Seventh Story

What Took pPace in the Palace of the Snow Queen, and what Happened Afterwards


The walls were completely transparent as it was made of pure ice. The colours of blue and purple from the twilight sky flooded the inside with a mixture of a silver and white from the moon's rays bouncing on the inside of the palace giant ice palace of what the Snow Queen had created.

Anna looked up with wide eyes filled with wonder at the creation around her. Never had she seen something strong, dangerous and cold be so beautiful. Stairways from all over the place lined itself all the way up the large building until you couldn't see where it ended. There wasn't as many doorways like the front way, instead everything inside was open with huge arches showing you the next room. A fountain sat in between a link bridge staircases. The water froze in place, some pushed up and some of it frozen falling back down again.

A huge chandelier hung above with the most precise detail in it that Anna had ever seen before and she's seen a lot of chandeliers in her life time and this one was the best by far. She seen a lot of palaces and this one was the best so far.

Though beautiful and extraordinary as it was, the place was completely bare. There was no sign of life anywhere and no objects around the room. The rooms itself had no furniture, not even a chair. The air itself was chilling and sent goosebumps down Anna's spine.

Gazing up the palace, her gut instinct was to climb the stairs.


The Snow Queen was out on the balcony as the sunset watching the surroundings lose its light and surrender to the darkness. A smile curled up on her magenta lips and a darkened eyebrow raised with her purple eyeshadow covering her eyelids that came over her bright blue eyes till they were nothing more than slits.

Kristoff sat in the middle of the room behind her face the mirror which Elsa named; The Mirror of Reasoning. Kristoff was busy working on the task Elsa had set for him the moment he arrived to her palace all those years ago. The task was no where near compete.

"Still no luck?" Elsa, as young as she was on the day she first met Kristoff, came in with her dress' skirt following her. She stopped moving her hips and stared down at the boy that had outgrown his clothes and were nearly falling off him at this point. His skin was almost black but he did not care because when she gave him the first kiss on the cheek all those years ago, stopped him from feeling any coldness when it forced the shard in his heart to freeze over.

"Not yet your majesty." Kristoff kept his eyes glued down to the floor.

Elsa gave a grunt to this. "Oh well." she walked past kicking the ice tans out of Kristoff's way. "I am going to be gone for the night. I shall be back as morning breaks the next day. You know the rules."

Kristoff understood perfectly. As soon as Kristoff entered the room, he could not escape. The two kisses Elsa gave him trapped him. Once when Elsa was gone he tried to escape but every time he got close to a door, sharp ice spikes poked out and blocked the entrance, giving Kristoff a few minor injuries too.

His task that the Snow Queen Elsa gave him was to use pieces of ice like a Chinese puzzle to form characters and words to form the word Eternity, she will release him.


Anna collapsed a soon as she reached the top floor to the huge doors that was just as big, just as magnificent to the front door. Her feet were numb and stinging red from the coldness. Her breath puffed out off her mouth as she panted with exhaustion. Taking a moment to gather herself, she opened the large doors that blocked her path.

When she opened the door, her eyes locked on the body in the middle still working with ice tans. He still had his blonde locks that she loved so dearly as children.

"Kristoff..." her voice came out as a whisper. Taking a deep breath she said loudly and then shouted, "Kristoff? KRISTOFF!"

The boy that was now a man did not move his head to stare at the young and beautiful confused looked around wondering what to do. Then she saw his skin. It looked like frostbite.

"Kristoff!" She screeched and ran to him and fell on to her knees, sliding the rest of the way pushing all the pieces of ice tans in her way.
"Hey!" the man screwed his face up in frustrating and stared up at the girl. "What do you think you're doing!?"
"Kristoff! It's me!" She placed her chilled hands onto the sides of his head and glued him in place so his eyes reached hers. "It's Anna. Don't you know who I am? Princess Anna!"

The blank expression said it all. Kristoff did not recognise her or know her at all since the second kiss on the forehead made him forget everything about Anna.

"How do you know my name!?" Kristoff demanded pushing her out of his way to start over on the puzzle. "I don't know you. Now get out NOW!"

Anna pushed herself off the floor to stare at the handsome man. This wasn't the Kristoff she knew. Picking herself up, she dragged herself over to sit in front of Kristoff singing a song she use to sing for him but a little bit different:

"For the first time in forever, I think I finally...understand, for the first time in forever, we can fix this...hand in hand..."

