Disclaimer- I do not own Criminal Minds or any of the characters.

Sorry if I wrote the reactions poorly. Having very mild AS I have trouble writing peoples emotions or reactions as they don't come as natural to me. I can write Spencer just because I always pictured him as having mild AS. But I will try to fix that next chapter. Anyways, I won't be able to post for a little while, but fear not I will come back. I'm going away for a week, so don't freak out when I don't post next week. As always any mistakes are mine and I'm sorry for them. Thanks a gogul for reading and /or reviewing.

Spencer shifted in the uncomfortable chair, he didn't like the restaurant, he didn't like the food and most importantly he didn't like his social worker, Anna Marks. Mostly because every time he saw her, it meant change. Change was something that Spencer never enjoyed, change was bad. The grown-ups were talking about grown-up stuff and legal concerns; it wasn't like Spencer didn't understand, he did, maybe even better than they did. To put it frankly; it was boring. He sipped on his lemonade and watched the other people eating at other tables. His nose and forehead hurt and it was too hot and stuffy in the room.

"...would you like that, Spencer?" she asked.

"Sorry, I didn't catch that." he said.

"I said, would you like to live with Derek for a little while." she repeated.

"Um, yeah that be fine with me." he mumbled.

"Great, I think that would be okay for a temporary solution, once he's off to college we could place him with a family near his university. Obviously, we would need to check up with you quite frequently to make sure that his home-life is stable. I can fax over some documentation and paper work that you'll to fill out prior to taking Spencer out of Las Vegas."

"Thank you, Ms. Marks." Morgan said, while shaking her hand.

"It was my pleasure, take care Spencer, it was nice knowing you." she said, looking down at him.

Spencer just gave her a little wave and she walked out of the restaurant.

"So, little man, ready to go?" Derek asked.

Spencer nodded, they payed the bill and got into the car to go back to the station. JJ had gotten most of Spencer's things from his house; photos, clothes, books. Morgan wanted to properly introduce Spencer to the team before they headed on a plane together. He had seen bits and pieces of them but no sitting down and saying hello.

"Okay little man, let me give you the rundown of what's going on. First, we're going to meet the rest of the team, Hotch may seem all stern and serious but when it comes down to it he's the biggest softie of us all."

That got a giggle from Spencer.

"Tomorrow, we'll fly out to Virginia and get you settled at my place." Morgan continued.

"Okay" Spencer said.

As they entered the building, Spencer didn't know what to expect. He was never one to enjoy social gatherings and meetings, so meeting a bunch of new people at once seemed utterly overwhelming. The first thing he noticed was a tall man with black hair, in a suit on the phone. He looked like a "Hotch". Morgan led him over a conference table where a group of people were eating and talking.

"Hey guys, this is Spencer." Morgan said.

All heads turned and looked at him. He took a step back and nudged into Morgan. He felt a hand on his shoulder and looked up to see Derek giving him a small reassuring smile. They went around introducing themselves, there was an Emily, JJ and David and a "Hotch" on the phone, plus someone named Garcia who apparently, couldn't wait to see him. Everyone could tell that Spencer was tense so Derek suggested that he could read in one of the conference rooms. Happily, Spencer agreed but could still hear the woman talking. They were throwing words like "cute", "adorable" and "tiny" around. If only they could see the glare they were getting from the other side of the wall.

"Is he really only eleven?" Prentiss asked.

"Yeah," Derek said "He's a senior too, crazy smart"

"I just can't imagine him as a college student next year" she said.

"I know. I bet Garcia has already baked him six cakes." Morgan said.

"Six? More like sixty." Prentiss said, with a smile.

"That woman is crazy." Derek said laughing.

The next day, when Morgan had finished filling out papers for Spencer, they were off to the jet to go home.

"Morgan, can I talk to you for a moment." Hotch asked.

"Yeah, sure what's wrong? Morgan asked.

"You do know how much work taking care of a child can be, right?" Hotch said, with a stern eye.

"Well I guess I'm going to learn, and Garcia will help out on cases. He seems pretty self-dependent already."

"Trust me, what you are seeing now is the good side of him, he's still just an abused eleven year old boy." Hotch said.

"What is this about, Hotch?" Morgan said, questioning the direction of the conversation.

"If you ever need help, just call." Hotch said, smiling.

"Thanks, man" Morgan said.

The plane ride home was uneventful. There was a lot of sleeping and reading, but not much else. Even though Morgan knew very well that Garcia would love to meet Spencer right away, but figured it should wait for tomorrow. He was thinking of inviting everyone over for dinner tomorrow and give Spencer a chance to meet everyone in a more "relaxed" setting. But of course, he would have to run it by his "little man", first.