I wrote this in school today because this is what I think about instead of doing my work, lol, and I know this is the last thing I should be doing is writing another story considering I still haven't finished my others, but I thought this was a good idea and I didn't want to forget it. Plus I wrote it really quickly and wanted to share it with you guys. As of right now it's a one-shot based on the song by Taylor Swift- "Enchanted" hence the name, but I may add a prologue because I love writing famous Naley!

Anyways, I hope you like it! Thanks for reading (:

Nathan Scott sighed tiredly as he leaned against the back of the passenger seat, blowing out a long deep breath.

"You okay man?" His agent and life long friend, Clay Evans asked as he took a seat behind the wheel, turning the key into the ignition, starting his car.

"Yeah I'm just exhausted." Nathan replied, closing his eyes and running a hand through his raven black hair.

"How'd practice go?" Clay asked as be pulled out of the parking lot of the Barkley center where Nathan just got out of basketball practice for the LA Clippers.

"Long and excruciating." Nathan groaned as he felt every muscle in his body tighten.

"Sorry man. Anything I can do to help?"

Nathan's eyes slowly opened as he turned his head to look at Clay. "Yeah, can we not go to this stupid club tonight? I'm really not in the mood."

"No. You're going. I already confirmed your invitation. You can't let your fans down."

Nathan rolled his eyes, "You mean my groupies?"

Clay let out a low chuckle, "hey, there's nothing wrong with beautiful women throwing themselves at you."

"Yeah, well they're annoying." Nathan grumbled.

Clay looked disbelievingly at the 6"2 NBA player. "Dude, are you kidding me? You love it."

"Not lately. I'm getting sick of it."

"Are you okay? You've been acting weird these past few months." Clay pointed out suspiciously.

"What do you mean?" Nathan questioned nervously.

"I don't know, you never want to go out anymore. And when was the last time you got laid?"

Nathan once again rolled his eyes, "that's none of your business."

"I'm just saying, Nate. I'm worried about you. You're just... Different." Clay reluctantly replied.

"I'm focusing on my career." Nathan stated vaguely. "I'm getting tired of this partying lifestyle. It was fun when I was younger, but now it's just getting old."

"So what? You're just going to hang out in your bachelor pad for the rest of you life?" Clay asked with a short smirk.

"I don't know but I need a break from parties and stuff for a while, okay?"

Clay chuckled bewilderingly. "Okay just go tonight, and I won't bother you about it for a while. Who knows... Maybe you'll hook up with a hot girl tonight."

"Doubt it." Nathan muttered and desperately tried to change the subject as the thought of her raced through his mind just like everyday of the past three months. He reached across the console and hit the radio dial, hoping to forget about her. It was getting ridiculous. Its not like he ever had a chance with her in the first place, so why was she constantly on his mind? He couldn't stop thinking about her. Her smile, her hair, her laugh... God she was beautiful. Nathan couldn't help the small smile tugging on his lips as he thought of her.

"What are you smiling about?" Clay asked as he noticed the sudden change of mood in his friend.

"Nothing." Nathan snapped quickly.

Clay laughed, "Okay dude whatever you say."

Nathan let out a small grunt and once again leaned across the console in order to change the station but let out an unhappy sigh as almost every station was playing a commercial.

"Just pick a freaking station." Clay complained, clearly becoming fed Up with the constant flipping between the stations.

Nathan finally settled on a random station and fell back against the seat, closing his eyes attempting to try and relax but the second he heard the radio announcer speak, his heart rate increased tenfold as he leaned in closely to the speaker in order to catch every word.

"Alright Los Angeles, this is the moment you've all been waiting for. The new Haley James single 'enchanted' is being released right here, right now, for the first time ever! In a recent interview America's Sweetheart confessed she wrote this song in under two hours, the day after she met someone she couldn't stop thinking about. She wouldn't spill who it was, but maybe she drops us some hints in the song, So here it is, and tell us what you think on Twitter or Facebook!"

Nathan felt his eye's widen and his stomach drop the second he heard the song start. Her voice was beautiful. He had to pinch himself in order to make sure he was really hearing her voice which resembled that of an angel.

"There I was again tonight
Forcing laughter, faking smiles
Same old tired lonely place

Walls of insincerity,
Shifting eyes and vacancy
Vanished when I saw your face

All I can say is it was enchanting to meet you

Your eyes whispered, "Have we met?"
Across the room your silhouette
Starts to make its way to me
The playful conversation starts
Counter all your quick remarks
Like passing notes in secrecy

And it was enchanting to meet you
All I can say is I was enchanted to meet you..."

"What is this crap? Another whiny singer venting about a boy? Pathetic." Clay muttered as he reached across the console and changed the station.

"What the hell Clay! Put it back on." Nathan seethed angrily.

