Summary: Bellatrix and Rodolphus LeStrange save Harry Potter from his highly abusive relatives when their nephew Draco Malfoy runs in and tells them he got a letter from Harry, who is going to die if he isn't saved soon. The LeStrange Family ends up adopting Harry as theirs. The Dark Lord finds out and doesn't actually kill Harry; instead, Voldemort changes and becomes Tom Riddle once more. Set after Harry's fifth year, so Sirius is dead…or so you think. Eventual Harry/Tom Riddle.

Rating: M

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter nor do I make any money off of this story. Dang!

Pairing: Eventual HarryPotter/TomRiddle, Rabastan/Rodolphus, Bellatrix/? maybe more? depends on you guys

A/N: Hey ya'll! I'm back! AND with a brand new story! Crazy right!? I haven't even finished New Leaf yet, but I'm already writing another story. I must be nuts. I hope you guys end up liking this just as much as my other Harry Potter story. This story will contain rape and the aftermath of such a terrible event; torture will be had as well. It will have Dark!Harry and Sane!TomRiddle. Nice!Draco and Sane!Bellatrix too! Ummm….I think that's all I'm going to tell you guys for now other than this story has been circling around in my head for months now and I am finally getting it down on my new laptop. SO, let's begin lovelies!

bold- letters/newspapers ::thoughts:: spells flashbacks


The Darkest Light- Chapter One—Letter from Harry

To Whomever This May Concern,

I know this will reach someone of magical nature, I made sure my owl knew to take it to someone in the Magical World not the Muggles. My owl's name is Hedwig. I hope you take care of the old gal, she's my first real friend, pathetic I know. You are probably wondering who this is, although the owl should have given it away. I am Harry James Potter, Boy-Who-Lived, The Chosen One, The Savior, The Light's Bitch. That last one probably threw you for a loop, huh? Well, you see, I don't trust nor do I like the Light anymore. They aren't what they seem to be. They aren't fighting for the best of everyone, they are just wanting to make things better for Light Wizards, but what in the hell is a Light Wizard? I don't even know! And I'm supposedly the most Light Wizard besides Dumblefuck! Really?! I don't think so. You should hopefully not be a Light Wizard, cause then you will go to him and then I will be doubly dead. But like I said, I would be doubly dead, meaning I'm already dead. And I am. Dead that is. I don't think I have much time left actually. Whoever this got to, I want you to take it to Gringotts because this letter will also serve as my will. I, Harry James Potter, of sound mind and questionable body do bequeath all that I own to the own that carries this letter. So, there you go. Please, do something good with whatever little bit of money you get. By good, I mean go help Voldemort (and yes, I can write and say his name). He's the only one who was fighting for us to be protected. He's kinda crazy now but maybe there is a way for him to gain his sanity back, because his ideas were brilliant when he was sane. Well, it looks like I have less time than I thought. So, last thoughts. Jeesh, this is hard. Help Voldemort. And make sure my body is found; I'm at Number 4 Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey. Make sure everyone knows that Dumbledore is the reason I am dead. He sent me to my Muggle relatives even when he knew they were abusive. He made me come back here over and over again even when I begged to stay at Hogwarts over the summer. Please, for the Magical World's sake, take my money from Gringotts and help Voldemort's campaign! I beg you to follow this dying man's wish! Thank you, whoever you are, wherever you are…

Dead Man Writing,

Harry James Potter


"What is that sound?" Draco Malfoy mumbles to himself. He looks to his window at Malfoy Manor to see if that is where the tapping sound is coming from. And it is. An owl, a snowy white owl, is outside with a letter tied to its claw. He gets up, curious to see why the owner of the owl sent him a letter; he knows that its the Savior's owl outside, just not why it is outside his window. He opens the window to have the owl swoop in and land on his shoulder. It begins nipping at his hair, almost affectionately, while he takes the letter.

Once he reads the entire letter, he lets it slip from his fingers to fall to the floor. ::Potter is dying? He's abused? Why would Dumbledore do that to his weapon? Why let Ha—Potter go through that? It just makes no sense! I'm already on Voldemort's side, even if he is crazy so I don't need his money….Speaking of, why does he think he only has a little bit? He's heir to the Potter fortune and most likely the Black fortune if his godfather willed it to him. He's probably almost as rich as us Malfoys. I don't like Potter, but…I can't let this happen to him. I have to help him somehow. I can't tell Sev and probably not Father or Mother. So who can help Ha—Potter?:: Draco stares at the ground, thinking hard about who to go to for help. He picks up the letter, turning it over and over hoping that something pops into his mind.

"AHA! I know who might help!" With that, Draco and Hedwig disapparate. They appear in the Green Sitting Room at Lestrange Manor. They startled Bellatrix and Rodolphus, who had been in the middle of an argument.

"I don't give a damn what you think Bella! He's my brother and if I want to fuck him and he wants me to fuck him then I will! What do you care, you psychotic bitch!" Rodolphus yells at his wife, one he didn't want to marry but was forced into it. The crack of Draco entering causes the two to jump away from each other.

