Chapter 26: Bonus chapter 1: Prim and the Pastry Prequel

Chapter Text

Bonus Chapter 1: Prim and the Pastry Prequel

The juvenile holding area of the Central Judicial Center was a bleak, cheerless place. Peeta clipped the visitors badge onto his collar and was escorted to a room sparsely furnished with a couple of chairs and a metal prefab table. Everything was utilitarian, gray, and bolted to the floor. Peeta's fingers itched to add color to the drab beige walls and bare concrete floor. Instead, he took one of the chairs and waited for them to bring in his irresponsible little sister. He debated the merits of strangling her once again. She continued to disregard his well-meaning advice and go her own way. Peeta was all for Prim taking initiative and exerting her independence. What galled him time and time again was the fact that Prim marching to the beat of her own drum usually ended with a call from local law enforcement. He was tired of being the dutiful big brother and fixing her messes. This time she had managed to take it to a point where he could no longer wave his hand or a wad of cash and make it all better.

As he waited, his mind strayed once more to the unexpected visitor that had burst into his life with very little fanfare but had managed to pack quite a wallop all on her own. Katniss Everdeen. Even her name evoked a riotous swirl of butterflies in his stomach. He shook his head in tired amusement. He had just managed to prove exactly how wretched his social life had become. A more than pretty girl had come into his office for no other reason than to obtain his signature on a legal document and he managed in the space of a few hours to turn it into a meeting of star-crossed lovers destined to be together forever. He snorted at the fanciful thought and ran an errant hand back through his hair. His dating life had been pretty much nonexistent since he had become responsible for Prim. His responsibilities had taken precedence over everything, including romance. The closest that he had gotten to a relationship was the long standing flirtation with Madge at the Mockingbird Diner. Well, flirtation was overstating. She flirted and he retreated politely. Once more, he vowed to speak with Sae about the girl. She made his weekly shifts hell. It was becoming impossible to do a job that he once took great pleasure in. Besides, Sae enjoyed taking out her frustrations on the diner employees. It was included in their job descriptions.

The clanging of the door opening drew Peeta's attention from an interesting carving in the wall to the dejected form of his sister being led into the room. Her cornflower eyes were red and swollen from the crying that she had no doubt indulged in over the last few hours. The tears welled up swiftly as she caught sight of him slouched in the uncomfortable chair. Her quivering lower lip and the wet tracks marking her flushed cheeks threatened to crack his forbidding expression. He held firm, knowing that sympathy and compassion wasn't the best response that he could give her. As much as it killed him, she needed to realize just how serious her situation was. Her face fell and her eyes began to furiously examine the gray painted floor. The guard gave Peeta a somber nod and Prim an uncompromising look before exiting. The quiet click of the lock underscored the silence as Prim continued to stare at the floor and Peeta watched and waited for her to speak. The stillness soon became too thick and the girl shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

"I'm sorry," she whispered miserably. "I didn't mean for this to happen. You have to believe me, Peeta." She sent him a hopeful glance, gaging whether or not the apology had won her any levity. His stern gaze didn't falter.

"Sorry doesn't cut it this time, Prim." He bit out. He climbed to his feet and braced his hands on the table meeting her eyes squarely. "Do you realize exactly how serious this is? Do you know what I had to do?" He swung away from the table and started pacing the length of the room. She watched apprehensively, knowing from experience that letting him have his say was the only option she had. "I had to call Governor Snow and ask him to make a call on your behalf. Do you know how embarrassing that was? Do you even care?"

"I'm sorry," she muttered despondently. "I didn't think. It just happened."

"You never think, Prim. You don't consider the consequences until it's too late." His defeated tone pulled her eyes to his face. The disappointment was evident and it caused tears to sting her eyes once more. He had never looked more lost and unsure. It scared Prim because she had never seen her big brother uncertain. "I'm the best man at his son's wedding in two months. He gave me a recommendation for my job. How do I return the favor? I ask him to pull some strings to keep you from having to spend time in jail for armed robbery. You could have a record that will follow you for the rest of your life, Prim. It will be on every job application, college entrance questionnaire, or credit inquiry going forward. How he managed to get you considered for Better Way is beyond me. There is a huge waiting list for their programs." He paused and gripped the back of the chair. Now it was him studying the floor with rapt fascination.