Clay immediately busted out laughing to the point where his stomach hurt, "I'm seriously starting to think you're gay, man. Don't tell me you like that crap."

"It's not crap, and I'm not gay." Nathan mumbled in defense, but his ears soon perked up as he listened intently to the lyrics instantly knowing they were about him. He couldn't help but feel a rush of pride that she had written a song about their first and only encounter. It confirmed his question of whether or not she thought of him. Clearly she had, and Nathan was honored she wrote this song. Normally if anyone else had done something like this, it would totally creep him out, but not this time. This was probably one of the nicest things anyone had ever done for him, and he wanted her to know he had heard it. If only he knew how to contact her...

"This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you..."

"What? You know this chick or something?" Clay joked, as Nathan couldn't help but think of the time he met the girl who changed his world. She captured it perfectly: that night was enchanting for him, too.

"The lingering question kept me up

2 AM, who do you love?
I wonder 'til I'm wide awake
And now I'm pacing back and forth
Wishing you were at my door
I'd open up and you would say, "Hey,
It was enchanting to meet you,
All I know is I was enchanted to meet you."

Nathan let out a small laugh, "Something like that."

"Nathan Scott!"

"Over here!"

"Did you bring a date?"

"Are you seeing anyone?"

"How's the season going?"

Nathan simply just smiled at the cameras and ignored the thousand questions being thrown his way. After all, he was used to this luxurious lifestyle of living in the lime light. Some days he hated it, especially when he was just hanging out with friends, but tonight he didn't mind because it was for a good cause. The only charity event he was extremely invested in: children with disabilities and diseases that prevent them from being active. Tonight Nathan and the rest of the LA Clippers organization were running a massive fundraiser in order to help these children stay active. Hundreds of celebrities and major CEO's around the country would be attending, and Nathan was extremely excited. He didn't care about the press, even though it was a major bonus for his reputation considering he has been out frolicking around LA with a different model each week, he just cared about the kids and doing something right for once. He felt great, and he didn't need some random slut to be all over him the entire night, which is why he decided to attend solo.

He made his way into the ball room and greeted a few team mates and higher ups, as he then proceeded to where his cousin Lucas Scott, and his date Brook Davis were sitting.

"Hey guys, thanks so much for coming!" Nathan greeted happily as he pulled Lucas in for a quick hug, and politely kissed Brook on the cheek.

"Nate! You look great man. This is awesome. I'm so proud of you." Lucas genuinely stated.

"Thanks Luke." Nathan smiled contently.

"So did you bring a date?" Brooke asked with a mischievous smile.

Nathan chuckled, "No, not tonight. I'm over random hook-ups with models. It's time I get serious. I'm almost 26 so I need to stop playing around and get serious."

"Wow, Nathan, that's great. I'm so happy for you." Brooke smiled. "You deserve the best."

"Thank you, Brooke." Nathan replied with appreciative grin.

Before anyone could respond, Nathan's coach made it over to the stage and thanked everyone for coming, as well as present a small presentation about the organization. After about fifteen minutes later the presentation was finished and the night was about to start. Nathan, as well as the rest of the audience stood up and clapped respectively as one of the entertainers and supporters was called up on stage.

Nathan was now standing next to one of his teammates, and life long friends, Tony Battle, by the bar, and felt his mouth literally drop the second he saw the performer walk onto stage. He could hear Tony saying something, but his mind was not processing the words. He couldn't even think straight. It was like everything was knocked out of him, and the only thing he could think about was the honey blonde haired girl standing on stage with the most magnificent smile Nathan has ever seen.

"Wow, hi everyone! This is an amazing turn out! I'm so excited to be here tonight, so thank you LA Clippers for having me here. I'm extremely humbled to support children with disabilities because I know staying active is a fundamental factor in living a long and healthy life, and I believe every child should have that right. So I'm excited to present one of my new songs off my latest album, 'Change'. I hope you guys like it." She smiled once again, and Nathan had to grip the bar to prevent himself for falling over. She was easily the most beautiful woman he had ever laid eyes on.

The moment the words left her mouth, he felt himself falling under her spell. She had him hooked and he couldn't let go- he wouldn't want to even if he could. She had the voice, and face of an angel.

Her long honey blonde hair was curled loosely and fell past her shoulders, as she stood in front of the microphone under the white light that showcased her classy, strapless red dress which dipped slightly in the front to show a hint of cleavage, making Nathan's mouth water, and eyes wanting more. She wore black stilettos that matched the small thin black strap cinching the waist of the sexy red dress. She had a simple and elegant, yest extremely sexy look about her. She was different than the usual trampy, classless models Nathan usually went for. But she was refreshing, and breathtaking.

