oOoO oOoO oOoO Tomatoes OoOo OoOo oOoO

oOoO oOoO and OoOo OoOo

OoOo Cherries oOoO

Chapter 3

The blonde boy scratched his hair in confusion, staring at the complicated diagram on the page. It was the first day of school, and Naruto didn't expect there to be any work. Boy, had he been wrong.

Blue eyes scanned the paper again, If a shinobi has 10 kunai, and drops 7 on the ground, how many does he have left?

Naruto snorted, this ninja was really clumsy! Who drops seven kunai?

Sticking his fingers out, a trick Kaa-chan had taught him, the blonde hid seven of his fingers resulting in only three. The blonde nodded, so the answer was three! Puffing up his chest Naruto looked the room, sharing his glory.

He grinned, one question down, 19 more to go!

If the same shinobi had six shuriken, what is the ratio of kunai to shuriken?

Naruto scrunched his face up in confusion, trying to figure out what this new word meant. Was a ratio a type of weapon?

He glanced at the paper beside him, but the answers were promptly covered with a hand; Kiba glared at the cheating blonde.

Naruto pouted and crossed his arms, his eyes roaming over to the two silent classmates that sat in front of him. Both of them had finished their work a long time ago, and were currently relaxing.

"Phsst, Sakura-chan! What did you get for number two?" the blonde asked, leaning forward in his chair.

The pink haired girl turned and produced a wary look, "Naruto, I can show you how to do it, but I won't give you the answer."

"Leave her alone, dobe," Sasuke muttered, giving Naruto a pointed look.

The blonde stuck his tongue out, "I wasn't talking to you teme!"

The two rivals glared at each other, the tension almost visible in the room. Sakura sighed and tugged Sasuke's sleeve to make him return to his seat. The young Uchiha complied with a pout, sitting himself back down.

"Sasuke what are you doing this weekend?" Sakura beamed at him, a smile plastered on her face.

The dark haired boy shrugged, "there's an Uchiha gathering of some sorts."

Sakura's doe eyes filled with curiosity, "A family gathering? Oh that's right, Sasuke you're so lucky you have such a big family!"

Sasuke glanced at her and snorted, "It's not that great," the boy said pulling on his blue shirt, "There a lot of old people who always brag about their kids and praise Nii-san and Otou-san."

"That's fun Sasuke! I'm sure they praise you too," Sakura said grinning.

The young Uchiha frowned, "No they all want me to be like Nii-san because he's a prodigy."

Sakura's eyes widened, "But Sasuke you're Sasuke, not Itachi."

The dark haired boy tsked, and turned away "You wouldn't understand."

Sakura scrunched her face up, but decided against speaking. Sasuke seemed to cranky today, maybe this was what Naruto meant about Sasuke being moody. The pink haired girl sighed, glancing around the room.

There were many new people she met today, all from different clans, including the brown haired pineapple boy she kept seeing around. Apparently his name was Nara Shikamaru and he was very lazy.

To Sakura he didn't seem very smart, but he was able to answer this really difficult question Iruka-sensei had given him. Apparently everyone in the Nara clan had a high IQ and were key players in Konoha's strategy department.

The pink haired girl smiled, many people also thought she was smart. Her Otou-san said that she had photographic memory, something that would come useful for memorizing scrolls and information.

Her natural ability for academic learning also helped her with the difficult readings she had been picking up from the old Shinobi store. Her goal was to become an anbu medic and strategist, and to become just as strong, or even stronger than her Otou-san.

Sakura jumped as she heard chairs screech and a loud thump followed by a whimper. Sakura groaned, turning around again only to meet a teary blue eyes.

"Naruto! What's wrong?" The pink haired girl asked, standing up.

She placed a hand on his forehead, her small face scrunched, unable to detect anything.

"Sasuke kicked me!" The blonde wailed, pointing dramatically towards said boy.

His tears and unnecessarily loud shout, caught most of the class's attention as numerous eyes settled on the scene.

"I did not," Sasuke protested, crossing his pale arms, "He's lying!"

Sakura looked between the two unsure of who was lying, Naruto seemed to be crying genuinely but then again, Sasuke would never lie. Her contemplation caused her to miss the cheeky grin the blonde sent to the Uchiha.

The black haired boy's eye twitched, and he lunged at his friend knocking both of them to the ground.

