Title: Home

Disclaimer: Once Upon A Time and its characters belong to Eddie Kitsis and Adam Horowitz and are owned by ABC. Not Mine!

Warning: K+

Author's Note: This is set after the season finale. This might just end up being one-shots that occur after the season finale with the charming family. I have a little more to added to this one which will come in chapter 2. Hope you enjoy it! :)

Chapter 1

It was starting to get late as the party started to die off. Henry had asked to go with Regina for the night and Emma was sitting in her parents' booth once again. Her mother was holding Neal on one side and David and Emma were sitting on the other side.

Emma was tired, really tired. Considering her night had turned into a couple of days where she messed up history, helped her mom steal her father's ring, got thrown into jail, watched her mother die, witnessed her father save her mother, watched as her mom and dad fell in love, and then almost being stuck in Rumplestiltskin's vault without a way home. After everything she went through, she wasn't ready to leave her parents especially after missing them so much and finally finding her home.

David glanced over to his daughter who looked like she could fall asleep at any moment. David was beyond thrilled because he had his family together and it was whole for once in a long time. His daughter had finally accepted them as family, as her mom and dad. He wasn't for sure if her calling them mom and dad would stick, but he hoped it would. This was the second time she had called him Dad and it warmed his heart like nothing else did.

Emma started to nod off, but woke herself up quickly. "I think I need some coffee." Emma murmured as she was about to get out of the booth, but her father didn't budge from his spot.

"I don't think coffee is what you need. I think it's sleep you need." Charming said with a soft chuckle as he put his arm around his daughter.

Emma couldn't help the grin that came to her face at the contact with her father and the concern she could hear in his voice. He was her dad and she loved it. "Maybe, but coffee will keep me awake." Emma replied.

"Speaking of sleep, we should get home and get some sleep while we can." Snow said, hoping Emma would follow suit and get to bed.

Emma's heart sunk as she realized that they would leave soon. She didn't want them to leave especially right after she got them back. She wasn't ready yet.

"Emma why don't you come home with us since Henry is with Regina?" Snow asked sensing Emma's reluctance to leave them after what she just went through and if she was honest with herself she wanted both of her babies under one roof.

"Yeah, you could sleep in your old bed." Charming added thinking it would be nice to be together as a family.

Emma wanted to say yes so badly, but there was a part that was still holding back due to her pride. She looked from her mom to her dad then thought of an idea. "Ok, you may need my help anyway. I'm the only one that has memories of taking care of a baby." Emma said with a smirk.

"Fake ones." Charming said with a chuckle.

Emma shrugged her shoulders, but a smile was on her face.

Although the Charmings had planned to leave, they ended up staying for a while longer because Ruby started talking to Snow and Grumpy had started talking to Charming. Emma on the other hand was at first trying to pay attention to both conversations, but at some point she leaned her head on her hand and ended up falling asleep.

"David, I think it's about time we head home." Snow said with a grin as she glanced over at a sleeping Emma.

David looked over and a smile broke out on his face at seeing Emma asleep. "Yes, now that both of our babies are sleeping." David whispered with a chuckle.

David put his hand on Emma's back and starting rubbing soft circles on it. "Emma."

Emma jerked her head up as she said, "I'm awake."

David and Snow exchanged an amused grin before starting to get ready to leave the diner. They pack up their stuff and said their goodbyes, but Emma continued to sit with her head leaning on her hand.

"Come on, Princess." David said with a chuckle as he patted Emma's back before taking her hand in his to lead her out of the booth.

Emma chuckled tiredly as she let him help her out of the booth. "Is this going to become a thing?" Emma mumbled tiredly.

"Calling you princess? Probably. You always have been a princess, but only my princess not Hook's." David said seriously as he led Emma to the door by placing his hand at the small of her back.

Emma rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say, Dad." Emma said quietly with a small grin.

After getting the 'kids' settled in the backseat of Snow's station wagon, Snow and David got into the front with David driving. "Let's go home." David whispered as he took a hold of Snow's hand.

Snow grinned and then looked at back at her kids. Neal was still sleeping and Emma had already leaned her head against the window and she was trying to keep her eyes open.

David pulled up by their apartment building a few minutes later with his family in tow.

Snow poked her husband's arm and pointed towards the backseat with huge grin on her face.

David's face lit up as he saw his children; Emma had moved over to the middle seat and had her head resting on the car seat while Neal grasped her fingers as they both slept peacefully. David looked over to see his wife who had her phone out to take a picture of the cute little scene before them. The parents took a moment to enjoy their little family moment before getting out of the car.

"You want to get our prince, while I take care of our princess?" David asked with a wink.