"Yo Scott, are you breathing?" Tony whispered with a slight chuckle as he noticed Nathan under an obvious trance.

"What?" Nathan asked, still not being able to peel his eyes away from the sexy singer.

"The girl... you're starting to drool, man. You into her?" Tony asked.

"Uh huh." Nathan nodded, and felt his mouth dry, still under a spell.

Tony just simply laughed and took a swig of his beer as he watched Nathan practically drool over the singer. It was funny because Nathan never acted that way around girls- usually it was the other way around. Tony had never seen his friend act this way, therefore he couldn't help but laugh.

Nathan swore his heart stopped the minute her doe like, deep brown orbs looked directly into his crystal blue eyes. Her smile widened and she held the gaze for several seconds as he gasped for a breath. His lungs felt like every ounce of air had escaped.

"Is he okay?" Lucas asked Tony as he walked over to Nathan.

"I think he stopped breathing." Tony chuckled.

Lucas looked across the room where Nathan's gaze was fixed on the celebrity.

"Who would have guessed Nathan Scott would fall for America's Sweetheart?"

Haley finished her set, thanked the audience, and waved one final time as she made her way backstage to her manager and friend Peyton Sawyer Jagelski and greeted her with a large hug.

"Hey foxy! Amazing job out there!" Peyton congratulated Haley with a giddy smile.

"Thanks Peyt. God, that was so nerve wracking!" Haley revealed as she chugged a bottle of water.

"Why? You're never nervous." Peyton asked.

Haley shrugged, "I don't know, I just wanted it to be perfect."

"Did it have something to do with that hot blue eyed guy who was totally checking you out the entire time?" Peyton questioned with a mischievous smirk.

Haley felt her cheeks flame with a firey heat. "I don't know what you're talking about." She lied. Of course she knew who Peyton was talking about. She definitely saw the sexy guy by the bar with the perfect blue eyes, and raven black hair. She felt his eyes glued to her the entire time. She thought that if she looked at him she'd forget the lyrics, but she took the chance and she felt completely captivated by his smoldering stare. He was incredibly gorgeous and so cute the way his mouth was hanging open. She couldn't deny it felt great to cause that reaction from such an attractive guy.

"You totally know who I'm talking about. You two were practically having eye sex! You should go up to him." Peyton nudged her as they both looked out from behind stage to the raven haired man who was engaged in conversation with a blonde haired man.

"No way! He's probably with a model or something." She mumbled.

"So? You're a singer, and you're prettier than any bimbo model. Just go say hi." Peyton encouraged.

Haley bit down on her lip as her stare lingered on the muscular man and felt her stomach flip flop. "Okay but I need a drink first." She whispered giddily as Peyton gave her a high five and discreet wink.

Haley giggled girlishly and slowly made her way to the bar, but was stopped along the way to greet a few fans and fellow singers. When she finally made it to the bar, she ordered herself a Margarita and discreetly searched the crowd for her sexy admirer. She almost laughed at herself because she was not like this at all. She never had time for relationships, so she never even tried to make any work. She wasn't the type of girl who had one night stands either, so she really had no idea why she was even going to bother with this man. For all she knew, he was probably married to a beautiful blonde housewife, and had three kids, and lived in a mansion. Ugh. She was pathetic. For a split second she felt extremely jealous of someone who didn't even exist. She didn't even know this guy. He could be an asshole. But he was extremely attractive, and just one look into his eyes had her feeling like nothing she had ever felt before. It was a completely exhilarating rush that she just had to have again. She craved it.

She was a woman on a mission. She didn't know how it would end, but she just knew she had to meet him and then she could get rid of these strange feelings. She just didn't want to regret not meeting him just in case her intuition was not full of hungry love shit.

As she made it through the crowded room, she searched high and low for him. It was just after five minutes, and Haley was beginning to grow restless- and she almost gave up.

That was until she bumped into a hard body and felt her margarita pour all over her dress as it drank in the wet liquid, creating a giant wet stain all over the red material.

She didn't even think about her dress in that moment, but looked up to make sure her drink didn't spill on the body she collided with, She knew how those pretentious rich people got- and she did not want to pay for their dry cleaner bill.

"Oh my gosh! I am so, so, so sorry! God, I'm such a klutz, this is so embarrassing." She rambled out loud and didn't even notice the clear blue eyes staring right down at her.

"I'm sorry. It's my fault. Are you okay?" She heard a deep, sexy voice ask, and looked up as she felt her heart explode through the thick walls of her chest.

"It's you!" She whispered, feeling her mouth go dry. God, he was even sexier in person.

"M-me?" Nathan stuttered nervously. "I- you- I mean, it's you. You're the girl-"

Haley giggled nervously, "What?"

"You just- w-wow. Umm, I- are you okay?" Nathan asked again, suddenly feeling like a wave of nerves poured down on him. Was it getting hot in here?