All the girls got up from their seats, cheering on their Sasuke-kun, while the boys, preferring the cheery blonde to the sullen Uchiha, cheered on Naruto.

"Naruto! Sasuke!" Iruka yelled from his desk, rushing towards the two boys.

The teacher crossed his arms observing the scene from above, as his students attempted to strangle each other, Naruto's tears suspiciously gone. Iruka rubbed the bridge of his nose, trying to remind himself that it was only the first day of school.

He felt a small tug on his shirt, as his brown eyes met green, "Sensei, we should stop them!" Sakura exclaimed pointing towards the wrestling boys.

Iruka nodded warily, bending down and easily puling the two apart, "Both of you stop it," he scowled.

Naruto pouted, pointing at Sasuke from his suspended position, "He started it, I just wanted some help and he called me a dobe!"

"He called me teme!" Sasuke retaliated, crossing his arms.

Iruka set the two down, and glared at them, "Naruto, Sasuke, take this as a warning. This type of behavior is unacceptable, you will never become shinobi if you keep acting like this."

"But I want to become Hokage," Naruto whined, stomping his foot.

His teacher sighed, "The Hokage is able to get along with everyone, take your father for example."

The young blonde seemed to think about this, before he grinned, "But Sasuke, will always be Sasukuke-teme for me!" Naruto said sticking a thumb up.

The Uchiha tsked, "Dobe."


"Bakas!" Sakura spoke sternly, "Get back to your seats,"

The two boys languidly made their way back, while the pink haired girl turned to grin at her teacher.

Iruka gave her a guarded smile, "Arigato, Sakura."

It's going to be a long year.

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

The courtyard was filled with numerous students of the same age, each of them playing within their small groups. Four Uchiha girls were grouped together, while five Uchiha boys were off in the corner, speaking amongst themselves- both groups were too proud to speak to others.

Sakura pouted, plopping herself down beneath a tree as she unwrapped the cloth around her bento box; for the first time in weeks, she was alone. It was all the two bakas fault, if they hadn't caused such as scene that she could have at least sat with Sasuke during lunch.

Sakura sighed, picking up her chopsticks and reaching for the first bite, only to have her lunch smacked away. The box fell, and the food inside scattered on the ground.

Sakura looked up to meet unfamiliar black eyes, "Why were you talking to Sasuke-kun?"

"Huh?" Sakura blinked trying to recall where she had seen this girl.

The tormentor was definitely an Uchiha, and judging for her bossy look and confidence stance, her family was probably somewhere high on the Uchiha clan's social ladder. Sakura scrunched up her face, this girl looked very familiar…

"I said why were you talking to Sasuke-kun?" the dark haired child repeated with a scowl.

"Sasuke's my friend!" Sakura reasoned, her fallen food catching the little girl's eye "You're mean for knocking down my lunch."

Azumi had prepared a special bento for her today, after all it was her first day of school and now it was completely destroyed! Sakura clenched her fist in frustration, and glared up at the taller girl.

"Tch, why would he be your friend," the girl rolled her eyes, "I mean you're not even pretty," she said causing Sakura to blush out of embarrassment, "Look at that forehead, its huge! Forehead-girl!"

The pink haired girl bit her lip, she didn't understand why so many girls were obsessed with Sasuke, after all he wasn't that amazing. Maybe it was because she was so close to him, that she knew he wasn't perfect.

"Hey!" A new voice called from the back, "I'm only allowed to call her that!"

A little blonde girl with stubborn blue eyes moved forward, her short hair pinned back with a dainty clip. Ino scowled at the fan girl, causing her to flinch.

"Whatever, Yamanaka, I was leaving anyway. Just make sure I don't catch you with Sasuke again," with one last glare the girl left.

Ino huffed sitting down next to Sakura a good distance apart.

The awkward silence that followed was only filled by the noises of other children in the background. Sakura shivered, pulling her tiny cardigan closer to her body; it was autumn and the chilly breezes of winter were starting to move in.

"Arigato, demo I was fine," the pink haired girl said, glancing quickly at the blonde.

Ino rolled her eyes, "I wasn't helping you it was just that Forehead is my name. I won't let anyone else call you that."

"Fine then, I won't let anyone else call you pig because that's my name," Sakura said, grinning.

"Here," Ino spoke, pushing her bento box towards Sakura, "This doesn't mean we're friends though."

The colorfully arranged bento looked quite appetizing the hungry girl, but Sakura was sure that Ino was just as hungry as her.