"I've already agreed to go," she offered weakly. "I've talked to the counselor already. She seems nice. I would have to stay for ninety days. If I finish the program, it will keep my record clear. I signed the papers."

He flashed an irritated glance. "Yes, I know that you leaped into the diversion program without waiting to discuss it with me or Delly. You did the right thing but you need to stop being so damned erratic. You can't just take the first offer just because it sounds better than the alternative. You have to learn to weigh all the options and look at it from every angle before blindly jumping in."

She frowned thoughtfully, "I was told that it was either this or jail. It wasn't much of a choice, Peeta." He snorted at her logic but shrugged dismissively. "Ms. Everdeen brought me a pamphlet and answered all my questions. I asked to be assigned to her. She didn't treat me like an idiot. She said that I could be in her group."

Peeta took his seat and finally reached for her hands, clasping them tightly. "She came to see me right after she left you," he revealed. "She advised me that this was the best option for you too. The Better Way Group is one of the best in the country. They are very well known for their work with troubled kids. They are very much in demand, Prim. You're very lucky that you were able to get a spot."

Now that his hostility had faded, Prim essayed a smile which was returned along with a gentle tug on one of her tightly coiled braids. She breathed easier at that gesture. "I really liked her, Peeta. She talked to me instead of at me. From the way she described the program, it sounds almost like camp. She said that I could choose what activities that I would be participating in. They have so many to pick from." He pulled out the pamphlet that Katniss had left at his office and Prim seized it eagerly. Flipping to the section describing the various classes, she scanned them quickly. "I know that I want to try the archery. I think it would be cool to learn how to shoot, don't you?"

Peeta's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "Since when are you interested in archery? Do you even know anything about it?" He slid the leaflet around so that he was able to read the list. "No offense but I would have thought the pottery or maybe the first aid course. You don't seem like the Robin Hood type."

Prim shot him a quelling look and retorted, "Ms. Everdeen teaches the archery and nature classes. I think that it would be awesome. She made it sound so interesting when she was here." Prim's voice rose enthusiastically. "She said that her father taught her. She has been shooting since she was a little kid. She competed in college too. She must be pretty good at it."

Peeta's jaw dropped at the fervent eagerness in Prim's voice. He smiled inwardly. Katniss Everdeen, it seemed had just as strong of an effect on Prim as she had on him. The woman really should be equipped with a warning sign. She clearly didn't know or could care less about how easily she managed to coax another person into her way of thinking. It was uncanny. It was mind boggling. It was a power that Peeta ardently hoped that she used for good. Should the woman ever turn to a life of crime, the authorities would probably escort her to the getaway car and thank her for committing the crime during their shift. She fascinated him. He really wanted to see her again.

He became aware that the silence had stretched to an uncomfortable length. He mentally reviewed the conversation. "How do you know all of that about Ms. Everdeen's archery skills? I didn't see a description of qualification in the pamphlet."

Prim rolled her eyes and looked at him knowingly, "She told me, silly. She's different, don't you think? She didn't treat me like a lost cause. She gave it to me pretty straight actually." Prim smile ruefully. "She sort of sounded like you and Sae. She definitely wasn't shy about tearing into me."

Peeta grinned at the mental image that statement conjured up. Prim didn't take well to someone pointing out her mistakes. Katniss Everdeen didn't strike him as someone who would let that stop her from getting her point across. He would have loved to have been a fly on the wall during that meeting. The fact remained that his sister truly seemed enthusiastic about this program. He crossed his fingers that Katniss would be able to keep her promise that Prim would be assigned to her group. "She gave me a list of the things that you will need. I'll get it together and drop it off for you tomorrow. Is there anything else that you need in the meantime?" She shook her head briefly and he pulled her into a firm hug. "Just try your best, Prim. Please try. That's all I want."

She tightened her arms around his waist and buried her head in his chest. "I'll try. I promise, big brother. I won't mess up again." She gave him her best smile paired with large puppy dog eyes. Peeta groaned, knowing that a ridiculous request was coming. He cocked a questioning brow. She toyed with the end of her braid and shifted her feet. "There is one thing that you could do if you wanted." He gestured for her to continue. She hesitated briefly and then blurted out, "You should ask her out. Katniss, I mean. I think that she would be good for you. You need to get out more anyway." Peeta sputtered futilely. Prim giggled at his red-faced disgruntlement. "You should cook for her. Girls like that. Make her some pastries or something. She'll love you in no time."

