I can't believe I am doing this, thought the petite solid script mage while she was walking towards her best friend's team's table.
"Levy! How are you?" asked the celestial mage.
"Fine... eh... i... would like to... talk with... G Gray... privately" the blue haired mage stuttered gazing down to the floor with a huge blush covering all her face.
Lucy's team was confused, they had thought that she came for the new chapter of Lucy's novel. But the one who was shocked the most was the ice make mage Why would Levy want to talk with me... privately? And why is she acting so strange?, he thought confused. It wasn't that he didn't like her... they just didn't talk that much.
"Ok" he said standing up from the table and following a very nervous and flushed Levy outside the guild.
On the other side of Fairy Tail a very pissed off iron dragon slayer was watching the scene. Why is Shrimp having those reactions towards that ice bastard?, he grumbled in his head as he clenched the glass of beer so hard that he almost broke it.
"If it bothers you so much, you should confess to her" his exceed partner told him.
"Tch! As if I would fall for a Shorty like her" scoffed half-heartedly Gajeel.
"Ah" sighed Phanterlily, knowing quite well that his friend would never admit having feelings towards anybody... or having feelings at all "If that's so, why do you always follow her around?"
A slight pink blush appeared on the dragon slayers face. "Shut up!" he growled, his little friend only laughed.
Meanwhile with Levy and Gray, in a far place from any curious eyes or ears. I can't believe how nervous I am, was thinking the solid script mage, while different thoughts were going through the ice make mage's mind: Is she going to confess? What should I do? She is a pretty and funny girl... but she is not my type.
"We both have the same problem" the blue haired woman finally spoke, suddenly gaining confidence and the attention of a very confused ice make mage "You are always being chased by Juvia..." Gray frowned at the mention of the water mage "... while I am always being followed by G-Gajeel."
He follows her too? What is it with the ex-Phantom Lord's members and their stalking issue? Gray grumbled in his head, both amused and exasperated.
"And we both are very frustrated by the fact that neither of them have done anything more than look at us from the distance. I know that you have ro-romantic feelings towards Juvia... I also like Gajeel that way" Levy blushed madly evading his gaze. She was new at this, she had never been in love before. Gray had the same problem as her, he had a childish crush towards his red haired friend but he had never been really in love before either... and no matter how much he tried to negate it, he was madly in love with his crazy and very jealous blue haired stalker "So I thought a plan to confess to them but at the same time make them confess."
That caught the raven haired man interest "I'm listening" his response caused Levy to smirk.
"Well the plan is simple..."
During the following week a rumor had become very famous in Fairy Tail.
"Did you hear it?" asked a mage to another while they were drinking at the bar.
"Hear what?" the other inquired.
"There's a rumor about Levy and Gray dating!"
"What? No way! It can't be true"
"I don't really know, it is a rumor. But I've seen them leave the guild together all week"
"So they are really dating, who would have thought..." but he couldn't finished the sentence because a very common (since the rumors started) crush was heard and a bawl started.
On his usual table Gajeel Redfox was cursing under his breath and crushing all that he could reach, he couldn't stand that his Shrimp was dating another man and especially that fucking stripper. While next to him Juvia Loxar was crying and muttering things like 'My precious Gray-sama!, 'Love Rival should be suffering for her lost too' and 'I thought we would live happily ever after'.
Sweat dropping a black exceed was watching the scene in front of him. They are truly that stupid, he thought, shaking his head and commented: "I told both of you that this would happened. That you should have told them your feeling and not stalk them."
"I don't stalk!" growled the iron mage "Rainy Woman is the stalker... I only watch over her because she is always getting into trouble" he murmured the last part.
"Really Gajeel?" his partner asked in disbelief "And you Juvia? Do you look out for Gray's safety too?" Lily asked the water mage, imitating Gajeel's voice.
"I don't talk like that!" yelled the iron dragon slayer.
"I... I... I was a coward!" shouted Juvia and began to cry again.
"And you Gajeel? Will you admit that you made a mistake?" pushed Phanterlily.
"I... Ok I did make a mistake" he finally admitted defeated "But that doesn't change anything."
Before the little exceed could say anything a voice from the stage silenced the guild "Good evening everybody" began the shy voice of the petite blue haired mage. I hope I am right and things work out for us, she prayed in her head "Gray and I will perform a song that we compose" some whistles and cheers came from the crowd.
Sing? I/Juvia didn't know that Shrimp/Gray-sama could sing? both ex-Phantom Lord's mages thought confused.
"We dedicate it to someone especial" said the ice maker mage looking down at his friend, who he had gotten to know much better this last week, looking for courage to take the next step in their plan. However, for the rest it looked like he was meaning that he was dedicating the song to her. Before the iron and water mage could stand up from the table to leave the guild, cause they didn't want to see the one they love dedicating a song to another, Gray spoke up "Juvia Loxar!" he exclaimed locking eyes with hers.