"What about you?"

Ino waved her off, "I'm not hungry, I had a big breakfast."

The pink haired girl shook her head, "No, I read in my book that younger kids should never miss a meal because we're growing!" she said, her hands moving animatedly, "We can share!"

Ino huffed, "Fine, but just remember we aren't –"

"Friends," Sakura said, "I know, I know. Let's just hurry up and eat before lunch is over!"

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

"Kami, forehead you're horrible at this!" Ino nearly yelled, grabbing the bouquet of flowers from Sakura's hand.

The pink haired girl pouted, "But I thought they were nice…"

A cool breeze swept over the rolling hills, where a groups of little girls stood picking at the flowers that grew randomly. Being a kunoichi didn't only mean knowing how to fight, it also meant knowing how to be a perfect woman.

Seduction was a powerful skill, and often times the deadliest. Therefore, starting from an early age additional training for kuniochis was offered at the academy. It was their first afterschool lesson, taught by Yumi-sensei a pretty, but plain woman who was rumored to have been a geisha.

"My family owns a flower shop Sakura," said the blonde girl, "So I would obviously know more about flowers," Ino flipped her hair back smiling, "plus I'm a better girl than you."

Sakura scoffed, "You can't be a better girl than me! Being a girl isn't even a skill!"

The pink haired girl frowned, she didn't understand the point in picking random flowers. It wasn't even spring, and there were only a few varieties to choose from, most of them were probably weeds.

Ino grinned, "Of course it is, and you better listen to me if you want to find out how to improve! Plus you'll never get Sasuke-kun by being all," she motioned with her hand, "all you."

The pink haired girl blinked, "D-demo! I don't like Sasuke he's my friend!"

The blonde rose an eyebrow, "Friend, Sakura?"

The girl replied with a nod, causing Ino to shake her head. The small girl walked up to her green eyed rival and placed two small hands on her shoulder.

"Forehead, forehead, forehead," Ino said shaking her head, "Mark my words, you'll start liking Sasuke-kun soon."

Sakura brushed Ino's hands off and crossed her arms, "Nu-uh, boys are weird."

The blue eyed girl laughed, "You're such a kid! Every girl likes Uchiha Sasuke!"

"Even you Ino-pig?" Sakura questioned, tilting her head.

"Duh! That's also why you're my rival!" the blonde said, with a hand on her hip, "I want to help you so that at least one of us can get Sasuke-kun, I don't want Miho to win, I hate her so much!"

Sakura's eyes widened, "Miho? Do you hate Miho more than me?"

Ino glanced at the pink haired girl with a look that screamed stupid, "Are you kidding me? I don't hate you, especially not as much as I hate Uchiha Miho?"

"Who's that?" Sakura said, scrunching up her face.

Ino shook the little girl, "Nani?! You don't know who she is?" Sakura shook her head, "Alright come sit down."

Ino tossed her own bouquet aside, not caring anymore about their assignment. Flowers could wait, right now she had to tell her clueless frien- er rival about second most famous Uchiha family.

"Uchiha Miho is possibly the most annoying, rude, mean, stupid, ugly person ever!" Ino whispered.

Sakura gasped, "Ino that's not very nice!"

The blonde rolled her eyes, "She's the same girl who bullied you this morning."

Sakura scowled, "That meanie! I don't like her anymore!"

Ino shushed her, "Now just listen, she belongs to a powerful Uchiha family like Sasuke-kun. It's rumored that Miho had been trained since she was younger just to marry into the head family! That's why she's so good at everything!"

The pink haired girl shook her head, "No, no she could barely finish the laps we had to do today."

"Exactly!" Ino exclaimed, "She was trained to be dainty and girly."

Sakura scoffed, "What's the point of being a kunoichi then?"

The blonde shushed her again, "I don't know but listen…"

As Sakura listened to the various stories of Uchiha Miho only one thought could cross her mind, how in kami did Ino know so much about a single girl? She was obviously a budding gossip queen, who would actually prove quite useful in the future.

Sakura nodded at that thought, but couldn't help but understand why everyone thought she liked Sasuke, after all he was only a good friend and sensei.

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

"Sakura," a small, yet familiar voice spoke from somewhere behind her.

The girl turned, clutching onto the strap of her bag as she made her way towards the little boy. It seemed like Sasuke had waited for her after the kunoichi training.

