Last attempt?

What do you think of this chapter? I kind of rushed through it a little.

Warning: Mature content ahead. If you're uncomfortable with reading mature content, I suggest turning around. If you plan to read it, then enjoy yourself with this cup of tea as you read. *Bows*

Chapter 3: Hibari

There were numerous sounds of men dressed in orange behind bars yelling and screaming at each other for their own amusement. Their bodies were strong, tall, and well-built with broad shoulders. Many of which had scars they call battle scars and wounds that were left behind before their imprisonment in Skylark Prison led by the warden: Hibari Kyoya. Fights happened every time the warden was not around to be seen. When the warden did appear, the tall, tough-looking men cower in fear in the inside and would step aside for the warden to pass. Anyone who crosses Hibari gets beaten by his infamous tonfas.

Sounds of loud footsteps echoed in the distance in the dark hallway near the cells and all of the men behind bars stopped in the middle of what they were doing. They quickly stepped deeper into their cells, afraid of what's to come.

A tall man with cold blue eyes and raven black hair entered the cell room wearing a warden's uniform and along with his strange yellow bird friend who always accompanies him everywhere he goes; always singing the Namimori anthem above the raven. Hibird was what he called the bird.

Silence and heavy atmosphere filled the cell room as Hibari walked by. He pulls out a walkie talkie and commands a group of guards to open the doors to the recreation area. As the doors were open, Hibari walks to the recreation area along with a couple of other guards accompanying him. They released the prisoners on his command and had them occupy the area.

The prisoners began to play basketball with each other.

Hibari scowled. He wasn't very fond of crowds, so he walked out of the recreation area and into his office. He spent countless sleepless nights watching over the city maintaining order in Namimori City. He loved this city; loved it more than anyone. There is not a single person other than Hibari that loves Namimori more than he.

He was so tied up and occupied with his job as a warden that he never gets the chance to clean his home. When Hibari gets home, he hardly ever gets the chance to eat either. He's so exhausted that the moment he enters his bedroom, he flops right onto the ground—missing the bed—and falls right to sleep right there, face still stone cold. However, Hibari must wake up in only a few hours because of a crime. Crime never sleeps.

How embarrassing it would be if someone saw how Hibari was when he gets home… especially if someone saw the current state of his house. His home may be as enormous as a mansion, but the interior is what's important. And this monstrosity of a home must be fixed.

Hibari sighs as he sits on his office chair. He slowly closes his eyes, ready for a nap.

Ring ring ring.

"Hm?" Hibari angrily sits up in his chair, annoyed by the sudden interruption. He glares at the phone ringing on his desk, but picks it up regardless. It could be someone trying to destroy order in the city again.

"Hello?" Hibari says coldly.

"Hn. It's me." A familiar voice on the other side of the line was smooth, but cold.

"Alaude." Hibari says.

"Kyoya." Alaude says.

"You've interrupted my nap. Why?" Hibari said with annoyance.

"It's that time of the year again."


"Tomorrow is the anniversary of our parent's death." Alaude said, still in the same monotone voice during the beginning of the conversation.

How could he have forgotten? "…No get-togethers, okay? I don't want you inviting your friends over and mourn on the floor. You'll dirty it." Hibari frowns.

Alaude sighed on the other side of the phone. His younger brother was always like this ever since he could remember. Hibari dislikes—no—hates crowds. Hibari was part of the disciplinary committee in high school—led by Alaude. Whenever he comes across people crowding in the hallways, he would take out his tonfas and beat them into submission. Alaude never really cared about his punishing; he too, hates crowds.

Now that Hibari works as a prison warden, he gets to beat any prisoner with his tonfas anytime one of them breaks the rules or just simply crowds around.

And Alaude? He works as a detective. He solves crimes committed by the criminal, leaving no stones unturned, arrests them with his purple signature handcuffs, and sends them right to Skylark Prison after court—the place where his younger brother works.

"Then I'll just buy some food and flowers and come over tomorrow. Is that fine?" Alaude said.

"Hn…" Hibari replied. To Alaude, that meant more of a 'whatever'.

"Hnn…" Alaude got his message, said his goodbye over the phone, and hangs up after receiving one from Hibari.

Hibari hangs up the phone and sighs in annoyance. He didn't want to be remembered of his parents' death in the past. Because of their death, Hibari became distant with everyone around him and began to hate crowds—not that he blames them. He blames himself. He hated how they crowded around his brother and himself, patting them on the shoulder and telling them that they were 'sorry for their loss'. He didn't want their sympathy or their attention. They were probably not even telling the truth about feeling sorry for him anyway…

Hibird circles around him and perches on his shoulder. "Hibari! Hibari! Hibari!"

