Adult/mature content here! Don't like, don't read, and such.

Now… This is my GenRai side story for my other work Warmth For My Mongrel Heart, because they're my current obsession. Yay! (Though, as said, it can be read separately). This will have lots of smut and maybe even a tickling fetish of sorts… (Nothing too kinky or weird). Not sure why, but it's my current theme these days.

Hand in hand, we walk blind.

Raido yawned and stretched his stiff muscles when he awoke one morning before the alarm went off. He turned onto his side to face his sleeping lover and smiled. Genma's messy hair hung halfway over his face and he reached out to gently push it back. Genma's eyebrows twitched and he mumbled something unintelligible about frogs and senbons as he dreamed.

Raido had to stifle his laughter. "You're such a doofus…" He murmured affectionately.

He watched Genma sleeping for a while, too awake now to drift off again. He suddenly found himself thinking back on their relationship and at how far they'd come together. Sometimes he was still surprised at how oblivious they had been for so long. It had all started with Genma's curiosity... Who knew it would lead down a road like this?

Raido had always been a private person. His business was his own and most people respected that. Genma was not most people. He thought back to their first encounter. He had a vague recollection of a boy with a senbon in his mouth during the entrance ceremony, not officially meeting him until the first day of class when he sat beside him...

"Yo," Genma had greeted.

Raido merely replied with a grunt and kept his eyes forward, having no interest in speaking to anyone. This didn't seem to bother Genma, or else he didn't notice. He gave Raido a closer look and he could feel himself stiffen under the unabashed gaze.

"Aren't you older than me?" He asked.

Raido glanced sideways at him. "Yeah. Probably. What's it matter?"

Genma grinned. "How old are you?"

Raido frowned, not sure why this kid was even talking to him. "10," he muttered.

Genma snickered. "Most kids start at eight, like me. What happened to you? -Are you just a shitty ninja?"

Raido felt a vein in his temple throb and he gave the other boy a sharp look, hoping he would get the hint and fuck off. This was the first time he really looked at the other boy. He had long straight brown hair covered in a bandana and a senbon between his lips, something that would grow to annoy the hell out of and turn Raido on at the same time.

"Well, whatever," Genma sniggered. "We can't all be perfect. I'm Genma, by the way."

"Raido," he said stiffly.

Genma kept grinning at him, flicking the senbon around in his mouth. "So what are you hiding under the bandage?"

Raido's eyes widened slightly as Genma reached for his face and he quickly smacked his hand away. "That's none of your business," he growled. "Don't touch me."

Genma watched him for a moment. "You obviously don't want anyone seeing it, so now I really want to know," he said. "What's under there?"

Raido glared at him. "Leave me alone."

Genma groaned dramatically. "Now I really, really want to know. I hate mysteries."

Raido chose to ignore him as he watched the Sensei walk into the classroom.

Genma leaned closer to him. "Is it a scar? Freckles? Warts? A tattoo? Come on, tell me!"

"Fuck off," he hissed as the teacher quieted everyone down and started speaking.

"Che," Genma grunted and scooted closer to him. "I'm going to find out sooner or later, so you might as well show me now."

Raido gritted his teeth in annoyance.

What the hell is with this kid?! No one has ever bothered me about this before, fucking nosy brat!

Genma stayed quiet for a few moments, allowing Raido to focus on their Sensei and hopefully letting his guard down. He cautiously reached up and…


Raido's fist made contact with his face. He was sent reeling backwards, senbon flying from his lips and he grabbed Raido's shirt, dragging him along with him. They crashed to the floor, fighting. Gai let out an excited shout from the seat behind them, cheering them on and Kakashi, who sat beside him simply rolled his eyes and stayed silent.

"What is going on here?!" Their Sensei cried, hurrying back to pull them apart.

Genma reached out, his fingers just brushing over the bandage.

-So close!

Raido kicked out at him with a snarl before they were completely separated.

"Come on, guys," the Sensei sighed. "It's the first day..."

He pushed them back into their seats and walked back to the front of the class. Raido scowled at the boy beside him and Genma simply grinned back, chocolate eyes shining as he wiped blood from his nose (Those chocolate eyes would become the bane of Raido's existence in later years when Genma would give him the puppy dog look. He could never say no to it!). Raido had to resist the urge to hit him again and turned away. He took a deep breath to calm himself. He wasn't used to getting worked up about anything. He was normally so calm, but this kid was really pissing him off.

