Can't wait for the second movie to come out! Anyway I have only watched till episode 30, A view to a Skrill Part I. So there may be mentions of things until that point.

Word Count: 2k Aprox

Warning: Some blood and character deaths.

Disclaimer: I do not own How to Train your Dragon

Chapter 01

They were falling but Hiccup couldn't bring himself to scream even when their bodies hit the cold waters of Berk. Instead he bit the side of his cheek to avoid any sound to escape his lips when the impact jarred his wounded right shoulder, a lucky arrow was buried in his flesh, thankfully Toothless hadn't noticed yet.

With one arm disabled and a prosthesis in his leg, Hiccup couldn't hope to reach the surface, but he didn't feel afraid, it was impossible to feel that way when he knew his companion was so close by.

As if his thoughts had summoned him, Hiccup felt something position itself beneath him and before he knew it the still lanky teen was gasping for air, he leaned against Toothless muscled neck and patted the closest part of the dragon he could reach with his good arm.

"Thanks bud" he mumbled with his eyes closed, trying to ignore the screams of anger, fear and pain all around him.

They were in the middle of a war against the Berserkers, one that had been going on for a month at least. Hiccup lost track of time after the first couple of weeks. It was obvious already that neither side would win, but Dagur continued to push on. So many lives have been lost.

A worried whine from Toothless shook him out of his dark thoughts.

"Don't worry Toothless" he said softly, letting the dragon steer them to the closest ship which to their luck had Dagur on it. The human-made fin was no more, so they couldn't attack from the sky.

Thankfully their fall hadn't been spotted and much couldn't be seen in the dead of the night, the smoke coming from the burning ships helped too. The sea was full of floating bodies (corpses really), in a way making it easier for them to camouflage.

One of those bodies choose that moment to bump against Hiccup's left side, he did his best to just push it away but he was shaking too much, and it wasn't just the cold and exhaustion. A glimpse of pale blond hair from the corner of his eyes filled him with dread. As if in auto pilot he turned to the body, knowing his thoughts, Toothless stopped his movement as well and turned his head to look at whatever caught Hiccup's attention.

With a terrible shaking hand, Hiccup turned the body around. A Toothless like whine escaped his lips at the sight.

"Tuffnut…" Hiccup breathed, incapable of dragging away his eyes from the glazed ones of one of his best friends. Unbidden, tears started to run down his cheeks, his good hand came up to his head to grip his hair tightly.

The twins and Hiccup were the only ones left alive from the original gang. Dagur finally had managed to kill all of them, because if Tuffnut was dead that meant that Ruffnut would be too. The twins never were far from each other.

"I'm the only one left" he whispered, trying to come to terms with it and failing spectacularly. The sound of another ship bursting to flames not that far away from them had him snapping out of his self-pity, from there he could barely heard the cackling laugh of the source of his suffering. Hate filed his being and he growled, very much like Toothless did when angry.

"This time" Hiccup mumbled to his dragon "This time for sure"

He didn't need to say anything else, without a backward glance to the dead body he urged Toothless forward. With nary a thought he pulled the arrow away from his shoulder, using the pain to continue on.

Tonight they would end it, that or die trying.

"Hiccup! So nice of you to join us!" Dagur yelled, laughing maniacally right after, easily ignoring Hiccup's glare. The taller man didn't seem to find surprising that Hiccup and Toothless were on the deck.

Both were soaking wet, but their state didn't make their glares any less potent. Dagur was unaffected but the rest of his men took an involuntary step back.

"This ends tonight" Hiccup hissed, the amount of hate he felt should have scared him, but he was way beyond caring.

"It does" Dagur agreed uncharacteristically serious as he met Hiccup's stare dead on "I accept your einvigi"

"Now?! After all the suffering you caused?!" Hiccup roared.

Einvigi was a duel between two Vikings with no other rules. Hiccup proposed it the day the war started in hope of avoiding the bloodshed. The chiefs of the villages would fight after setting down what they would get out of the duel if they won.

Dagur, unsurprisingly, had refused time and time again.

"This wouldn't have happened if you didn't lie to me Hiccup! We were brothers and you betrayed me!" Dagur justified "You choose the dragon over me!"

Hiccup clenched his fists, knowing it was no use to defend himself against the accusations, everyone knew that Dagur would be doing the same even if he didn't have an excuse. No, Dagur was doing it because he loved to watch the world burn.

"And I won't rest until you feel the same pain!" Dagur laughed maniacally.

"We were never brother's in the first place" Hiccup mumbled and threw himself against the older boy with a vengeance, on his left arm was one of his latest contraptions, based on the shield he did so long ago "Insane bastard!"

Dagur answered with another laugh and met Hiccup's weapon with his own sword "Why thank you!" He hissed back, glaring at the men who tried to help him "Stay back! Hiccup is mine!"

"Toothless, this is between Dagur and me!" Hiccup said at the same time and turned back to the fight. He ducked a strike to his head, using the movement to try and trip Dagur but the latter easily dodged.

"You were always weak Hiccup" Dagur taunted, dodging all of Hiccup's attacks, easily parrying back "Without your Night Fury you are nothing!"