Haley blushed under his intense gaze, "Yeah, I'm sure this will try. I'm just really embarrassed. Are you okay? I didn't spill it on you did I?" Great. Way to freaking go Haley. Spill the drink on the hot guy. How stupid are you?
Nathan chuckled, and flashed her his oh so sexy smirk. "It's okay, and no you didn't. If anything, I should apologize. I really wasn't paying attention... I hope I didn't hurt you..."

Haley felt a smile grace her face. He was so sweet and sexy.

"Oh no, I'm fine, just completely mortified."

Nathan chuckled and reached down to lightly grab her arm, "Well come on, let's go get you cleaned up." He tried to say in a brave voice, but the truth was he was freaking out. She was so freaking beautiful, and he felt his veins pour fire through his blood the second his arm contacted her skin.

"O-okay." Haley stuttered as butterflies danced along the lining of her stomach the second hr grabbed her and led her to the main hall where the bathrooms were located.

"I'll be right back. Let me get some paper towels." He explained to her with a kind smile and made his way into the men's bathroom, trying to calm himself down and grabbed a load of towels, while Haley stood waiting for him nervously chewing on her lower lip. A minute later, she looked up and smiled as she noticed him walk out of the bathroom carrying a few towels.

"I don't know if this will help, but it's worth a shot." He said softly as he gently handed her the napkin and she blotted the giant stain underneath her midsection.

"Thank you, I really appreciate it." She smiled at him.

"So you're sure you're okay?" He questioned lightly.

Haley felt her cheeks heat up. "Like I said, just really embarrassed."

Nathan chuckled, "It's not that bad. Like you said, it'll dry."

She smiled softly, "Yeah, I guess so. I mean it's not really the stain I'm embarrassed about..." She added quietly.

Nathan furrowed his eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"Well, um.. it's just.. I made my self look like an idiot in front of you." She revealed nervously.

Nathan smiled, "You're not an idiot. I told you, it was my fault. I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking."

"Neither was I." She laughed.

"Okay, so maybe it was both of our faults." He joked. "But it happens, right?"

Haley bit her lip, "Yeah."

"Is the stain coming out?" Nathan asked trying to get a peek behind the spot where she was holding her napkin.

Haley glanced down and scrunched her nose up, "A little bit. I should probably wait until it dries a little more before I go back out there otherwise I'll look like i peed myself or something-" She joked.

Nathan laughed loudly.

"Oh god, I just said that out loud didn't I? I'm sorry, you must think I'm completely foolish-" Haley rambled.

"Not at all." Nathan said reassuringly. "Do you want to see foolish?" He then asked.

Haley came him a perplexed smile, "Um okay." She giggled lightly.

"Okay but I'm warning you, this is really embarrassing." He chuckled, and Haley watched intently as she assumed Nathan was starting to dance. He was flinging his arms and legs around completely off beat to the music thumping in the background, and Haley was laughing uncontrollably.

"Oh you think that was funny huh?" Nathan asked as he stopped 'dancing' and looked at Haley who was still giggling wildly.

"What was that?" She laughed loudly.

"Me dancing. So if anyone should be embarrassed, it should be me because I totally just looked like an idiot in front of the most beautiful girl in here tonight." He said with a charming smile as Haley looked around the empty hallway trying to find the girl he was talking about.

"It's you. You're the beautiful singer tonight that I couldn't take my eyes off. I didn't get a chance to tell you before, but you were amazing out there." He said quietly as his eyes bore into hers.

Haley felt her stomach tighten and her heart rate increase tenfold. The things he said to her was unbelievable. He just kept getting more perfect by the minute.

"Thank you." She blushed profusely, "I'm Ha-"

"Haley James, I know." Nathan smirked. "You're extremely talented."

She smiled, and once again her cheeks twinged with red. "Thanks. I'm sorry I don't know who you are..."

"Nathan Scott, 23 on the LA Clippers." He smirked as he held out his hand to meet her smaller one for a friendly handshake.

"Well it's nice to finally meet you Nathan Scott. I just wish it were under different circumstances.." She blushed and held onto his hand, reveling in the tingly feelings that were coursing through her entire body.

"Likewise. Actually Haley, um, this may sound creepy, but it was you I was looking for when you ran into me. I just wanted to tell you how great you were-" Nathan said as he felt his heartbeat ringing in his ears. He didn't know what it was but Haley James made him feel extremely nervous.

Haley couldn't help but giggle, "That's funny, because I was looking for you."

"You were?" He asked, extremely perplexed.

"I saw you staring-" She blushed, "When I was singing, I mean..."