Snow nodded with a grin as they switched sides and opened the back doors to the station wagon. Snow and David ducked in the car at the same time and shared a touched smile before David gently shook Emma's shoulder as he said, "wake up, Emma, we're home."

Emma smiled softly as she mumbled the word, "home," but didn't open her eyes.

David smiled as he just barely heard the word she repeated. "Emma, you have to wake up, it's time for bed." David said as he shook Emma's shoulder again.

This time Emma opened her eyes and looked sleepily at her dad and then turned to see her baby brother and mother. "Good I'm tired." Emma mumbled after a moment in a serious tone that had her parents holding back chuckles at her statement.

"Come on, let's get you out of here." David said. He watched as Emma tried to move without unbuckling her seatbelt and looked confused for second so he unbuckled it for her. He took her hand once more and helped her out of the car. He made sure she was okay on her own before shutting the car door and heading over to help Snow out with the baby. "We better hurry, I don't think Emma is totally awake at the moment." David said with a chuckle.

David carried in the car seat with a sleeping Neal inside while Snow locked arms with Emma as they walked up the stairs to the loft.

Emma was exhausted and found herself closing her eyes as the walked up the stairs only to open them quickly forgetting she had to keep them open while she was walking.

They walked into the loft and David placed the car seat with Neal in it on the table before turning towards his daughter who was practically asleep on her feet.

"Goodnight, Emma." David said softly as he touched the side of Emma's arm.

Emma looked up at her dad and couldn't help herself as she walked over and hugged him. She felt as he put his arms around her with one hand cradling her head against his shoulder. "Goodnight, Dad."

Emma left her Dad and went over to her mother and hugged her tightly. "I'm so glad you are okay." Emma mumbled as a few tears fell from her eyes. "Goodnight, Mom."

"Goodnight, Emma." Snow said as she brushed the tears from Emma's face with her thumbs.

Emma then made her way up the stairs to her old room as her parents watched her with smiles on their faces. Their daughter had finally come home.

After taking care of Neal, Snow and David went up to make sure Emma was alright. They walked quietly into Emma's room to see their daughter asleep on top of the covers. Apparently she had fallen asleep as soon as she laid down. She hadn't even bothered to take her boots off.

David chuckled softly as he moved to the end the bed to take off one of her boots as his wife took the other one off. He then walked over towards the head of the bed. He looked at his wife questioningly as he tried to decide if Emma would wake if he picked her up so they could pull the covers out from under her.

"She's dead to the world, you won't wake her." Snow whispered with a smile.

David nodded before gently putting one of his arms under Emma's back and the other arm under Emma's knees to pick her up off the bed while Snow pulled the covers down.

As David was holding Emma, Emma turned her body towards him snuggling up next to him as she continued to sleep, completely unaware of what her parents were doing.

Snow gestured for David to put her down, which got her a frown from her husband, but he laid her down anyway.

They both pulled the blanket up over her and then David winked at her with a silent message before they both leaned down to kiss Emma at the same time.

They turned and started to walk out the door, but before they left,

Snow turned around and whispered softly, "Goodnight, Emma."

David and Snow weren't as tired as their daughter and decided to read about Emma's time-traveling adventure. David had snatched up the book to take home for that very reason. Emma had explained what happen, but she didn't read it to them.

David was leaning against the headboard reading the story out loud to Snow who was snuggled up to his side.

"She did what?" David practically shouted. "I'm going to kill him." David added as he started to get out of bed.

"Shhh David! You're going to wake up Neal!" Snow said as she glanced over at the crib waiting for his cry.

"I need to talk to her." David said still worked up over the story. He got up out of the bed as he started to make his way out of their room.

"David, don't you dare wake her up!" Snow said in a harsh whisper.

"But she shouldn't be in places like that with men like that! She is a princess!" David said in a loud whisper voice as he turned around towards his wife.

"I understand, but she is a grown woman, remember?" Snow said with a giggle, but was really getting concerned that he would wake up their son or their daughter.

"I don't care! She's my daughter!" David shouted louder than he meant to with his hands on his hips.

"I, swear, David if you wake up Neal..." Snow whispered with a glare. She settled down as David seemed to pause. "I know you don't like Emma being with anyone, but she seems really happy with Hook. You are going to just have to get use to it." Snow said in a softer voice.

"I still need to go deal with Hook for how he behaved with Emma." David said as he turned to go again.

"David! That was the Hook in the past!" Snow said as she got out of bed and ran to stop David. "David, stop! You can't go over there now!" Snow whispered.

Snow got in front of David preventing him from leaving the loft.

"Snow, can I please just punch him? It will make me feel better." David said with a frown.

