Disclaimer – I don't own Law and Order: Special Victims Unit or any of its characters.

Reconciliation – chapter one

"We are not put on earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are there always for others, then in time of need, someone will be there for you."

Jeff Warner

She tried to concentrate on the file in front of her but she found her mind wandering. It was late and the rest of the unit had left a few hours ago. Fin hovered for a while but she told him she would be fine and he could go home. He'd pinned her with a final look of worry, telling her to call when she got home, whenever that may be.

Olivia was about to give up on the report when there was a timid knock on her door. She looked up to see the young blonde woman in her doorway. "Kathleen?" She questioned as she rolled her chair backwards and stood from behind her desk. She couldn't help glancing behind Kathleen, wondering if she had come alone.

"Hi Liv," Kathleen said hesitantly as she stepped into the office giving a small wave of her hand.

"Is everything okay?" Olivia asked coming to stand in front of Kathleen. Her mind reeling as she tried to think of a reason to trigger the unexpected visit, especially at this time of night. She rested lightly on her desk as she gestured for her former partner's daughter to sit in one of the chairs in front of her desk.

Kathleen nodded as she took the chair closest to the door placing her back pack at her feet before looking up at Olivia from under hooded eyes. "I just wanted to see you, to see how you are," Kathleen told her.

Olivia tried not to tense, but the sudden reappearance of the second oldest Stabler child already had her on guard. She regretted the action almost immediately; Kathleen wasn't responsible for her father's actions. To make Kathleen more comfortable Olivia slipped from the edge of the desk she slid smoothly into the other chair and focused on Kathleen.

"I'm getting there," Olivia told her softly. The last year had been hell, there was no denying it. Kathleen had no doubt seen the headlines and news broadcasts of the trial and ensuing escape and death of William Lewis.

Olivia saw the similarities between father and daughter when Kathleen stared back at her, scrutinising her, not saying a word for a long moment as she figured out whether or not Olivia was telling the truth. "Are you?" She finally asked.

Olivia felt her lip curl upward unintentionally. This wasn't the same self-absorbed teenager that had driven her father crazy. She had matured into a caring young woman. Olivia noted Kathleen's bold honesty hadn't escaped her while she had grown up; she just knew how to phrase it better than she had as a teenager.

"It's taking time," Olivia admitted. Kathleen's responding look was void of the pity which Olivia had grown accustomed to since her first abduction. It was of understanding, no judgement, and no sympathy. She wondered briefly if Elliot had sent her in lieu of himself. "Why are you here Kathleen?"

"I just wanted to let you know you have a friend to talk to if you need to, someone away from all of this," she explained softly her hand gesturing the squad room, not backing away from Olivia's almost harsh tone. "You helped me a long time ago, and I don't think I would be in the position I am today if you hadn't convinced my grandmother to talk to me. I wouldn't have gotten the help I needed."

Olivia blinked back the pang of disappointment as she failed to mention Elliot. Refocusing on Kathleen she gave a tiny smile. "I was happy to help," she said simply. "How are you now?"

"I graduated," Kathleen told her proudly. "I'm working with an organisation geared towards helping teenagers with mental health issues. I want to use my experience to help others."

Olivia gave her a genuine smile at her career choice. Silence overcame them, and after a moment it became awkward as they stared at one another, daring each other to bring up the person they had in common. Olivia couldn't bring herself to do it and broke eye contact as she asked the safer question "How are your family?"

Kathleen raised an eyebrow, but she answered anyway. "We're all good. Maureen got engaged last year. Lizzie and Dick are both in college now. Eli started school last year," she smiled. "And Mom's enjoying a peaceful house."

Olivia nodded as Kathleen avoided mentioning Elliot, knowing she was intentionally baiting Olivia to ask first. 'So much like her father,' she thought to herself. Her curiosity got the better of her, those twelve years meant too much not to. "And your father?"

Her breath caught in her throat as Kathleen tried to find the right words. She wasn't sure what she wanted to hear. If Elliot was still dwindling after shooting a child, or if he had gotten the help he needed and found peace in the end. She didn't which scenario was better in her mind, which one excused the lack of communication for the past three years.

"He's better," Kathleen started uncomfortably. "It took a lot of time for him to open up. Mom got tired of him moping about and told him to get some help," Kathleen let out a disbelieving laugh. "And he did. I don't know what she said to him, but she got through."

Olivia kept silent as she digested the information, breathing evenly. She was saved from finding a reply as Kathleen continued, "He knows that I'm here. I asked him to come with me, but he didn't know if he'd be welcome."

Olivia nodded as she swallowed the lump in her throat. After all this time, he was still able to get to her. She felt her eyes well, remembering how Lewis had asked who she had thought of in that moment as he was cutting her trouser leg. How he knew it hadn't been Brian. Olivia had wanted Elliot there, hoped it would be him bursting through the door to find her. To save her.