"Prim, you really are pushing your luck," he grated out. "I can't date your court appointed counselor. Besides, there's no way that a girl like that is wandering around single. Besides, between Coin & Crane and the Mockingbird, it's not like I have an abundance of free time on my hands. It's ridiculous anyway. Katniss Everdeen wouldn't be interested in me."

Prim stifled a laugh and blanked her expression as his gaze turned suspiciously toward her. "You'll never know until you try, Peeta. You haven't exactly been playing the field. How do you know what she likes unless you ask her?" Prim bit back another smile at his scoffing expression. He was vaguely convincing in his disinterest but the possibility had caught his attention. Prim could see that. She decided to push him slightly. "That is only if you haven't decided to give into Madge. Lord knows that she's tried hard enough to catch your eye. I do want you to know that I hate her and I refuse to be nice. But you're a big boy and can date whomever you want."

He made a choking gesture toward her throat and Prim giggled. The guard's reappearance wiped out the remaining lightness. Prim stood up and looked at her brother soberly, her eyes clouded once more. He pulled her into a massive hug and dropped a kiss into the blonde hair at her temple. "You'll be fine. Don't worry."

She whispered, "Katniss is coming tomorrow. She promised. Will you come too? It will make it easier until I can start the program." Peeta nodded and watched as she shuffled over to the guard. The matronly woman looked less forbidding and gave the girl a reassuring pat on the shoulder before escorting her out the door. Peeta gave her an encouraging smile, waited until the door closed, and then slumped in the chair. Ninety days. She had to stay ninety days. It was better than the alternative. It was a chance. He only hoped that she took full advantage.

He climbed tiredly to his feet and gathered up his scattered belongings. Making his way to the front desk, he smiled and returned the orange badge that had marked his visitor status. He headed for the parking lot, and paused briefly as he stared at the card in his hand. It was later than he liked but for once, Prim had made a good suggestion. He really should do something for Katniss to show his appreciation. He still didn't know how she had managed to convince Prim to do the program. That was practically a miracle in itself. His lips tilted up at the corners as he replayed the memory of their meeting in his office. He wondered if she liked chocolate. Most people did. With that in mind, he knew the perfect gesture to show his appreciation. He would make them tonight and drop them off along with Prim's belongings in the morning. He would go and visit Prim afterwards. If things went well, he might let Prim know that he had taken her advice. It would lift her spirits. It made him grin just thinking about it. With a plan in place, Peeta climbed into his car and headed home. It had turned out to be a good day after all.

End….bonus chapter 1

Chapter 27: Bonus chapter 2: Let Me Be Your One and Only

Chapter Text

Bonus Chapter #2: Let Me be Your One and Only

It was the first time that she had ever felt awkward in his presence. From the first meeting, there had been an easy give and take between them. This sudden sense of unease was new and she didn't know quite how to handle it. She glanced at him and was stupidly relieved to see the slight flush that tinted his cheeks. He was also toying with his keys in an adorably self-conscious fashion. She decided for the time being that avoidance was the best tactic to employ. Consciously keeping a suitable distance between them, she examined the room in all its facets. Everything from the bluish gray paint to the filmy white draperies appealed to her. Plantation shutters kept the room pleasantly dim and cool, supplemented by a quietly turning ceiling fan. The satiny sheen of the wood furnishings seemed to beg for her to run her hand caressingly over its dappled surface. Wracking her brain, the term curly maple eventually pushed itself to the fore. The thick supple carpeting was warm on her bare feet. She smiled slightly, her eyes sweeping the room and coming to rest on the man still fidgeting in the doorway. Warmth, light, comfort, and shelter. These words applied both to the boudoir and the one who slept there.

"Are you hungry?" he asked lightly. "I can fix you something." His hand hovered on the door knob and she was amused to note him rocking slightly on the balls of his feet. She silently shook her head, laughing inwardly at the hint of disappointment in his eyes. His discomfiture instead of worsening her own actually had quite the opposite effect. It settled her nerves and she was able to view the situation with a sense of enjoyment rather than dread. He was just as scared as she was, maybe more so. "I'll bring your case in from the car then," he announced. She raised an inquiring brow, gesturing toward the overnight bag by his feet. "Oh, did that already," he observed, his face flaming. He took a few tentative steps further into the room and then stopped once more as if unsure where to go or what to do.

