Hello! I decided to work on something new.

Maybe will make it something like Garrett x Daud or something.

I know Dishonoured. But I'm only 20% familiar with Thief; The Dark Project.

Please don't yell at me if I get anything wrong.


Disclaimer disclaiming things because I don't own anything but my writing.


After the death of Erin, the Master Thief honestly did not know what to do with his life. The streets of pickpoketing and the rooftops were his home, but knowing that one of his most beloved student - family even - had died was enough to send the man into utter contemplating silence. Nothing had been able to bring him to his senses anymore, he was beginning to get clumsy with his handiwork, was getting caught far too often and had begun getting more injuries every time he returned back to see Basso. And more often than not, getting a severe scolding from his friend.

It was a wonder how long this mayhem of depression would last over the man. However the people around Garrett has started loosing all hope of him ever recovering after her death. Garrett knew he was the reason for it all, the damnned Primal that sat in his eye only mocked the man for his foolishness of not restraining the girl further. For not acting quicker. For not managing to save her screaming body as she plummeted into her death, the Primal dying along with her and leaving the city into ruins. The city was getting hungrier, crazier, the Baron doing nothing to save the sanity of the people. There was nothing left in the place to steal, no more to kill, it was as if each day; death beaconed many men into it's arms with a whisper across the shoulder.

For once, Garrett had thought it would have been a good idea. To just die, fade away. He lived a fairly good life after all.

"Garrett, as much as I know her death as caused you far too much grief than you should bear with… I don't know, I would have thought you'd get over it quickly considering the person you are and all."


"It's painful watching you rot away you know? I actually miss the Garrett that refused to use the door."


"Well, just let me know if you need anything alright? And I've got some simpler missions this time, might not get you the gold you've always got but it should be enough to sustain living in these dumps."


"Oh and uh, there's actually something I've been wanting to talk to you about."

"…?" This time, it was Garrett's turn to look up from his slouched position, over the cup of water that reflected his intensified depressed features even further.

"It's about this new place. Called Dunwall in Gristol, supposedly beautiful city until the death of their late Empress… Jessamine Kaldwin if I'm right. Place is crawling with vicious rats and whatnot but I heard you'd get decent loot with the amount of nobles the place has. It's away from here, and I'm guessing- you know; at least give yourself a break from the uh… bad memories." The chubby man glanced over to his friend who only eyed him with his ever judgemental features. He sighed, that was probably the reaction he was expecting.

"Look, look; I know how I say that this city is practically what defines you and stuff but at this rate it's defining nothing of you. In fact, you look like shit everyday of your life now. I don't like seeing that kind of Garrett. Get back into action, explore the streets, enjoy collecting your loot. That's what you've always loved right?"

"And just throw away everything here?"

"Yeah! If that's what it takes."


"Come on Garrett, I'm going there to. There's nothing left in this city for me."

"I'll… think about it."


With that, the conversation was ended.

Basso hadn't heard from Garrett onwards after a few days; it was almost expected. But he guessed the other was pondering his thoughts in the his ever favourite clock tower. However he knew an answer would come easy and quick, Garrett was just that kind of person. Thankfully enough, he hoped that the Master Thief would pick the more sensible option. If both of them moved, they could continue their streak on thieving among the ruins of the pained city. There should be decent jobs there too despite the condition of their 'Rat Plague'; it wouldn't... well shouldn't at least, be as bad as the Gloom.

"I'll go."

It wasn't before long that the answer had come, much to his relief. The other was dressed in his usual black attire and a small suitcase hung by his side- probably all the valuables he had collected during his time in The City. Ah well, at least he travelled light enough for the both of them. The ship would arrive in the night, and by evening they should arrive into the docks and be able to set up a small life there with a connection he had stationed in the area. But for now, at least seeing some sort of life from the other made him the least relieved. Garrett was after all, somewhat of a cherished friend embarrassingly enough to admit it.

"And for once my friend, you pick the right decision."

The evening was cold when they arrived, Garrett complaining all the way through how much he hated being the boat and especially the long hours kept the man impatient. The restricting space not helping the thief in anyway. Once arriving on the land, Garrett was the first to leave the boat and be happy enough to stamp on the ground that was nicely secured. Both peered overhead to where they had been transported to. The City of Dunwall, high walls loomed over them and just albeit closer was a; bridge? It seemed. A high arc that sparked with electricity. It didn't take a fool to realise it would be a threat.

"Where's your contact?"

"Ah, he said he would wait for us on the inside."

"We have to pass that thing?"

"He has some connections that are going to allow us through."


Somehow, Garrett seemed a little doubtful that those men in such strange clothes would even allow Garrett to pass with the type of clothing he wore.

"Uh, Garrett?"


"Maybe it would be best if you climbed."


It took only 5 seconds for Garrett to find more climbing space. He handed his goods to his friend who he knew would protect them with his life as the male begun his way to scale the wall that seemed nearly impossible to climb. Reaching for stones and grappling onto them with ease, using the hook as support. Looking down into the waters, Garrett gave a few unease stares as he watched the fish which also seemed equally mutated swim about in the murky waters. There seemed to be another thing he didn't want to deal with. Getting over the irrational fear, he continued his climbing and took a few pauses to hear the men walk past overhead. In the amount of darkness, he would be concealed with his clothes. Bonus point for the fact that the black around his eyes hadn't faded with the nauseating trip earlier.

