Author's Note:

For so long, I have wanted to work on this. Now, I've decided to just go for it. While these may be short, this is a fanfiction I've always wanted to write.

I hope everyone who reads this will enjoy.

"Glomp!" She exclaimed as she tackled him from behind.

"Argh!" He let out as she tackled him. He only just managed to keep himself from falling over by grabbing onto the corner of the bookshelf with his right hand.

He turned his head to find her smiling face looking at him, and then he smiled at her. "Hi Jinx. Visiting again?" He asked.

Jinx let go of him and pushed him, more like shoved him, toward the shelf. "Nah. I heard there were new books. I wanna see'em!" She said with surprising restraint. Any other time, one would think she'd just rush forward to do so on her own, even if she didn't know where the books in question where.

He caught himself before he collided with the shelf, and then adjusted his footing. He didn't mind her nature, he knew what to expect when he first spoke with her, but he worried of her safety whenever she did come to visit him.

When he went to visit her, he didn't worry about his safety. When she came to visit him, he was always concerned for her safety.

"How did you even know there would be a new shipment of books today?" He asked as he turned his head to face her. Despite her actions toward him, he was smiling a little, which was his response to most situations when he did not have control over but could influence. With Jinx, that was wherever she was.

The Loose Cannon smiled that maniac smile of hers that said she'd either start blowing stuff up or ruining everyone else's while brightening her own. "I broke into your room while you were sleeping last week." She replied. "I thought about stalking the Institute for a few days until I saw some big crates, but… Fishbones said they might just teleport in." She added, and then held up her rocket launcher.

She held it in place with her left hand as she opened and closed its mouth with her right to make it speak. "I told her not to intrude, but she didn't want to listen." She said in her Fishbones voice.

She then put it back on her back and leaned toward him with a smile. "Now, where are they Bookworm?" She asked, using her pet name for him.

He took a deep breath and shook his head, then turned and started toward his office. "Well, if you want to help me look through them, you can, but it will likely be dangerous." He warned.

Jinx only laughed and followed after him, skipping as she did until she was next to him. She then leaned forward to look him in the eyes and smiled cutely at him. "That's why I want to! Safe is boring and not fun, but dangerous is exciting and exciting is fun!" She said as she threw her arms into the air.

"You do know that I made a room specifically for safety, right?" He asked her with a casual and friendly tone.

She frowned and looked up in thought for a moment, and then looked back at him and her smile returned. "And how often do you use it?" She asked with a large, sly grin on her face.

He stopped from his stride forward and she stopped a step later. "I do not use that place because I cannot get complete results." He said with a sigh.

"Hahaha! I knew it!" Jinx laughed before she started walking again, and then turned to face him and stopped. "So. Where are they? I want to look through them!" She said, excitement dripping from her every word.

At least she wasn't looking through the library like she had before, but, then again, she was probably aware that he had already placed them elsewhere and out of the reach of the public and her. There were actually special circumstances in place just for her… and after a previous misadventure.

"Alright, but you have to promise to not do anything cr-" He began, but paused when he realized what he was about to say.

Sadly, Jinx knew exactly what he was about to say, and so she finished it for him. "Anything crazy, destructive, chaotic, involving guns or explosives, and intending to devastate and destroy anything?" She smiled and turned around, taking a few steps away from him. She stopped and turned her head back a little, just getting him in her view. "Am I right?" She asked.

He let out another sigh. "Alright, alright. I'll let you help me with the examination of the new books, but this is after the library closes." He said.

Jinx frowned, looked over his shoulder toward the other people of the library, staff and readers alike, and then smiled manically. She readied Fishbones on her left shoulders and adjusted Pow-Pow on her hip right hip with her right hand. "EVERYBODY!" She shouted; Pow-Pow's mini-turrets extending and Fishbones opening its mouth to prepare to fire. "RUN FOR YOUR LIFES AND CROWD TOWARD THE DOOR!" She shouted.

Immediately, everyone began running for the exit, pushing and shoving and dropping whatever they had in their mad dash for the exit. In almost a minute, the library was empty save for him and her.

Jinx fixed Fishbones onto her back and Pow-Pow on her hip, closing her rocket launcher's mouth and retracting the turrets of her minigun. She smiled innocently and leaned toward him with a wink. "Looks like you're closed now, Bookworm." She said.

He closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then shook his head as he let out a long sigh. He then looked at her and smiled a little. "Never a dull moment when you're around." He muttered to himself before he began leading her to the room with the new books.

Jinx laughed as she followed him. "I thought about shooting into the crowd, but then you probably would have teleported me away."

"I FOUND A GOOD ONE!" Jinx shouted over the roar of hurricane force winds.

He moved against the force of the wind, trying to get to the book from which the wind came from. "I told you to not open them without first reading the title!" He shouted.

"I did read it!" Jinx shouted as she hung on to the door frame, keeping herself in the room as she too fought to advance against the wind. "It said tempest something! I thought it was one of Windy's books!" She shouted.

He threw up his barrier spell to quicken his advance, and then used his stifle spell on it. The raging winds suddenly stopped, causing several of the books and papers that had been flying around the room and outside of it to fall to the floor and settle. Quickly, he closed the book before his spells ended, and then let out a sigh of relief.

"Can I keep it!?" Jinx asked from behind him.

He turned around to see her lying down with her upper half propped up by her arms, a smile plastered on her face. He looked at the book he held then to her, and then placed it inside a safe and closed it. "No." He said simply.

She pouted, puffing up her cheeks and glaring at him with a frown. "You know that piece of junk won't keep me from it." She said.

He shrugged as he looked at her, meeting her eyes with a causal expression. "Sorry, but restricted books are not to be taken out of this room." He said.

Jinx lied down on her arms, cushioning her chin on her arms, and continued to pout at him. Her pouting face with puffed-up cheeks always did make her look really cute. "You never let me liven up this place." She said.

He frowned. "That's not true." He said. "I did add my explosive spell to the books people try to copy illegally. Plus, the golems are equipped with turret shots." He added.

She rolled over onto her back, raised her legs up, and then jumped up to her feet. She then began to gather up her things, Pow-Pow, Fishbones, her flame choppers, and Zapper, before playfully stepping toward the bookshelf in the corner of the room. "Next book!" She said as she looked for a good one. "Which one? Which one? Which one looks the most fun?" She asked herself as her hand glided over the row.

He snapped his fingers to stop her, and she turned her heard to see him point to the door. "Wait until I know the title, or-"

She looked back and pulled a book from the shelf. "Keepers of the Grove." She read, and then opened the door.

Immediately, thick roots began to grow from the book, across the room, outside of it, over furniture, and, in a matter of seconds, turned the area of the library, and the room for that matter, into a small jungle; complete with growing leaves.

"Jinx." He began from above her as he dropped down from one vine to another. He leaned his arms against the tangle of thick, wooden vines and smiled from outside the brown and green prison. "Close the book." He said. "Please?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

She smiled and laughed a little, and then closed the book, but the plant life did not disappear. "Can you get me out of here?" She asked. "I can't reach my toys." She added.

He took a deep breath. "I'm tempted to call Champions Caitlyn and Vi and let them know you've caught yourself." He said. She puffed up her cheeks as she silently pouted. He laughed at the look on her face and looked away. "Alright. I'll teleport you in a minute." He said, and then began to get off and out of the tangled mess.

When he arrived outside of the reach of vines, he began his spell to teleport Jinx out of her self-made prison. A moment later, and she was right in front of him. "Next book!" She exclaimed with her hand up and marching toward the restricted room.

She was stopped by him grabbing her and pulling her back, which caused her to turn her head to him and glare a little. "What?" She asked with an annoyed tone.

"No 'next book'. At least not until that mess is cleaned up." He said pointing to the vines and roots coming out of the room. "And no fire!" He quickly added as he saw her going for one of her flame chomps.

"You're no fun." She pouted.

"You have a different definition of 'fun' than I do." He said, and then let her go. "Anyway, you've driven everyone out of the library for the day and trapped me outside of my office."

"All in a day's work for your friendly, neighborhood lunatic!" She said proudly.

"Right…" He said. "Up for a match?" He asked causally, starting out of the library.

Jinx followed him, walking with her hands folded behind her head and a smile on her face. "Nah. It's not fun when people come back. Let's go do something really fun!" She said.

He shrugged. "Surprise me." He said before letting her take the lead.