Hello! This is my sixth story! Yaaaaaay! I have recently read some great fanfics about Obi- wan and Duchess Satine. I love them sooo much! Both great characters, and a great (depressing) love story, and I wanted to try it! Okay, so those of you who have read, "The Story of My Life: The Life of a Jedi", you know I tried to make my own character, Analei Suli, but the story didn't work out.

Analei: Yeah that was a bust…

Me: Whoa! You can talk to me from another story!

Anyways, I decided to try again. I, like a lot of fictioners, create my own characters. I took a PARCC test today, so I had a lot of time to think, and decided to start over. Allow me to introduce, a character of my own creation, (even though other people have done it too, I created her in specific, with a variation of my name, lol… (Did that on purpose, incorporate myself into the story through a character))... Sierra Kryze Kenobi!

Sierra: It's aliiiive! LOL, happy to be alive though!

I plan to make more stories with her in them. Enjoy!

Obi-wan's P.O.V

Chapter One:

"Satine!" Obi-wan watched as Satine fell to the floor, stabbed with the black lightsaber of the late prime minister. He picked her up, and watched her struggle for breath. He looked into her baby blue eyes, his own filling with pure disbelief.

"Remember, my dear Obi- wan… I loved you always… I always will…" Satine took her hand from his face, as she descended into death. Obi- wan held her in his arms, grief and anger boiling inside of him. How can this be fair? All I've done is good, and this is what I get in return? He pressed his face close to hers, feeling the grin on Darth Maul's face burn into his back. He felt himself being picked up, and carried to his cell, when the shots went off…

Obi- wan entered the council meeting room to discuss the matters mentioned to him in a message. He sat down, but something was… strange. Everybody was looking at him. Oh no, what has Anakin done this time? He looked around the room, expecting somebody to start complaining about how Anakin disobeyed an order, or some other mischievous thing that he'd done. But instead, they only stared at him. "Err… is there something the matter?" Yoda, who sat in the center of the semi-circle, as usual, spoke first. "Greetings, Master Kenobi. Sorry to hear, we are, about the Duchess. Her service tomorrow is. Wish to attend, do you?" Obi- wan looked at him in surprise. "Yes, Master Yoda, I did wish to attend, but why have you brought me here to discuss it?" Mace Windu answered for him. "We received an urgent transmission from Mandalore, there have been more attacks, and the planet is in total chaos. They requested the help of a Jedi, and we figured you might want to be the one who investigates it." Obi- wan nodded. "Thank you, masters. I will set course for Mandalore first thing." He left the council meeting, and went to the hangar. On his way there, he bumped into Anakin and Ahsoka, just returning from a mission. "Master Kenobi, where are you off to?" Ahsoka smiled as she approached him. Obi- wan wasn't exactly in the mood to talk, but it was below him to be rude. "Mandalore." Ahsoka had clearly heard of the Duchess's passing, and just nodded. Anakin hung back to talk to him, while Ahsoka continued on. Leave it to Anakin to try and talk when he knows I don't feel like it. "Are you alright, Obi- wan? I know that you and the Duchess were close… I'm sorry for your loss." Obi- wan sighed, loud enough for Anakin to hear. "She was just a friend. I appreciate that. But I'm not going there just for the ceremony; I have a mission that the council assigned me." Anakin seemed to sense his emotions before he himself even felt them. "I sense that you don't want to go. Why is that?" Obi- wan shrugged his shoulders. "It's not that I don't want to go, I'm just… concerned. Many people blame me for her death…" Anakin looked at him with sympathetic eyes. "You blame yourself, don't you?" He nodded. "Anakin, how is it you are able to sense my emotions before I feel them myself?" Anakin smiled. "Well master, I guess I know you so well, I can just predict you." Obi-wan smiled at his former Padawan's sense of humor. "Well, I'll see you Anakin; I have to leave for Mandalore." He waved at Anakin, and flew off on the transport to Mandalore.

Later, on the planet of Mandalore, Obi- wan Kenobi attends Duchess Satine's Funeral…

"Duchess Satine Kryze of Mandalore was a brave woman, full of courage, wisdom, and determination. She-." Obi- wan was no longer listening. He stared at the coffin hovering above the ground, and the still body of the woman inside. Her last words were I love you. Out of all the things she could have said, why was it I love you! He had felt guilty since the day it happened. He tried to keep it together as the music played, and she was lifted into the ship. He was invited to join the ceremony to escort her to the grave, and rode the ship to the funeral plot. Her body was lowered into the ground, and eventually her face and body were underneath a mound of dirt. Obi- wan was the last to stay behind, almost stunned. His disbelief and grief turned him into a statue. She was the only one he would ever love, and he gladly would have left the order to be with her. He looked at the roses laid on her plot, and silently slipped a peace lily in the center. Her favorite flower… Obi- wan turned around to the sound of footsteps and turned to see one of her bodyguards approach him. "Excuse me sir, would you happen to be Obi- wan Kenobi? I have a letter from the Duchess to be opened only by you. It was to be given to you if she ever died…" Obi- wan took the small envelope in his hands, and the guard left. His hands shaking, he slowly opened the envelope, to reveal a small piece of paper. He read the letter, his hands shaking wildly.

"My dearest Obi- wan,

If you are reading this, then I have passed away. I have loved you ever since I laid eyes on you, and will continue to love you, until we meet again. However, there is something you must do. I never told you this, but we have a daughter. She lives in the Mandalorian Nursery. Her name is Sierra Kryze Kenobi, and she is 4. I'm very sorry I hid this from you, but ever since the uprising of Death Watch, whence she was born, I knew it would be too risky. Now that I am deceased, they will come for her. Please, Obi- wan, don't let them find her. She must know nothing of her past. Please keep her safe, and take her to my sister.

I will always love you, my dearest Obi- wan,

Satine Kryze Kenobi"

Obi- wan held the note to his chest, and wept. He left the grave, and went to an alleyway. He hated himself for crying, but now he understood. He understood everything. He would honor his beloved Satine's last wish. Don't worry Satine, I promise; I'll keep our daughter safe, I promise… I promise… He turned away, and walked to the ship, the tears evaporated. He rode it back to the palace, where he boarded his own ship, and flew to the Mandalorian Nursery.

Obi- wan entered the nursery, and spoke to the human at the front desk. He explained the situation, (excluding who the father was), and the lady came back a moment later with the child. He looked into the eyes of the little girl, and they almost glowed back at him. They were a pale blue, almost grey, and a perfect blend of the two colors of blue of his and Satine's eyes. Her hair was a light reddish color, maybe a shade or two lighter than Obi- wan's. She was asleep in his arms, as he carried her to the ship. He gazed at the small child in his arms, and couldn't help but smile. She was perfect, in every way.

Well, that was chapter one. The next chapter is from Sierra's P.O.V… Tell me how I did! Remember, this is my first attempt at an Obi-tine, so please don't hate!