Reaching onto a final plank, he hoisted himself above and immediately crouched down as two men walked past. If Basso was right, then he would be waiting for Garrett by the street by now. Should be enough time for him to grab a couple of things that might catch his eye the thief supposed and mused to himself. Immediately starting his journey, the man weaved past the unknowing guards that were hauling… bodies? Off into the river. He shivered in disgust at the thought, being one of the dead was not his plan upon arriving. It was to start anew, to begin a better life than the one that was filled with too much pain for the thief to bear with. Rounding another crate, he peaked around a couple of corners before deciding the coast was clear for movement.

But it didn't take long before something else caught the man's short attention, gleaming that seated and was tucked nicely on supposedly another's soldiers belt was a nice little sachet that Garrett could only imagine the goodies that it held. There were two that seemed faced away from where he was and if he played his cards right and took care into his work; he knew he wouldn't be found out. Checking from side to side, he approached the duo with caution one wrong action and that could send him into an unneeded battle. He just wanted to steal, that was all.

"Do you think Master Daud regrets his actions?"

"Who are we to say? He is his own man."

"I think some of the others have begun to loose faith in him."

"Well, if he does then us Whalers wild definitely be in trouble without a good leader."

Listening to only snippets of the conversation, Garrett observed the belt from afar. Attempting to decode it's functions and find the best route to unlatch it without causing any issues or problems. Deciding upon a best way, he scanned the area and then planned his escape; if he got caught or not and a second back-up. Slightly pleased with the way his thinking was today, he begun. Approaching the man with caution and reaching out, quickly working on the pouch and retracting as fast as he grabbed.

"Well, I suppose it's time we returned."

"Agreed, before he gets angry."

Alarmed by their sudden movements, Garrett retracted back with the pouch and in astonishment he watched as both got up and… vanished. Almost like something out of black magic and sorcery, sure the Primal was definitely something not to be dealt with; but that? What was that? There were too many factors clouded his mind at this point, and only confusion strung across his face at the strange occurrence. Both had practically just stood up, only to vanish. He sighed, he needed to do his research, once settling down and getting used to the area; he would need to get information and details.

Glancing back down at the pouch in his hand, he wrung it to only find a couple of useless bullet shells and some coin. He growled to himself angrily, that was a waste of time.

True to his word, Basso stood beneath the shadows of the high cemented buildings. Garrett only watched in mild intimacy, even the buildings back in the city weren't as tall as these- they reeked of more death and destruction than anything else. Then again, Garrett did suppose it was for better change in mood. It would be like a child's game to the grown man, visiting and making a mental note to all the best possible routes for him to explore and wander in. To have his own little fun as he took away the precious items away from unsuspecting people. It would be like his younger days of thieving.

"Garrett! Over here! Meet Tim, a friend of mine that happens to live around the area. He's gonna help us to settle in and give us the info about the place."

"H-Hello.. Mister Garrett..."


"Now that's all over. Let's make way for some hay."

However Garrett only paused to look at the other.

"What is it Garrett?"

"Is there a clock tower here?"

"A-Ah! Y-yes there is one. In the E-estate district here in D-Dunwall."

"Garrett, look. I know how much your eager to settle in a nice clock tower and make a home. To be fair, we'll have to get used to this city first before we make a move. You probably look like a threat to half the people in this area and the last thing I want would be to see you caught and locked up in a cage. Now, we don't want that right? Right? Okay then, right Timmy- let's get going!"


Garrett sighed to himself, it was true- maybe he needed a week before he memorised every inch of the city. It was best if he knew the streets inside and out if he wanted to make a quick getaway too, maybe sleeping in a normal bed for once would be a good change. Then again, which part of him was normal? The Master Thief watched the movement of the other as he weaved silently, and quickly, through the streets. Noting that the other only used the areas with the dark and seemed to avoid a good part of the light which only made him slightly happier that evening. Garrett hated light, he always found it too bright, unnecessarily bright, the darkness was like his mother that chided him to play with her. Far welcoming than the blaze of the heat.

It didn't take a few streets long before they reached the area.

"Here w-we are... I hope you d-don't mind it..."

"Anything's fine Tim! Thanks again friend. Here, as payment."

A small bag was handed to the smaller person as he nodded in happiness, it seemed like it had been awhile since he saw so much gold too.

"I'll s-show you around t-tomorrow. B-but here's a map j-just in c-case..."

At the words, two identical maps were handed over to the two men. And Basso already knew what Garrett was thinking at this point. He thanked his friend and only turned to face Garrett with a face that said 'no, we stay indoors for now' which could only be challenged by his rebelliousness. 'I thought getting to know the city was first' There was probably no point in arguing with the other at this point, considering the type of character he had. Basso sighed and plucked the key into the door, opening and finding a musky stench somewhat familiar to home and a couple of what Tim had explained earlier to be- Whale Oil. Practically what this whole city ran on in terms of their electricity.

Basso watched Garrett bring his own bag indoors before turning another direction. This time earning another sigh from Basso for the evening, the man swore at the rate their relationship was going- he was going to earn a couple of good white hairs to accompany his head by the end of the month.

"Just don't get caught alright. And don't fall off those roofs."


And just like that, the Master Thief disappeared into the shadows.


The Whaler felt around his hip for his usual pouch but felt nothing. It was empty, and he swore he had it on him as they were out patrolling. How did he loose it? He wouldn't have guessed pickoketing; most of the people here were horrible thieves and couldn't steal before having their presence felt at least 5 meters away. So how-?

"I think you dropped it."

"I had it tightened around the belt."

"Well, you think someone with the mark took it?"

"For them to be stealing from a Whaler? I hardly doubt so."

"Well it's strange but oh well. You just lost a couple of bullet rounds and coins right?"

"I suppose so..."


I hoped you liked that!

Please review!

Reviews would be great.