They had agreed that Sasuke would only train Sakura on the weekends, since school would probably be quite tiring, so Sakura had no idea what Sasuke wanted.

"Sasuke! Were you waiting for me?"

The little Uchiha scoffed, stuffing his hands into his pockets, "No I just happened to see you."

"Oh, you must have been playing with Naruto!"

Sasuke nodded, "The dobe forced me to," the dark haired boy stared at her intently, "You're not walking towards your house, so then where are you going?"

Sakura grinned at him, "I'm going to this shinobi store! That's where I get all my books from," she said, taking off her bag and retrieving a book, "See! I plan on getting a book about plants and flowers so I can show Ino-pig that I'm better than her!"

Sasuke grabbed the book, and opened it. His eyes scanning each page as he flipped through it, apparently Sakura was reading about the basic anatomy of the body, something that greatly disinterested Sasuke.

He tossed the book back to her, "We can go together, I have to be home by five, but I can stay with you for some time."

Sakura shook her head, "You don't have to Sasuke, I'll be fine by myself."

The dark haired boy shook his head, "I just want to make sure those bullies aren't there."

Sakura giggled and pinched his cheek, "Aw that's so sweet Sasu-sauce but I can take care of myself now," she grinned, "I'm not a sissy anymore."

Sasuke blushed, and slapped her hands away, "Stop doing that," he grumbled turning to look somewhere else, "And I wanted to go with you because we didn't get to spend time during lunch, and when you came back that Yamanaka girl sat with you."

The Uchiha turned back to glare at her, "I had to sit with dobe because of you."

The cobbled streets of Konoha were filled with colorful people enjoying the last days of sunshine before the biting winter came in. Other little girls passed by the duo, some throwing shy looks and other bluntly staring at the little Uchiha.

Sakura giggled and started walking, "I don't understand why you and Naruto fight so much," the pink haired girl said, glancing at Sasuke to make sure he was following her, "I mean you're both so similar!"

The dark haired boy shook his head, "No he's stupid and I'm not."

Sakura gasped, "I like Naruto though!" she said looking towards the sky, "He's really funny, and his eyes are really pretty."

Sasuke's own dark eyes widened, "Y-you don't like Naruto do you?"

The pink haired girl turned beet red, "No! He's a friend!" Sakura nodded, before biting her lip, "say, Sasuke did you know that Ino likes you?"

The young Uchiha rolled his eyes, "So do a lot of fan girls."

"A-ano you don't happen to know Miho?" Sakura asked, she panicked with the suspicious look Sasuke gave her and quickly added, "She's in our class, and I umm just met her."

Suddenly the little girl understood how Ino was able to learn so much about people, maybe now Sakura could have some information to tell the blonde.

Sasuke groaned, "She's my fourth cousin, and she won't leave me alone when we have Uchiha dinners. Her father is my dad's close friend, and he's very strict but loves Miho a lot that's why she's so spoiled."

The little boy sighed, "She's really annoying," he said before smirking and turning towards Sakura, "But not as annoying as you."

The pink haired girl pouted, crossing her arms "Hey! I'm not annoying!"

Sasuke shook his head, and flicked her forehead "The most annoying," he spoke before walking ahead, "Is that the store?"

Sakura rubbed the aching spot, "Hai," she grumbled, following after the little boy.

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

A little old lady was rummaging through a box when the door opened, it wasn't of the sound of the door that alerted her but the chattering of a little girl. It was the same little girl who had been coming to her store, and had been slowly buying away all her books.

"Sakura-chan! Welcome, how was your first day of school?"

The girl grinned, "It was great Obaa-san! This is my friend Uchiha Sasuke."

The little boy nodded, "Kunoichiwa,"

"Ah, I haven't had an Uchiha in my store for a long time," the old woman said pulling out glasses.

Gray eyes squinted at the tiny dark haired boy, who in turn stared back at the wrinkled face. With a nod the old lady concluded that Uchiha Sasuke would grow up to be handsome, just like the rest of his clan.

Sakura smiled, "Obaa-san, I need your help with finding a book about plants and flowers"

The old lady nodded, "Let me show you what I have."

Sasuke stayed put by the counter cautiously observing everything around him. The store was old and small but clean. There were a few suspicious jars, and many stacks of books that seemed to have a random order to him.

The little Uchiha turned around suddenly realizing that there was another customer in the store, hidden behind a tall book case. The dark haired boy narrowed his eyes, slowly stalking towards the stranger when said person suddenly moved out, resulting in a collision.