Raido was walking home from the academy when the day was over, thankful to finally be alone. He rubbed at the bandage on his face.

Like hell I would ever let anyone see this! It's too much of a reminder…

He heard racing footsteps behind him and his eyes widened as he was suddenly tackled to the ground.

"Found you," Genma said, grinning.

Raido whipped his body around and shoved at him. They spent several minutes wrestling, each trying to get the upper hand. Genma managed to get out on top as Raido was forced to guard his face.

"Hah!" Genma panted in victory as he pinned his arms above his head.

Raido growled, just as out of breath.

"You can't run away from me, Raido-kun," he said, smirking. "Once I decide something, I have to follow through with it and that means I'll do whatever's necessary to achieve my goal."

Raido scowled at him and squirmed, Genma needing both hands to keep his pinned.

"I'm not above cheating either," Genma continued. "I'll tickle you if I need to."

Raido's eyes widened and he squirmed more.

He wouldn't dare.

"F-Fuck off- Nya!"

Genma quickly reached down and pressed his fingers into his ribs just below his armpits and he started flailing. He let out a very feminine squeak as he started laughing.

Oh, god. He found my most ticklish spot right off the bat! Fuck!

Genma snickered above him. "Oh, man... You're really ticklish. Perfect."

He made sure Raido was very well distracted before reaching for the bandage. Raido tried turning to the side to hide his face, but he was helpless to stop him as he shrieked with laughter. Genma grabbed the edge of the bandage and tugged, just as someone yanked him back by the collar. Raido quickly sat up and backed away, hand over his face.

"Genma! What did I tell you about bullying other students?!"

"Aw, Sis," he groaned, trying to get out of her grip. "We're only playing."

His older sister rolled her eyes. "Playing, my ass," she snapped. "We're going home."

She started dragging Genma away by the collar. "What?! Fuck off, Sis! What are you even doing here?!"

"Keeping you out of trouble!" She cried. "Mom sent me to retrieve you… And watch your damn language!"

"Seriously?!" He cried back and grumbled a bit before looking back at Raido, who was still on the ground. "I'll find out eventually, Raido-kun!" He called, grinning.

Raido gave him the finger and he could hear him laughing. He felt an embarrassed flush come over him as he realized that a younger kid had managed to pin him and find out his most embarrassing secret in a matter of minutes.

That cheeky brat will be the death of me…

And that was how their strange friendship began. Genma continued to harass him every day about the bandage, it soon turning into a ritual for them. A game they would play every time they saw each other.

"You're going to show me one day, Raido," he had panted after losing a wrestling match. "So there better actually be something under there or I'm going to be really pissed!"

Raido jumped as the alarm clock went off, jolting him from his memories. Genma groaned in annoyance, burying his face in his pillow and waving his arm blindly at the bedside table until he knocked the alarm clock to the floor.

Raido chuckled. "Don't break another one," he said.

Genma grumbled into the pillow.

"You know, I love you," Raido said, grinning. "But you sleep with a really stupid look on your face."

Genma snorted indignantly and lifted his head enough to glare at him. "Rai-kun is mean this morning," he said, voice gruff with sleep.

"Well, it's stupid, but cute at the same time…" Raido said musingly.

Genma growled, still feeling groggy as he shifted closer to him and flopped himself halfway on top of his lover. Raido huffed as his weight was pushed against his chest and Genma buried his face in his neck.

"Let's skip work today," Genma mumbled tiredly against his skin.

"I wish we could," Raido sighed, running a hand through the other's hair.

Genma licked him. "Stupid and cute, huh…?" He murmured.

Raido squealed when Genma let out a snarl and started biting his neck playfully.

"G-Gen!" He laughed and squirmed.

Genma hissed quietly as Raido's thigh rubbed against his cock. "Nn… Rai-kun is the cute one here," he said, finding himself more awake.

He shifted again, nudging himself between Raido's legs and letting his full weight press against him. Raido moaned, hips bucking automatically.

"I'm really glad you're naked," Genma purred, snaking his fingers around to his backside. "Ahh… And you're still wet back here…"

Raido blushed. "W-What did you expect after last night?" He pouted. "I've leaked all over the sheets."

Genma chuckled and sucked at his collarbone. Raido inhaled sharply as two fingers slipped inside him and he found himself thinking about their childhood again.