Hibari just remembered the condition of his home: disorganized due to not having enough time to clean. Plus, Alaude is coming over tomorrow. With all of that mess in the house, how will Hibari clean all of that in due time?

Hibari sighs as he walks home from work, exhausted. He had no time to get out of his uniform, so he is currently walking to his nearby home still in his prison warden wear. Luckily, no one is around to see. Only Hibrid is here to accompany him, perched on his head.

As he arrives home, he notices that there is a small bag of newspaper at his front door thrown by the newspaper boy this morning that he didn't pick up because he wasn't up to it. He finally picks it up and brings it into the house in his hand and locks the door behind him. He ignores the garbage lying around the place and walks straight to the kitchen table. Hungry, he pulls out whatever leftovers he had for dinner yesterday—since it's 11 at night and he doesn't want to stay up to cook—and heats it up in the microwave. He then feeds Hibird and sits down.

He pulls out the newspaper along with other fliers and magazines along with it out of the plastic bag and flips through them whilst the microwave was heating up his meal. Hibari flips through a magazine and stumbles upon a small page he thinks may be useful to him:

An Emergency for the Lonely

Are you tired of being lonely?

Are you tired of an empty, messy home?

Call XXX-XXXX and we'll send you a personal maid that will cook, clean, and keep you company for $50 a month!

Hibari is thinking of hiring a maid to clean up the mess in his home. He doesn't want his elder brother to know that he is a person of order but couldn't keep the order in his own home. He dials the number on the kitchen phone and a cheery female voice picks up on the other side of the phone. He places his order for a maid and quietly sighs in relief through his nose.

Hibird silently watches as Hibari sits back on his chair and stares at the ceiling in deep thought.

Hibari wakes up at 5 in the morning because of his house phone ringing with Alaude on the other side of the line telling him that he has another group of prisoners transferred to Skylark Prison.

'Crime never sleeps…' Hibari thought in a matter of fact voice, sighing.

He gets ready and dressed in the morning only to realize that the maid was yet to come on this day, making Hibari frustrated. Hibari needed his house clean before Alaude comes over tonight and he wanted it clean fast. Why hasn't the maid come over yet?

Or maybe he's just impatient.

The moment he arrived at the prison, he ordered the guards to send the prisoners into their cells pronto. Hibird circled around Hibari's head again, singing the Namimori anthem.

Two guards that were watching whispered to each other back and forth while they stared at Hibari and Hibird entering Hibari's office.

"He always has that small yellow bird around…"

"I know, right? And it sings every day." He whines.

"Do you think the warden has a lover even though he's really strict?"

"I'm not sure… But it seems like he doesn't since he never mentioned having one." He says, unsure.

"I kind of doubt it too. I'd be scared to death if I had to be close to him. I don't want any bruises from his tonfas!" He said, afraid.

The sounds of the two guards were unheard by everyone else including Hibari himself.

If only they knew that Hibari had no interest in women, but had an interest in men.

Hibird perches on Hibari's head when he sits down on his office chair and begins his paperwork. He takes a small glance at the calendar on the wall to the right of him and frowns.

Valentine's Day: The day when his parents died.

They died when they were getting ready to go for dinner late at night to celebrate lover's day. Suddenly, they collided with another vehicle when they were on their way home.

Hibari has never been the same ever since he and Alaude found out about their deaths when the police knocked on their doors the following morning to inform them of their death. The two brother's eyes were as wide as plates, but they shed no tears… until the funeral. The two silently cried in their bedrooms, refusing to come out even though there was not a single knock on their front door.

It's been over two decades since that day and including their death, Hibari refuses to find a lover to this day because of the pain; the pain of losing someone close to you.

It's not like Hibari doesn't want a lover… He just wants someone who would be there for him when no one will.

It's 8 at night. Hibari left early to check upon his house.

When he entered his home, his home was spotless.

'The maid was here?' He thought.

He walked around with Hibird perched on his shoulder, examining every room in his home to find not a single dust bunny, dirt, or debris left behind. His house is like how it was when he first bought it: clean and bright. The maid did a good job. Speaking of which, where is she?

A knock on the front door was heard and opened without Hibari's knowing. Hibari quickly turns around and speeds to the front to find the maid he hired opening the door for his brother, Alaude.

Alaude enters the house carrying food.

He glances at the young maid and greets 'her' with a nod.

"I didn't know you had a maid." Alaude said to Hibari.

"I just hired her." Hibari said, unknown of the maid's gender.

"Name?" Said Alaude, curious.

"…" Hibari hasn't asked yet.

"My name's Tsuna." Said the maid.

"Hn." Alaude replied.

"…" Hibari and Alaude had nothing else left to say.

The two remained silent, faces still as expressive as a brick walls.

