Here it is, what you've all been waiting for...maybe, I really have no idea what you've been waiting for, I could be completely wrong here...
Anyhoo...This is number 6 in the Red Camaro series, I hope you like this first chapter.
Disclaimer: I own precious little in this world, and saddly none of that includes Revolution...or David Lyons...or Billy Burk. But I would gladly take any of them.
Charlie paced. She hadn't seen him in more than a day. That's the longest she's gone since she moved in with him right after Christmas, and she didn't like it.
She was in a big white tent, set up as her changing room, and she was barefoot and in her shorts and a tank top.
"Charlie," her mother said. "You need to calm down and put your dress on." She said.
Nodding her head with a sigh, Charlie knew her mother was right. "Yeah ok." She said as she went to the garment bag and unzipped it.
Her dress was perfect. It was fate that she find it. It was in the first shop that she had looked and within a half hour she had found it.
The skirt fell right above her knees and the long, off the shoulder, sleeves where beautiful. She fingered the lace as she pulled it from the bag and turned to Rachel. She smiled. "Help me?" she asked as she held the dress out.
Just as Rachel was reaching out to take the dress, the flap on the tent opened and Danny walked in. "Mom, a minute?" he asked and Rachel smiled at Charlie. "I'll be right back." She reassured.
Charlie hung the dress back up on the post where the bag hung and watched as her mother and brother walked back out through the flap.
"What!?" she heard her mother's voice, the note of panic obvious.
Charlie rushed to the front of the tent and ripped the flap back. "What, what?" She asked. "What's going on?" she asked, fearing the worst.
Rachel turned to her and forced a smile as Danny groaned and hung his head. "Nothing's going on sweetheart." Rachel said. "Everything is fine."
Charlie looked past her mother at Danny. He looked up at her and she knew, she didn't know what she knew, but she knew something. "What is it?" she asked.
Danny sighed. "Don't freak out, but Bass isn't here."
Charlie frowned. "What do you mean, not here?" she asked. "He was here a couple of hours ago."
Danny nodded. "I know, but his tent is empty and nobody knows where he is."
Charlie shook her head. "No this can't be right. Where's Miles, have you asked him?"
Danny nodded again. "He's the one that told me Bass was missing."
"Missing?" she asked as she placed a hand on her forehead and took a deep breath, slowly letting it out through her mouth. "I think I'm going to be sick."
She shook her head. "Did anyone try calling him?" she asked, hoping that someone had just spaced that simple task and they would get to the bottom of this situation quickly.
Danny reached into his pocket and held up Bass's phone. "Yeah, found this in his tent."
"Ok so he's not here. His car is gone?" Charlie asked and Danny nodded. "Alright, and he doesn't have his phone." She shook her head. "This isn't what it looks like, he wouldn't just…he wouldn't." she said, still shaking her head.
Miles chose that moment to walk up and sighed when he saw Charlie, before glaring at Danny. "What part of 'don't let Charlie know' did you not get?"
Danny looked at Rachel. "It wasn't me." He said.
Charlie waved her hand, cutting off Rachels reply. "It doesn't matter, what matters is finding out where he is." She said. "Because obviously something happened, because he didn't just leave me." She said, glaring at them each in turn before turning and storming back into the tent.
Miles sighed in exasperation. "I'm going to find him, and I'm going to kill him." He said before stalking off in the other direction.
Danny and Rachel each looked at the other before turning and going in opposite directions. Rachel after Charlie and Danny after Miles.
Rachel walked into the tent and found Charlie pulling her shoes on. "What are you doing?" she asked.
Charlie looked at her mother. "I'm going to go find him, what do you think I'm doing?" she asked. "Something must have happened, because he wouldn't do this to me. Even if he decided this wasn't what he wanted, he would tell me, he wouldn't just take off."
Rachel nodded, knowing Charlie was right, that just wasn't Bass's style. "Miles and Danny will find him, you and I need to stay here and make sure that your guest don't leave or cause a panic in the meantime." Rachel said.