'My old partner, he'd know what to do. He wouldn't question himself after what you've done. He'd kick your teeth in, break your legs, break your arms, break your back, break your face. Maybe I should call him.'

She had picked her phone up several times since her abduction, and since the trial to call, but her thumb only hovered over the connect button as she remembered all the times she called him after he left only to leave one voicemail after the next. It was the memory of painful heartbreak when none of them had been returned that made her put her phone back into her pocket.

"Did he want to come?" Olivia found herself asking. She needed to know if he had sent Kathleen to test the waters with her.

"You know he does Liv," Kathleen stated, her head tilting to the side sympathetically. "He's scared it's been too long."

Olivia closed her eyes, trying to compose herself against the imploring tone in the younger woman's voice. "Maybe it has," Olivia replied despite knowing if the roles had been reversed and she had been the absent one, she would want to come. Nothing would have stopped her from doing so.

Kathleen shook her head in disbelief. "You know there was a time when I didn't like you very much. I thought something was going on with you and my dad."

Olivia schooled her features against the accusation which she heard time and time again. For three years she had built walls around that special place her heart, keeping people out, keeping her feelings locked inside.

"I know nothing ever did. I think if it had he and Mom wouldn't have gotten back together. He'd still be with you," Kathleen continued.

Olivia looked away then, not wanting to hear it. She spent years fighting her feelings, telling herself there was no way they were reciprocated. When Elliot and Kathy had been separated, she allowed herself a small luxury to wonder, she allowed herself to see the way he looked at her, knowing it was mirrored from her side of their desks. And she ran from it, scared of what it could do to them.

"He loves your Mom," Olivia stated looking back at Kathleen.

Kathleen's lips lifted at the lack of the usual denial. "And he always will," she said somewhat sadly. Olivia sensed that she wanted to say something else, but Kathleen remained quiet. She glanced at the clock on her desk, knowing Fin would be worrying that he hadn't heard from her by now. "But he misses you. He gets this look whenever his phone rings and I know he hopes it's you, he's always disappointed when he realises it's not."

"He should have answered three years ago," Olivia breathed out, unable to keep the anger from her voice.

"Yes he should and he regrets not answering your calls," Kathleen told her. "I'm not excusing what he did; he shouldn't have just walked away from you like that. But it's up to him to tell you his reasons, when you're ready to hear them."

A short sharp knock on her open door stopped Olivia from replying. Both women turned to see Fin looking between them cautiously. He looked just as surprised as Olivia had been to see Kathleen. Olivia followed Kathleen's lead and rose from her chair, turning to see Kathleen give Fin a brief hug. Olivia shook her head in response to the wide eyed questioning look Fin shot her over Kathleen's shoulder.

"Hi Fin," Kathleen said as she pulled back.

"How you been Kathleen?" He asked trying to cover his shock.

"I've been good," she told him. She looked between Olivia and Fin, fully aware of the atmosphere.

"I thought I sent you home over an hour ago, what are you doing back here?" Olivia asked him.

He straightened at the soft tone. He could see how tired Olivia was, how emotionally drained she was. "I ended up going for a drink with Nick and Amanda, I came back to see if you wanted to join us," he explained looking between Olivia and Kathleen. "But if you're busy…"

Kathleen shook her head. "I need to go anyway, it's late," she said as she gathered her back pack. She grabbed a pen and a post it note pad from Olivia's desk and scribbled down a phone number. She ripped the paper from the pad and pressed it into Olivia's hand. Kathleen looked uncertainly at Olivia. "Thanks for not telling me to go away."

"I would never do that," Olivia promised, grasping the piece of paper.

Kathleen's eyes softened. "That's my number," she said leaving the invitation to call unsaid. She turned to make her way to the door, reaching it as Olivia called to her.

"Kathleen." The young woman turned expectantly and Olivia swallowed lightly, acutely aware of Fin's scrutiny. "Thank you for coming."

Kathleen nodded, pausing to see if there was anything else Olivia would say. Olivia knew she wanted to know if there was a message to pass along. Or an invitation. Was she ready to open that door again? Expose herself to that heartbreak again.

After a long moment Kathleen looked away, disappointed when Olivia didn't say anything else. She turned to go but was stopped again when Olivia spoke. "Tell your dad," she started her voice wavering slightly. She saw the hope flash in the younger woman's eyes as she looked over her shoulder expectantly. "Tell him," she started again steadfastly ignoring Fin, whose eyebrows had both risen in shock as he watched the exchange. "Tell him that he can come."

Author Note: Law and Order SVU is new territory to me and I've only recently started watching reruns as well as some of season fifteen, so forgive me if anything isn't accurate. I hope that you enjoyed this. I have started a second chapter if you're interested. I would love to know what you guys think, so if you have a few minutes please leave a comment.