To believe we'd be doing stuff like this now… My younger self would be mortified…

As the years passed, people had started referring to them as best friends, something Raido had vehemently denied for the longest time. He had refused to admit how much he actually enjoyed being around the younger boy. He was too bossy, stubborn, cocky, and a complete smart-ass most of the time, a total contrast to his own calm and reserved personality. Though he had been annoyed to realize that Genma was the only person that could ever get him riled up, something Genma had been pleased to notice. They also spent quite a bit of their time together, something else Raido would deny.

Not until Raido had become a Chunin, at the age of 14 did he realize how much he needed Genma in his life. With him still being a Genin, they no longer went out on missions together. He missed him. He actually missed the person he proclaimed to hate the most. It pissed him off and confused him to no end.

He could remember coming back from a long and grueling mission during the war; ready to go home, take a bath, and hide out from the world for a while, when he'd seen Genma and his team approaching. His heart actually skipped a beat when Genma grinned at the sight of him. In any normal circumstance, Raido would have been pissed at the way Genma had tackled his already sore body to the ground, but he actually found himself smiling. Never mind the fact that Genma was currently trying to tickle him in to submission, one of his favorite things to do. Raido shoved at his head, as he let out a particularly loud shriek when Genma went for his weak spot, both too distracted to see the knowing smirks their friends were giving them.

"Hah- Okay! Hahaha- Okay! I give!" He cried.

Genma stopped and rested his hands on either side of the other's head with a grin, for once not trying to get the bandage off.

"Brat," Raido muttered, pinching his cheek.

Genma's smile softened as he smacked his hand away. "I missed you," he said quietly.

Raido's heart skipped another beat and he could feel his cheeks getting hot. "You… You did?"

Genma smirked. "Of course I did, baka. You're my best friend."

And there it was. The first time one of them had actually said it out loud.

Best friend.

Raido could feel his stomach clench.

"I… I missed you too," he admitted, glancing sideways.

"Good. Now let me see-" Genma began, reaching towards his face.

"No!" Raido smacked his hand away.

"Genma, come on!" Ebisu called. "We have a mission!"

They both jumped, as if they had forgot they were out in public.

"Let's hang out tomorrow when I get back," Genma said, before rolling off of him. "I want you to help me train. The next Chunin exams are coming up."

"In four months!" Raido cried.

"I want to be ready this time!" Genma defended. "I can't have you ahead of me forever."

Raido huffed. "Yeah, okay," he said, allowing Genma to pull him to his feet.

Genma grinned and made a last ditch effort to tear the bandage from his face before trotting off to join his team.

Raido jumped as he heard banging on his door. "Raido! Oi, Raido!"

He went over and pulled the door open.

"I did it! I fucking did it!" Genma yelled triumphantly as he held up his Chunin vest. It was the day after the exam and Genma had finally received his vest.

"I was there, remember?" Raido said, rolling his eyes, but smiling as he let him into his small apartment.

Genma grinned. "So where's my present, then?"

Raido scoffed. "Like I'd give you anything, shithead. You got me scissors to cut the bandage off my face as a gift when I became Chunin!"

Genma shrugged and sniggered. "I would have given you something better if you had just shown me by now."

"Che," he grunted, flopping on the couch.

He grew lost in thought as Genma did a victory dance in his new vest.

Is it really okay to show him? I've kept it secret for so long… What if he's disgusted? No… It's Genma. He's not that shallow…

"Genma," he said, standing up again.

He stopped his movements, noticing how serious he looked. "Yeah?"

Raido took a shaky breath. "I'll show you."

"Eh…?" Genma managed in shock.

"As a present… I'll show you what's underneath…"

Genma stayed frozen for a moment, trying to comprehend his words. His eyes widened and Raido recoiled as he suddenly rushed closer.

"Okay," Genma said eagerly, watching him intently.

Raido hesitated.

No. Wait. I can't! I can't!

Genma frowned. "You don't have to…" He said, his own inner voice screaming for him to shut up.

Raido shook his head and reached trembling hands up to his face to tug the bandage away. He couldn't make eye contact with his friend as he let him look at the scars. No one else had seen them in such a long time.


"They're burns," he said, too afraid to look at Genma. "I used to live in a village right outside of Konoha. Enemy shinobi attacked and torched the place when I was six. That's what killed my parents. I was trapped in my house and I don't remember much. Just pain… I was apparently saved by some ANBU and brought here."

