This is a Continuum of Whitfire's Arya of Carvahall. Adopted by me teenwriter827. Used with permission.

Chapter 1

Summary: what if Arya was the one in Carvahall, what if two eggs had been stolen instead of one, what if one had hatched already, what if Eragon was the one who carried the other egg. This is my first fan fiction

A/N I don't own anything from the Inheritance cycle.

Chapter 1: the forest in the spine was basked in the pale silvery light of the moon as I set up camp for the night. Tonight wasn't a very safe time to be in the spine with it being a full moon meaning the wolves would be out so I decided to sleep in a tree. I fell asleep almost immediately.

I was walking through a forest that I quickly realized was not the spine it was to peaceful and was much denser. I heard what I thought was singing I ran through the forest until I saw the one who was singing. He was tall I guessed around 6.4 all I could see was his back he had long pitch black hair and I could see the points of his ears that's when I realized that he was an elf. I was so focused on the elf that I didn't hear what was sneaking up on me until I felt its breath on my neck I jumped and whirled around to see my reflection in a gigantic sapphire coloured eye the dragon as i would later learn that that's what it was raised its head and hummed low and deep in its throat. I was frozen in place by fear and awe when I heard a calm and soothing voice float across the clearing " so you are the who will be the one it hatches to" I realized that the voice had come from the elf I whirled the elf was now facing me I could see his high cheek bones and his angular face I found myself thinking 'he was beautiful and elegant' and he had the most striking eyes they were a pure solid sapphire the same as the dragon's. He cocked his head to the side as if he were listening to something only he could hear and he nodded then looked back at me and smiled the he spoke "greetings my name is Eragon and may I ask you what yours is young one" his voice was crystal clear I stammered "A-Arya" then blurted out "your an elf" he chuckled and responded with a nod "yes I 'am and your human at least for now" a deep sounding voice reverberated through my head "' greetings little one'" once again I whirled to face the dragon and she inclined her head and touched her snout to my forehead and said "'my name is Saphira and the elf over there'" she motioned to Eragon "' is my rider'" " I gasped you're a dragon rider for real" once again he nodded "yes I am Arya of Carvahall" he said with a smirk I was immediately suspicious "how do you know where I live he chuckled again and simply said "Saphira told me she is the one who contacted you while you were sleeping" I was still suspicious but nodded he then said "I'm sorry but we must go now reaching this far into the empire is dangerous if you want more information talk to Brom tell him that I sent you".

My eyes shot open and I almost fell out of the tree I was sleeping in my mind filed with images of the elf and his dragon I wanted to learn more I needed to get back to Carvahall and talk with Brom the village bard. I quickly packed up my camp and started to run down the mountain using the game trails at a light jog heading toward the village it took me about an hour to reach the village in my rush I had taken a wrong turn ant it took me some time to find the right path again.

I ran up to Brom door and knocked on the door three times I was about to knock on the door again when I heard someone grumbling and then I heard Brom gruff voice through the door "I'm busy please come back at a later time tomorrow" I spoke quickly "Brom its Arya I have something I need to speak with you urgently about" Brom was like and uncle to me much in the same way Garrow was like my father he almost always had time to talk to me and frequently told me stories about the riders of old. The door opened slowly and there he stood he was average height and was of an average build but everyone in the village knew he could fight after he saved me from some drunken soldiers last year at the festival he had brown hair interspersed with flecks of grey and silver he had a kind face and deep brown eyes. "What is it child I thought you were hunting in the spine" he asked not unkindly "I was but I had a dream about an elf and a dragon and he told me to come to you if I wanted to learn more and said to tell you that Eragon sent me" I saw the surprise wash over him when I said Eragon's name but it quickly disappeared "quickly now come inside quickly now child" he said as he ushered me inside and offered me a seat on one of the chairs that weren't covered in books of which there were many in Brom's small but cozy home I took a chair in front of the fire and Brom sat across from me and he after we had settled he spoke "Arya tell me every detail of your dream it is very peculiar that he would contact you no offence but he is the eleven prince and he has been busy ferrying a very special package" and so I told about my dream and of what Eragon and Saphira had said when I told him of how Eragon had said I would be the one it hatched for he nearly fell out of his chair in surprise but told me to finish the retelling when I was done. We sat in silence until Brom finally spoke "so you will be the one eh well then we should probably pack some bags to leave when he gets here" I was shocked "y-y-you mean Eragon is coming here" "yes but it will take about a week since he'll come by horse" "but he has a dragon" "true but it is much too dangerous to come into the empire on a dragon" my face fell a week time would pass so slowly upon seeing me facial expression Brom said "tomorrow why don't you go back into the spine for a day or two and see if you could get us some meat for the journey" I smiled hunting always calmed me down so I nodded "I was going to go back after our talk anyway thank you Brom I'll see you in three days" and with that I got up to leave when Brom spoke his voice was thick with warning and he said "don't trust and travelers they may be from the empire" and with that I left.