Inspired by a Tumblr post.

The chapters will be of separate stories not relating to one another. They are just different versions with different people with Tsuna.

Warning: Mature content ahead. If you're uncomfortable with reading mature content, I suggest turning around. If you plan to read it, then enjoy yourself with this cup of tea as you read. *Bows*

Chapter 1: Giotto

Giotto had always had it hard. He was always alone in his expensive apartment and had no one to share it with. His apartment was absolutely empty. He dreamt of having someone to go home to—to always welcome him home after a long day of work from the Vongola Company. Could you believe that the Company sells toys? The Vongola Company rivaled the Funtom Company in Europe head by a twelve year old child. Unbelievable. Even he has someone to go back to when he arrives in his fancy-shmancy mansion of his.

"Welcome home, Giotto!" Said a cute, small woman with her arms behind her back and a large smile on her face.

"I'm back." Giotto smiled and petted his 'non-existent lover' on the head.

Giotto can just imagine their lovey-dovey conversations together as he arrives home, eats dinner, playtimes in the bed…

He had a finger to his mouth and drool coming out of the corner.

Then, Giotto just sighed in exhaustion of his quiet boring life and walked towards the dining table. He frowned because the kitchen was just empty like it always was day after day. When was he going to find someone to love? He felt as if time was running out for him. To him, he was already a bit too old—no one would call 25 years old an old age, would they? He had many confessions in high school, but he rejected all of them because those women only liked him for looks, status, or money.

He pulled out a chair and sat down. Instead of eating breakfast, he skipped it and just opened a magazine that was on top of his table along with other stacks of newspapers he didn't get a chance to read because of his work. He swears that his job is like hell with all of the paperwork he had to do. There is never a time to relax for more than three minutes.

He flipped through several uninteresting pages in seconds and stumbled upon a strange page that seemed to stand out the most:

An Emergency for the Lonely

Are you tired of being lonely?

Are you tired of an empty, messy home?

Call XXX-XXXX and we'll send you a personal maid that will cook, clean, and keep you company for $50 a month!

What a reasonable price! Giotto blinked a couple of times before smiling and picking up his phone in the kitchen. He quickly dialed the number on the magazine page and waited.

On the other side of the line was a voice of a cheery woman.

"Hello, Emergency for the Lonely. Kyoko speaking!"

"Yes, I'd like to order a personal maid." Giotto said, smiling.

"Mhmm! Coming right up! Is there a type of maid you prefer?" Kyoko said.

Giotto thought about it for a bit and replied, "Someone who's short, adorable, and kind."

"Okay! Your order will arrive shortly!" Kyoko said cheerfully.

Giotto grinned sheepishly and said his goodbye and hung up the phone. He hummed and then looked at the time on the clock on the kitchen wall. His eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw the time: 7:30 in the morning. He has ten minutes to get to work and it's a 30 minute drive.

He sprinted towards his car once he exited his apartment and started the engine. He backed out of his parking spot and drove quickly towards his destination. There were honks and yells at Giotto when he cut them off here and there to get to work. In return, he rolled down his car window, popped his head out, and yelled back at the other drivers.

If anyone noticed, the other drivers paled and kept quiet. They looked as if they were ready to piss their pants.

Giotto arrived at work with six seconds to spare. His hair was pointing in all different directions due to it being blown back and forth in the car, but his hair was already spiky in the beginning anyways…

Before he could reach his office for a seat, his boss Timoteo walked over to him.

"Ah, Giotto. Just in time. Have you finished your paperwork? It's due tomorrow." Timoteo said.

Giotto laughed weakly, "Of course sir." He stood up straight and fixed his hair.

That was a lie; a huge lie. He gulped quietly and walked to his office once Timoteo was talking with another employee.

He entered his office room, closed the door, and locked it behind him. He sat in his seat and sighed in relief. The stacks of paperwork were staring right into his soul when he made eye contact with them. Giotto began to perspire profusely like bullets sliding down his face. He never got the chance to start his paperwork for a while because of his housework he had to do alone. Every day, he grew more and more exhausted from wasting his time doing housework than putting more time into his job. Hopefully, the personal maid he bought will help split up the work.

Giotto returned to his home at 8:00 at night, exhausted. He looked down with a sad expression on his face as he took off his shoes and put them aside.

"Welcome home, master!" A cheerful voice said.

In front of Giotto was a small, cute little 'girl' with short brown hair and amber eyes in a maid uniform. Giotto was dumbfounded. 'She' looked adorable. Just like what Giotto asked for. Giotto had shivers running down his spine—in a good way—when he saw this. He pets the girl's hair. 'That was a fast arrival.'