"Rai, I'm really sorry," Genma said, feeling his stomach clench uneasily. "I had no idea…"

"There's more," he said, trying to control his shaking hands. He tugged his t-shirt up and squeezed his eyes shut, allowing him to see the scars that ran along the side of his body, from his shoulder down to his hip.

There was silence for a few moments.

"…I spent a lot of time in the hospital after that," Raido continued. "The burns were bad and I stayed really sick for a long time. I should have died… The doctors said I wasn't strong enough to go to the academy when I was eight. That's why I was behind…" He trailed off.

He chanced a glance at Genma, seeing him starring with an unreadable expression. He could feel himself panicking. Genma suddenly stepped even closer and reached out to touch the scars along his ribs.

"It's… really cool," he breathed, feeling Raido shutter under his fingers. "You shouldn't hide them."

Raido felt his breath catch in his throat, as relief washed over him. Genma had accepted him so easily…


He shook his head in disbelief.

"I'm serious," Genma said. "There's nothing to be ashamed of."

"They're ugly and they show how weak I am," Raido said bitterly, shoving his shirt back down and starting to pull the bandage back up, but Genma stopped him.

"Not ugly and not weak," he insisted. "You know I never lie to you."

Raido bit his lip. Genma had always been a straightforward person, even bluntly so on most occasions. He felt tears prickling in his eyes and he had to look away. Genma frowned. He had never seen his best friend cry before and he didn't like it one bit. He grabbed a hold of the bandage and yanked it away, tossing it to the floor.

"Don't wear it," he said firmly, before giving him an uncharacteristically gentle smile. "I like them."

Raido's eyes widened, his heart beating frantically in his chest and his stomach erupting with butterflies. Genma grinned at him and it was in that moment that Raido realized he was in love with his best friend.

Raido pulled Genma closer to him as he moved in and out of him, his heart warming at the memory.

"What are you thinking about?" Genma panted above him.

"A-Ahh, t-the past…"

Genma captured his lips in a heated kiss and Raido tangled a hand in his hair. They were both moaning, each eager for more of the other.

Of course at the time, Raido knew he could never have him. Genma was the type of person that didn't take relationships seriously. Sexual ones, anyway. He was also straight and had always been skittish with commitment. Raido could remember the first time Genma had told him he was seeing someone. That was the day he felt jealousy rear its ugly head for the first time too. Pretending to be happy for him was fucking hard, even more so when he told him he had lost his virginity to this girl.

But then things ended with her and he was on to the next girl soon after. Then the next and the next, resulting in Genma developing quite the track record over their young adult years, one that even rivaled Kakashi's.

"You know," Genma said, as they stood outside guarding the Yondaime's office one evening. "You should really consider using your title as a Tokubetsu to your advantage. Girls really eat that shit up."

Raido rolled his eyes. "I don't need to constantly be hooking up with random people like you do, Gen."

Genma chuckled. "Don't say it like it's a bad thing. Seriously though, you need to get laid."

"I've been laid before," he grumbled.

"Yeah. One time," Genma said. "You're missing out."

Raido stayed silent. The memory of that night was still fuzzy to him. Losing his virginity to some drunken girl in a closet was certainly not his proudest moment. He honestly couldn't even remember how he had managed the whole thing as drunk as he was.

"So I brought a guy home last night," Genma said offhandedly, glancing over to gauge his reaction.

Raido completely froze, so many thoughts suddenly flying through his head at once.

A-A guy?! So that means he's not completely straight! He could- We could- no. He'd never be interested in me… If he were, he would have said so by now! He's always up front about everything. Just because he's been with one guy doesn't mean... It doesn't mean I stand a chance! He may not have even liked it! He's probably going to swear off males forever-


"H-How was it?" He managed to ask, voice cracking.

Genma smiled slightly and gave a shrug. "Not bad," he said. "I topped though, so it wasn't really all that different from being with a girl."


"Girls are all soft and curvy, but a guy… There's all this hard muscle and strength. I didn't have to hold back like I normally do. It took more preparation than it would with a girl, but once I was inside… I didn't feel like I was going to break him if I fucked him too hard."

Raido gulped. His mind couldn't help picturing Genma fucking him hard. His cock twitched and his cheeks turned pink.

Oh, god.

"Maybe you should try it with a guy," Genma suggested.

Raido gave a little grunt, which ended up sounding more like a squeak and Genma smirked.

"You're so innocent, Rai," he chuckled. "It's cute."