Nathan's eyes widened, 'Oh god, I'm so sorry.. I didn't mean to freak you out. Please tell your boyfriend I'm sorry... I was just amazed by your voice, and your beauty and wow I'm an idiot..."

Haley let out another loud giggle, "Nathan, it's okay. I don't have a boyfriend, and I wasn't freaked out by it. I saw you, and well... I just wanted to introduce myself to you."

Nathan's mouth once again fell open. She was single, she was beautiful, and she wanted to meet him. Damn, he was the luckiest man alive.

He didn't even know what to say, "Wow, I thought for sure you were going to tell me your boyfriend wanted to beat me up or something-"

Haley laughed, "Nope, no worries there."

"That's hard to believe." Nathan muttered.

"It is?" Haley asked nervously.

"Well yeah, you're just really pretty, so I assumed..." Nathan stumbled over his words. Way to go, idiot. Idiot, idiot.

Haley blushed for the hundredth time tonight, "Well thank you."

"I um.. would ask you dance but um, I don't want to embarrass myself again." Nathan explained with a nervous chuckle.

Haley smiled blissfully, "Well I can't dance by myself, and plus I need you to cover up this embarrassing stain." She joked, inwardly hoping he'd agree to dance.

"I don't know." He chuckled, "I already looked like an idiot once."

"How about I teach you? This way you don't embarrass yourself anymore." Haley proposed.

"Alright but let me buy you another drink, and this time don't spill it on yourself." He smirked, and Haley's cheeks blushed hotly. "Kidding.. sort of." He chuckled when he noticed her embarrassment. She was adorable.

She smiled giddily and followed him over to the bar where he bought her a martini, only this time it was dirty. He then bought himself a beer, and they made their way outside of the ball room and onto an empty deck that was lit up by hundreds of tiny white bulbs.

It was enchanting, really.

"Wow, this is beautiful out here." She said breathlessly as they walked over to the edge and looked out at the sunset on the horizon that was swallowing the golden ocean in the distance.

"You got that right." Nathan said as his eyes grazed over Haley's petite form.

She looked down at her dress and frowned, "It still hasn't dried yet." She pouted.

Nathan chuckled.. just when he didn't think she could get any cuter, she pouted and his whole world came tumbling down. "It's okay, just give it a little time."

"I like this Martini better anyway." She flirted as she ran her tongue across the bottom of her lip which had Nathan almost choking on his tongue.

Nathan simply chuckled, "So tell me about yourself Haley James."

"Well I've been in the industry for about three years now-"

"No, I mean the real Haley James, not America's Sweetheart Haley James, although I like her too." Nathan said with a wide smile.

She instantly responded with a blush, "Um well I grew up in North Carolina-"

"Really? Me too! What part?" Nathan asked with a happy glint in his eye.

"Tree Hill."

"Are you kidding?" Nathan's eyes widened.

"No, why?" She smiled.

"You don't happen to know Lucas Scott, do you?"

Haley's lips tugged into a smile, "Of course I do! He was one of my best friends!"

Nathan blew out a deep breath as he shook his head disbelievingly, "Son of a bitch!" He joked. "That's my freaking cousin! He never told me he knew Haley James."

"Oh my god! You guys are related? I didn't even realize!" Haley gasped.

Nathan smiled, "Yeah, our Dad's are brothers. We don't really look alike, because I'm the better looking one, right?"

Haley blushed, "I'd say so."

"He's here tonight actually. I had no clue you guys knew each other. No wonder why he was laughing at me when I told him I thought you were hot- I mean beautiful, sorry." Nathan quickly corrected himself not wanting to think he was degrading her. She was extremely hot, but more so beautiful.

Haley blushed, "I thought I saw him tonight. Wow, I haven't seen him in two years!"

"I'd go and get him but then that means I'd have to share you, and he already knows you, so now it's my turn." Nathan grinned making Haley bite down on her lip in order to suppress a giddy squeal.

"Well I want to know about you too, 23. Where are you from?" She grinned.

"Charlotte. Actually I was born in Tree Hill, and lived there until I was about three, but unfortunately I moved because my life revolved around basketball and basketball only. I don't really remember Tree Hill besides the times I visited Luke, but other than that, I was in Charlotte my whole life." Nathan explained.

"You don't seem too happy about that." Haley pointed out softly as she leaned her back against the deck railing and took a swig of her beverage.

Nathan sighed. She was right. It was funny how easily she tore his wall down. He never let anyone in, but this time was different.

"Yeah, well, I never really had a childhood. I went to some prestigious basketball school, where the only things that mattered were money, basketball, and popularity. Let's just say I wasn't the nicest person. You can thank my Dad for that." Nathan said bitterly, taking a long chug of beer down his throat.

"What made you change?" She kindly asked as he stared out at the vast sea.

"What do you mean?" He questioned lightly.