Hiccup instead of getting angry, smiled and used his injured right arm to activate part of his weapon. A grappling line shoot from the contraption of his arm, Dagur's eyes widened but he jumped to the side in time.

"Ha! Like that could catch me-" "Who said it was for that?"

Hiccup activated the second part and was dragged forward before Dagur could react

Dagur cursed and tried to step back but Hiccup was already inside his defense, his arm pulled back to punch him in the gut. The hit was surprisingly strong, and Hiccup focused on his enemy's solar plexus to drive the air out of the taller man.

"I will defeat you" Hiccup whispered, he quickly used his smaller frame to his advantage to hit Dagur in the unprotected parts of his body before jumping back, avoiding Dagur counter attack and retracting the hook on the way. Hiccup didn't waste time he used the other function of his weapon, a sort of small crossbow.

As the arrow flew Hiccup followed up by closing on Dagur again, correctly guessing that Dagur was fast enough to dodge the arrow, moving right into Hiccup's retractile blade.

Hiccup tried to ignore the way the blade buried itself deep in Dagur's flesh. The man's eyes were wide open, as if he couldn't believe Hiccup of all people just went for the kill. The teen couldn't believe it either.

"You..." Dagur coughed, blood dripping down his shin. Hiccup's own eyes widened and took a shaky step back, taking the blade out on the process.

Dagur fell to his knees, much to the protests of his men who were watching in shook. Toothless growled in approval.

"I'm sorry it had to end this way Dagur" Hiccup mumbled, with a jerk of his arm the blade was back in the weapon strapped to his arm.

"I'm not!" Dagur said with a deranged grin "Attack them!"

Hiccup cursed and pointed to the sky, the grappling line shooting up to the mast and taking him away from immediate danger.

"Cheating bastard!" Hiccup yelled, but he already knew Dagur wouldn't keep his end of the deal. But with the man dead the army wouldn't have a clear leader and fight would break between themselves to find one.

A roar made him look down to Toothless, the dragon was doing quick work of the men around him. Hiccup smiled and used the line to swing by and reach Toothless, Hiccup dropped by his side, taking out another man in the process.

"Hiccup!" The call had made everyone pause. Hiccup looked at the source of the yell, Dagur. The man was being supported by one of his men, while another had a familiar figure in his hold.


The female twin tried to get free of the man holding her, but before she could do much, Dagur took out a dagger and buried it in the girl's neck.

"Hic-" She managed to whisper before they let her go and she dropped to the ground.

"RUFFNUT!" Hiccup yelled and tried to get to her, even if he knew she was probably dead, but his shook at seeing his last friend alive gave Dagur's men time enough to capture him "Let me go!"

Toothless roared nearby, but he had to stop when Dagur threatened Hiccup with the same dagger he killed Ruffnut with.

"And now!" Dagur yelled between heavy breaths "For the final act, you will see your precious dragon die! You will watch and do nothing! Because you will always be Hiccup the Useless" Dagur hissed by Hiccup's ear.

"No…" Hiccup whispered, he jerked trying to get out of the grip "Toothless, run!" He screamed, but Toothless only whined and stood still, he would not let Hiccup be harmed because of him.

"Take me instead, please don't harm Toothless" He begged much to Dagur's pleasure.

"Okay" He said brightly, Dagur made to kill Hiccup but only hit him instead. To the surprise of everyone Dagur then fell to his knees "You won the Einvigi Hiccup" The man mumbled, putting a hand to his side and then brought it to his face, it came out bloodied. Dagur knew he would not survive, a manic grin appeared on his face -But I will take the Night Fury with me-

Too bad he wouldn't be able to watch Hiccup's suffering.

"Kill the beast!" He screamed with the last of his forces.


Hiccup used his prosthesis to hit the man who held him back, he growled and the grip loosened enough to sprint to Toothless who was being held down by a dozen of men or so. A sword was brought down, its target, Toothless. Before it could make contact, Hiccup got in the way.

Pain exploded in his left shoulder and he was thrown to the side of the deck.

Hiccup could barely see Toothless going feral and destroying everyone around him. His gaze moved to Ruffnut's unmoving body and then to Dagur's, the man had finally succumbed to the injury.

A black shadow made him look up to the crouched form of Toothless. Belatedly Hiccup realized that the dragon was still protecting him.

"T-Toothless" He whispered, he watched as the dragon immediately turned to him and crooned "I'm so sorry" Hiccup said, wanting desperately to bring a hand up to the dragon, but the pain didn't let him move.

"Dieeeeeeeeee!" A man screamed an axe over his head but Toothless used his tail to throw him away. Hiccup chuckled, ignoring the pain it brought him "Take care… bud"

Toothless eyes widened before determination filled him. He positioned himself over Hiccup this time and prepared to defend his human companion to his last breath. In a way the dragon knew that Hiccup was beyond help, but that didn't stop him from staying.


As if the gods had seen their suffering, their refusal to let the other die, they sent a bolt of lighting over the pair so strong that the ship they were on was completely obliterated.

- The gods hate me- Was Hiccup's last humorous thought before everything turned white.

Hiccup next opened his eyes to the feeling of his finger triggering "The Mangler", the invention that brought down a Night Fury.

Should I continue? Please let me know!