"S-Shut up," he mumbled, cheeks turning darker. "Fucker."

Things changed after the Yondaime died and Raido's hands trembled at his sides during his funeral. He could feel Genma's warm shoulder pressed against his own as they stood there and it was probably the only thing that kept him sane. Genma followed him home after. Neither said a word along the way, but they both knew they didn't want to be alone now. They stood quietly when they reached the inside of his apartment and Raido shoved his hands in his pockets. He couldn't stop shaking and Genma inched closer to him.

"Rai…" He said quietly.

"We didn't do our job," Raido murmured. "We failed him. He's dead, because we couldn't protect him."

"I know," Genma said bitterly. "But Minato-Sama said we weren't allowed to follow him. 'Save the next generation' and all that shit. What were we supposed to do?"

"Follow him anyway," Raido said.

Genma sighed, gnawing furiously on his senbon. "Let's be honest, Rai…" He said seriously. "Whoever it was that set the Nine Tails loose was powerful enough to kill the Yondaime. We would have only gotten in the way."

Raido looked away, tears welling up. Genma scooted even closer to him and rested his forehead on his best friend's shoulder. Raido made a choked little sound and bit his lip.

"I'm sorry…" Genma said softly. "I don't know what to do."

Raido reached up and fisted his hand tightly in the front of Genma's shirt, tears spilling over. "Just don't ever fucking die," he said. "Don't leave me alone."

Genma's hand came up to grip the back of Raido's hair as he buried his face in his neck. "That goes the same for you," he said, trying to blink back his own tears. "Stay by my side, Raido."

The two of them joined the ANBU a short while later. They had always worked well together, turning into quite the dangerous group when they joined Kakashi's team. Things were running smoothly; accept for the touching…

Oh, god, the touching.

Raido could hardly take it. Genma had always been a touchy, feely, in your personal space kind of guy, but now even more so. It was as if he thought Raido would disappear when he turned his back. He was always sitting so close when they were together, always making some kind of physical contact with him. Nothing purposely sexual, just light caresses over his arm or back, even across his neck, and especially over his scars. Touches that were meant to be friendly, but that always sent shivers down Raido's spine and gave him goosebumps. Perhaps it was the promise they had made to always stay together that kept him so close and Raido really did like having him around, but there were some issues…

Genma still took delight in tickling the hell out of him. That hadn't changed since they were kids, but it was getting harder and harder for Raido to not get a damn erection when he was sitting on top of him! It was all too much for him to handle and he wondered how Genma hadn't noticed yet.

The idea of him finally figuring out Raido's feelings scared him almost to death. He didn't want Genma to be disgusted with him. They were best friends. He couldn't bare the thought of losing that. Being his friend was more important than his unrequited love. It had to be or he could risk losing him.

Raido tried desperately to move on from him, but he never could. Every time he started pulling back, Genma would find a way to worm right back in. It was funny how even the smallest of his actions could have Raido melting all over again and Genma was completely oblivious to it all. He was like a damn magnet to Raido's heart and he couldn't stop it. Genma had complete control over him and he didn't even know it!


"Hey, Rai…" Genma said, forcing him to look up. "Are you cold?"

Raido blinked a few times, before giving the fire a sideways glance. They were currently out on a mission with Kakashi and Shou.

"No…" He muttered.

Genma quirked an eyebrow at him in the darkness. Kakashi was dozing off across from them while Shou kept watch in the trees.

"You're shivering," Genma said, watching him closely. "And I know you don't like being near the fire, so…"

Raido tensed and bit his lip. Fire always brought up bad memories every time he laid eyes on it. He hated it and he hated the fear it created inside him. It wasn't practical to be afraid of it. Fire was everywhere.

"Rai…" Genma pressed.

"I'm fine," he said, tucking his blanket closer to his body. "Just go to sleep."

Genma frowned and scooted over to him.

"Gen, I'm fine," he insisted. "Don't-"

"Don't be an idiot," Genma huffed, throwing his own blanket around him. "You're fucking cold, so just admit it."

Raido huffed, protesting when Genma pushed him onto his back. "But now you'll be cold…" He murmured.

Genma grinned, lifting the blankets enough to slip under with him. "So keep me warm, Rai-kun."

Raido blushed, heart skipping several beats.

That certainly can't be healthy…

Genma shifted into his personal space, pressing against his side and Raido felt panicked. His cock was starting to twitch excitedly.


