Truth be told

He looked at the horse for a long moment before he growled mentally. This horse was trying to kill his patience and he didn't have that much left to begin with. The horse continued to chew the piece of grass like it had all the time in the world.

"I hate you." He hissed at the horse that didn't even bother to pick up his head as he kept eating the greens. "I could've taken Thorn but nooo…take Thesial he's the fastest! Fastest my foot!" he yelled as the horse's ears twitched slightly. He was late again and quite honestly would the queen be surprised? He was always late but this time it was for legitimate reasons. He plopped himself down next to the patch of grass Thesial was eating as he sighed. The queen would yell at him again. He hated getting yelled at but he sometime deserved it, sometimes. He looked over to the horse as it kept eating grass. "This is all your fault." He muttered angrily. The horse looked up at him as it brought his large horse head next to him almost as if he was going to whisper the secrets to the universe to him before he proceeded to chomp down on the mans hair. "HEY!" he yelled at the horse a he moved away from it. "That's it!" the man yelled as he got to his feet "I'm going to turn you into glue!" he ranted as two men stepped out of the clearing to find this odd rambling man yelling at a horse.

"Is he insane?" asked Sasuke as he saw the white haired man yelling at the horse.

"Don't you think that a bit rude to assume?" asked Naruto as they kept looking at the man who was trying to get the horses attention but the horse was not having it.

"He's talking to a horse." Pointed out Sasuke as the man seems to notice that both riders behind him.

"Lots of people talk to their horses." He argued as Sasuke raised an eyebrow at the statement.

"Name one." He challenged as the man opened his mouth then shut it like a fish out of water. No sound came out of his mouth as he seems to be stumped.

"We need directions." Interrupted Naruto as he got off his horse. "We're trying to find Raven Castle but we seem to have gotten lost." Naruto said as he looked over to Sasuke who proceed to roll his eyes. The mention of the castle was not lost to the man as he looked at both of them all anger at his horse seem to be erased as he forced on these two new strangers.

"What do you want with Raven Castle?" he questioned as he looked at them.

"None of your business." Answered Sasuke as he too looked at the strange with a small degree of thought.

"We have an appointment with her highness." Answered Naruto as Sasuke looked over to him. The man looked at both of them again wondering if he should answer. After several moments of silence the man spoke.

"What are your names?" he questioned as Sasuke seem to be getting annoyed with the conversation as he got off of his horse.

"What dose it matter?" Sasuke fired off. "Why do we have to explain ourselves to a lunatic talking to a horse?" he pointed out as Naruto brought up his arm to stop him from going on.

"Pardon my companion he's a little sun stork and irritable all the time. We rather not give our names to random people on the side of the roads." He tried to explain as best he could. Sasuke gave him a dirty look before he crossed his arms.

"Funny you should mention that I happen to be captain of her royal highness guards." Answered the man as he lifted his coat to show his captain uniforms and the royal seal on his chest. Sasuke smirked as he looked over to Naruto.

"Captain?" asked Naruto as he raised an eyebrow at him. "Do you happen to be Captain Kakashi of the shadows clan?" he question as he looked at the man before him.

"Your well informed stranger but I still don't know who you are." He pointed as Naruto cringed slightly. Kakashi of the shadow clan was not a person he wanted to piss off. He was right up there with people he wanted to avoid. His right eye can tell if someone is lying pretty quickly almost like Sasuke eyes could find magical power in people.

"We are travelers from the east, sent on a mission by the order. We are not meant to have names I am number 4 and my companion is 13, but if it's a name you want I am Naruto and this is Sasuke." He said as the Kakashi looked at them both very silently. He was pensive for a moment as his right eyes shined slightly.

"I will take you to her highness." He said after a little bit he walked over to his disobedient horse and pulled the rains. The horse lifted his head and looked over to the man and didn't give protest as the man got on the saddle. It was like night and day. The clumsy man they came across became elegant graceful and fearsome. "Keep close." He ordered as Naruto and Sasuke looked over to each other. Naruto nodded and they both mounted their horses and followed the strange man. "Tell me why do you have numbers instead of names?" He questioned after a bit. Naruto looked over to Sasuke who just rolled his eyes.

