AN : I want to thanks R u mad and santanasnix for helping me with this story

Disclaims: Don't own the characters or the show.

Intro: Hi my name is Rachel Berry, I'm 23 years old and I'm bisexual. I had my heart broken by both men and women. So I'm here to find my shot at true love. But I am very nervous to come out to the world as bisexual.

The black stretched limousine pulled drove down the gravel courtyard and pulled up in front of the oversized mansion. A man waiting at the door of the house opened the back door of the limo to let out its passengers. With the door wide open the first passenger stepped out, followed by another and another. It seemed never ending as women exited the car, single file. As they hurried to the open door of the mansion they bundled into groups, excitedly chatting about the hostess they were anxious to meet.

They gathered in the main hallway, waiting patiently at the bottom of the grand stair well, for the beautiful Rachel Berry.

Rachel was as equally anxious as her 'guests', as she waited at the top of the stairs, just out of sight. She took a deep calming breath before she stepped out and started to walk down the stairs to meet her guests. As she walked down the stairs she heard wolf whistle and cheering.

She stopped one step from the bottom look out, over the crowd. As she scanned through the crowd her eyes met a pair of Hazel staring so intently right back at her.

Rachel felt her breath hitch for a moment as her eyes kept glued to those hazel ones. The hostess had to shake her head slightly, to free herself from her stupor, before she addressed the group. She took another deep breath before she finally asked with one of her megawatt smiles, "Are you ready to party, ladies?" She was met with cheering of agreement.

"Right, before we start partying you all need to grab a key." She gestured with a wave of her hand to her right, where a bowl sat on a table. In the bowl many heart shaped keys on lanyards waited to be claimed by the curious, intrigued, but mostly excited house guests.

Once their keys was around their necks Rachel started to talk again. "The key you are wearing around your necks is a symbol of a shot, a chance, at love... with me." She swallowed thickly, "So protect them with your life because you never know you might have the key to my heart." She said with a fierceness that was mere theatricality for her audience, and a cloak to her true feelings, the nervousness in her stomach. "So are you guys ready to party?" She asked again.

The group of young woman all shouted back their positive answers as they made their way through the big house to the backyard.

Rachel searched and searched the crowd as they walked past, but she could not find the girl with the hazel eyes, and already she couldn't get the same young woman out of her mind.

She quickly made it her mission to find out who those hazel eyes belonged to. She had to get to know her, had to know why she had felt a spark from such simple eye contact. Maybe she was getting overexcited, maybe she was crazy. Her guests had only just arrived and yet she found herself wanting to get to know just one.

The Hostess worked the room, some of her guests even tried to talk to her but she brushed them off when she felt nothing as she looked into their eyes. Blue, dark brown, green-y grey, they were all wrong, and she felt nothing.

She began to wonder if it had been a hopeful daydream. Maybe this experiment had just been a crazy idea, maybe- she stopped. Something caught her eye, and paused her breathing again.

She saw a beautiful woman sitting at a table and talking to another of her guests; they must have been sharing a joke because the woman Rachel didn't find herself as interested in was laughing at something the wonderfully attractive one had said.

The girl with those hazel orbs looked up at Rachel and immediately theirs eye were glued to one another.

Rachel felt some childish success of having completed her first mission. The Brunette hostess wandered closer to the mysterious woman that already had her entranced. She tried to stay casual, tried to not look over eager as she closed in.

When she was close enough she asked the woman if she could sit down. The hazel eyed women replied yes without second thought. They were all here to see Rachel Berry anyway, why would she not want her to take a seat.

"So what's your name?" asked Rachel, getting straight to business with the woman who she was already too interested in.

The pretty woman smiled and simply answered, "The name is Lucy Quinn Fabray" her voice was a little rough, in a way that made Rachel shiver, in a good way of course. "But you can call me Quinn everyone else does," she added.

Rachel felt a little happier now that she had a name to put to those eyes. "So Quinn, tell me about yourself." said Rachel.

