Chapter 11: The Great Escape

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters or settings in GRRM's ASOIF series or HBO's Game of Thrones. I only own Sylas, the Lyrodens, Ninny, Hallos, and Ifranae's Faith and Tongue.

It took everything in Allorysses power to not speak to her father or mother. They had one passing in the hall, but instead of greeting them like she normally would have, she simply bowed her head and continued in the direction she was headed. She needed to talk to someone about what was happening and the only person she believed she could trust lay behind the door she ended up in front of. "Good day, Ser Sandor," She curtsied politely, "I was on a brief walk and wished to enjoy the company of my furture brother-in-law. I believe my knowledge of Briella will help him to know his bride better." Sandor squinted slightly at her before laying a heavy hand on the wooden door.

"Your grace, Princess Allorysse requests your company on a stroll." The last word rolled off his tongue sarcastically and she held back a snort of laughter as the door was opened a moment later by the awoken prince. His brown hair was an utter mess and his clothes wrinkled but none of this seemed an urgent care to him as he shut it tightly behind him.

Rubbing his eyes once more, he bowed and cleared his raspy throat, "I would be happy to join you, princess. I hope my appearance isn't one of which you're unsettled by. I'd prefer not to spend a half an hour squeezing into my mothers absurd outfit choices and I'm sure you'll grow restless waiting." Allorysse laughed and offered her arm to him, which he took and they began their walk down the long and winding hall. "May I ask why you requested me? Is there a problem?" He kept his voice in a low tone, wanting to keep their conversation from the guard following a few feet behind them.

"No, no problem," Allorysse bit her lip and sighed, "Okay, yes, there happens to be a rather large problem and I'm not sure if I'm equipped to handle it." She kept her eyes to the sights that surrounded her, careful not to show any change in mood or pace. "Robb and I have decided to… relocate… to Essos." Sylas tried his hardest not to look at her in surprise at her statement.

"Relocate? And for what purpose? You will be a lady of the highest regard in the North once you two are joined under the Gods, a political voice, knowing Robbs willingness to keep you happy. That should be a well enough reason for you to stay and yet the both of you have decided to abandon that." The confusion in his voice was apparent and Allorysse could not blame him. The way he put it, they would have everything layed out before their feet. It wasn't that simple, though. Not for her. She hardly felt human but the morals inside of her stood solid and unchanged. She could not be the lady of anything if she was never of noble blood to begin with and that was the cold, honest truth.

Drawing in a deep breath, Allorysse leaned closely to him, pointing out a random painting on the wall and stopping, "I have recently learned that I am not the trueborn daughter of my parents. I am an abomination, the creation of a desperate man and evil woman and I cannot pretend that I am anything other than that. I cannot rule knowing that. It is better that I rid myself of this life and start new, luckily my love has agreed to join me in this endeavor. Your brother has also offered to help, but in case there is a flaw in the plan I need you to be prepared to tell my family that we have gone to Soroythos, in search of solitude and peace. My parents will understand why and most likely head in that direction. I also need you to tell them that you watched me walk into my chambers at sundown and that I wish to be alone. They'll believe you." Sylas was not sure if this was something he wanted to get himself involved with. The feeling of sadness and desperation that radiated off of her mixed in with the nervous pain in his stomach, causing his face to scrunch a bit. He had never lied to anyone, except maybe with his studies for sept, but nothing as big as what Allorysse was asking him to do. These were two people who played an important role with the politics of their realms, running away. It would cause complete mayhem in Kings Landing and they would not stop until the two were found, postponing the wedding he had secretly been excited for since he heard of the news.

Despite all of the things that gave him perfect reason to deny her his assistance, Sylas could not ignore the true pain that was held behind her steel grey eyes. To say he wouldn't have done the same had he learned of the things she had would have been a lie and it was the only reason he gave her an affirmative nod. "Thank you, Sylas. You truly have been the kindest of all to me here. I will name a child after you when the time comes." Allorysse chuckled jokingly and squeezed his arm, continuing off in the direction of her and Robbs rendezvous point.