"You said you weren't a nice person, but so far the only thing you've been tonight was nice." She said flashing him her pearly whites, making his heart race wildly. "Oh um, I don't know. I guess I just grew up. My priorities changed. My Dad cheated on my mom a few years ago with some random slut he met at a bar, and I saw how upset my mom was. Then I saw Lucas' parents and how happy they were, and I guess I just realized I wanted to be more like them. I don't want to be my Dad. Someone who hurts the people they love just for their own selfish needs. So I stopped. Now I'm focusing on spending time with family and friends, and giving back to the community." Nathan explained quietly.

Haley felt her heart wrench for him. She could tell he had a rough childhood, so she reached out and gently squeezed his strong bicep. "Well then you'll never be him because you're extremely selfless and brave for changing. I admire you."

Nathan smiled softly, "Thank you Haley, but I don't think you would say that if you knew who I was a few years ago. I was a mess-"

"I remember you now." She said softly. "I was starting the business, and my agent said to stay away from guys like you.."

Nathan's stomach dropped, and not in a good way. A frown formed on his face, "Oh." Was all he could muster out.

Haley realized her mistake and immediately backtracked. "I'm sorry, that's not what I meant. I just meant I've heard about your reputation through tabloids, but so far everything those tabloids said were wrong. You are not that guy Nathan, you are so much more-"

Nathan sighed, "But I was-"

"You're not anymore." Haley said passionately. "At least I hope you're not."

"I'm not!" Nathan swore immediately.

"Good, because I'd really like to think you meant what you said about me before.." She said with a red blush.

"Of course I did, Haley. I don't just go around calling girls beautiful and dancing in front of them. Trust me," He chuckled.

Haley giggled, "Well then I guess I'll have to believe you then, but next time you want to impress me, don't dance."

Nathan chuckled, "Alright, well that's not fair. You impressed me with your singing, but if we were at a basketball court right now, you'd be amazed."

"I guess I'll have to come to one of your games then." She said with a flirtatious smile.

"I hope you do." Nathan replied. "This way I can really impress you."

"Oh is that how you get all the ladies?" She asked with a loud giggle.

Nathan smirked proudly, "No I get the ladies, by flexing." He said as he flung his tuxedo coat off and flexed his bicep through the tight white collared shirt he wore underneath it. "Feel it." Nathan encouraged, and Haley eagerly reached across to touch his muscle.

"Hmm I've felt better." She said off-highhandedly, when in reality, it was anything but the truth. She never felt anything like that before, and it as such a turn on.

"Oh really?" Nathan grinned, "How about these washboard abs?" He asked with a playful smile and started to lift up his shirt as Haley screamed girlishly.

"Holy Crap!"

"Like what you see?" He smirked.

Haley licked her dry lips but quickly remembered the game she was playing. "Eh, it's nice, but I've seen better." She shrugged.

Nathan's cocky smirk fell, and turned into a frown. "Wait, really?"

"Mhmm." She lied again, holding back a laugh.

"Well.. I..."

"I'm kidding Nathan, you have a great body." Haley teased playfully as she squeezed his bicep again. "I promise."

Nathan smirked again, "That wasn't nice, James."

"I don't play fair, Scott." She winked and slowly walked backwards as she made her way down to the sandy beach, as Nathan chased after her.

Almost two hours had passed, and Nathan and Haley were still walking along the beach getting to know each other better, and just joking around, truly enjoying their company.

Haley was in the middle of telling Nathan a story from her childhood, when he noticed her shiver slightly and so he took off his jacket and wrapped it securely around her tiny frame. "Better?" He asked quietly.

"Yeah, thanks." She smiled up at him.

"I've had a lot of fun tonight Haley." Nathan shared truthfully.

"So did I." She breathed.

The next thing Nathan knew, he was being taken control by some strong force- almost like a magnet- as he leaned down and looked warmly into Haley's deep brown orbs of beauty. She parted her lips and gulped nervously the second she felt Nathan's warm breath blowing on her pink luscious lips.

"Do you think it would be okay if I kissed you?" He whispered softly as her eyes snapped shut and she nodded breathlessly.

Nathan smiled softly and softly pressed his lips against hers in a fragile, yet earth shattering kiss. In that moment, time stopped- or at least it felt like it did. As cheesy as it sounds, that was the moment when everything changed. The second it took to press two lips together, two lives collided, and two worlds crashed together. Time stood still- there's no other explanation. With ever fiber of Nathan's being he felt alive. One hundred and ten percent alive. He was always alive, but he was never awake like this.

Haley couldn't believe what was happening. She never felt happier than she did in that moment. Sure she just met him, but she felt like she knew him her whole life. The second he kissed her, she felt the air escape her body and felt like she was floating. She couldn't even breathe, but she didn't care. She never wanted to pull away.

