I don't own Hetalia!end/AN/

This was definitely one of Mongolia's more crazy ideas. Tibet rode on his horse behind Mongolia, debating with him the whole way through. "Most of the areas under China's control are older than babies."

"We're taking a human baby, Tibet," Mongolia said confidently.

This was even worse. Some poor mother would be bereft of her baby, and how exactly were they going to feed it anyway? "Neither of us can breastfeed, Mongolia."

"No, that's your job. It's really important to breastfeed, I was breastfed until I was lots of decades old!" Mongolia was grinning at him, as if remembering the breastfeeding. He probably did. Though, the grin seemed to be more of a happy memory than anything else.

"You remember your mother?"

"Not really well, but I remember her breasts," Mongolia replied, and there was a village coming up. The one that they would raid for their own infant.

Tibet had to say something. "I can't breastfeed, Mongolia. I swear I can't. How are you going to feed a baby?"

"Goat milk, or mare's milk. That's good for babies who don't have mamas," Mongolia decided. He was confident, surely about to crack some skulls for a baby.

"But Mongolia, don't you think the mother would be very sad to lose her baby?" Tibet was hoping he could get through. There was just no way that they could be expected to raise a baby, and stealing one... that was very bad.

"Well, it'll be okay, she can pop out another one! And, you know, we..." Mongolia's voice trailed off. He seemed to be listening for something, and this made Tibet stop and listen too.

A thin wail, squeaky and high-pitched, cut through the air only a couple meters away.

Mongolia abruptly got off his horse, and headed in the direction of the sound. It wasn't coming from the village at all, and he soon came upon a tree. He reached up into the lower boughs, and to Tibet's shock, he pulled down a basket.

What was more shocking, as Tibet came close enough on his horse to see, was the tiny red baby inside.

Mongolia was quiet. He eyed the baby like it was something very precious, but also unlikely to see in his lifetime.

Tibet felt a wave of compassion for the baby. It had been abandoned, an unwanted baby in a society that didn't keep the unwanted.

Mongolia delicately touched the baby's body, sort of stroking it. "Hey, it's okay, Sarnai. You're okay, and you're with your daddy now."

"M-Mongolia," Tibet stammered, knowing this meant he was also the parent of this baby. "Can we really take care of it?"

"It's a girl," Mongolia said knowingly.

"How do you know?" Tibet asked, distressed both about the abandonment of the baby and the fact that they may be caring for it.

Mongolia got a grim line to his mouth. "It's not misshapen or otherwise disabled, so it's a girl. Her name is Sarnai, and she's ours."

Tibet didn't ask further questions. He just quietly watched as Mongolia carried the almost newborn safely onto his horse.

They slowly rode home, Mongolia holding Sarnai and directing his horse with his legs.

Tibet supposed he was a parent now.

/AN/ Infant abandonment has been and still is an issue in China, especially in the case of disabled or female infants. It's not unique to China, however.

Sarnai is a Mongolian name that means Rose.