"Ow!" Sasuke said, holding his throbbing nose.

His small face met face first into what the toned stomach of the stranger. He looked up into amused eyes, before backing away and turning to find his pink haired friend, who had now returned to the counter.

"Sasuke, I don't have enough money," Sakura pouted, pointing towards the two books.

The dark haired boy read the spine of the merchandise, the gold letters were scratched out and faded making it hard to read, but from what Sasuke could see the books were about medical plants and healing.

"Oh," Sakura grinned, "I have some money from when Otou-san wanted me to pay for my popsicle," the little girl rubbed the back of her head, sheepishly, "Your mom didn't let me pay."

Sasuke's eyes widened, "I…I think I have some money too," he said taking it out from his pouch, "ano, Obaa-san didn't let me pay for the sweet buns."

Sakura glanced at what she had and what Sasuke had, "Its still not enough."

A shadow cast over them, as a tall woman, the same one who had bumped into him, as Sasuke noted, picked up one of the books Sakura had chosen.

"My, I haven't seen this journal for ages." The lady tsked, flipping through the old pages.

The pink haired girl scrunched up her face, and looked up, "You've read it?"

The older woman bent down so that she was eye level with the girl, "I wrote it, it's mine and its most certainly not meant for little girls." The lady straightened up again, "What's your name?"


"Well Sakura," said the woman, placing the rest of the money needed into girl's hand, "If you can finish this book in three weeks from today, then meet me here again."

The mysterious lady nodded at the store keeper, "Good day Kimi-san,"

The old woman bowed, "Good day too you to, Tsunade-sama."

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

"Oh Sasu-sauce you look so sweet," Mikoto said pinching his cheek. Sasuke blushed and slapped her hand away, what was it with women and pinching his cheek.

"Kaa-san, I'm not a baby anymore," the little Uchiha pouted, "I've already started the academy! I'm practically a shinobi!"

His elegant mother tsked, "Sasuke you still have at least five more years of the academy before you really become a shinobi."

Sasuke rolled his eyes, pulling on the collar of his dark blue kimono, "Kaa-san, I'm already better everyone in my class, I should graduate already."

"Kaa-san didn't let me graduate early," a new voice said from the doorway.


Uchiha Itachi smiled at his little brother, as he stood leaning in the doorway of Sasuke's room. His black kimono accented his chiseled features, and flawless pale skin; he looked more like and adult than a teenager.

"Ita! You look so kawaii!" Mikoto mother said, now pinching his cheeks, "Kami-sama! Have you lost weight? You've lost all your cheek fat, or maybe its just because Sasuke has more…"

"Kaa-san!" the little Uchiha whined causing Itachi to let out a chuckle.

The older brother walked up to the younger one, and adjusted his kimono, "You shouldn't try to grow up so fast Ototo, just try to enjoy now," Itachi spoke, leaning closer to whisper just to Sasuke, "Plus the fangirls get much worse when your older."

Mikoto gasped, "Come on kodomo-tachi, we're getting late!" the older woman adjust her hair, making sure it there weren't any loose strands poking out, "How do I look?"

"Sutekina," Sasuke grumbled, moving towards his mother's outstretched hand.

Itachi nodded, "Beautiful as always."

Mikoto blushed, "Oh my baby boys," she said grabbing them into a group hug, "they grow up so fast!"

From somewhere behind them, in the dark hallways a man sighed, "Mikoto we're getting late," Fugaku complained, his posture radiating his annoyance at the imperfection.

The dark haired woman nodded allowing her husband to stride up by her, "Okay, Itachi, Sasuke behave. I don't want you to be rude to anyone, especially you Sasuke." Mikoto said with a pointed look, before her face brightened up, "And just have fun okay? It's a family gathering after all!"

Sasuke shared a glance with his brother, before the two sons nodded.

The group walked silently out of their house, entering the streets where some other Uchihas were also walking to reach the banquet hall. Everyone in the Uchiha clan was invited to this gathering, though only the most prestigious families could afford to buy seats.

It was for this same reason that some of the poorer Uchiha families had actually moved out of the large compound and into the newer parts of Konoha- the lack of representation they got in clan affairs annoyed them.

Some Uchiha-centered people called those that left traitors, though some of the more village oriented ones, like Itachi, called it diffusion and integration.

