AN:/ I'm Back! Thank you so much for all the love and support. I can't tell you how incredible each and every one of you have been. I started out this fic as an idea along with my want for improving my writing in the thrisd person, and I can't believe how far it's come already. I was originally going to make this chaper twice as long, but I'm saving the other half for two days from now so I can figure out where I am going exactly with the story. Don't freak out! You'll get another chappie in two days!

When Kisuke first told Ichigo his idea about sending him back, he thought Kisuke was crazy. The war had messed with everyone's minds, and for the few that were still left, their minds were not in the best state. Ichigo remembered asking Kisuke if he had too much to drink. That had become their usual activity now. The walls of his shop had become Ichigo's makeshift home. Even though everything around them was ash, this had become their silent reverie. Occasionally they would spar for old time's sake, but mostly they were too tired to spar. Sparring held good memories, but now they had become sad ones. Most of the time they just sat around reflecting on the good times, talking about what they would change if they had the chance, but of course that was impossible, or so he thought.

Ichigo guessed he should have known what Kisuke was doing when he wanted to be alone. He should have asked when he heard the occasional explosion here or there from Kisuke's quarters. How could he have known that he was making a way to send Ichigo back in time? Ichigo had just gotten so used to him being so distant after Yoruichi's death that he stopped questioning his motives. There were times when Ichigo wanted to be alone too. Most of those times happened after his attempts to sleep failed due to the nightmares plaguing his mind. Normally, Ichigo's dreams were in color. They were so vivid that he had a hard time believing they were not the reality he so wished that they were. But his nightmares were different. They were not in color. They were in grayscale, and the only color anywhere in sight was red. Red stained the ground. Red stained his hands. When he ran over to water to wash them, the water would turn red. Everything would be soaked in that heinous color. When he finally opened his eyes, any sight of red would cause him to pull at his hair. It got so bad that he had to convince Kisuke to get rid of every red piece of furniture they owned, and if it was too sentimental, then to put it in a place where Ichigo would never see it again. Kisuke didn't bother asking about it. Ichigo's sudden hatred of the color red was just something that he would have to accept. Just like how Kisuke would have to accept all the other new mannerisms that Ichigo had developed since the war.

These mannerisms were not anything that a person meeting Ichigo for the first time would just pick up. They were discreet, but they were there nonetheless. Kisuke started to notice them during the war. It started with the occasional hand rubbing his arm. He would do it every so often, to make sure that it was still there. To anyone else, it would see as though he was just scratching himself, but Kisuke knew better than that. Kisuke knew that Ichigo just wanted the conformation that his arm was still where it had been all along. This started when Chad lost one of his own. Orehime couldn't fix it since his arm was technically composed of reishi, which even Orehime couldn't fix. Unohana had attempted, but all of her attempts were in vain. The best they could do was stop the bleeding and let his body naturally form the skin back over the newly attained stump. Kisuke also noticed Ichigo's newfound jumpiness when it came to silence. Most people would expect him to be jumpy when it came to loud noises, as this was a typical symptom of PTSD. Ichigo, however, was different. It wasn't the noise that scared him. It was the silence. Noise meant that people were breathing. Noise meant that people were alive. Noise meant that people were talking, partying, going crazy like they used to. Noise meant normalcy. Nothing in Ichigo's life had ever been quiet. Silence meant death. Silence meant mourning. Silence meant failure. That is what truly scared Ichigo. So the possibility of being able to go back and change his mistakes meant everything to him. It was a dream- an unreachable one- where life could be normal again. It was a chance to correct all the mistakes he had made. It was a chance to save everyone who had died. It was a chance to prevent it all from ever being started.

"So whaddya say, Ichigo?" Kisuke looked at him with a look in his eyes that Ichigo hadn't seen for years. "Are you ready to go back and fix this messed up future?"

"Have you been drinking too much again?" Ichigo knew that the man was crazy genius, but this was just crazy, "Geeze, you're becoming a lightweight in your old age." He joked.

"I'm serious." When Ichigo looked at Kisuke again, he set his drink down. Ichigo hadn't seen that look in his eyes in a long time. It was a look of hope. It was the look that he used to instruct Ichigo with when he had first gained his Shinigami powers. It was the look that said, "I'm not joking around." And Ichigo was intrigued.

"Alright, say I believe you, what good would it do? It would probably end up being the same. I don't want that to happen." Ichigo and Kisuke had talked about this for a long time. They would often talk about what it would be like to go back, but never had it once been a possibility, and Ichigo wasn't so sure that the future wouldn't end up the same again. He wouldn't go through that again. He couldn't.

Urahara shrugged and placed an elbow on the table in order to prop up his head with his hand, "Then stop it from happening. The answer is simple."

Ichigo scoffed. His friend was crazy, he'd give him that, but this wasn't crazy- it was ridiculous. "It's not going to be as easy as you think it seems, Kisuke."