She took pity on him and commented, "This is a beautiful room. The whole house is gorgeous. It's very different from my apartment. I don't know what to do with all of this space. I feel positively decadent."

He visibly relaxed, a grin lifting the corners of his mouth as he watched her idly wander about the room. "I like your apartment," he offered softly. "This place is home but your place is cozy. It relaxes me. We have a big yard but it doesn't have anything on your rooftop getaway."

She glanced at him then turned back to the framed paintings that adorned the walls. "I'd like to look around tomorrow. Get a feel for the place. Maybe we could use some of the stuff from the roof here." Her eyes darted hastily to meet his. "Only if that's all right with you. I don't want to do anything you're not comfortable with." Her words trailed off uncertainly as her anxiety got the better of her. She paused in front of a muted seascape, staring at it fixedly. The waves curled and beat themselves into white foam against a rocky shoreline. The sky overhead was shaded the same slate color of the walls. Her head tilted as she leaned into the painting. It should be bleak and forlorn. There was nothing to soften the harshness of the rocks or the surging power of the sea. It should have made her feel hopeless and alone. Instead, there was something strangely peaceful about it. The signature at the bottom lifted her brows in surprise and she turned to him, gesturing inquiringly at the painting.

"Don't seem so surprised. I told you that I painted the first time I came by your office." He remarked teasingly.

She snorted and tossed him an irritated look. "You told me but you didn't say that you were good at it, Peeta." She turned back to the painting. "You really are talented. This is amazing."

"Katniss, you've tasted my cheese buns. Did you think my paintings would be any less satisfying?" He retorted in a mocking tone. "I take my pastimes very seriously. Anything worth doing is worth doing well I always say."

Katniss giggled and then covered her mouth in an attempt to stifle the laugher bubbling up. "You aren't going to start burbling on about schedules, are you? That was a line straight out of Effie Trinket's mouth. You really have been spending a lot of time with her."

His eye roll had the look of being practiced often. "You might not be willing to admit it but Effie has a very unique perspective. It wouldn't hurt you to give her the benefit of the doubt. She can be a little hard to take but underneath it all, her heart is in the right place." Katniss shrugged though her eyes still held a spark of amusement. He let the subject drop along with his ridiculous case of nerves. He then toed off his shoes and flopped down on the bed. He tucked his arm beneath his head and snuggled into the pillow, letting his eyes slide shut. After a few blissful moments, he cracked an eye open to see her still standing timidly by the painting. Taking pity on her, he stretched out a hand and asked, "You're not going to stand there all night are you? I was hoping that we could sleep in an actual bed for once. I love your couch but it's not really built for two." Her lips twisted into a tiny smile as she walked toward the bed. He slid over and patted the blanket in front of him.

She sat down and turned her back. "Take the band out," she whispered hoarsely. He rose up on his knees and eased the tie free. He slowly threaded his fingers through the dark strands until the flowed over her back and shoulders. Going one step further, he began to rub and knead the taut muscles until her head fell forward, a sigh of pleasure escaping her lips. Peeta grinned as he swept her hair aside to give him better access. She gradually relaxed under his hands, utterly relaxed and pliant as he worked her neck and shoulders. He gave her a final pat and almost laughed at the disappointed look she shot him. "I think that I'll take a shower if you don't mind." She stood up and retrieved her bag before disappearing into the adjoining bathroom.

Peeta took the opportunity to pull out a comfortable pair of exercise pants and a loose t-shirt. He usually slept bare chested but had kept it on for modesty's sake while at her apartment. By the time the water shut off, he was already changed and ensconced underneath the blankets. She opened the door and stepped out in an oversized tank top and pair of boxers. Padding softly to the bed, she turned up the blankets and slid inside. The silence that engulfed them was thick with unspoken wants and wary fears. The six inches of white sheet separating them seemed infinite. She heard him swallow noisily and couldn't stop herself from rolling toward him. Resting on her side with her arms tucked underneath the pillow, she gazed silently into his eyes and waited. He mirrored her pose, keeping his face unruffled and calm. Inside was an entirely different story. It was her choice as to how far she wanted to take this.