The kiss was sensual, yet extremely passionate. It lasted only about fifteen seconds, and was light, and airy, but beautiful. Everything the first kiss should be. Nothing short of perfection.

Finally, Nathan reluctantly pulled away and smiled breathlessly.

"Do you think it would be okay if I kissed you again?" Haley asked with a giddy smile, and Nathan nodded eagerly. This time, she hopped up on the tips of her toes- having discarded her heels a while ago- and parted her lips widely in order to let Nathan easily slip his tongue into her mouth, accidentally letting out a loud, content, moan.

Nathan smiled into her mouth and ran his hands along the sides of her dress.

'Please don't be in love with someone else' Haley thought silently to herself as she deepened the kiss.

"God you're so beautiful." Nathan whispered breathlessly as he leaned his head against hers.

"You're one hell of a kisser." Haley giggled quietly.

Nathan chuckled as he interlocked his fingers with hers, "Come on, we should probably get back."

"That's right. You still owe me a dance." She winked and took off down the beach once again, making Nathan have to chase her along the sand.

"People are staring." Nathan groaned embarrassingly as he tried to spin Haley around on the dance floor.

"So let them." She joked. "It's probably because you're just so attractive." She grinned

"Or maybe it's because you still have your Martini stain on your dress." Nathan chuckled, and Haley looked down in a panic, but punched his arm when she realized he was joking.

"Or maybe it's because you suck at dancing." She teased.

"You're probably right." He groaned. "I bet this will be all over TMZ tomorrow."

Haley's eyes widened, "I thought this was a private event."

"It is. No one's going to find out, I promise." Nathan swore.

"Oh I'm not worried. I was only worried they'd find out you can't dance." She snickered.

"You're evil." Nathan mocked with a playful glare.

"So I've been told." She laughed and wrapped her arms around his tan neck, "You're not that bad."

Nathan smiled and glanced down at his feet, "That's because I have the best teacher." He flashed her a charming smile.

"Such a charmer." Haley laughed and playfully rolled her eyes.

"It's the truth." Nathan said genuinely, as Haley smiled and swayed back and forth to the beat of the music, humming lightly to the words, and enjoying the company.

Nathan smiled down at her, "So listen, do you think I can get your autograph, Haley James?"

"How about I give you my number instead?" She said with a sparkle in her eye as she looked into his light blue orbs.

Nathan broke out into a full blown smile, "Really? That would be amazing!"

Haley giggled, "Sure, I'd love to see you again. I had an amazing time."

"Me too." Nathan replied quickly. "So let me ask you one more thing-"

Before Nathan could finish, he saw a curly blonde haired woman approaching them in a fury. "Haley! Where the hell have you been? I tried calling you five times! I was worried sick-"

"Peyton, hi! I'm sorry-" Haley said as she disentangled herself from Nathan and turned to find her manager.

"Haley we have to go now!" Peyton rushed out. "It's almost two am."

"But Peyton-" Haley protested as she bore into Nathan's confused eyes and felt herself being dragged off by her manager, and the only thing she could do was leave Nathan standing still in the middle of the dance floor watching as she got lost in the crowd, still feeling the tingles of her kiss radiating off of his own lips.

And that was the last time Nathan Scott had seen Haley James.

"Peyton, what the hell?" Haley shrieked as she was thrown into a limo and whisked away from the party scene.

"No, Haley! You what the hell? Where have you been for the past three hours? I was worried sick!"

"I met Nathan." She replied dreamily.

"Haley that's great and everything, but you can't just venture off without permission!"

"I'm not a child!" Haley argued. "Besides, you were the one who encouraged me to talk to him and I did!"

"Haley, you know you don't have time for relationships. If anything, I just saved your sorry ass from falling too hard and ending up getting your heart broken. Trust me, you don't need that right now. You're in the prime years of your career." Peyton lectured her friend of five years, and Haley rolled her eyes.

"Take me to the studio." Haley demanded.

"Excuse me?" Peyton questioned.

"I said take me to the studio. I have a song I want to write, and I want it released ASAP."

"Whoa, whoa. Do you know what time it is?" Peyton asked disbelievingly.

Haley sighed, "Yes, and if I don't go to the studio and get this song written and recorded, I will have a breakdown. Please, Peyton." She pleaded.

Peyton ran a hand through her messy blonde locks, "Okay, sure, whatever, fine. Let's go."