"No, it's not." He took another sip of his sake, "That's why I think we should send you back a couple hundred years." He paused when he noticed Ichigo's apprehensive, yet intrigued look, "That way you can prevent Aizen from getting his plan in action, or at least the bunt of the plan, that its"

"That's crazy." It took Ichigo a while to take in all of what he said. It sounded promising, but then realized that Kisuke had only said "you." He hadn't said anything about himself.

"What about you? You're coming with me if I'm going, right?"

Kisuke shook his head, "Sorry, Ichigo. My invention only has enough power to send back one person at a time."

"Then how about you go after me? You can't just leave me alone." Ichigo's voice rose and then fell again with the second sentence. The thought of losing the last person in his life was too much. He had already lost much. He didn't want to lose anyone else. He didn't know that he could take it.

"I'm afraid I can't. I don't think that it'll have enough energy to send me back too, and even if it could, there's a possibility we could end up in separate times. It would create a lot of trouble." Kisuke knew how Ichigo was feeling. He wanted more than anything to go with him, but he knew that wasn't possible. Too much could go wrong.

"You can't just leave me Kisuke! You're all I have left." His eyes were wide and he reached for his arm to make sure it was still there. When he was sure it was, the flashbacks started to calm. Everything had been red for a few seconds.

"Even if I could go back, I'm much older than you. If I run into myself it could cause some trouble. People knew me hundreds of years ago. They didn't know you."

"And what if something messes up and I end up only a few years back and I meet myself? What do I do then?" Ichigo couldn't believe what he was hearing. There was so much that could go wrong. He didn't even know how they were even going to do this.

"I suppose that you would have to merge with your younger self. I'm not exactly sure what would happen, but I'm sure you'll at least retain your memories when you do that. Your powers on the other hand, well…that's up for debate" Kisuke was hopeful that Ichigo would keep his powers if it so happened that he did end up in the wrong timeline. He just hoped that if something did go wrong that Ichigo wouldn't be three or seven. Kisuke was already feeling guilty about pushing to send Ichigo back, and the thought of a seven year old with memories of war and the burden of unbelievable powers made him feel sick to his stomach.

It was silent for a while as Kisuke let Ichigo soak what they had just discussed. The steady ticking of the clock was the only sound keeping Ichigo somewhat level-headed. He had no clue what to do. If there was any possibility at all that he could fix this future, he knew he should take it. But so much could go wrong, and he was scared. It took him a moment to admit that to himself. Ichigo Kurosaki was scared. For so long he had to keep up the brave face for everyone else. For so long he had been the shoulder to cry on and the voice of optimism for others. He was their one light to the dreaded war. He had to be strong. There wasn't a moment that he could let himself feel fear. If he did that, then he was good as dead and Aizen might have well been the winner. After several minutes of silent deliberation, Kisuke was the one to speak up.

"Why don't you take a night to think about it? Get back to me when you have an answer." With that said, Kisuke downed the rest of his drink and left the room. Ichigo sat there for a few more minutes before finishing his drink and leaving to his own room too. Right now he needed to talk to some people who had been very quiet during this entire matter. He needed insight on what to do. Although Kisuke had told him to think about it and not to rush into things, Ichigo had a feeling that they didn't have much time. If he didn't make up his mind soon, he might lose this chance forever. Sitting down on the edge of his bed, Ichigo sighed, placing two hands on his forehead as he felt himself enter into his inner world.

'What do you think, guys?' Ichigo glanced around his inner world. It had changed so much since he first was brought into it. The skyscrapers were no longer there. Replacing where they once stood were ruins of rock and debris. The sky had also changed drastically too. Instead of the clear, blue skies they were before, they had become dark and heavy with clouds. There wasn't a streak of light to be seen. The flagpole which Zangetsu favored so much had rusted and fallen to the ground. Even the ash they stood upon was constantly damp form the numerous rainstorms that often appeared.

I feel that while it is risky, it is a chance that must be taken. Ichigo turned his attention back to Zangetsu, seeing the wisdom in his eyes. He only looked away when Shiro decided to share his input.

Well, King. I've gotta be honest with ya. I think it's dumber than horse shit to attempt something like that, but that's just my opinion.

'That's a lot of help. I'm stressed out already as is. I don't know what to do' Ichigo was distressed. He felt split about the entire situation. On one hand, Ichigo had the chance of a lifetime. He had the opportunity to go back and fix everything. He could see his family again, his friends again, and beat Aizen before he knew what was ever coming. On the other hand was fear. Fear that he would screw it up again. Fear that he wouldn't be able to save them again. Fear that something would go wrong and he would end up in the wrong time. He did not know what to do.

Ichigo, do not waiver in your ideals. If you believe that this step must be made, then take it. It might seem like a jump over a gorge right now, but that will change in due time. Zangetsu's voice brought him back to his senses. Ichigo knew what he wanted to do. He knew exactly what he wanted. He was just being held back.

Yeah, kingy. You'll work something out- you always do.

'I know. It's just that-'

You're scared. Shiro spoke the words that he himself had been too afraid to speak.

Ichigo sighed, 'Yeah, I'm scared'

Hesitate and you die. Ichigo was confused.

'What are you getting at Old man Zangetsu?' His eyes narrowed.

