same eleven-year-old girl. She was scared. Not so much about loosing Quidditch, because she knew she had it in her to make a comeback, but she was scared to fail. To be unable to be the mum expected of her, and to let Harry and their unborn baby down.

A/N: Hi again! Due to all the wonderful reviews I've received and the newly given time off, I have added a new chapter of this story and plan on continuing it, as well. Originally, this chapter had been planning to be more than this scene, but I got carried away with Ron and Ginny sibling bonding and I love sibling bonding stuff. Anyway, I promise the next chapter will not take another year.

I have recently gotten a AO3 account: LastingMemories. I will be posting this story over there, as well.

The reason for my absence was due to focusing on my original manuscripts and attempting to publish my original work. Therefore, if that side of my writing ever takes off, I may disappear.

In terms of my original work, I may create a wattpad account and post it on there until there is a possibility of publication.

I hope you are all doing well!