The dark haired teen ran a hand through his bangs. Unlike his father, who wanted to keep the main village and the Uchiha clan separated, when he became clan head, Itachi planned on taking steps to get the clan compound to reduce in size and more Uchihas to move into the village. It wouldn't be easy but at least he could try.

"Here we are," Mikoto exclaimed, turning to her children and pointing a finger, "remember what I said!"

Fugaku scowled, "Mikoto I'm sure they understand, can we stop chatting and enter. We're the head family and we're late."

His wife nodded patting his hand, before following him inside. With one last stare Mikoto looked forward and put on a slight smile that wasn't too indecent, just like she had always did. Itachi straightened up, poking his brother to do the same.

Sasuke frowned as the entered the hall, which was filled with a sea of blue and black kimonos the Uchiha sign apparent on all. A few women wore purple, or even a light blue but for the most part all the Uchihas stuck to the cool color scheme.

Heads turned their way as the family entered the room, with the elegance and grace of nobles that they were akin to.

Sasuke glared at the little girls that gaped at him, before rolling his eyes and glancing at his brother who smiled kindly at him.

"Don't worry Ototo, family gathering only happen once a month, it will be over soon." Itachi said softly as they closed in on their table.

Sasuke pouted, "I know, but what's the point of these gathering? We never do anything."

The older Uchiha smiled, "It's more for families to show off and, most importantly, for gossip. By the time all the drama and rumors are over, the next family gathering takes place, just to restart the cycle."

The dark haired boy rolled his eyes, "So its basically for the women."

Itachi looked at him with amusement, "You'd be surprised," he said slightly tilting his head towards the older men behind him.

Sasuke looked over his brother's shoulder to stare at the men around his father's age. They were all grouped together and seemed to be discussing something quite intently.

"Ano, what are they talking about?" the little boy asked his brother.

Itachi shrugged, "Comparing their children, if you noticed all those men have daughters your age."

Sasuke glanced at the men again, "So?"

"Nothing," Itachi said cryptically, "Just make sure you don't-"

"Sasuke-kun!" a squeaky voice said from somewhere behind them.

Another irritated voice piped in, "Slow down Miho."

Two girl girls with silky hair and equally silky kimonos, joined the brother duo; one of them had stars in her eyes, the other spears.

"Sasuke-kun! I never though you would come," Miho said hugging the boy, "you were late!"

Cho glared at her younger sister, "Let go of him would you Miho?"

The dark haired boy shrugged the girl off and moved closer to his brother. He didn't want to be rude to Miho because of the secret warning his mother had given them, so Sasuke decided that silence was the key to escaping her.

"I had a mission, so we had to come late," Itachi said, nodding towards the little girl.

Miho clapped her hands, "Oh, how did it go Nii-san?"

The older Uchiha smiled kindly, "It went well, thank you. I've heard it was your first day at the academy Miho, how was it?"

"Wonderful, I did well!" she replied, grinning at him.

Cho snorted from beside her, "Miho couldn't even finish her laps."

"Nee-san!" the little girl blushed, "I wasn't feeling well."

"I hope you feel better," Itachi said, "You should see the doctor, just to make sure it isn't too serious."

The older sister rolled her eyes at his response, "She's fine Itachi-san, if anything she has a case of low stamina," before Miho could retort, Cho continued on, "Ne Sasuke? How's that pink haired friend of yours?"

The little boy looked up surprised, "You mean Sakura? How do you know her?"

Miho glared at her sister for bringing up the girl, as Cho casually replied, "We keep bumping into each other, I actually saw her the other day, couldn't remember her name though."

A new voice piped in, "Couldn't remember her name Cho-chan, she has pink hair and her name is Sakura, how is that so hard to remember," Shisui said, sarcastically.

The teen walked up to Itachi, causally leaning an elbow on his cousin's shoulder. His eyes stared amusingly at the flustered girl, who was flushed red.

"Urusai, Shisui-kun. Not everyone is blessed with you intelligence," Cho seethed out, trying to cover her embarrassment with anger.

Shisui smirked, "Maybe I could give you some lessons in intelligence Cho-chan," he said leaning to grab a strand of her hair, "though I could teach you more pleasurable things, if you prefered."

Cho pushed him away and grabbed her sister's arm "Come on Cho, we're leaving," she said glaring at Shisui.

"N-nee-san, matte!" Miho tried, pulling on her sister's arm, but Cho persisted, successfully dragging away the little girl.