At this she finally let her emotions flow. Her hand went straight to her eyes to stop the tears from falling. One single tear escaped the catch of her hand and rolled down her cheek to her chin. It dripped and splashed on Kristoff's hand as he went to pick up an ice tan. The tear burst into a blue snowflake on his hand before sinking into his skin. Suddenly a burst of golden light came from the exact spot and a sun shape glowed from his skin. Kristoff looked down in confusion and Anna looked up confused. The bright line then came from Kristoff's heart. As it did, he cringed in pain as the ice around his hard began to melt away and the ice shard in his heart disappear.

When the beams of fiery rays sunk back into his body, Kristoff collapsed on the floor trying to catch his breath. Anna let out a wail of worry, calling out his name and placing hands on his body to turn him over so his face was facing up at her. From her angle, his face was upside down and from his angle, her face was upside down.

With the protection away, the coldness hit Kristoff hard and he began to shake violently and uncontrollably.

"KRISTOFF!" Anna screamed in worry not knowing what to do.

She held his face and shut her eyes tight trying to think hard of what to do but with all the panic, nothing came clearly to her. She opened them hopelessly and watched as the fear in Kristoff eyes clouded him. The tears built up threatening to flow.

"I still...don't know who you are..." he shivered. "But all I can see right now is a horrid human being and I'm sorry. It hurts...the hurts."

He closed his eyes and let the water spill. It ran down his cheek to the ground. Kristoff blinked a few more unable to stop the tears. A sharp clink was heard on the floor as the ice shard stuck in his eye hit the floor. The tears dislodged it from his eyes. After a few more blinks, Kristoff stared up at Anna. Her beautiful strawberry blonde hair, freckles and big bright eyes looked familiar.

"Anna?" he questioned. Many memories came flooding back and his eyes widened like saucers. "ANNA!" he jumped up and hugged her, forgetting of his coldness. "Anna! It's you! I'm so so so sorry!" he cried. "My sweet little Anna!"
"Kristoff," Anna cried with happiness in his arms back. "My dear Kristoff."
"It's soo cold."
"I know."
"Why's it cold?"
"Ssshhh." Anna hushed him, petting the back of his hair. "It's okay."

Anna rocked back and forth with Kristoff in his arms knowing he wasn't going to last now without the ice around his heart. He still couldn't leave the room because he hadn't finished the puzzle and he was slowly freezing to death.

Kristoff finally stopped moving and weeping sorrowfully, Anna placed him gently down onto the ice in front of her.

"My dear Kristoff."

Full of anger and hatred, Anna turned and stared at the puzzle. "IT'S YOUR FAULT! YOU SNOW QUEEN! IT'S YOUR FAULT!" Anna furiously kicked the puzzle's ice and tans and dropped to the floor and wept.

When she looked up, she saw it. Eternity. The characters and words of Eternity with the ice tans. She turned back to Kristoff and hugged into him. He was now free. His body was free to take home.

"You're free." she giggled , tears still trickling down.

She leaned in and began to kiss his feet; they grew warmer; his hands; blood began to flow through them easily, his eyes; they began to flutter and his two cheeks; a rosy colour began to stain his face.


Anna placed her hands on his face and carefully turned her head placing a kiss on his lips. By doing so, she passed some life into his body. The life made the blackness and cold disappear from his body. Kristoff stomach rise and fell and he kissed back Anna, lifting his arms to wrap around her. When parting, Anna stared into the loving eyes of Kristoff.

"KRISTOFF!" she laughed.

Kristoff sat up and swung her round his body, starting the kiss all over again.


During the journey home, they made plenty of stops. Pocahontas provided Kristoff with proper clothes and gave Anna her mittens, boots and cloak back and fed their bellies till they could handle no more. Sven was also there and guided them to say hello to Belle on the other end of the forest. Belle was kind and loved meeting Kristoff. They bumped into Merida who was on her black horse. She decided to leave her family to explore the world and there was no more hard feelings.

Princess Rapunzel and Prince Eugene loved seeing Anna again and finally meeting the mysterious Kristoff. They were helpful and gave another set of clothing for them for winter is now over and Spring was emerging. They followed the river which Anna recognised but dodged the witch's house on the road. They then had to follow the river at a far as their path went up hill. Before they knew it, they had reached the river that Anna had once jumped off.

"We're home." They both gasped at the sight.

It was long for both of them, Kristoffthe longest but it still felt weirdly for Anna too. They got off Sven and walked hand in hand, resting it on Sven's back. The crowd stopped to stare as the missing child and missing Princess came home after so long.

