"A sound soul dwells within a sound mind, and a sound body" Speech

"Back away! I won't let you touch my Meister!" Flashback

'This isn't cool!' Thoughts

I don't own Naruto or Soul Eater

The sun remained still in the sky as it smiled down upon the inhabitants of Death City. This Sun had very peculiar appearance; a large grin covered its "face" and it had a large nose. Its grin was filled with square teeth and it simply stayed there, never moving other than when it laughed or smiled.

Death City itself was out of the ordinary, most of the building seemed to have the same grey appearance and distinguishing red roofs.

The streets themselves were made of simple slate grey stone and the inhabitants of the city freely roamed around.

Inside of an unknown dark building was a white-haired teenager sitting down on an elegant bench. In front of him was a large black piano. As if on instinct the teenagers raised his hands and began to play the instruments.

His hand simply glided through the keys and the result was a slow melancholic melody that simply reflected the atmosphere of the room.

A figure stepped into the building remained in the shadows and simply stood there listing to the music. The figure appeared to be female but it was hard to tell because of the shadows covering her features.

The only thing that was visible were the black track pants with white stripped going down them along with the black and orange sports shoes she wore. And she seemed to be around the same age as the boy in front of her.

The figure then began to clap as soon as the white-haired teenager's melody began to slow down. Once the clapping was heard the boy completely stopped playing the piano.

"You know, it's not cool to sneak up on people like that…" said the white-haired boy in a gruff voice

He slowly turned around to look at the unwelcome figure still being hidden by the shadows.

His own features slowly became visible; spiky and untamed white hair along with ruby-red eyes. His teeth were extremely sharp, to the point they were clearly visible when he spoke.

He sat there staring at the female that had interrupted his piano session. The way he did everything was in a laid-back and uncaring way. The way he played the piano, the way he spoke, hell even the look on his eyes gave off this easygoing feeling.

He himself wore a bright yellow jacket with black segments that would stand out in any crowd. That along with his red jeans made him that much more distinguishable.

The feminine figure stepped out of the shadows where the rest of her attire and facial features became visible. She wore a high collared track jacket that fit with her pants but this one held an orange spiral on the back.

Her blue eyes were radiant and were a defining feature for her. But what stood out the most was her long red hair. It was a beautiful shade of scarlet and just like his white hair it simply stood out from the rest. Her bangs partly covered her eyes but the ends of her hair is styled in a simple low ponytail.

"So what are you doing here?" asked the boy seeing as he didn't get any response

"I heard your little performance and decided to check it out" she said in feminine but at the same time tom-boyish voice.

"Why did ya stop anyways?" she continued

"I don't have to tell you. I can stop playing when I want" he replied a bit aggressively

"Come just keep playing" she pried trying to get him to play his previous melody

"I just… I don't like playing with an audience" he said making an excuse

"I only a single person, not an audience" she replied with a cheeky smile

"You know what I mean" he replied still refusing to play

"Well if you don't like audiences then pretend I'm not here" she tried to negotiate

"I don't feel like playing right now…"
"Come on be cool and play something" she stubbornly insisted

That apparently struck a nerve with the white-haired teen as a tick mark was visible on his forehead

"Fine!" he said giving in to her request "Since I'm such a cool guy I might as well play something" he said with his earlier laid back tone.

Just like before he started to play the same melody, as he played the crimson headed girl approached him and took the seat next to his.

"So, what's your name?" she questioned

"Call me Soul" he replied as he continued to play the piano

'Soul huh, what an interesting name' she thought

"So what's yours then?" he asked wanting to know the name of the stubborn girl next to him

"Naruko… Naruko Albarn" she said finally introducing herself

The talking stopped and the only sound that could be heard was the Piano which echoed through the entire building.
Without either of their knowledge their souls had an obvious impact with each other. As they got closer to each other each of their souls pulsated until it settled into a steady rhythm. Neither of them even noticed they simply basked in each other's presence.


Well this is new. I recently got into the Soul Eater anime and I loved it. So I decided to write a story about it and here it is. I'm not sure how often I'll be able to update this but I hope it's around two weeks per chapter, maybe even less with summer around the corner.

I have another idea for a Soul Eater X Naruto fic but it's still in the works so don't expect anything too soon.
And as always if you enjoyed the story review, follow, and favorite.