Hey readers! This is Nonumaru, as you can see from the little icon above. Anyway, this is just a start of a story to help me get rid of my writer's block and to see if its any good. Should I continue with this? Feel free to tell me.

Warnings: Swearing. You guys all know how Kanda is by now I hope.


1,2,3 1,2,3 Drink~ 1,2,3 1,2,3 Drink~ Throw 'em back, till I lose count~

It was official. Kanda Yuu hated parties.

Ragers were just an excuse for people to get pissed drunk and distort reality for a good couple hours or so. He really didn't get it. His life was shitty regardless, so there was no reason to believe otherwise.

Yet, Kanda has been dragged to one by his rabbit brained friend Lavi, to be the "designated driver". Like fuck that was happening.

He had only seen snippets of the redheaded idiot the whole night. Seriously, the dude was a total manwhore. Lavi could probably grind a brick wall if he really wanted to.

Kanda cursed, taking his silky black hair out of its ponytail where it gracefully landed on and around his shoulders. His hair covered his defined biceps and part of his tank top. The choice of clothing was good considering how hot and stuffy the house was.

Kanda sighed and stood up, placing down his own Bud Lite on the table next to him. Fuck this whole thing, he was so leaving.

A flash of white amid a sea of black and yellow weaved through the throng of dancing teens. Kanda squinted through the mass to try to notice it again.

"Oh shit, I'm totally imagining things."

But, there it was again, clear as day. It was the hair of some unknown person swaying to the beat of the music. From the silhouette Kanda assumed was a guy, he could discern black skinny jeans and a tight red button up top. He was short, but nonetheless muscled and skinny. The teen seemed perfectly content to dance on by himself, not tripping or stumbling at all. Kanda felt a clench in his heart that he'd never felt before. It scared the hell out of him.

Suddenly, someone crashed into Kanda's side, enveloping him in an awkward side hug. Lavi snuggled into his neck and looked up with large, pleading, sleepy eyes. The usual light green of his orbs was reducing to a darker shade because of the access alcohol.

"Yuu… isn't this party awesome? Whoever planned this really knows how to throw a legit party bash!" Lavi could barely be heard over the booming music and his slurred speech.

"Whatever. Now get the fuck off of me!"

"Noooo," Lavi whined, "But you're my pillow! Soooo comfy." He snuggled in closer.

"You won't find me so comfy in about five seconds when I-"

Well that was useless. The idiot rabbit had already passed out on Kanda's chest and was snoring loudly. That was another fucking problem he really didn't want to deal with right now. With force he threw the redhead up on his shoulder and began exiting the house with long strides, knocking partygoers over left and right as he went.


It was about three months later, and people were still talking about that party. Of course Lavi had to tell everyone about it. This included a bunch of chicks in line at the Black Order University. Seriously, Kanda just wanted his fucking room key, not a damn lecture.

"Rumors were that some idiot had left a still burning cigarette in the trash can of the house. An hour later it turned into a full-blown fire!"

The girls gasped and giggled. One particularly attractive teen, a girl with ebony hair in long pigtails asked, "Oh my gosh, what happened to you guys?"

"The whole house almost burned down. That didn't really bother us though. We just migrated to the next house over. I wish I could've seen how pissed the old codger was who owned the house when he found out-"

Kanda had to drown that part out. First off, Lavi hadn't even stayed awake past eleven, let alone seen the house go up in flames. If he really had stuck around, he would've wept like a complete pussy.

"The cops who were eating their donuts and drinking their coffee hadn't noticed that the house was on fire until about 3 A.M. Girls were running in six inch heals and guys were jumping fences to escape getting their scholarships revoked."

Okay, now that was complete bullshit. He couldn't stand it anymore.

"Hey idiot, you're next in line."

The redhead blinked his emerald green eye in a semblance of a wink before turning to the large desk in front of him. The girls behind Kanda swooned. This was going to be a long four years.

Once detached from Lavi, Kanda wandered around the halls of dorm rooms, looking for his room number.

"402…402." It was all the way at the end of the hall, fairly out of earshot.

When he stood in front of the door however, he realized that it was already open. His roommate, whoever the hell that was, had already moved in.

Kanda barged in the door nearly knocking over a lamp. A smooth tenor voice spoke from the other side of the room. "Oh there you are! I've been waiting you to get here for like an hour."

Whoever, it was had been sitting cross-legged in an office chair apparently writing some shit. After a couple seconds, the teen set his pencil down and swiveled the chair around. That's when Kanda saw the white hair. His roommate was wearing tattered skinny jeans and a band t-shirt. He was smiling broadly, raising the black-rimmed glasses farther up his nose.

"That couldn't be…" Kanda murmured to himself.

The mysterious guy with white hair chuckled. "What was that? You're a quiet one, aren't you?"

The other just shook his head in response. "Fucker…"

Whether the guy didn't hear that side comment, or chose to ignore it was questionable. Regardless, he approached and held out a hand for Kanda to shake. "Hi, my name is Allen Walker. What's yours?"

Suddenly, the black haired man collapsed to the floor.

Allen sighed, running a hand over his face in defeat. "Oh shit! I've already killed him and it's only been thirty fucking seconds! Someone help me dammit! My roommate fainted!"


The part of the song at the beginning was 'Chandelier' by Sia. Tell me what ya'll think!