"Shisui," Itachi said disapprovingly, "that was rude."

The older cousin laughed, "Nani? I just offered her some lessons, I could be her sensei," Shisui said moving his eyebrows suggestively.

Sasuke shook his head, "I don't understand…" he said, gaining the two older teen's attention, "How is offering her lessons rude, I mean it's just like I'm Sakura's sensei ne?

Shisui cracked up, bellowing out laughter as Itachi's look of disapproval deepened, "Sasuke, oh Sasuke," the cousin said, placing to hands on the boy's shoulder, "How often do you teach Sakura."

Sasuke scrunched up his face, "Ano, I think three times a week,"

Shisui gasped dramatically, "No! You have to give her lessons everyday otherwise she'll find another sensei!"

Itachi scowled, "Shisui, that's enough."

But the older cousin didn't heed, and instead lifted one hand to quite down the annoyed older brother, "Ne Sasuke?" he grinned mischievously, his voice dropping "What do you teach her?"

The little boy shrugged, "We both kind of learn together," he replied innocently.

Shisui clapped a hand on his face to suppress a perverse giggle, while Itachi repressed the urge to punch his cousin.

"Sasuke promise you'll be a good sensei to Sakura," Shisui said smiling a bit softer now, "And I promise I'll be a good sensei to Cho."

Sasuke looked up, completely out of the loop, "Hai."

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

Sakura giggled as the koi fish swam up to eat the breadcrumbs she offered them, "Otou-san, come look! They're so kawaii," the pink haired girl grinned.

Kakashi sighed and shook his head as he watched their stock of bread slowly decrease, "Sakura if you keep wasting bread like this, we won't have anything to eat."

The little girl smiled, "Don't worry Otou-san, we can always go to the store!"

The setting sun set the sky on fire with an orange hue, as the father-daughter duo stood watching the colorful fish gobble the offered food.

"Look Otou-san," Sakura pointed, "The fish are the same color as the sky!"

The silver haired man nodded, looking up; it was truly a beautiful sunset.

"Sakura, dinner will be ready soon," a voice spoke from the doorway, just before Azumi's head popped outside, "I should have known you took my bread hime!" the little woman tsked and reentered the house.

The pink haired girl looked up, "Will you be having dinner with us Otou-san or are you going home now?"

Kakashi sighed, adjusting the fingerless gloves on his hand, "Aa. I'll stay."

Sakura giggled grabbing his hand, and pulling him down to sit by her, "Yay! Azumi Obaa-chan made tempura today, because it was my first day of school!"

The older man nodded, "You like tempura."

"Its my favorite!" Sakura smiled.

Kakashi hummed in reply, crossing his legs as he sat, almost awkwardly on the ground. When was the last time he had done something so childish? He had not idea.

"How is Itachi's brother?" the silver haired man asked, trying to fill up the silence.

Sakura smiled, scotching closer to her father, "Sasuke is fine, he has a family reunion today."

Kakashi nodded in understanding, the Uchihas were a big clan and really emphasized unity amongst themselves. He pitied Itachi who was probably bearing the terrible company of his uptight relatives.

He scoffed inwardly, the Uchiha family reunion could barely be called a reunion after all most of the Uchihas saw each other everyday, and some even refused to associate themselves with people other than Uchihas. Not to mention there was all that inbreeding...

"Sasuke's lucky for having such a big family, ne? Otou-san?"

Kakashi glanced at his daughter, "It isn't as amazing as you think it to be," he said, "closer bonds are formed within a small group of people."

Sakura nodded slowly, "I guess your right."

Her father gave her a half smile, "Anyone can become a part of your family Sakura, if you just learn to love them."

The little girl frowned, moving towards her father to lean against him, "I miss Obaa-san, Otou-san. When can I see her again?"

Kakashi sighed, if only she knew why exactly he had to bring her to Konoha.

oOoOo T oOoOoC oOoOo

Sorry for not updating for so long! I was actually going to stop this fic, but I fell in love with it again partially because of some of the people that pm'd me regarding the late update, so thank you!

If you haven't noticed I love parallel relationships, which you'll see a lot in this story especially. ex. Sakura nd Ino, Naruto nd Sasuke

Thank you so much !


What's the meanest thing you've down to a sibling or a friend? (I think once I told my friend to shut up, but in a snappy way. I apologized later tho :P)