There isn't much time, Ichigo. If you don't decide soon, you will lose the chance to change the past.

Make up your mind, King. What'll ya do? Sit 'round here in this ashy dump with that 'ol man in the stupid bucket hat? Or are ya gonna try and change something? It's your choice…but lemme tell ya a little secret. It ya choose ta stay here, I'll never forgive ya, and I'll take over as King.

Ichigo looked over at his spirits once more. He saw Zangetsu's unwavering face and found comfort in it. It's okay to be afraid, Ichigo. It just means that what you're scared of matters.

With those words Ichigo made his decision. He had the opportunity, so he would take it. Shiro was right, He'd figure it all out along the way- he always did. When Ichigo left his inner world, he tried to go to sleep. No matter how many times he tried, he just could not stop thinking about tomorrow. Every scenario played through in his head. His emotions went through a cycle of uncertainty, fear, confidence, questioning, and back to uncertainty. It was going to be a long night.

The next morning, Ichigo walked into the kitchen to find Kisuke had already made tea, "Good morning, Ichigo. I'd take it that you slept well, but you look like shit."

Ichigo laughed and scratched the back of his head, "Yeah, I thought about your proposition some more last night" He didn't just think about it. Ichigo had been up all night running it over and over again through his head. He didn't even realize when he fell asleep. All he remembered was waking up the next morning feeling like shit.

"Oh?" Kisuke raised an eyebrow, "And do you have an answer?" He sipped his tea waiting for Ichigo's reply trying to hide the anxiety behind his ever stoic mask.

"I'll go back." Ichigo's words cut Kisuke like a knife. It was as if a wave of relief washed over him.

"I see." Kisuke tried to keep his expression as nonchalant as possible.

"But I'll only go back if you come with me." Although Kisuke had come to recognize Ichigo's bizarre requests and ideals throughout the years, he had never been able to figure out what exactly Ichigo had going on in his head.

"We've already discussed this-" He was cut off by Ichigo's persistent nature.

"I know. That's why I'm asking you to still be there for me." Ichigo sure was resilient.


"I want you to promise that you'll still be there for me when I need you. You're practically all I have left, and if I go back I'm still going to trust you with my life. I want you to promise me that you'll still be there for me." He knew that there were some flaws in his logic, but Ichigo wasn't going to lose another person again. He hand hovered over to his arm again. Still there.

Kisuke nodded. "I can promise you that here, but my past self is a different story. If you tell him what happened, I know you can trust him."

"Alright then. Thank you. When do I leave?" He cut straight to the point. Ichigo didn't really want Kisuke to give him much time to back down. He had made up his mind to go, sure, but that didn't mean he didn't have any doubts.

"You'll leave in a few hours. I want to run some more tests before I send you. We only have one shot at this and it needs to work. I need you to change this future, Ichigo." Kisuke knew he was being a little selfish. He was really hoping Ichigo would change things so that his future wouldn't be so mundane and lifeless anymore.

"I will. I promise that the next time we meet, it won't be because of this shitty future."

Kisuke smirked, "I'm holding ya to that promise, Kurosaki."

" And I'm holding you to yours, so we're even, Urahara." With that said, Kisuke left the room to run the last few tests.

The next few hours passed by quicker than Ichigo had expected, and he soon found himself standing infront of another one of Kisuke's crazy inventions.

"Are you sure this is safe?" Ichigo looked at the device with apprehensive eyes. He wasn't at all thrilled to be stepping into that machine. It was bulky and had wires sticking out everywhere. Ichigo didn't really know what he was looking at. There was so much going on. He could tell that there was a reishi converter on one end and a box with multiple letters and dates.

"Completely." Urahara said waving his hand

Ichigo narrowed his eyes are him,"Uh huh…" But before Ichigo could ask any more questions, Kisuke spoke up.

"I have it set to send you back one hundred years, so it should give you plenty of time to take down Aizen. Remember, if you need anything, find me. Tell myself what happened and what I did, and I'm sure that you'll be fine."

"Alright. Thanks for everything, Kisuke." Ichigo gave Kisuke a hug. They had become like family after all.

"I should be saying that to you, Ichigo." Kisuke tipped his hat in return.

Ichigo looked back up at the machine, "Well, I guess it's time for me to go. Wish me luck."

Kisuke scoffed, "You've never needed luck, kid. You've always had it."

"Haha, I guess you're right. See you on the other side" Ichigo's waving hand was the last thing Urahara saw before he pulled the lever. A flashing light broke through the air, and an enormous sound was emitted. The floor started to shake, and Kisuke knew that the training ground were going to collapse on him. He would finally be reunited with his friends.

"Make me proud, kid."

What Kisuke missed though was the rock causing the lever to switch. Instead of One hundred years, a zero was knocked off. Ichigo was now being sent ten years into the past. He would figure something out though, he always did.

AN:/ There we go! Next chapter is in two days. Don't forget to leave a review, fav, or follow. I really appreciate it! :3 This chappie gave me feels, guys. I just love the relationship Ichigo and Kisuke have.