"Draco! My nephew! How sweeeeet of you to drop by!" Bella cries out in happiness, although there is a flicker of some twisted emotion deep in her eyes.

"I hope you didn't hear that Draco. We didn't know you were dropping by." Rodolphus drawls.

"Yes Uncle, I did hear your…discussion. That's not why I am here though. I am here because of this." Draco holds out the letter. Bella snatches it from him and reads through it, her dark eyebrows drawing together.

"The Chosen One…is abused? Only our Lord can touch him! How dare they! Filthy, bastard Muggles!"

"Give me that" Rod takes the letter to see what his wife is talking about. "Is this a real letter? How do you know that it's not a prank? Or a trap for you or one of our Lord's Death Eaters?"

"Trust me Uncle, it's real. It even even has some of his blood on it. It's the real thing. I just know it is. You two have to help him. Please! I don't ask you two for much, but this is something that I'm willing to beg for. Just think! You two could be responsible for picking up the Boy-Who-Lived for our Lord."

"Yes….yes! YES! Oh my nephew! My smart, smart nephew! Yes, we will go 'save' the boy and our Lord will reward us for bring the child to him. Oh yes! Yes yes yes!" Bella says excitedly, overjoyed at being able to serve her Lord; again, there is a twisted, insane look in her eyes. Draco sees it and starts to wonder about when Bella became crazy. He knows that she was sane in her Hogwarts years, well, until the end of her seventh year. ::I wonder what happened to Aunt Bella….::

"Mind if I tag along? I heard about what's going on and no child, not even Harry bloody Potter, deserves to live in conditions like that." Rabastan Lestrange asks from behind Draco. He came in almost at the same time as Draco, but was content to listen to the situation.

"Yes Bastan. You may come." Rod tells his younger brother and lover. Yes, it seems wrong, but it isn't really. It's frowned upon by the Light Wizards because they don't want to understand the Old Ways. And sleeping with your brother is something that happened when the Old Ways were practiced.

"No! I don't want him to come!" Bella shouts.

"Too bad, sister mine. I'm going with you." He answers her, eyes hard.

"Fine! Stay out of my way!" She apparates away in a huff. Rod rolls his eyes and follows after his wife. Bastan takes the letter and looks at where he is going before he too disappears.

"I hope they get to him in time." Draco whispers out loud. Hedwig lets out a sad hoot and nudges his cheek to try and make him feel better.


The Lestranges appear on the street of a Muggle neighborhood, where every house looks the exact same. They all have neat, cut front lawns with flowers in the flower beds by the house; the houses are all two stories with the same number of windows, in the exact same places. Bastan snorts at the Muggles for being unoriginal and Rod just nods in agreement. Bella skips down the street until she reaches the mailbox that says 'Dursleys' on it. She goes up the walkway and then proceeds to bang her fist loudly on the door.

"I don't care who it is! I'm going to sit down and finally have a meal without that FREAK contaminating it!" They all hear a man yell from inside the house. Rod frowns and Bella scowls, both wanting to know who they mean by freak; Bastan has a pretty good idea who the man means when he says freak. Bella pulls out her wand and casts wards around the house so that the other Muggles can't see the house nor hear any sounds coming from it. Rod gives a vicious grin.

"Bombarda!" Bastan cries out, blowing the door to pieces. A horse-faced woman stares at them in shock from the doorway to the kitchen.

"What the bloody hell? Pet!" The same man yells out again. This time, he also comes to see what is wrong. When he gets a good look at the clothes the Lestranges are wearing, he sneers at them. "What are you doing here? The older freak said that he's on summer break and that he's not to leave the house."

"Well, you see…we aren't with the 'older freak', as you called him. WE are with the Dark Lord and have come to take the boy." Rod drawls.

"Well you can't have him! I'm getting paid good money to keep him here. He's to stay here." The fat, whale-like man says.

"Disgusting Muggle! Tell me! Where is he? Where is Harry Potter?! Where is my Lord's enemy?" Bella shrieks. The whale-man says nothing, but the horse-woman's eyes dart to the small cupboard under the stairs. Bastan sucks in a breath. ::They don't…leave him in they?:: He thinks to himself.

Rod stares in horror at the cupboard. He, unconsciously, starts walking towards the small door, reaching out a hand to open it. It creaks ominously as it slowly opens. Inside the tiny space is a bare lightbulb on a string, with a few shelves on two of the walls and a small cot on the floor. And on the cot lies a boy that looks no more than twelve in size. He bleeds from several wounds all over his body and is curled up in the fetal position; the worst wound on him is a word carved into his back that says 'freak'. His mop of unmanageable looking raven hair givens him away as the one they are searching for. He does not move when Rod turns the light on.

"What did you do to him!? He is for our Lord to punish and hurt, not you. Filthy, dirty, disgusting Muggles!" Bella yells, very very angry.