Of course Nathan had gone home that night and watched every single YouTube video he could find of her, download every single song of hers on iTunes, and read almost every single article written about her, but nothing was the same. He tried everything in his power to find her her number, but because she was a celebrity, it was virtually impossible. He found her fan club e-mail, but the chances of her seeing it was slim to none. Then of course he asked Clay to try and contact her manager, but when he got through it went straight to voice mail, and he still never heard back from her. It was completely useless. So after a while, he gave up. Maybe i was only meant for one night, and he'd never let go of that night. Haley changed his world. He tried to find out her concert days so he could go and see her but he knew by now she probably moved on and was busy with her life, as was he. Basketball kept him extremely busy, and even if he could go to Haley's concert, his schedule kept him from doing so. He figured everything happened for a reason, and although he didn't know the reason, and he wasn't happy about it, He and Haley James were not meant to be- or so he thought.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

This is me praying that
This was the very first page
Not where the story line ends
My thoughts will echo your name
Until I see you again
These are the words I held back
As I was leaving too soon
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you
Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
This night is flawless, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, dancing around all alone
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Please don't be in love with someone else
Please don't have somebody waiting on you

"I remember now!" Clay shouted as Nathan was pulled from his flashback.

"What?" Nathan mumbled.

"That's Haley James- the girl you're obsessed with."

"I'm not obsessed with her." Nathan grumbled.

Clay snickered, "You so are! Dude, I bet this song is about you!"

"Nos hit Sherlock!" Nathan spat.

"Hey man, no reason to get nasty on me." Clay defended.

"Sorry." Nathan sighed.

"I'm sorry Nathan, I tried everything I could."

Nathan nodded understandingly. "I know man, thanks for trying."

"Hey, if it's meant to be, it'll happen." Clay promised as he pulled into the parking lot of the new LA club, and glanced over at Nathan giving him a reassuring smile. "Cheer up, buddy."

Haley paced nervously around backstage as the pit in her stomach increased by the deafening screams she could hear from the audience.

"Sixty seconds, Miss. James!" A stage crew member announced through the door, giving Haley a quick smile, as she took a deep breath and grabbed her guitar.

In the distance she could see Peyton talking with a blonde haired man, and furrowed her eyebrows when she noticed him point to her. Whatever they were talking about now was completely useless, as she was about to start her set any second now.

"Hey man, I'm going to go to the bathroom, alright. Be right back." Nathan shouted to Clay over the loud screams in the club.

"Okay, I'll see you later." Clay promised, and made his way backstage to find the curly blonde haired girl he's been in contact with for the past month.

"Clay! You made it!" Peyton shouted excitedly. "Thank god! I was growing worried you wouldn't show. Haley's been a wreck lately-"

"Nathan, too. I'm so glad I got in contact with you." Clay smiled as he shook her hand politely.

"Me too. I have a feeling Haley is going to be ecstatic." Peyton shared as she watched Haley walk onto stage and greeted the crowd as they went completely wild.

"Hey LA! I'm so happy to be here for you guys to debut my new song 'Enchanted' about someone I haven't been able to get mind off recently. I hope you like it!" Haley smiled, and started the intro to her song while strumming the chords to the beginning.

Nathan exited the bathroom and tried to find Clay through the madhouse of people, but it was crazy. He couldn't hear or see anything, so he sent a quick text to Clay asking where he was, and luckily he answered quickly which told Nathan to meet him backstage.

This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
I was enchanted to meet you

Nathan heard the familiar tune, and almost stopped dead in his tracks. The closer he made it backstage, the more clear the voice became, and the faster his heart started to beat.

It couldn't be...

could it?
Haley was here.

His Haley James was here, and he was two seconds away from seeing her.

Haley looked out at the fans like she always does, hoping to see a blue eyed familiar face. But just like every show, she was met with disappointment.

"Thanks LA! You guys rock!" Haley laughed into the microphone, and said her final goodbye as she walked off stage to find Peyton. She was still talking to the blonde haired man, only this time, there was a raven haired man there too.




He came.

She couldn't help her legs that ran faster than her heart as she flung herself into his arms and he blissfully spun her around.

"I can't believe you're here!" She cried into his neck as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

"I didn't know you'd be here either..." Nathan laughed in disbelief.

"Surprise." Clay and Peyton announced with happy smiled adjourned over their faces.

"Ahh!" Haley screamed and hugged Peyton. "Thank you so much!"

"Thanks Clay! I can't believe this. I'm so happy right now." Nathan smiled and once again pulled Haley in for a long hug.

"God I've missed you." He whispered.

"I missed you too. Did you hear the song?"

"I did." Nathan confirmed with a proud smile.

"I loved it, and just so you know, I was enchanted to meet you." He winked at her, as she jumped up, throwing her arms around his neck and kissed him passionately.

So I basically threw the ending together last minute but I'm quite pleased with it.

I may or may not write a prologue. I want to because I could definitely expand on this, but I have like four other stories I need to finish first. Ahah I suck.

Anyway, thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I loved writing it even though I'll be dead tired tomorrow. Oh well.