A/N: Welcome to the next segment of the story!

Some basic warnings before I start rambling (like I always do):
Eventual Spamano (probably)
Implied PruCan and GerIta (plus others if I feel like it)
The highly probably chance of shit hitting the fan. It happens.
Starts off kinda…sad, I guess you could say.

Anyway, my goal with this is to keep it light humored, and have be amusing, I guess. That's the goal, anyway. It may change, since I have no idea what I am doing with this yet! I got some little ideas here and there, but that's it.

For those of you who are new, I highly suggest reading the previous stories. I really do, because there are loads of references from the previous stories. There is random things in here, including demons. But not Creeper. Nope! Not at all. Well, maybe. I dunno.

Anyway, enjoy the chapter, and above all the story~!

Lovino's POV

The beeps from the machines are the only sound in the room. He looks pale. So fucking pales. I can't take it. It's been 3 months and he still hasn't woken up. The doctors are doubting he ever will. They say I have to choose if I want him to live or not.

How can a fucking 16 year old choose whether to let his grandfather live or not?! Feli can't help. I don't want him to, anyway.

"Nonno, you fucking bastard, I need to your fucking help, dammit. " I shake my head. "You told me that if I need ducking help you would be there. And you aren't fucking here. Dammit, I'm not ready for this."

I glance at my watch. 5:30. Time to go. "Sorry, Nonno. Gotta go. You know what it fucking is. Family business, right?"

I turn and look at the bed one last time. I remember when Feliciano and I found him. It had looked like a robbery. In the middle of all the mess was Nonno, looking sick and pale. Feliciano tried to wake him up while I called the cops. It seemed off, and still seems off.

My phone goes off, and I growl, checking who it is. When I see the name, my irritation increases. "What the hell do you want, bastard?"

"Lovi, you're so cold." I can hear the fucking pout in his voice, my God.

I walk out of the hospital quickly. "Dammit Antonio, I don't have time for your shit."


"Shut up and tell me what you want. I have to go to fucking work soon." He doesn't know what I do. I can't let him find out.

"I wanted to talk to you, Lovi! You still have to get Feli, right?"

"Yes, but I have to fucking drive, asshole. I'm a responsible driver."

"Lovi, you're a speed demon…"

"What's your fucking point?"

"You aren't exactly the poster child for 'responsible drive', Lovi."

"Whatever, bastard. I have to fucking go."

"But Loviii-" Click. He immediately starts texting me. I throw the phone in the glove box.

"Feliciano! Hurry the fuck up!" I scream from the window of my car while urgently pressing the horn. I hate coming here to pick this dumbass up. One of these days that-

"LOVI!" I totally didn't scream like a little bitch when some asshole hits the roof of my car.

I jump out of my car and hit said asshole. "You fucking bastard!"

"Ow! Lovi, that hurt!"

"Antonio. What the fuck?!"

"I wanted to see you, Lovi!"

"I thought I told you no!"

"You said you couldn't talk on the phone." I a curious look crosses his face. "Where are you going, all fancied up like that, Lovi?"

I roll my eyes. "Family shit I gotta do, dumbass."

"I thought you had work."

"I do."


"I work for my family, idiotta."

"What does your family do?"

"It's a fucking secret, now get the fuck out of my business. I never invited you to stick your nose in it."

"Awwwww. But Loviiiiiiiiiiiii!"

"FRATELLO!" I hear a random scream, and I swear to fucking God, I'm almost relieved.

"Feliciano. Finally. Let's fucking get out of here."


Antonio stops me before I get in the car. "Lovino, don't go. Please."

"What the fuck?!"

"Just…trust me."

"I have to go, asshole." I jerk my arm out of his hold and get in the car before speeding off.

An abandoned building. It always is an abandoned building. I grab my pistol from the glove compartment. "Ready, Feliciano?"

"Si, fratello."


The inside is so…empty. Which is to be expected of an old fucking building. Naturally. The odd thing was all the bodies lying everywhere. They seemed to have been killed recently. "F-Fra…Romano…." Feliciano pulls at my sleeve.

"What is it, Vene*?" Something doesn't seem right here…

"What is that thing?"

I turn and see what he's looking at. I…have no idea what the fuck it is. It looks human, but it isn't. It obviously isn't, if that creepy aura is anything to go off of. It's a little girl, I'm pretty sure, anyway. Her white-blonde hair reaches down to her waste in a tangled mess. Her white dress was torn at the bottom and dyed red. She tilts her head to the side. "You came to play with me…?"

I shake my head. "Ahhhhh, n-no, bambina. We came here to-"

"But I want someone to play with me!" I could see her red and…silver? Eyes peaking at me now.

I laugh nervously. "Feli, we've been set up!" I whisper to him. "We gotta get out now!" He nods quickly. "I'll distract her, but you gotta run and get the eyebrow bastard. He deals with this shit, right? We need help!" I turn back to the little girl. "Alright, sweetie, I'll play with you. What do you want to play?" I vaguely hear the door close behind me.

She giggles. "Catch!"

"C-catch? That's an odd game…"


I put my hands up in surrender. "A-alright! We can play catch!"

She giggles and jumps for joy. "Yay! I love catch! But it's not the normal catch! The rules are different!"


"You have to run~! Before I catch you~!"

"What if you catch me?" It is soooo fucking hard not to shake. I can tell she isn't human.

She lets out an insane cackle. "I kill you~!" I run to the door. And, of fucking course, it's fucking locked.

"Shit shit shit shit shit shitshitshitshitshitshitfuck!" I start running across the room, looking for any exit. I can hear her laughing the entire time. I start shooting at her, hoping to hit her.

"That's cheating!" Suddenly the gun is ripped from my grasp and I just focus my energy on sprinting away from her.

I dare not look fucking back. I don't want to know how close she is. "Aha!" I found a window, finally.


Of course, I trip on one of the goddamned bodies in the room and land in a puddle of the blood. "Fuck."

I turn on my back to see the girl right behind me. I start to scoot back before she fucking steps on me and then sits on me. She fucking sits on me. It's fucking uncomfortable.

And my fucking suit is stained. Goddamnit, I need to get another one soon.

Dammit, Lovino, focus! Your clothes is the least of your worries! There is a fucking demonic child sitting on you with a fucking knife! And she fucking intends to use it!

She giggles. "Caught you~!"

A/N: Oh my God, this is the first chapter, and it already is veering off from what I was going to do. My God. I will never know how I do that.

I know. I'm a cruel author, no? Immediately start off with a cliff hanger. It was just too juicy not too! But! It will ensure that people will stay to see how Lovi gets out of this. Or will he? Ahhhh, my sadistic side is coming out.

Anyway, leave a review, because I love hearing opinions so much! Bye bye!