The first movement was a slight inching forward until knees bumped and legs intertwined. Fingers curled into pillows as both scooted infinitesimally closer. He relented enough to give his hand leave to push an errant strand of dark hair behind her ear. He pretended not to notice that her cheek turned into his palm and pressed itself against his hand before she pulled slightly away. She pretended not to notice his eyes closing briefly as his hand grazed her jaw. The agonizing game of give and take continued as they each took turns claiming small shards of the neutral space between them. Hips nudged, fleeting touches teased, shortening breath flowed over equally flushed faces but neither made the move that would fill the void. They jockeyed for position until she could see every thread of color that made up the cobalt shade of his eyes. His nose bumped against hers gently.

"Hi," he whispered. "Fancy meeting you here."

She grinned at his teasing tone. "Hey yourself," she returned. "This is pretty comfortable. It definitely beats the crap out of my couch."

He leaned in until his forehead pressed against hers. Underneath the pillows, his hand enfolded hers, fingers twining together. "I think that I'd like to kiss you now, Mrs. Mellark." He stated. His head angled and hers tilted in response.

"I think I'd like that, Mr. Mellark." She breathed. Her eyes shut just as their lips met.

A spark flickered and found enough tinder to ignite a flame. It was a slow scorching heat that fed upon itself and built up one hesitant touch at a time. His lips were dry and warm as they slanted over hers. It wasn't the first kiss shared between the two of them but a fool could see that something had changed. This kiss burned. It seethed. It smoldered. A tiny sound of contentment passed from her mouth to his as she pressed closer. The pressure varied, and the movements changed. His tongue flicked out to tease her upper lip before retreating. His bottom lip was gently sucked in and nipped before she pulled back to draw a breath. The kiss deepened as hands began to move; hers tangled in his tousled curls, his sliding down her arms to grip her wrist and then back up with agonizing slowness.

Peeta pulled free and flopped over on his back, breathing heavily. He pulled her with him until her head rested on his chest just below his madly pounding heart. "If you want me to stop, then tell me now." His voice was deep and rough, a rumble in his chest that sent a shiver to her toes. "You know what I want but if you're not ready then it's not going to happen."

She pushed up onto one elbow and met his heated gaze. "I love you, Peeta." She breathed as she pulled his mouth down to hers. "Now I want you to love me." Their mouths crashed together hungrily, tongues stroking and circling. Her head tilted as she leaned into him, sealing their mouths more tightly together. His muffled groan pulled an answering one from her as her arms coiled around his waist to lure him closer.

Her hands moved over his shoulders and down his back, tracing the lines and planes of him. She hooked her fingers into the hem of his t-shirt and yanked, separating their mouths long enough to pull the shirt over his head. Their heated gazes collided and she smiled, reaching up to softly brush her lips across his once more. He returned the nibbling kiss with one of his one then leaned back one final time. "Are you sure?" He questioned. His fingers slid underneath her shirt to tug playfully at the waistband of her boxers. She nodded and skimmed her hands over his, guiding them as the tank top slithered up and over her head.

Peeta took his time as he gave his hands permission to explore. He watched her face closely as his fingers traced the slope of her breasts, consciously avoiding the hardening tips. Every sigh was noted and ever whimper resulted in a secondary examination to make sure that the spot was well mapped. She watched him through half-closed eyes and twisted as his fingers skimmed ever closer to the spot where she most craved his touch. A muffled groan escaped her as he continued to stroke down her ribs without granting her wish. He laughed softly as she growled, "Peeta." He placed a kiss on the toned stomach just above the waist band of her boxers and paused as she jerked convulsively toward him. She hissed out an oath as he teasingly pulled the garment down until it rode low on her hips. Pushing his hands aside, she quickly removed the offending item. She then met his lips with bruising pressure. He met her stroke for stroke, plunging his tongue into her mouth and biting her lower lip just hard enough to cause a wince.

She ghosted her hands downward and lightly traced the line of his pants eliciting a shivering response. She curled them into the waistband and swiftly pushed the loose pants down and away. Her splayed fingers moved over his stomach, caressing each inch of skin uncovered along the way. He groaned at the feel of her hands on him and did the only thing he could think of that might put them back on a level playing field: he bent swiftly and took one taut nipple in his mouth, sucking fiercely. He reached up and took the other between his thumb and forefinger, pinching and then rolling it sharply. Her reaction was all that he could have hoped for. She let out a noise halfway between a sigh and a moan. One hand came up and tangled in his hair to hold him close, the other fisted the sheet by her head. Her back arched, pushing her further into his mouth. Her continued sighs and whimpers as he alternately sucked and licked were driving him mad. She had a new sound for each different way that he touched her and he was determined to learn as many of them as possible.

