Schiiiik. Schiiiik.
Soul stifled a desperate gasp with the back of his hand, doing his best not to bury his teeth deep enough to actually draw blood - that would get Maka's attention, if nothing else, and he really didn't want that to happen. Like, ever.
Because Maka was the nosy kind of person that once had a question unanswered, would go to extreme lengths to find out what was being kept for her. Even if it was for her very own good, even if it was to not break her faith in him and have him labeled as Maka's definition of men - dirty, lecherous bastards in who you couldn't trust. Even if slowly that belief was being brought down by her relationships with him, Black*Star, Sid, Stein, Ox and so on, he really didn't want to deal with the thought of what she would do if she found out he was doing this. Even if breaking their partnership didn't happen immediately due to the two of them being far too used to each other to just go their separate ways, it would eventually come crumbling down through broken trust and dissonant wavelengths.
Needless to say, it made keeping quiet his highest priority at the moment.
Or, you know, he could not get turned on by these kinds of things like any normal person. Sadly, that option seemed to have "Out of Stock" in bold, shiny letters pointing at it.
A particularly hard slide of the whetstone displayed on the laptop screen sent his mind into overdrive, making him grip his shaft even harder. He imagined her calloused, petite hands holding it instead, exploring curiously as her green eyes stared at him expectantly. The tentative exploring slowly turned into a careful grip, an slow up-and-down motion that nearly made him see stars, a muffled groan of his meister's name escaping his lips. He peeled his eyes open again, just in time to watch as more oil was dribbled onto the weapon on the screen - it looked nothing like his scythe form, but then again something like that wasn't exactly an easy thing to find.
Red eyes half-lidded, Soul strained his hearing in the direction of the door, hearing nothing. Shame, that. Sometimes he was lucky enough to accidentally synchronize his Soul Time with Maka's showers. Sore as she usually was from training and missions alike, her showers were usually a feast for Soul's eager ears, full of sexy little noises that gave plenty of fuel to his imagination. Behind his eyelids appeared images of soapy suds sliding down lean curves, light hair sticking to glistening, wet skin, loofah tracing every contour of her body. It was nearly as good as his favourite, most shameful fantasy, of her covered in oil and sliding a whetstone across his blade, the grating sounds in synch with his moans of pleasure, or the one where her naked form rode his shaft roughly as her teeth bit into his neck.
His fingers lightly played with the tip of his dick, coating themselves with more of his fluid. Soul knew his body well enough to know that he was close, the allusive images on the screen in front of him and the thrill of flying with Maka earlier only making him more eager to finish. His hand reached the base of his shaft, mimicking his meister's grip on his scythe form by grasping it roughly and slowly sliding up. He repeated the movement, closing his eyes at the feeling as he amplified the speed franticly, pumping as thought his life was on the line.
His seed spurted out in hot, white gushes that he knew all too well even with closed eyes. Soul rested back on the bed, allowing his fingers to relax one by one as his cock softened, letting out a long breath.
"Did you seriously just masturbate to a show on weapon maintenance?"
Aaaaaaand there it was. Maka's voice, Maka's presence in his room at a time when she definitely shouldn't be there, his partership with Maka crumbling to ashes in front of his naked body and cum-stained sheets. Soul cheerfully condemned himself to die a thousand of painful, horrid deaths for destroying the most important relationship in his life. He could hear the smirk in her voice when she spoke her last words before leaving the room.
"At least next time let me join in, dumbass."