New story, new theme. Be warned, I'm not going to hold back on this one. There will be blood, gore and some serious fight scenes, so stay tuned if you're up for some excitement! Also, I'm going to do something I've never really done before. Yeah, that's right, pairings. But not the common non-canon ships. Oh no, certainly not. There will be Hiccstrid, of coarse, and SnotloutXOC.

Stop stalling! Let's begin!

Under the arc of the black night sky, Berk sat, sleeping peacefully in it's circle of fire light. Dragons were roosting in the trees and on the rooftops, occasionally fluttering their wings or shaking their heads. Torches flickered placidly, lighting the pathways in a soft, amber glow. The houses rose from the ground as if joined to it, moss growing and carpeting the wooden faces and doors, the sloping roofs tiled with slates and held together with the clinging lichens.

Everything was so quiet and still. Above, stars twinkled, a few clouds skidding quietly by. So idyllic. So perfect.

Her lip curled.

They disgusted her. No turbulence, no horror, no destruction. Sickening. She hawked and spat, watching it plummet to the ground from the rooftop on which she stood. It was enough to make her vomit. However, it was soon to change.

She took out a piece of polished metal from a pouch on her thick belt, examining her sallow, thin face, painted black and brown with dirt and highlighted red with blood. She slipped the disk back into the pouch, satisfied, and lifted her face to the wind, enjoying the feeling of it playing through her long, greasy black hair. Not naturally black, of coarse. No, she had coated it in charcoal dust, covering her real identity, the same reason her face was slicked with mud. She hated that girl, the one behind the paint, the one hidden from view. That weak-looking, pale-faced wench put down by everyone as nothing to fear, nothing to notice. Just another creature in the background.

Well, no more.

I am not her. I am Kat. I am to be feared. A hand drifted down to her belt, where a small pouch hung at her hip. Similar pouches sat at regular intervals around the belt, swinging from her waist, easy to slip your hand into, just as she did, retrieving a small, round ball. Out of a small hole poked a tiny strand of rope, soaked in an offensive-smelling liquid, like mead left far, far too long in it's vat. The girl examined the polished surface in the moonlight, bringing it close to her face to inhale the scathing fumes, pressing it into her lips to better feel the cool clay. Then, with a snap of her fingers, a spark lit the small thread and she tossed the clay ball in a glorious arc, following its progress across the street and into the side of another house.

There was the sharp sound of shattering pottery before a deep thrum of fire bursting into life. The hot, electric blue flame leapt up the side of the wooden building, eating ravenously through the dry moss and the aged wood. Very soon, the fuel was spent, but the flames continued to burn, whipped into a frenzy by the dry, hot wind from the south. Kat stepped forward to better admire the blinding, white hot blaze, grinning, her eyes full of glee. She took another step, then hopped down off the roof, landing crouched beside the burning house, watching the people inside escape through the crackling front door.

A small laugh escaped her. Kat reached out to touch her offspring, pulling back as the flames nipped her fingers playfully. Then, rising, she took another two bombs from her pouches, lifting them up to admire them in the firelight before lighting them too with a snap of her fingers and sending them spiralling to either side, into other houses. The winds were hissing them into fury, small spirals of fire licking the sky as the girl lifted her hands and cackled.

"Go, my brethren! Do your worst!" She cried, her strong voice full of a strange, sophisticated accent. Above her, something seethed through the sky. With a hiss, one house was doused in water, the flames dying with an angry hiss. Looking up, she caught sight of a Nadder, cyan and yellow, beating away towards the sea again.

With a last glance at her chaos, she turned and pounded away between shacks, hidden by her black clothes in the shadows. Bursting out into a street crowded with people, she looked this way and that. No longer was there order, only confusion remained. Barking a laugh, she barged her way through the throng and through another gap between shacks. However, she made the mistake of looking behind her, taking her eyes off her clear path for a second only to find it clear no longer.

She and the other girl collided with a dreadful force that jarred both of them, sending them flying off in opposite directions. The other Viking looked up, dazed, her eyes catching on whatever she had crashed into. Kat took a second to look her over. Unkempt, sleep still in her pale blue eyes, the mats braided hurriedly into three long strands of platinum-blonde hair. Her face was long, her features sharp, and she wore a permanent-looking scowl as she glared at the girl she had tripped over. She reached up to push her helmet back on her head, the long, twisting horns glinting.

"Ruffnut, what are you- argh!" Another Viking, a boy, came rushing towards the girl, tripping over the sprawled form of Kat as he came. Looking between them, it was extremely difficult to tell the difference. They were twins, that was for sure, and the boy's hair flowed free, but save for that, they were strikingly similar. The girl, Ruffnut, used his long, blonde strands to haul herself to her feet, never taking her eyes off the other girl, who was doing the same.

Kat knew she didn't have time to hang around and exchange pleasantries. These two would have to wait. However, she couldn't wait to see their expressions as her sword cleaved their hearts from their breasts. With a snicker, she turned and ran again, the sweet mental image grafted in her mind.

Tuffnut looked from the retreating girl to his sister, bemusement clouding his features. His pushed-in nose wrinkled. However, his twin beside him looked thoughtful, stroking her chin.

"Hey, Tuff, you remember those bombs that family were talking about?" The girl spoke softly, her voice low and full of gravel.

"Yeah, so what?" Her brother retorted. She almost smacked him for his rudeness.

"Well, think about it. I bet she has a ton of those things on that belt of hers. I say we catch up to her and take them!"

"Yeah, I'm with you, sis!" The brother agreed, and both twins sped off in pursuit of their new goal. Both could only imagine what gleeful mischief they could get up to with those tiny balls in their hands. Berk would never be the same. It wasn't long before the twin's long, lanky legs had brought them close to their target. However, this may have been due to the fact that she was, at that moment, stood staring around herself, looking for a goal of her own. Her eyes quickly caught the twins.

They're going to be a bigger problem than I anticipated. No matter, I can dispose of them easily. Lifting a bomb from it's pouch, she held it up, bringing the teens to a halt before her. She smiled cruelly.

"Do you know what this is?" She asked, her voice strong and clear over the background noise of Berk burning.

Tuffnut nodded. "That's one of those bomb thingys! What would you trade for a bag full?" He asked, excitement getting the better of him.

"Hmm, what about your hearts?" The girl responded in a tone quite suited to bargaining in a marketplace. However, Ruffnut was acutely aware that they were now bargaining for their lives. Before her brother could do anything stupid, she pulled him back.

"Now, now, you two big, strong Viking warriors, you're scared?" She smirked smugly. Her fingers came dangerously close to the fuse.

"Take it easy, okay? We don't want that kind of trouble!" Ruffnut simpered, alarmed. She didn't want those bombs quite that badly.

"Oh, what a shame. I do so love trouble..." With a cackle and a snap of her fingers, the girl's bomb came flying towards the twins.

Wow, I'm back! Look at that for action! Slowly, I will introduce you to the character of Kat. I hope you like her as more than just a villain, because she is so, so much more! There's more to her than you can see just in this chapter, so stay tuned!