Chapter VII – Another Random Flashback

I'm standing behind my nearly 15-year-old self, who is aiming kicks at The Armless Master, "Higher!" he instructs. Young Selina kicks higher, "Spinning Wheel Kick!" The Armless Master commands. Young Selina turns and arcs her leg up in a 360 kick. "Good." He says, but then pushes her back in the stomach. The Armless Master puts his foot against her center, "Strong! You have to keep your core strong!" he shouts. He pushes my younger self in the stomach again, but this time she's prepared. She holds her ground and swings a good hit at The Armless Master, slamming him in the chest. "Better Cat, better." The Armless Master always called me cat, "That's enough for today Cat. Be here same time tomorrow. You are getting very good. Just concentrate on your core!" young Selina nods and bows to her master, "Thank you, master."

Just as young Selina exits the dojo, Kai (he always told me to call him Hellhound, but I refused) walks past. "Kai." She acknowledges, bowing her head ever so slightly.

"Selina." He says, stiffly back.

Man, Kai and I used to hate each other so much. It was the reason The Armless Master never trained us together, we always ended up beating one another to a pulp.

My younger self steps out onto the street, getting a sensation that she's being watched, she turns around quickly to see if it's Kai, but he's already inside. Young Selina looks around, and sees a tall figure in the distance watching her. She starts sprinting, zigzagging through the streets to make sure the figure isn't following her.

Young Selina slides into the lair, nearly out of breath, and Marinn strides over, "Is something wrong Selina?" he asks.

"Someone was following me. I'm pretty sure I lost them, but they were watching me when I came out of the dojo."

Marinn cocks his head, "I wonder why someone would be interested in spying on you… How was your training today?"

"The Armless Master says I'm getting better, I just need to strengthen my core."

"Do you enjoy the training?"

"Oh very much so! I love fighting, and The Armless Master is an amazing teacher."

Marinn nods, but his ear twitches towards the door. "Someone or something is near! Everyone hide!" he shouts. Young Selina and Marinn back away from the door just as it crashes open. A tall, foreboding man and 3 huge thugs jump in and the clan scatters. The man reaches for my younger self, but she manages to get a good swing at him and runs.

"Not a wise thing to do Miss Kyle!" the man shouts. Young Selina cowers behind a wall and is very confused. How did the man know her name? We hear a loud yowl from a cat as the man grabs Helilah. "MOMMA!" Bartus wails. Young Selina picks him up, and doesn't know what to do. There are 4 of them and only one of her, she could never put up enough of a fight. She sees a shadow coming her way and runs in the other direction. Young Selina tries to save another cat, but one of the thugs almost grabs her, so she is forced to make a run for it. Young Selina watches in horror as the man and the 3 thugs walk out of the lair with all of the clan in cages. Bartus and my younger self are the only ones who managed to escape. Both my younger self and I start to cry, and Bartus is wailing for his mother.

Young Selina walks—I'm forced to glide behind her—back into the lair to inspect the damage. When we hear a pitiful meow; trapped under a piece of wreckage, is a seriously injured Marinn.

"Marinn!" young Selina cries, attempting to lift the piece off of him.

"D-don't waste your strength Selina. I'm already t-too far gone; y-you can't save me." He says quietly.

"No…" she cries, "You can't die Marinn! You can't!"

"You h-have to let me go. S-save yourself before th-they come back. P-protect Bartus. Don't let me and h-his mother die in vain." Marinn gives young Selina one last encouraging nod, and then he's gone.

"NOOOOOOOO!" she wails, pounding her fist against the ground. "Marinn…" young Selina strokes his lifeless body gently, and I watch with tears streaming down my face.