Snow shook head side to side. "No."

David sighed before letting his wife led him back to the bed. "This sucks, I missed getting to tell her she couldn't date till she was 30. Maybe I can still tell her she can't date till she is 40."

"Good luck with that, Dad." Snow said with a giggle. "You are lucky that you didn't wake up Neal." Snow said seriously.

"Sorry, I got a little carried away." David said sheepishly.

"A little?" Snow replied with a raised eyebrow. "It's okay, you do have that right as a father. I know it's hard, but she has made so much progress with us tonight. You know, we should celebrate!" Snow said with excitement.

"How?" David asked.

"Wait here." Snow said as she got up from the bed and went into the kitchen. She came back with a beer and a bottle of sparkling grape juice. "I can't drink wine, but this works." Snow said with a smile. "I figured you would prefer a beer."

"You thought right." David said with a smile as he took the beer.

"To being mom and dad." Snow said as she raised her glass to clink it to David's beer.

"I'll toast to that." David said with a grin. "Mom."

"Dad." Snow said with a smile that showed the joy and satisfaction with the little three-letter words, mom and dad.

The black knights walked Snow up the ramp and put her against the wood raising her hands above her head.

"We have to get down there before it's too late." Emma said as she looked towards Charming, hoping he can come in and save the day. After all he is her dad, he is suppose to make things better right?

"I don't think we can." Charming said as he stared out the window at Snow White.

Emma watched as they put the black hood over her mother's head and it hit her this was really happening. She was about to watch her mother die and it was her fault. "No!" Emma cried before feeling Hook pull her into a hug.

Regina threw her fireball and in consumed the platform with Snow. Emma covered her mouth as she continued to sob. Her mother was gone.

She couldn't think of anything, but those last few moments before the fire consumed her mother. She felt a deep sorrow that hurt more than anything she had ever felt before. Her mother was dead. She couldn't help the tears that kept coming as she replayed her mother's death over and over in her head as they made their way back to the camp. She hardly even realized they had left; she was oblivious to everything going on around her because she just lost her mom.

"No!" Emma cried through her dreams. Emma sat up with a jolt as she said, "Mom, no!" Her heart was pounding in her chest and her breathing was uneven as she searched the room trying to understand where she was and what was going on.

She breathed a sign of relief when she realized she was in her old room at her parents' loft. She looked down at the bed to see that she was under the covers and her boots were neatly standing next to the wall. She smiled softly knowing that her parents must have come up after she had fallen asleep.

Suddenly, she got out of bed feeling the urge to go check on her parents to make sure they were okay. It was irrational, but after her time in the Enchanted Forest she just needed to make sure they were okay and if she was truly honest she just missed them.

She walked quietly down the stairs, avoiding the creaks as best as she could. She tipped toed to her parents' room and peeked in to see that they were both sleeping. She breathed a sign of relief as she realized they were both alive and fine. She knew it was dumb, but she just didn't like seeing her mother die (or think that she died). She didn't ever want to lose either of them. They were her home along with Henry, and even, maybe Hook.

She glanced down at her brother, Neal. He was looking up at her with his big blue eyes. She glanced at her parents and then at Neal before carefully picking up her baby brother. She walked with extra care as she went to the couch in the living room. She had hardly held Neal and although she had fake memories of raising Henry, she was still a little nervous around babies.

She sat on the couch and smiled at Neal. "Please don't start crying on me, I don't exactly want them to wake up to find that I was spying on them. They are pretty great parents, you know? They will be everything you need, but you have someone else that will be there for you. Me. I'm your big sister and I'm going to make sure that you never have to grow up without your parents. I mean, our parents. I love you, kid." Emma said before she leaned down and kissed the top of Neal's head.

"Now, I'm guessing you want to hear a story. Well I know you already heard how mom and dad met the first time, but you were sleeping when we were talking about the second time that they met for the first time. I know it's confusing, but I went back in time and kind of messed things up, but don't worry I fixed them. So here it goes brother, once upon a time..."

Neal looked up at Emma with wide eyes as he listened to her story, but towards the end of it he had fallen asleep.

Emma slowly and carefully got up from the couch and walked towards her brother's crib. Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up. Emma thought as she laid her brother down in his crib.

Emma glanced over to where her parents were still sleeping before turning around to walk towards the stairs. She stopped when she got to the bottom of the stairs and glanced over to where her parents' room was. She knew it was silly, but she wanted to be close to them so before she knew it she was walking back to the couch.

She pulled the folded blanket from the top of the couch and spread it out over her before she let herself drift off to sleep knowing that her parents were near and that she was finally home.

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