The soft rapping of knuckles on his door caused Bran to shoot up quickly. He smiled once he saw it was Robb and continued looking back through the book he was reading. "What do you have there?" Robb lifted the tattered book cover into view, hardly being able to make out the wording sprawled across it.

"The Story of the Mad King. It's sad isn't it? That someone could be so corrupted by power they just allow their kingdom to fall to shambles. I would never go mad if I were king. Or even a lord of my own kingdom." The confidence in Brans voice made Robb smile. His brother was always so adventurous, so thirsty for knowledge and justice that his rule of the North would no doubt be one to rival even that of his father. Bran was strong and knowing that made leaving a little easier on him.

Of course he had made the rounds to his other siblings, chatting away Arya and Sansa about their different views on weddings and tucking his youngest brother, Rickon in for the night. He had read him his favorite story, The Bear and the Maiden Fair before making his way to Brans room. It would be easy for the others to adjust to his absence, they would have the fond memories that he left behind with them. Bran, on the other hand, was receiving the entirety of the North at the loss of the eldest son. The weight of that responsibility falling onto the shoulders of his young brother caused the most guilt in Robbs heart and he had to make the last interaction with Bran special.

"You will make a remarkable something, soon enough, brother. You are destined for greatness and a life of overwhelming happiness. Never let anyone tell you otherwise, all right? You are Brandon Stark, second of his name and son of Eddard Stark, the greatest Lord of Winterfell to ever live. Forgetting that would be foolish." He pulled his brother into a tight hug, one of which Bran didn't understand but he could tell that something weighed heavy on Robbs mind, so he returned the embrace.

They separated after a moment and Robb wiped away any tears that had formed in his eyes. "Enough of this sappy nonsense, you have reading to do. I'll leave you to it but don't stay up too late, tomorrow is a big day for the kingdom." He opened the door and disappeared into the hallway, leaving his brother for the last time.

The air began to grow cold as Robb and Allorysse made their way towards the darkening bay. Only one figure stood at the very end and they knew without having to strain their vision that it was Joffrey. Urgent yelling could be heard once they grew closer and the figure approached them quickly. "Hurry up, they have only agreed to stay a few minutes longer and they only get angrier the more you make their precious shipment wait." Joffrey hissed, motioning for them to follow at a quickened pace towards one of the only boats that remained. They did as instructed and were soon met with a rough looking female who sneered down at them.

"This is the cargo you wanted me to wait for? You didn't tell me it would be people. I do not take people out of the realm, Prince Joffrey and you are aware of that." The womans harsh, foreign tone stung their ears and nervousness ate at them as they watched the exchange of words.

"I believe I payed you enough to do whatever it is ask of you, Jyra but if it is more you require then, please, allow me to sweeten the deal." He pulled a bag of coins from the pocket of his breeches and tossed it in her direction. "Feed them, give them ample clothing, and assure they reach Volantis alive or it will be the last legal trade you make in Westeros. I will see to that." Joffrey sneered and the woman raised a brow before giving in and urging them to hurry aboard.

Allorysse stopped before getting aboard, taking Joffrey's hand in hers tightly, "I can never repay you for what you have done for me, Prince Joffrey. I am forever in your debt and shall we ever meet again, I will sing praises of you in the highest regards. Thank you." The smile that came to Joffreys lips at her gratefulness was almost genuine and he bowed his head.

"No, thank you princess, you have no idea what kind of joy this act of kindness has given. To live your life happily is all I ask of you in return. The praises do sound fitting though so let's keep that part." He winked in her direction before she boarded the ship.

Once they were safely in the ship, a few crew members lifted the gangway and began to leave the port. Both plans had gone so well and Joffrey was well prepared for the chaos about the ensue in the city of Kings Landing.

||Hello again, dearest readers! As you can see I decided to post another chapter tonight as a way of saying sorry for my long absence. Your continued support means the world to me and I hope this chapter suffices until the next, which will be about Robb and Allorysses journey to Volantis and the beginning of the Kings Landing chaos! Be sure to review, favorite, and/or follow!

Happy Reading,

Ilyria Maslan