"The order takes orphans and brings them up. Most of us don't have names. Numbering us is an easier way to keeping track." He answered as he watched Kakashi who didn't look back at them just kept ridding forward.

"Then why do you two have names?" he questioned "The name of a highly respected ninja of legend and the name of a food dish."

"You could say we named ourselves." Answered Sasuke with a smirk as he looked at Nartuo's slightly offended face.

"Our names aren't important." Interrupted Naruto who face was still a bit red.

"Oh but they are. All names are important." Answered Kakashi as the path he was taking widens to become a main road. "Every name is important down to the last detail. A name is the only thing that will live longer then your body ever will." He said as both of them looked at him. Naruto shrugged his shoulders and Sasuke rolled his eyes. This was something above their heads. They just wanted to finish the damn job. They had no idea what was in store for them.

After a few minutes of riding in silence they started to see the road expand into a stone path that led up to high white walls. Two large towers housed four guards each that watch every direction. Two large wooden oak doors stood in the middle serving as the gates inside. A large crest was imprinted on the wooden door of a large tree encircled by a large rope circle. The gate was massive and it almost looked like it was glowing. Naruto looked over to Sasuke who eyes shined a bright red as he looked at the crest.

"It's a ward." He answered Naruto's unasked question.

"It's a warning." Corrected Kakashi as they look at him. Sasuke had not spoken so loudly for him to hear but it was more then apparent that he had heard.

"A warning for what?" asked Naruto as he grabbed the reins a little tighter. He had told Kakashi that they had come on orders in from the order but not very many knew what the order was. They didn't know what the order did. Most of the time they thought they were nomads that traveling around doing odd jobs.

"For people who see it." Answered Kakashi as they both raised their eyebrows. It was hard to tell the expression on Kakashi's face because of the massive coat that seem to swallow him but it looked like he was smiling at them as the doors creaked open slowly. Something didn't settle well in Naruto's stomach as they followed slightly behind their escort. The guard at the gate looked at them like they knew they were coming even before he knew. It was eerie how everything seems to be watching them.

"Tell me, why does the queen need this much guards?" questioned Sasuke as they came to yet another gate. The image on this door was one of Sakura floor with thorns crossing it. The flower glows a bright pink as it parted in the middle as the doors opened. Naruto didn't like the gates. He felt like there was a lot more meaning to the gates then Sasuke was putting to them.

"She doesn't." Answered Kakashi as he waved to someone in the guard tower.

"Then why so many gates?" questioned Sasuke as he followed Kakashi. Naruto was a bit slower this time as he passed the gates. He almost didn't feel it but just at the last minute he felt the thin magic barrier he passed. His body instantly reacted and looked around. He looked at he guards on the towers but could see nothing but shadows where their faces should be. At first he thought he was seeing things but he kept trying to look at their face that's when Kakashi took notice.

"The gates are decoration. Is there something wrong Mr. 4? " asked Kakashi as he looked over to Naruto. Naruto took his eyes off the guard and over to kakashi not knowing what to say.

"No, nothing I thought…." He stated but brushed the thought off. "Nothing, nothing at all." He muttered as he looked over to Sasuke who raised an eyebrow at him. It wasn't like Sasuke not to be suspicious, he always was of everything, but Sasuke was just sitting there aloof about the seal they kept passing like nothing what so ever. Naruto darted his eyes over to the guard tower they had passed so that Sasuke could have a look. He looked over but Sasuke only glance half heartedly and went back to keeping pace with Kakashi. Something was wrong he could feel it in his bones. It felt like they were being lead into a trap. He slipped his hand into his pocket and pressed down on a smooth stone inside. The stone pulsated in his grasp.

He looked ahead to see yet another gate. This gate was different from the last two this one was made of black iron. The seal was glowing bright red and was something he never seen before strange runes marked the edges. It wasn't like any rune symbol he had ever seen. The middle sported a Sakura blossom like the last gate but this one had three rings of runes with five strange symbols. The lines of a five pointed star could be seen behind the Sakura all of them point to symbol that almost looked familiar to Naruto but he couldn't remember from where. He watched as the crest glowed brightly as Kakashi brought up his hand to say hello to the guards. It was almost like the seal was a lock as the outer edges began to spin. He could hear something clicking into place as the seal glowed a bright blue before it disappeared and the last gates opened.