"We can't do this!" He squeaked. "What will the others think?!"

Genma paused and glanced over at Kakashi's sleeping form. "I really doubt they care."


"I'm not letting you get sick," Genma said, with a note of finality in his voice. "So shut up."

Raido slumped in defeat.

He's so fucking stubborn.

He squeezed his eyes shut, trying not to fidget. Genma's scent was all around him and heat was pooling in his belly. His cock was definitely awake now and he cursed himself for getting stuck in this situation. He appreciated the fact that Genma was looking out after him and it made his heart melt all over again, but…

Doesn't he realize what this is doing to me?! It's torture!

Genma was suddenly pressing even closer and Raido had to hold back a yelp as he buried his face in the side of his neck. He shivered as Genma's breath fanned over his skin and his cock gave an urgent throb.

"Nn… You always smell good, Rai," Genma mumbled sleepily.

Raido could only manage a strangled little whimpering sound.

It's too much! It's too much!

He bit his lip so hard that he could taste blood. His pants were unbearably tight and it was all he could do not to slip a hand down there and jerk himself off. It certainly wouldn't take long at all.

But I can't… He'd definitely catch me.

Genma's body was warm against his own and he desperately wanted to turn into that inviting heat.

And rub myself all over him until I cum…

His hips gave an involuntary buck and his cock throbbed again.

Fuck! Stop it!

He reached down to pinch his thigh a few times and give his balls a sharp jab. His jaw clinched at the pain, but he felt his cock wilt a little.

Now think about something else… I just have to deal with this for a few hours before we get moving again.

He let out a shaky breath, starting to relax. He could hear and feel Genma's own breathing even out.

Lucky bastard. He can always fall asleep whenever he wants!

He kept his eyes closed and started going over strategies in his head. He was at this for a while, eventually dropping off into a restless sleep.

"Oi," Genma said impatiently, snapping him back to the present. "Pay attention."

Raido's back arched and he gasped as Genma thrusted harder into him. "S-Sorry," he said breathlessly. "I was just thinking about how you used to so obliviously torture me."


Raido smiled slightly.

Well, he still tortures me. He's just not oblivious about it now…

"I'm glad that you couldn't hold back that night," he said.

"What night?" Genma groaned, trying to focus on his words as he moved inside him. "You mean when we got together?"

Raido nodded, moaning as Genma sucked on his nipple.

"So you're saying you're glad I was a total curious pervert?" Genma smirked, lapping at the hard little bud.

Raido shivered. "Surprisingly, ah- yes."

Genma chuckled against his skin. "I'm glad I was too," he said and took a hold of Raido's cock, preventing any more conversation.

Raido writhered under him, crying out at the overwhelming pleasure. Genma kept his mouth working on his chest, playing with each tanned nipple in turn. Raido was whimpering and sobbing a little as he moved, knowing he wouldn't last much longer under all the stimulation. He cursed himself for being so easily affected even after all these years. He could never get completely used to his lover's touch when he was always coming up with new ways to pleasure and fuck him senseless.

"Nn, Genma! Right there! Oh, fuck -yes!" He cried, unable to hold back the needy sounds. "Ah- Ah! Fuck! It's good! It feels so good! D-Don't you dare stop!"

Genma laughed quietly. "I wouldn't dream of it," he promised.

Raido bucked his hips desperately. "Gen!"

Genma pumped his cock faster and bit down on his lover's nipple.

Raido threw his head back and screamed. "Genma!"

Genma watched him intently as he gasped, shuttered, and squirmed, riding out his orgasm.

"Raido!" He groaned, eyes falling shut as he let himself succumb to his own orgasm when Raido was finished.

He stilled himself with a heavy breath and tugged Raido into a kiss. Raido gave a quiet whimper, his body feeling warm and flushed. He pulled Genma closer and deepened their kiss, not wanting this moment to end. Genma happily tangled their tongues together and ran a hand through his lover's hair. It was blissful, but the need for air soon came, forcing them apart. They panted for breath, Genma's hand sliding down to caress Raido's scarred cheek.

"I love you, Rai," he said softly.

Raido smiled. "I love you too."

Genma placed a few kisses along his scar. "We should take a shower," he murmured, the feeling of sticky cum becoming evident as he slid out.

Raido blushed. "Fuck," he grunted. "We need to hurry too. We'll be late again."

So that's the first part! I'll be posting next the events of their getting together.

Review? Pleaseee.