Hi, this is my first fanfiction! Enjoyyyyyy! 3 ~CC Herondale

Disclaimer: I do not own TMI or its characters, but I wish I owned Jace ^.^

Chapter 1- Clary POV

I walked into Taki's, with my red curls bouncing behind me, looking for myperfect, golden boyfriend. My emerald green eyes scanned the 50's style diner, and fell upon the back of someone's head- someone with flawless, amazing golden-blond hair. But, suddenly, my eyes flicked to the person in front of her boyfriend, dragging him with her wherever she was going. The girl had light blond hair up in a bun, milky, pale skin, and beautiful blue eyes- it was Kaelie Blue, perhaps the sluttiest girl in the universe. Every weekend, she slept with a new guy, and had a different "boyfriend" almost every week. She went through them so quickly, I didn't even think they could be called boyfriends. I suddenly felt Kaelie's icy eyes bore into me, before dragging Jace into the bathroom. I followed them in after a moment, opening the door just a crack, and was shocked at what I saw. Jace had Kaelie pressed against a stall, making out with her heatedly. Jace ran his hands down Kaelie's hips and legs, while one of her hands was wound in his perfectly tousled hair. Her other hand was feeling Jace's perfect abs under his shirt. I stood at the door, shocked. I wasn't able to breathe. I couldn't even think. Jace was cheating on me. Jace, who was my brother's best friend. Jace, whom I had known for years, and been dating since I was 13 (we had our two year anniversary last month) was cheating on me!

I said, barely above a whisper, with tears in my eyes, "Jace?"

Jace turned towards me, and when he saw her, his eyes widened. "Clary, oh my god, I can explain-"

I cut him off abruptly, "Save it, Jace. I don't want to hear any of your lies. We're over!" With that, I stormed out the door.

I ran out the bathroom, through the restaurant, and down the streets of New York. I distinctly noticed I was going towards my house, but only vaguely. I couldn't focus on anything other that what had just happened. I was heartbroken. Jace was the one of the first people I had ever loved- I didn't care about my family at all, not counting my brother Jonathan. Our father abandoned our mother once he found out she was pregnant with me, but she had remarried a man named Valentine seven years ago, when I was eight. Jace and Jon were the only people I had ever really opened up to, and he left me, just like my father left my mother, Jon, and me.

Two Weeks Later

From that day on, my life has a living hell. Jace had been the only thing keeping people from bullying me- and I am seemingly a perfect target: short, quiet, artistic, hideous curly carrot-orange hair, pale skin covered in freckles, and practically no curves. With Jace no longer in my life, but instead going out with Kaelie, I am a target for the sluts and football team to pick on. After I walked in on Jace and Kaelie, he hadn't even tried making up an excuse. He simply ignored me- unless he was helping make fun of me or beat me up. He takes no pity when he calls me names, pushes me, occasionally punches me, or "accidentally" drops food on me in the cafeteria.

It had now been two weeks since "the incident," as I started calling it if I couldn't handle thinking about what really happened, when I felt something hit my back during History class. I turned around to see Jace poking me with a pen.

"What the hell do you want?" I hissed, my voice full of venom.

"I just want to talk to you," Jace pleaded. "After class, for two minutes. Please?"

"What makes you think I ever want to talk to again? And you know, it would've been great to 'talk to me` I don't know- two weeks ago?!" I shot back

"Just two minutes, please, Clare! If you still want to ignore me after, then fine."

I let out a dramatic sigh and was about to respond, when I heard a different voice.

"Mr. Herondale, Miss Morgenstern, is there a problem?" Mr. Starkweather's cold voice questioned. I subconsciously flinched at my last name- no, Valentine's last name. She thought of herself as Clary Fairchild. I prefer my mother's maiden name, but Jocelyn insisted that Jon and I used Valentine's name.

"No, sir. There's no problem," Jace replied swiftly.

"Well, good then. I don't like distractions in my class." Starkweather replied with a huff. As he began to continue his lecture on Ancient Rome, the bell rung signaling it was lunch. He dismissed the class, although more than half of the students had already left.

I unwillingly followed Jace to an empty stairwell, where he tried to begin speaking.

"Listen, Clare, I'm so sorry for what happened. When I saw you, I wanted to explain, but then you stormed out-" he said quickly, but I cut him off.

"Just shut up, Jace! You obviously have no good reason for why you cheated on me with that slut! You know, I loved you, Jace! I was utterly, one-hundred-percent in love with you! But you obviously didn't feel the same way! And, now, to be completely honest, I want to hate you, Jace, but I can't! Even though you shattered my heart into a million pieces, I think there will be a part of me that will always love you." I screamed. I saw Jace's eyes widen with every word I said. It was true, I had loved him, but despite my brain screaming at me to forget him, in my heart, I still loved him. My eyes were brimming with tears as I ran out of the stairwell and slammed the door, leaving Jace standing there.