Charlie nodded and sighed. She knew Rachel was right. She needed to let Miles handle this, he would be able to get to the bottom of everything.
He would find out where Sebastian was.
Sebastian was about six miles down the road, staring at his flat tire as if he could will it to hold air and get him back to where he needed to be.
He hadn't run out on her. It was actually the opposite. He had gone out to get her something, a surprise.
They were getting married a little ways down the road from that old diner, in a big open meadow, and he had gone to get her a burger and a bottle of coke. A reminder of where it all started for them, and he got a flat on his way back.
Completely unlike him, he didn't have a jack in his trunk, and his phone seemed to be missing. So here he stood, looking at the tire, knowing he was going to have to walk the six miles back. He only hoped Miles found his note, because the last thing he wanted was for Charlie to get worried.
About two miles down the road he saw a car approaching and raised his arms to flag it down. He smiled when he saw Miles in the driver's seat and Danny beside him.
"Hey." He said as Miles climbed out. "I'm so glad to see you."
Miles didn't say a word as he walked closer. "I'm going to be very calm here, and give you one chance," he said holding up on finger. "to explain what is going on here." He said.
"Whoa Miles buddy." He said as he raised his hands. "I got a flat, it's not that big of a deal." He said looking at his watch. "We still have plenty of time."
Miles took a breath and let it out slowly. "Where have you been?" he asked, still sounding calm, and Bass was starting to think it was too calm.
He frowned. "Did you get my note?" he asked.
Miles raised his brows. "What note?"
"The note I left on the table in the tent." Bass said. "Letting you know I was going to get something for Charlie, and would be back soon?" he said.
Miles shook his head. "There was no note in the tent." He said, starting to lose some of the calm.
Bass shrugged. "I'm sorry man but I left a note. Then I got a flat and didn't have a jack or my phone." He explained.
Danny, who had gotten out of the car to join them held out his phone. "Found this in your tent, but no note."
Bass reached out and took the phone. "I don't know what happened to it, but can you give me a lift back to my car and help me change a tire so we can get back to the wedding?" he asked and Miles nodded. "Yeah."
Miles and Danny both watched at Bass got into Miles car, not realizing the amount of panic he had caused.
Miles turned to Danny. "I still might kill him, and just let Charlie kill me afterwards." He said and Danny laughed, feeling some of the tension leave his body.
They got back to the meadow and Danny headed straight for Charlie's tent while Miles and Bass headed for his.
Danny was surprised to find Charlie standing right outside her tent talking to their Great Aunt Debra with a smile on her face.
He went up to them and stole Charlie away. "He's here, everything is fine, it was a communication error, everything is alright now."
He watched Charlie smile, a real one this time and he saw her visibly relax. "See," she said. "I told you he wouldn't leave me."
Danny shook his head and smiled at her. "No, he wouldn't." he said, knowing it was true.
Charlie lightly pushed him back towards the tent flap. "Alright, I need you to go and I need mom to come, so we can get me hitched." She said. All trace of her earlier worry gone.
Bass was here, there was no need for worry.
So there we go, chapter one. Start out with a little bit of drama, a little funny thrown in and end on a happy note! :)
This chapter was actually inspired by the story of my own parents wedding. It was 1980 and there were no cell phones. My aunt had forgotten her panty hose at home so my father (her brother) and her husband (his best man) went to get them. on the way back to the church they got a flat. My uncle had already changed into his tux, but my dad was in a t-shirt and jeans, so he had to change the tire sitting on the side of the highway...all the while my mother was freaking out about where they were because it shouldn't have taken so long to get back with the panty hose.
Needless to say, it was a pretty worrisome hour or so, but a pretty funny story later on.
Thank you for reading!
If anyone is interested in Charlies dress just follow this link (take out spaces)
r andip andi88 . tu mblr po st /8 627 947 21 64 / cha rlies - wed ding - dr ess
Also, if anyone is interested in knowing, the next chapter for Not A Bad Thing will be up tomorrow :)
Remember, reviews make you AWESOME!