Just a short little story. This would happen post RotS in a universe where Padmé was always force sensitive but didn't become a jedi for whatever reason. Right now I have two chapters, but if you want more I might be willing to continue it.

"Just relax, it helps to focus on your breathing."

"That's what you said yesterday...master."


"Obi Wan."

The older jedi frowned. What had he done to deserve such a difficult padawan? Or...not padawan. It was difficult to figure out just what Padmé's relationship was to him. "Please just try to meditate."

"I told you I can't." She bit into her bottom lip. "Can I go now? Luke and Leia are hungry."

"You can't keep using that as an excuse." Obi Wan rolled his eyes. But then she looked up at him with those big brown eyes. Blast! "Fine, we'll try again after dinner."

Padmé stood and scampered away to the makeshift cabin with a small "thank you."

It had been two years since Anakin's fall. He'd faked Padmé's death along with the help of her security team. And now they were on Degobah with Yoda. For a long time she'd held onto the hope that Anakin could return to the light, but then the nightmares started. Obi Wan could still remember waking up to the sounds of screaming. She was there with him, with

Anakin, as he slaughtered hundreds of force sensitive children. That was when she asked to be trained.

It was no secret back on Coruscant that the Senator from Naboo had been force sensitive. Her parents, reportedly, refused to let the temple take her, but her selfless dedication to the public was not very different from the jedi code. Obi Wan had admired her then, but never really considered her potential as a knight. Her skills in diplomacy were unparalleled, she was better with a blaster than many troopers, and a sense of duty that none could match. Had she been raised in the temple, she would have been magnificent.

But she wasn't raised in the temple. She was a mother, and she had been a wife, and a politician. It still bothered him that she had been such a capable liar for so long. As Obi Wan entered the "house" they shared with Yoda he couldn't help but smile, both the twins were eating Yoda's awful soup and sitting in their mother's lap. The image caused an unfamiliar feeling, a twinge of longing. He'd been getting a lot of those lately.

"Where's Yoda?" He asked softly.

"He went out into the woods." She said, smiling as Luke fell asleep on her lap. "I think he's meditating or something."

Obi Wan picked up Leia and gingerly took Luke, laying them on the pallets in the other room. The house was small, but hopefully only a temporary situation. Obi Wan was surprised by his feelings for the twins initially, but since the jedi were gone, so was the rule against attachments he supposed. He would die before he let anything happen to Padmé's children. Or, he realized, Padmé herself.

"I'm sorry if I'm hard on you." He made himself a bowl of...whatever it was Yoda was cooking. "It's how my master was with me."

"You've got to stop thinking of yourself as my master, you're only a few years older than me." She teased. It was nice to see a little of the old Padmé, after the bond with Anakin had been broken, she'd been able to heal much faster. "You know I had a crush on you when you first came to Naboo."

"Oh?" He flushed, suddenly aware of how close they were. Truth be told he had harbored affections for her when he first met her. She was intelligent, beautiful, humble, yet confident and kind. Who wouldn't want someone like that?

"Yeah." She looked at her knees.

"What cured you of it?"

"The beard." She smiled to show she was teasing him.

"I like this beard." He ran his fingers over the soft facial hair thoughtfully.

"It makes you look much older than you are."

"If I recall correctly, almost everything you wore either disguised your age or tried to make you look older." He frowned, a little annoyed that she seemed to think her own choices superior.

"You never saw me outside official functions." There was a sparkle in her eye that made him smile.

"Senator Amidala are you flirting with me?"

"A little, I didn't think you were going to call me out on it." She laughed. It was amazing to see her laugh like that. She was right, he'd only ever seen her at official functions. For the first time he regretted it, she was so beautiful. It would have been nice to see more of that beauty.

"It's alright..." He reached over and pushed her hair out of her face. "Padmé."

She turned away suddenly and he felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. "I'm sorry." He apologized immediately, "I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"It's...it's okay." She was looking down at her knees again, "Guess the beard wasn't that much of a turn off after all..."

"What?" He blushed, did that mean she had feelings...for him?

"N-nothing." She put her bowl down, "Did you want to try the meditating thing again?"

"Yes," he smiled trying to alleviate the awkwardness a little, "I'll be out in a moment."

Things were getting interesting.