Tsuna helped make dinner with the food Alaude brought and the two men ate dinner together. Hibird has his share of bird food bought by Alaude earlier today.

The two didn't want to talk about their parents, but chose to get together for the anniversary of this day to honor their parents and continued to eat in silence.

Tsuna felt awkward with such silence—silence that made him able to hear his own blood flowing in his veins. He shudders. He feels that he's going to get a hard time serving his new master without cold replies.

The moment they finished dinner, Tsuna cleaned up after them. There weren't many dishes to clean, so Tsuna was relieved and finished quick.

Hibari, with Hibird flying around him, asked for Tsuna to prepare a bath for him since he hadn't had one for a couple of days… and he's still in his prison warden uniform. Tsuna complies and enters the bathroom, doing what he was told.

Once the tub was filled with warm water, he reaches to turn off the tub faucet only to slip and fall into the water. Hibari saw the whole entire embarrassing moment and enters the bathroom, turning off the faucet. Tsuna's face was as red as a tomato because of his slip-up.

Tsuna was soaked.

His maid outfit was hugging onto his skin due to the water. The way Tsuna sat in the tub made his underwear visible for Hibari to see… and realize that Tsuna is not a woman, but in fact a man.

"You… herbivore…" Hibari said. His carnivorous instinct turns on.

"Y-y-yes, master?" Tsuna was scared. What if he were to be scolded because of his slight clumsiness? And an herbivore? Last time he checked, he ate both meat and plants.

"You… Are you planning to seduce me like this?"

"What?" Tsuna was perplexed. What did he mean by that?

"Herbivore. You fell on purpose, right?" Hibari was smirking. "You wish for me to devour you in doing this. To… bite you to death."

Tsuna was trembling in the tub. He didn't want to be eaten alive. Is this man a… cannibal? Of all the masters he served, this is the first time he's heard of something like this. He has to get out of this place immediately.

"I don't think you get what I mean…" Hibari clenches his fists, sadistic smirk plastered on his face.

Hibird circles around the bathroom chirping, "Herbivore, herbivore, herbivore!" Tsuna swears that this bird was singing his own death song.

"W-w-what do y-you m-mean…?" Tsuna was certaintly frightened.

"I'll show you instead." Hibari takes off his shoes, socks, and loosens his tie. He proceeds to take off his belt and shirt off. Tsuna widens his eyes and scrambles out of the tub, spilling some water onto the bathroom tiles. Hibari growled and grabbed Tsuna's arm, dragging him back into the tub—Hibari following after. They sat in the tub—Tsuna sitting on Hibari's lap and Hibari sitting in the tub. Hibird flies out of the bathroom, ignoring Tsuna's cries for help.

Hibari strips Tsuna of his maid outfit in a matter of seconds, surprising Tsuna. Tsuna squeals and tries to fight off of him, but in doing so, Hibari takes out a pair of handcuffs and handcuffed Tsuna's wrists together. Now, he has nothing on but handcuffs bounding his wrists together.

"HIIIEEE!" Tsuna was definitely getting devoured by this man.

Hibari takes off his pants. "Relax, herbivore. I won't kill you."

'I'm not worried about that!' Tsuna screamed in his mind.

Without warning, Hibari inserts two fingers into Tsuna's entrance. Tsuna gasps.

"No! Ah…" Tsuna cries and moans in pleasure.

Hibari ignores Tsuna's cries to stop and continues to scissor his entrance. Tsuna moans in pleasure and grabs onto the edge of the tub, trying to claw his way out, but it was to no avail. Hibari positioned himself in front of Tsuna's entrance and pushed Tsuna to where his chest was leaning on the edge of the tub. He holds him still by holding his waist and slowly enters him from the back.

Tsuna screams in pain. He can't believe what he is going through at the very moment. He doesn't get paid enough for this…

Hibari hadn't moved yet, waiting for Tsuna to relax and feel pleasure instead of pain. He begins to bite his left ear and then the right and caresses Tsuna's nipples at the same time.

"Ah! Ah… ah!" Tsuna bit his lip, embarrassed of the noises that came out of his mouth.

"Prepare to be bitten to death." Hibari began to thrust in and out of Tsuna, making the poor tuna scream in pleasure.

"No! The water will get in!" Tsuna cried.

Hibird was perched in the kitchen, ignoring the noises coming from the bathroom. The bird begins to sing out the Namimori anthem.

Feedback is much appreciated!

NagiRokudo: Thanks!


Kichou: Yes he does. Thanks!

SyriaFranz: I will make it long when I get used to it~

Akihiko . fukuda . 71 : You're welcome! Got your name to work now!

Guest: Yes, the chapters are separate. They are different scenarios, but with the same Tsuna.