"Well I'm 24 years old, I attend Yale, where I am studying and practising Photography. I was a cheerleader and in glee club when I was in high school. I was in a group called The Unholy Trinity." Quinn kept cool but she was as eager as the other guests to make herself memorable to the famous Hostess.

"The Unholy Trinity?" Rachel chuckled, "What was that?"

"Well it was me and my two best friends, Brittany and Santana. We kinda ruled the school back then."

"Are you guys still close?" Rachel asked, simply trying to keep it light and get to know this woman.

"Yeah, we still talk when we can" Quinn shrugged. She would have preferred to be asking the questions, wanting to know why Rachel had thrown this event, why she wanted to find love so much. But she didn't want Rachel to get bored with her so soon, so she kept talking, "Brittany is a dancer so she travels all over the world. As for Santana you can ask her yourself." Quinn said as she gestured to the woman Rachel had completely ignored, the one Quinn had made laugh, sat just the other side of the table, with a curious smirk on her looked over to other side of the table at Santana. Santana was wearing red short mini cocktail dress. Rachel was also taken by Santana's beauty.

She wasn't shy about going straight ahead and introducing herself, "Well as you know I'm Santana Marie Lopez, I'm 25 years old, and I'm studying to be lawyer at NYU. And I was also in glee club with Q and Britt," said Santana in her husky voice. "So Rachel tell us something about yourself that we don't know from reading you're bio on that Internet" she went right ahead and requested.

"Well..." Rachel searched her mind. What didn't the internet know? Maybe the tiny insignificant details? "Well I love dogs and my favorite color is baby blue..." She started to ramble.

Rachel, Santana and Quinn continued to talk with each other for what felt like a few minutes, but when Rachel's eye finally left the two beautiful two woman sat with her and caught the clock on the wall beyond then she realised a lot more time had passed.

She excused herself, realising it was time for the real focus of the evening.

"So I asked everyone to bring a costume for tonight, because we are having a talent show." She announced her surprise loudly to the guests she had mostly been ignoring. "So this is your chance to impress me before I decide which five of you will be going home tonight." Everyone looked at Rachel with shock on their faces. They had barely been acknowledged by her, so staying depended on their talents.

Rachel walked over and sat in a chair at the end of a long runway that stood central to the large room. "Let The Talent Show Begin" she declared, as on cue music started to play.

Rachel watched what each girl have to offer but none of them took her breath Away. When it came to the point where there were only two acts left Rachel noticed that neither Quinn nor Santana were sitting with the rest of the other female guests on the couch. Rachel waited patiently to see what Santana and Quinn have in store for her. Then the music started to play, Rachel recognize it was toxic by Britney Spears. Quinn came out on stage with A red and black skirt, red bra with a white blouse tied under her breast. A red and black sequined hat sat on her head.

Quinn sang the first chorus of the song as she swayed her hips from left to right. Santana came out next to her, sporting a similar outfit only revealing a little more that her blonde partner in crime.

Santana stood in front of Quinn and turned her backside to Rachel as she shook it provocatively in Rachel's direction. She then began to sing the next chorus to the song.

They then grabbed chairs, and used them to continue their seductive dance, standing on them, or bending over them in any way to keep Rachel's attention on them and only them. It wasn't difficult though.

They finished their routines by approaching like predators to their prey and then playfully throwing their hats to Rachel.

By the end Rachel wanted nothing more than to rip their clothes off and have her way with them. When she realised it was time to make a comment to the two waiting women she fought to get her mind out of the gutter, but it was a struggle.

Santana and Quinn stood still before her, in a sexy pose and a smirk on their lips. They knew they weren't going home to night.

Rachel finally found some words and forced them from her dry mouth. "Well... I really enjoyed getting to know each an everyone of you. And I enjoyed your performances" She finally tore her eyes away from the woman on the stage and managed to address the entire group of girls, "So I need to go upstairs to unwind" cool down was more like it "from this evening and to decide which five of you will unfortunately be going home tonight." She started to slowly make her way to the door. "So I'll meet you in the elimination room in an hour" she told them before finally escaping the room.