Beyond the gate was a wide road that lead to on of he most bright castles Naruto had ever seen. Before him was a large road paved in strange white stones. In between the stones were a few black stones forming a magnificent design that were almost a shame letting the horses trample all over the master piece. Lining the side of the road were perhaps the strangest trees Naruto had ever seen. The bark of the tree was almost completely back while the leaves of the tree shined a bright white. Each tree held a lantern made of polished silver that would be lit when the sun went down to illuminate the road. As they looked down the road Naruto noticed what looked like a little hill attached to the massive white Castle he had seen. On that hill was the largest pair of doors he had ever laid eyes on. They were bigger then all the gates he had passed until now. These large doors were made of tinted black glass that had a pattern of a black rose etched in the glass. The doors opened parting in the middle as they approached. In the middle stood a woman with blonde hair done up in a neat bun. Part of her hair fell over her left eye giving her a tiny bit of mystery to her. Kakashi dismounted his horse as Sasuke did the same. Naruto was the only one that hesitated a bit, before he dismounted as well.

Kakashi looked over to the side as a stable boy came running to collect his horse. The boy then walked over to Sasuke's horse and took the reins form him. The boy bowed his head slightly hiding his face from Sasuke was he came up to Naruto. Naruto was so transfixed with the giant doors that he didn't even notice the little boy in front of him.

"Your horse sir?' asked the boy as Naruto snapped out of his daze and looked over to the boy and almost fell on his ass. It was the boy he thought had died in the fire. He was standing there smiling at him. He quickly looked over to Sasuke who wasn't paying attention then back to the little boy. Naruto gave the boy the reins of his horse as the boy smiled brightly at him once more before leading all three horses away. Naruto for some unknown reason felt lighter as he watched the boy leave his sights.

"This way gentlemen, the queen is expecting you." Said the woman at the door as all three looked over to her. Naruto's mind went right back to his task as he looked the woman over. This wasn't Hinata from the report. This woman was wearing ninja gear she had to be part of the assassination group that guarded the castle. Kakashi walked in front as he asked the woman something as she nodded to acknowledge something. They lead the way into a giant hallway which had large glittering doors decorating the hallway. The hallway was empty but it felt like it was full of people. He could hear his own feet scuffing along the ground as he watched Kakashi. Something felt very wrong and the fact that Sasuke of all people didn't notice anything told him something was done to him.

At the end of the hall stood a large staircase, at the very top stood another black door with the same crest as the first gate. Kakashi walked up the stairs as the woman stayed at the based of the steps. For the first time Sasuke looked over to the woman who had stopped. It was an instant then he looked away like he was uninterested. The woman sifted a bit before a blush kept onto her cheeks. Naruto rolled his eyes at the reaction and followed Kakashi up to the door. Kakashi pushed the heavy doors wide open.

As the door open Naruto fought the urge to gasp. Beyond the door stood the throne room. It was a large rectangle room with high ceilings at the very end of the long room was a throne. The walls made of a black brick while the floor where made of white marble. The throne it's self was made of the same tinted glass was the front doors. On the throne sat a pale woman no older then 20. Her green eyes watched as they approached. Her hair was an odd color of pink. She kept it short as it hugged her face making her seem more Elvin like. She was very fair looking in her black dress as she looked at them with a bored type of stare. It was like she was a giant and they were ants at her feet. Her face looked indifferent almost like she was a porcelain doll. Naruto watched as a woman with Purple hair whispered something in the queen's ear who gave a small nod. Kakashi stopped before the throne and got down on one knee and bowed.

"Your highness." He muttered softly as she rose her hand to acknowledge him. "I've brought the guests." He said a little tense as the queen gave a small nod.

"Thank you Kakashi, you may go." She instructed as Kakashi looked up at the queen for a second clearly showing he didn't wish too leave the queen with two stranger and a handmaid but he agreed as he bowed once more and made for the door.