The guards ran into the room where the Queen and King sat patiently staring out blankly at the window. Just then, a Guard came bolting through the door. They turns and stared and he nodded. Fast as they could, the Queen and King ran out to the gates of the palace. There, they were confronted by Kristoff and Anna (and Sven.) Anna wore a white long sleeve with a tight green bodice and green skirt with her royal family crest decorating the rim of it with white tights and black shoes. Her hair nicely plaited on each side of her. Kristoff wore a turquoise shirt with a black sleeveless over coat and a red tied belt with black trousers and boots.

They smiled and waved at the Queen and King but the Queen and King hugged them all into a group.


The Queen smiled watching her youngest daughter laughed and talked and danced with kitchen boy. They were home at last and safe and sound and in love. The Queen sighed before felt something cold hit the back of her neck and slowly melt down her back.

"I didn't think I'd see you again." the Queen said.
"Sorry to disappoint." the female voice from behind replied. "Is that her?"

The girl with bright nearly white hair messily side plaited emerged from the shadows with her hugging light blue ice dress.

"She managed to solve my puzzle and free the boy." The Snow Queen explained.
"Well, she is your sister."

Elsa sighed and stared at the happy Anna and Kristoff.

"At least this child can have a happy ending." Elsa turned and walked away.
"You know if I could have it any other way, you'd still be mine. Both of you." the Queen turned to Elsa.
"I know. However unfortunately under the circumstances this is not the case." Elsa breathed.

In the Kingdom of Arendelle the Queen Idun, who was very very young and the King Agdar dreamed of having a baby. However the Queen got some news from the Doctor she is unable to conceive a baby. Forever barren, the King Agdar searched in the library for answers to their problem. He came across a magic book with a map showing them where rock like creatures known as trolls were able to control magic.

Agdar and Idun arrived in the enchanted forest where they were approached by the leader of the trolls, Grand Pabbie. Grand Pabbie put magic inside Idun's empty womb to help her be able to bare children.

After nine months of being with child, Idun finally gave birth however, the birth was a difficult one. A baby born with looks exactly like Idun herself, was a little girl. When born the baby did not cry. Knowing the baby wasn't healthy, King Agdar went in search for more help as the Doctors pronounced the baby girl still born. Returning back to his Queen, the King brought a long three fairies. Together they used their magic to make the baby not dead but asleep. After sixteen days the baby finally awoke. However, the fairy magic and the troll magic inside the baby couldn't find a proper mixed harmony between the two so reacted causing the baby to ne pale with bright blue eyes and bright nearly white hair. The baby was named Elsa.

The magic reaction also caused little Elsa to develop snow and ice powers which grew stronger each day. Her parents tried to keep her in but Elsa got out and soon the public saw. In fear, the public began to riot and insisted on the Princess Elsa to be burned. A near civil war broke out and the King and Queen had no choice. They staged their daughter's death saying she was ordered to be killed in her sleep. A funeral arranged and a coffin was prepared. However, Elsa still lived. When it had all died over, Idun and Agdar took her to the top of the highest mountain.

Knowing the snow could not bother her and she can protect herself with her powers, they left her there as she was ice skating. Elsa became depressed and cried of loneliness. After years of being alone, her bitterness consumed her and she used her magic to create a dress, castle and a few creatures here and there. She froze her age in time to stay forever beautiful and developed her powers to take her home. However, when she arrived home, she saw a five year old girl, the daughter of her own parents with no powers at all, take place in their hearts.

Jealousy, hurt and pain surged through her and she watched the girl was fond of the boy from the kitchen. Wanting to hurt her as she was hurting, Elsa decided to snatch the boy from her. But not quite yet. Once taken, she used her magic on him but did not kill him. She set for him an impossible task to complete making him her prisoner forever. However when she came home one night, she saw the puzzle solved.

"I'm sorry...Elsa." The Queen turned to Elsa.

Elsa nodded in acknowledgement. "Does she know?"
"Know what?"
"Of me?"

The Queen smile and nodded. "I told her the full story when she was younger but she doesn't know you are blood related."
"I see." Elsa looked down. "I bid you farewell."
"Will you be back again?" The Queen asked clutching her eldest daughter's hand.
"I shall return someday when you and Father are no more. I promise not to harm however." Elsa kissed her mother's hand lovingly and was off with the flakes of snow.

The Queen sighed and turned to Anna who kissed Kristoff tenderly. Until then.

The End

* A lot of tangled references here
* The end
* Hope you enjoyed
* Based on the Hans Christian Anderson story, The Snow Queen
* Characters from Frozen, Tangled, Brave and other Disney Classics