She blew out a deep breath and finally pushed him away. His startled blue eyes widened as he took in the small string of bite marks he had left on her neck and across her chest. She cut off his attempted apology as she rolled them over. She kissed him gently and then moved to trace a line of nibbling bites down his neck and into the curve where throat met shoulder. She reached up and bit his lobe softly, receiving a moan for her efforts. She then eased down his chest, briefly touching her lips to the areas her hands had previously explored. She paid particular attention to the places that made him shiver: the small hollow at the base of his throat, the crest of his hip, the indent of his belly button. Each twitch and jerk caused her to pause and thoroughly examine the spots that gained the tiniest reaction. He felt himself tremble as she moved lower, her hand sliding over his abdomen and hip. She stopped, kneeling between his thighs and he watched breathlessly as her fingers ran ever closer to where his arousal had become unbearably apparent.

She leaned forward, her hair brushing his stomach and let her fingers curl around his shaft. He couldn't stop his eyes from closing as her small hand grasped him firmly. "Katniss," he groaned. "I can't…I don't…" She grinned at his garbled speech and let herself explore, the touches soft and gentle. She watched his face as she tried various patterns and angles. When his hips bucked up to meet her hand, she kept to that pace and watched as he began to unravel beneath her questing fingers. He finally halted her movements. "Please, Katniss. I can't take anymore."

Rising up, he eased her onto her back and dropped a gentle kiss on her swollen mouth. He ran his hands with agonizing slowness over her ribs and down the outside of her thigh. Reaching her knee, he smoothly nudged her legs further apart and slid a finger into her waiting warmth. His hand rotated until his thumb rested on the nub that would give her the greatest pleasure. He tapped it carefully, testing the amount of pressure that would cause the best reaction. He rubbed gently and slowed down, making every effort to hit each sensitive area that he could. He hit her clit with his thumb and then thrust his finger in again curling it into a come here gesture. Her breath caught and her hips thrust upward against his hand. She moaned out a sound that vaguely resembled his name. He grinned and repeated the motion causing her to cry out.

Her arms fell away, stretched out on either side as her nails snagged the sheets. He felt her shake and watched in awe as her climax hit. His hand was soaked as she continued to tremble beneath him, her breath coming in short pants. Finally, her hips stilled and he removed his hand from her body. He slid down beside her and pulled her into a tight embrace, dropping soothing kisses into her damp hair while he stroked her back. She didn't speak as her eyes met his but flicked a glance downward to where his length was pressed insistently against her thigh. He groaned at her look and rolled on top of her. He positioned himself, lowered his head to cover her mouth with his, and slid into her. Both of them whimpered at the sensation of finally being joined. He immediately began moving, thrusting in and out at a steady, unwavering pace. Katniss moaned against his neck and let her nails bite into his shoulder. He echoed her as her hips rose to match his rhythm perfectly. He quickened his pace, slamming her hips down and then crashing into her again as she climbed to meet him.

Her breath came increasing harder and she moaned his name. He felt her walls clench around him and felt an answering heat gather at the base of his spine. He cupped her face, his mouth pressed tightly against hers as his own end came. His final cry passed from his mouth to hers and she thought she heard bells as he collapsed on her in a tangled heap of arms and legs.

He raised his sweat soaked head and kissed her softly. "I love you, Katniss." He whispered against her mouth.

She blushed furiously, a comical reaction all things considered and returned his hesitant kiss. "I love you too."

He rolled to the side and gathered her into his arms, her head resting once more beneath his heart. "Now there's no way I'm ever letting you go," he vowed softly. "Go to sleep, sweetheart. We had a big day. You must be exhausted."

She nodded drowsily and questioned, "Do you think that the girls are happy about this? It's a big change for them?"

"I think that we'll be one big happy family. We'll have our ups and downs but in the end everything will work out just fine." He dropped a brief kiss into her hair. "Good night, Katniss."

Her voice was muffled against his chest, "Night, Peeta." Snuggling closer, she soon followed him into sleep.