"You're Highness." Said Naruto as he bowed at her. Sasuke didn't even acknowledge her. He just kept looking at the handmaid at her side. "My partner and I seek..."

"I know why you're here." She cut him off. Naruto was taken back a bit as he looked at her. "You're here under the orders commands to track down a witch." She said as both Naruto and Sasuke looked at her.

"How did you know that?" asked Naruto as little shocked.

"I've know for some time you would come." She answered a she looked over to Sasuke. "You've been a very naughty dog, soiling all over the carpet." She told Sasuke with a small smile. Sasuke gave a confused look as Naruto almost wanted to laugh at his partner's reaction. "The dogs of the order." She mused as she stood up.

"Not very many people know if us how do you know?" Question Naruto as his hand darted into his pocket.

"You don't even know who holds the leash." She answered.

"It doesn't matter who we work for?" snared Sasuke as he glared at the queen.

"Quite dog." She ordered as Naruto looked completely shocked. She walked down the steps of her throne as her lady in waiting followed. "They really must be desperate if they sent you two." She mused as she looked at both of them. "The dogs of the order famous witch killers." She stated as Sasuke went for his sword but Naruto stopped him. "Oh yes, I know all about you Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha."

"We don't have last names." Commented Naruto as he pushed Sasuke back with his left hand. The queen smiled as she looked at both of them.

"Now why would you think that?" she questioned as she stood before them. She was shorter then both of them but she still made them feel small in her presences.

"We're orphans." Answered Naruto as the queen looked at him with a degree of kindness. Her jade eyes seem to feel sorry for him some how and it made him feel uncomfortable.

"That's right the order takes orphans, doesn't it?" she questioned "It doesn't matter if the orphans already have a family.

"What are you going on about?" questioned Sasuke as she looked over to him for the first time and really acknowledging him.

"You were ripped from you homes." She stated "Your families were made nonexistent." She answered as she looked at Sasuke almost as if she knew something he didn't. "Both of your families were important the order wanted their heirs in their pockets." Both stood transfixed as they looked at her. They didn't know what to think as they watched her.

"If we're to believe these lies how would you know about this?" questioned Sasuke as she smiled and pointed to the wall on the far left. On the wall was a map showing districts in the kingdom. Each district ruled by a family name. The names Uchiha and Uzumaki were blacken out over two districts.

"What the hell is going on?" questioned Naruto as he looked at the map. He had turned a bit pale as he looked at the map. He had questioned the order before but now that the name Uzumaki appeared before him his mind was racing. He had heard of that name before in hush talk between the elders when he was first brought to the order. They had called him Uzumaki while they thought he wasn't listening. Now that name had found its way to a map in a country he wasn't familiar with put him on edge. He had known something was wrong the moment he entered the castle it was almost like something was trying to warn him.

"This must be entertaining for you your highness but we have more important matters then your parlor tricks." Sasuke said as he looked like he wasn't in any mood to talk anymore.

"Parlor tricks?" she muttered to herself. "Yes that right you're here for the elder witch." She answered as she turned her back to them as she walked back to her throne. They watched as she sat down once more and looked at both of them. They had never told her they had come to hunt the elder witch down. She knew more then they thought she did. "And what will you do once you have her?" she asked.

"Take her back to the order." Answered Sasuke. The queen laughed openly as she looked at both of them.

"But that's not what you want is it?" She directed the question at Sasuke. "You would rather kill her." She mused as she looked directly at Sasuke. Her jade eyes went from warm to cold in an instant. Naruto felt uneasy as he looked over to Sasuke who was getting rather angry. "Even after your clan swore to protect them." It was like the air started to get cold as she spoke. "You've used the gift given to you to hunt down the very beings you were meant to protect." She never raised her voice was she spoke but the cold was spreading through the room. She didn't look like a kind queen she did before now she looked like a warrior ready for battle. Naruto reached into his pocket and pulled out the stone as Sasuke eyes bleed away to red. The room started to freeze as the queen stood in front of her throne. They watched as her jade eyes glowed slightly before she spoke.

"Well here I am, come at me if you can mongrel!"

-Sorry, I lost the chapter a couple of times so couldn't update.