"Gajeel Redfox!" Levy said gazing towards him.
"We wrote this song to you!" they finished together, leaving the hole guild petrified in shock.
Flirting with her
I found you in that coffee
but your eyes fixed on me,
I look at you and made you smile
I can't believe that she remembers that, thought an amused and shocked iron dragon slayer.
from that day , you're my obsession ,
you would follow me wherever I go,
spy me in every corner
S-she noticed that?! the iron mage would have glared at his exceed when he laughed at him, but he was too busy blushing.
I noticed you after my steps,
you hide in my shadow
and do not understand the reason
Are you confused by my actions? Gajeel felt like a jerk for making her feel like that.
provoke me man/woman provoke me,
What the fuck?! everyone yelled in their minds, they had never expected them to be so bold.
provoke me to see, dare me,
provoke, my, approach,
provoke, here, skin to skin
Skin to skin?! Juvia almost fainted at the thought of it while a lot of perverted scenes passed through Gajeel's mind causing him to have a nosebleed.
provoke me, liberate once,
be brave, clash,
and conquer my love
The two ex-Phantom Lord's mages blushed when their beloved one winked at them.
You write me but never sign,
phone me and never talk,
you send roses and love poems
Juvia felt really ashamed being such a coward.
I feel you always around
What mysterious affair do you hide?
why do you secretly come and go?
leave no footprints but I know you are there
Gray-sama noticed? she felt a blush creeping to her cheeks from embarrassment.
I noticed you after my steps ,
you hide in my shadow,
and I'm sick of playing
provoke me man/woman provoke me,
The guild started to sing along the words 'provoke me'.
provoke me to see, dare me,
provoke, my, approach,
provoke me, here skin to skin
provoke me, liberate once,
as value, clash
provoke me
and conquer my love
The two singing mages started to dance a well practiced choreography. Gray kneeled facing Levi who posed pointing upwards with one arm as she held the microphone with the other and sang her solo part passionately.
I noticed you after my steps,
you hide in my shadow,
Gray jumped up and joined Levi.
and I'm sick of playing
provoke me to see, dare me,
provoke, my, approach,
provoke me, here skin to skin
provoke , without more , conquer me ,
provoke me , finally , clash ,
provoke me man/woman ExcĂtame ,
provoke me and incite me
When the music ceased everyone had their jaws hanging, they didn't know that Grey and Levy could sing so well... After a few minutes of an uncomfortable silence the guild irrupted into cheers only to be silenced again when the petite solid script mage asked: "So what do you say?"
"Ready to step out from the shadows?" the ice maker mage finished in a teasing tone.
The entire guild was turned their gaze from the stage towards Juvia and Gajeel's table.
Suddenly Gajeel stood up making Levy shrink in anticipation, Is he angry because I teased him in front of the whole guild? she asked herself fearfully but calmed down when Gray put a hand on her shoulder and gave her an encouraging smile. However, to a certain dragon slayer it didn't look like a friend helping anothe one... he exploded in jealousy and punched the ice maker straight into his face "Gajeel!" shouted the solid script mage.
"Don't you ever lay a hand on my Shrimp again or dare to look at her! She is MINE!- the iron dragon slayer barked at Gray.
Levy was so shocked at his possessive statement to do anything, until she recovered and was able to say something: "W-what do you mean by mine?" she asked shyly.
"Gihi" the iron mage chuckled "YOU just sang to me that I should provoke you, so that's what I'll be doing" he grabbed her waist and slammed her body against his "Here I'll provoke you skin to skin" he chanted while leaning down to kiss her. Once again the guild irrupted in cheers and some 'Get a room!' but they didn't let it bother them because they finally got what they've been carving for so long. When they broke away Gajeel smirked while Levy blushed recalling where they were "Now there is no escape Shrimp, you are my girlfriend."
"Not that I'm complaining" she murmured looking away while blushing, which made her new boyfriend chuckle again.
"Gray-sama are you all right?!" a water mage's scream made everybody gaze at the broken table next to the stage.
"Yes, I am" the ice maker mage answered grumpily. I only tried to comfort my friend and I get punched. Why does this always happen to me?! he thought annoyed.
"Gray-sama..." began Juvia gaining everybody's attention "I... I... I love you!" she blurted out blushing madly, it looked as if she would faint at any moment.
The ice mage smiled sweetly at the flushed woman next to him and kissed her lips gently and lovely, completely opposite from the passionate and rough kiss that Levy and Gajeel had just had.
"I love you too" he told her when they broke apart.
Now Juvia really did faint... everyone laughed and celebrate for the two new couples of Fairy Tail while Grey and Levy shared a knowing glance and an accomplice smile.
The plan worked perfectly! they thought satisfied.