I was supposed to end the story in this chapter. Honestly, I was. I had it all planned out but once I started writing, I found I had more material than what I wanted to put in just one chapter. So...what I had planned for the big finale will be split between 2 chapters so that I can write the ending the way I feel does the most justice to this story and its characters.

On a last note, if you don't know what the meaning of the proverb "Don't throw stones when you live in a glass house", you should look it up real quick before reading this chapter as I make reference to it and it won't make sense otherwise.

The damage had been done and now it was time to face the music. Or rather, one sexy curly-haired devil that had turned her world upside down.

"Remind me again why I haven't killed your sister yet?" she asked wryly to the floor, trying to delay the inevitable.

Bellamy didn't reply and after several minutes of silence, Clarke could take no more. She wanted - no, needed - to see his reaction to Octavia's startling declaration. He was kneeling in front of her, watching with an almost cautious look as if afraid she might make a run for it.

Which honestly, didn't sound like a bad idea right about now.

Not that she could go anywhere since he was blocking her only path to the only exit. Whether he had done that purposely or not was a mystery but it didn't stop her from plotting several rather ridiculous escape plans.

Clarke cleared her throat nervously when she realized that she had been gawking at him the entire time the imaginary scenarios played out in her head, causing the corners of his mouth to turn up ever so slightly.

"About what she said-"

"I'm sorry about-"

They both stopped abruptly and stared at each other before erupting into awkward chuckles. As the laughter died away, he rubbed the back of his neck and Clarke would almost say he looked anxious if she didn't think Bellamy incapable of that particular emotion. Only mere mortals such as herself felt that particular obnoxious feeling, especially as she waited for him to make a joke of the situation. Or worse, tell her that he didn't feel the same.

Not that she had actually confessed her feelings out loud or anything. But would her panic attack confirm that Octavia's accusation was true? Actions speak louder than words and all that. Right?

Goddammit. When did she become this freaked out mess of a person? She sounded like one of those fucking female leads in those romance novels that she hated. The annoying kind that swooned and shit. They were the absolute worst. Like, seriously, they should just say the damn words already instead of carrying on an internal monologues filled with unnecessary drama.

Clarke decided then and there it was past time to pull on her big girl panties instead of throwing stones at her glass house.

"I love you." she blurted out.

His response was not what she was expecting. She thought he'd stumble in his race to get away from her while making a halfhearted attempt to placate hurt feelings. Something punch-worthy along the lines of, "I like you but not in that way" or "Thanks but no thanks".

Instead, he let a deep sigh of relief and grinned. The kind of grin that made a girl's heart skip beats and butterflies to swarm her stomach. A smile that Clarke had always hoped a man would direct her way, one filled with unfiltered joy and love.

She didn't need to hear the words to know that he was in love with her too.

However, once again she acted like those annoying twats in books but she just couldn't help herself. Seriously, who could with a smile like that?

She swooned.

Clarke found herself lying in a bed a few minutes later, shoe-less and covered with a familiar looking blanket. It took her a minute to figure out where she was as but she recognized the mess of clothing and items scattered around the tent. Bellamy didn't care for objects like he did for people so they were treated as inconsequential. Hence the chaos.

She was embarrassed that she had gone all weak-kneed and light-headed at Bellamy's smile but she blamed the fact that she hadn't eaten breakfast on her reaction. Next time she made a love declaration, she'd make sure to eat beforehand.

On second thought, that was a horrible idea. She'd probably end up throwing up on him. Ewwww. So not the way to a guy's heart.

Never mind, swooning wasn't so bad.

Speaking of Bellamy, she wondered where he had gone off to. She got her answer a few minutes later when he returned with a handful of berries for her to eat, dropping them into her eager hands.

While it was annoying at times how well he knew her, she appreciated the gesture. They looked absolutely delicious and she was hungry after all.

He sat down beside her while she polished off the sweet fruit, waiting patiently for her to finish without saying a word or teasing her. Clarke deliberately drew out the process of eating, giving her time collect her thoughts. To tease him, she made sure to suck the berry juice off her fingers slowly, pulling them out each time with a pop when released from her mouth. She saw Bellamy gulp as he watched before he finally grabbed her hands, effectively stopping her.

All thoughts of teasing and berries fell away as she locked eyes with him.

In them, she read every emotion.

He loved her. Desired her above all else. Wanted to protect and care for her. Would never let her go.

She returned each with a silent promise of her own.

She loved him too. Wanted nothing but him. Would never hurt him or betray him. Would stay by his side always.

It was in that moment that it dawned on her that her worded confession was unnecessary to Bellamy. He had always known that subconsciously, she had felt the same about him. The same all-consuming passion and adoration that caused them to clash because it was lurking underneath the surface instead out in the open where it belonged.

There was a thin line between love and hate. At some point they had crossed over from hate to love and never gone back.

Why else would she have teased and fought with him so fiercely? Why she had stayed by his side despite his unwritten no-sex rule for the last week. Clarke was not the type to just give up when she wanted something. If sex was the only thing she had wanted, she could have seduced him and left it at that. Yet not once did these thoughts occur to her. She hadn't even sought out Tim or Finn for comfort like she had once threatened Bellamy with in an attempt to make him jealous.

Gawd but she was an idiot sometimes.

The only reason the words had the impact they did was because he now knew she had finally realized her feelings. It had been what he was waiting for all along.

Acknowledgement. Acceptance. Admittance.

An unhealthy obsession with alliteration. You know, the usual.

"Are you done freaking out yet?"

Clarke smacked him on the arm and mumbled, "Shut up."

He grinned at her response, "I'll take that as a no then."

"Why the hell didn't you say anything?" she whined at him.

An eyebrow raised to that. "Oh really? And what could I have possibly said that wouldn't have sent you running in the opposite direction? '"Hey Clarke, I'm ass-backwards in love with you despite all the arguing and teasing we do. I want to marry you and father your children so please Clarke, won't you be with me always? Oh and by the way, you don't realize this yet but you love me too."'.

"Uhhhh, okay. Maybe you have a point there. I probably would have slit your throat in your sleep for suggesting such a thing a few weeks ago."

"That's what I thought."

Wait a second! Did he just say what she thought he said?

Clarke replayed the conversation in her head and her eyes grew wide.

He wanted to marry her? Make babies with her? Whoa, was he that serious about them?

"I see by the look on your face that you finally getting it Princess"

Her face had to resemble a fish the way her mouth gaped open but it snapped close with click when he leaned in close to her.

Bellamy cradled her face in both his hands and whispered, "I've tried to say it in a thousand different ways but if you need the actual words then I'll give that to you. I love you. I want everything you can give me. Marriage, babies, growing old together. I'm all in."

Boom. Mic drop. LOL. Anyways, there's still at least one chapter left in this adventure so stay tuned for more. I am thinking of writing more drabbles but only posting them to Tumblr so follow me (TheWildOne01) if you want to read them. Reviews are my bread and butter so please leave them if you can. I'd especially love to know what enjoy most about the story and/or your favorite scene. It helps me to improve upon my writing.