Rod levitates the boy out of the cupboard very slowly, making sure not to aggravate the boy's wounds. As soon as he clears the door, Rod pulls him into his arms. He stares at the boy who is passed out, probably from too much pain and blood lose. He feels a rage take over him, one of which he has never felt the likes before; he wants to burn these Muggles. Burn them until there is absolutely nothing left of them that could even remotely identify them. He looks up and meets Bella's gray eyes, eyes that he can see the insanity twisting in; but, like Draco had earlier, he notices something wrong with the insanity that swirls in their depths. He shakes it off for now and nods to Bella and Bastan before he apparates away.

"This should be fun." Bastan says with a malicious grin on his face. Bella, for once, agrees with her brother-in-law and cannot wait to torture these nasty Muggles!

"Crucio!" Bella throws out first to let them have a taste of what they did to her Lord's sworn enemy, one that only He may touch. The two adults drop to the floor, screaming their heads off in pain. Their screams bring in a boy who is the Chosen One's age, but at least five times as fat; he's positively huge!

"Excorio desuper corupus!" Bastan shouts out, wanting to contribute to the torture. The skin starts to slowly peel off of the bodies of the Muggles, exposing their muscles, tendons, veins, and arteries.

"Sceptumsempra!" Bella shouts out; a dear friend had invented it and shared it with the other Death Eaters for instances such as this. However, only the Half-Blood Prince knows the reversal spell for it. The curse hits the boy in the leg, causing blood to spurt out and splatter the walls and his parents. He wails in pain and thrashes to get away from the two.

"Not so fast. Immobulus! Incarcerous!" The wizard cries, trapping the adults in ropes and freezing the boy, although that doesn't stop the blood from flowing out of his leg at an alarming rate.

"We can't have you icky Muggles dying just yet, no we can't. "Non deficiatis!Conscius ne quid res remanere!"

"Now, how about you two. What to do, what to do. Ah, I know. Confringite ossa!"

None of the Dursleys had ever felt this kind of pain before. They are all trying desperately to get away from the freaks, but find that they can't. They try to beg for mercy, but find that they can't make a sound. And the day had started out so well for them….

"Do you understand now, filthy Muggles? Do you understand why you do not touch what is our Lord's? Do you think your nephew felt like this when you hurt him? Tell me what you did!" Bella stops the silencing spell so that they can speak, or try to anyway.

"Wha—what d-d-do you me-e-an? We-e di-did wh-wha-what the o-old fr-fr-fre-freak told us t-t-to do." The horse-woman stutters out. Bella hisses in anger and sends a stinging hex at her.

"Enough! Bella, check their minds. We are done here." Bastan turns around and begins to set fire to the house.

"LEGILIMENS!" Bella shrieks triumphantly; she loves tearing through minds, destroying everything in her proverbial path. She gets sucked into a memory almost right off the bat.

"Freak! I told you to make sure not to burn the bacon! How dare you!? I take you into my home, feed you, clothe you, give you a bedroom and this is how you repay our generosity!? I'm going to make sure you don't do this ever again." Vernon shouts at the small five year old boy, who shrinks back in fear of his gigantic uncle.

"I-I'm so sorry Uncle Vernon! I didn't mean to!" Harry cries out, but his words fall on deaf ears.

Vernon picks up the still burning red hot pan the bacon was frying in, grabs the boy, and presses it against the boy's arm. Harry screams and fights to get away from the iron grip and burning pan. The scent of burning flesh floats around them, causing Harry to almost pass out. After three minutes, the pan is lifted. There is a third-degree burn on Harry's arm where the pan was. He cries quietly in pain.

"That oughta teach ya freak!" Vernon spits on Harry and leaves. Harry walks to the cupboard and goes inside, desperately wishing that someone would come save him.

Bella comes out of the memory, seething with white hot rage. She trashes the man's mind as she looks for what she wants. When she's done with him, he is nothing but a twitching mass on the ground; she moves on to the horse-woman and finally the smaller whale-man. She is completely pissed off when she's done ripping apart their minds.

"Bella? You done yet?"

"Yes. I am. We have some talking to do." She answers, a moment of clarity as she speaks. Then, it is swept up in the madness that is starting to seem unnatural. He nods and they apparate away. The house of 4 Privet Drive is engulfed in flames and by the time the wards fall, the occupants are ash, the house is almost burned down, and the ones who did it are sitting comfortably at home about to have a serious discussion.

"Well? What did you find out?" Draco asks when he sees everyone come into the Green Sitting Room he has been waiting in.

"Draco, sweeeeet nephew….We have much to talk about." His deranged aunt answers. He gulps audibly, terrified of what he is about to find out.


A/N: Okay, so that was the first chapter of this new story. What do you guys think? Love it? Hate it? Want to kill me in my sleep for writing this piece of trash? (By the way, I am that writer who thinks they write utter shit even when people tell me it's good; it's just a self-esteem issue that I'm trying to work on) If there are any pairings you guys want, let me know! I want to write something that you guys will like and want to read. So please, tell me what you might like to see. Anyway, thanks for reading darlings!

Translation: Non deficiatis!Conscius ne quid res remanere!—Do not faint! Stay aware no matter what!

Excorio desuper corupus—Peel skin off body

Confringite ossa!—Shatter/break bones!

~Kistenbabe~ :D