He widened his eyes when he walked closer to her and noticed that she was actually a he.

Giotto fainted by shock.

By the time Giotto woke up, it was already 3:00 in the middle of the night. He was lying on his own bed in his room.

"Was it just a dream?" Giotto scratched the back of his head and sat up. He felt a weight on his stomach, lifted the sheets and his jaw dropped. It was NOT a dream. There he was, lying on his stomach still in his maid uniform. He looked so adorable just holding onto him in his sleep. He looked highly ravishable.

'No no no, Giotto. Don't do it. Don't do it. Self-control. Control yourself Giotto.' Giotto tried his best not to touch the young boy.

He gently tried to take the boy and lay him on the other side of the bed, but the young boy continued to grab onto him tighter. He smiled in his sleep.

The boy looked so cute that he couldn't resist to caress his face. The brunette woke up from his slumber by the touch and began to rub his eyes.

Giotto was beginning to turn red.

The boy then yawned after rubbing his eyes.

Giotto has a little nosebleed.

"Master, you're awake." He said.

That's it. That's all that Giotto needed to start pouncing on the boy like a carnivore, just like what Alaude called him from time to time when Giotto stumbled upon a cute girl. He hungrily ripped the boy's clothes off and drooled. The brunette had flawless, soft, smooth pale skin.

"Dammit. I'm going to get in big trouble for this, kid." Giotto said as he began licking the boy's neck.

"I'm not… ah… a kid." The boy said, "My name is Tsuna and I'm 21!"

Giotto was surprised at Tsuna's age. He looked way too young to be only 21 years of age. Girls will be envious of such a face and body he has.

"Then it won't be a problem?" Giotto smirked.

"Huh?" Tsuna tilted his head to the side a little.

Giotto grinned evilly, grabbed Tsuna's member and began pumping it up and down.

"Ah!" Tsuna moaned when Giotto began and his face turned absolutely red in seconds.

"Has anyone done this to you before?" Giotto asked, still pumping.

"N-no! Ah! I haven't… ah… done anything like this Master!" Tsuna began to cry and covered his face with his hands.

"Lucky!" Giotto took Tsuna's hands away from his face and kissed his forehead. "Don't hide your cute face. I'd like to see your face when you come."

Tsuna's face was as red as a tomato and tears fell from his eyes. Giotto proceeded to kiss away his tears and continued to pump. Tsuna moaned loudly when he came in Giotto's hand.

"Master!" Was the name Tsuna screamed out when he came.

"That was fast." Giotto smirked, "My name's Giotto. When you come next time, call my name instead."

Tsuna sniffed. What did he get himself into? Kyoko is going to get it…

Giotto then inserted a finger into Tsuna's backside and slowly pulled it in and out.

"A-ahhh…" Tsuna moaned. Giotto continued with his index finger until Tsuna felt comfortable. He then proceeded to insert in another finger.

"Do you like it?" Giotto said. He began to scissor Tsuna's entrance and Tsuna screamed. If Giotto had neighbors nearby, they would have heard the two but since Giotto owns the whole apartment himself, he can do whatever he pleases and no one will complain about the noise.

"I think you're about done." Giotto stopped and pulled out both of his fingers. Tsuna sighed in relief only to find out that Giotto pulled out his own member and entered him from behind.

Tsuna screamed in pain. He grabbed at the sheets tightly. "Nnnggh... ah!"

Giotto waited a bit for Tsuna to relax and get used to the feeling; he started to kiss Tsuna's back to reassure him that Giotto will be gentle.

"Nn-nnn.." Tsuna did relax and Giotto began to thrust in and out slowly.

Tsuna moaned when Giotto flipped him over to his back on the bed, stomach facing Giotto. He continued to thrust in and out.

A few thrusts later, the two of them came and Tsuna screamed out Giotto's name just as he said.

"This is the best day of my life." Giotto said as he rolled off of Tsuna and hugged him from behind.

Both of them fell into a deep sleep.

Giotto woke up at noon thirty and stretched his arms. Tsuna was still by his side on the bed naked.

He smiled and kissed Tsuna's temple.

His eyes widened immediately when he realized that he had not started or finished any of his paperwork that his boss told him to do.

Somewhere at his office was Timoteo waiting for him, frowning.

Giotto is definitely getting fired…

I am in need of opinions for this story. You see, I'm typing up a story called 'Sold' and I need opinions on how the bed scenes are in this fanfiction. I've never typed up anything like them before, so I need to know if my bed scenes are good enough or if they are in need of improvement to continue my story 'Sold'.

I thank you for your cooperation.