Disclaimer: I don't own Alex Rider or any of those characters. I'm just going to put this for the rest of the book.

I changed the it to first person because I'm a lot more used to writing in first person. If I do change POV's in middle of the chapter I'll say so, but if it's in Alex's POV then I won't bother saying anything.

Chapter 1

I was running, Scorpia was behind me. Suddenly I was in a cell with Three laughing at me. Jack was falling to the floor crimson outlining her fiery red hair-. I woke up with a start. It was just another bad dream. Sliding out of bed I decided to take a shower. Since I lived alone, I turned on the lights and started to work. Since I'm away so often, I always have schoolwork to catch up on and, this is when I manage to get most of it done. It had been a long since I had gotten a good night's sleep. Jack was dead, the Bank was giving me time to grieve, and I knew that. But it had been one month, and I technically wasn't supposed to be living on my own. The call to come into work would come soon. And I'm not so sure that it was unwelcome, after all, spying runs in the family

One day later it the call came.

"This is Rider, what do you want." I snapped into the phone.

"The Royal and General would like to speak with you about your account." Came the reply.

"I'll be over in 20 minutes." I responded

"A driver will come and-" Attempted the secretary

"No need, I'll take the tube." With that I shut the phone off and grabbed my jacket.

It took 22 minutes to get to the bank. Not that I cared, Blunt and Jones could wait. Crossing the road I was about to enter the bank when I looked nervously at the pavement to my left. The security guard noticed and assured me they had upped the security around here. Striding though the doors I made my way to the secretary.

"May I help you?" She asked

"Yes, I would like to access my account." I replied

"Your number?" She questioned


"Please go right in, Mr. Blunt is waiting for you." She said. I nodded and entered the elevator. It was funny really, after two years I could have found Blunt's office while sleeping. Most of the younger agents never even met Blunt. And here I was getting my orders directly from the guy. Though, anyone who doesn't meet him is lucky.

With those happy thoughts I opened the doors without any ceremony and then promptly slammed them shut behind me. Mrs. Jones hid a smile; I was probably the only one who would ever get away with any disrespectful behavior. Not that I would ever abuse that knowledge, oh no, not at all.

"You can't live by yourself, so we are going to give you a choice. You can live with an agent and go to school, of course taking time off for work. Or you can go to Brecon Beacons and become part of K-Unit again. You would still be pulled for M16 work and be classified as an agent; however you would also be taking part in SAS missions. Ben Daniels would be there occasionally as well." Blunt said, well quite bluntly. For the first time in forever, I was quiet. I was stunned and how blunt it was. I knew I shouldn't be surprised; this was all exactly like Blunt. Finally I asked

"Would I get a tutor at Brecon Beacons?" Mrs. Jones cut in quickly and said

"Yes, for both agent work and school work. You will still graduate high school; however it will be to a schedule that fits." I nodded slowly to this, and then said five words that sealed my life for the next two years.

"I'll go to Brecon Beacons."

"A car will pick you up tomorrow at 8 in the morning. Be sure to pack everything you will need. Anything you would like while you are on leave, pack and put in a different pile. After you leave some agents will go over and pack everything else up and put it into storage. That way no one will mess with it. The house will still be in your name for when you come back." Blunt triumphantly said with the smallest hint of a smirk.

Two hours later I found myself finished packing. Sighing as I put down the picture of Ian, Tom, Jack, and me I reluctantly called Tom. I mean, what was I supposed to say?

"Hey Alex! What's up?" Asked Tom cheerfully

"Could you, come over now?" I whispered, my throat had gone suddenly dry.

"Thank thank you, I've been dying for a reason to get out of this house all day! I'll see you in five." Tom said happily, not at all catching my mood. When Tom hung up the phone I just sat there staring. I had decided to pack up most of the house as well; just to be sure they didn't miss anything. Boxes littered the floor. For the first time in my life, the house felt empty. Empty of all life and memories. The door crashing open startled me.

"Al? Where are you?" Tom yelled

"I'm in the living room." I called. Tom strode in warily looking around, taking in all the boxes and my sad expression.

"What's going on? What's with all the moving boxes?" asked Tom hesitantly.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. I won't be back for two years; they're putting all my stuff into storage so nothing happens to it." I finally whispered.

"Where are you going? Not on another mission, right?" Tom yelped in shock

"No, I'm going to Brecon Beacons. I'll be staying with K-Unit, when we go on leave I can probably see you though." I admitted with bated breath.

"Will you be doing MI6 work and SAS missions?" asked Tom. I hesitantly nodded. Tom was quiet; he wasn't stupid. Both of us understood what this meant. Even though we are best friends, not contacting for a year or two would mean we would drift apart. It was just a part of life.

"Well, if this is your last night here, let's make it perfect." Tom said optimistically. I relaxed. For some reason I had been terrified of what Tom would think. Then grinned and replied.


Thanks for reading and to anyone who leaves a review!