2.30 AM
I gently stroked my best friends hair. "Promise you won't tell anyone Cat. This is an actual promise, no one must know" She nods, her brown eyes wide with seriousness. I know I can trust her. She's the only one I can trust, properly. The only person I'm sure I love. Now before you get yourself into some weird lesbian fetish of the two of us, we love each other like sisters. I've heard all the jokes before, trust me. But lying here, her legs tangled in mine and head laying on my chest, I know that we are sisters. Maybe not blood sisters, but spiritual sisters. "Okay Kitten, I'll tell you." My heart pounds. "Beck..." I chew my lip. "Beck is adopted" I saw Cat's forehead screw up in confusion. But then her face clears up and shows concern. "But why...?" She trails off. "Didn't he tell anyone?" I guess. She nods vigorously. "Because he doesn't even know that much about it. Like why, how, only that his parents were Canadian." Cat entwines her fingers in mine. "You can't say anything to him, okay?" She looks down and then looks up. "Okay Jadey. I promise. For you." She flashes me a small smile. I give her a half smile back. "Does everyone have secrets?" Cat asked frowning. I pause and study Cat's face. I don't want to break her innocence. Well, her slight feigned naivety. When Cat frowns, her forehead scrunches and her lips go in a point. She pokes me, I have obviously been silent for too long. I sigh. "Yes Kitty, they do. Some are bad secrets, others are special secrets. You have to be careful who you tell you're secrets to, okay?" She nods and yawns. "Shall we go back to sleep now?"
A/N: Should I carry this on? Review and tell me :) Did you like the cute Cade-ness? I ship them so hard! As a friendship :)