Jack walked through the door of his and Arcee's apartment to find Arcee lying on the couch watching TV a t-shirt and jeans.

"Shouldn't you be working?" Jack asked

"The human superior at the school said the student were allowed to return home early" Arcee answered her eyes focused on the TV.

"What are you watching?" Jack asked as he walked over and sat down next to her

"A few things, a show about the time of adventure, a film I think it was called Re-animator and a show about a Firefly class vessel" Arcee replied as she lead her head on Jack's shoulder

"Yeah the second season that show got was weird, I mean Space Jesus come on" Jack added with a smirk

"Hey Spoilers" Arcee said angrily as she playfully slapped Jack's chest. Jack shrugs it off with a chuckle and plants a kiss on Arcee's lips, as she returns the favour she pushes him down onto his back with his head resting on the armrest. The kiss becoming more like breathing Arcee begins to tug at her shirt, slowly pulling it up over her breasts revealing her dark blue bra when suddenly Miko came walking in followed by another girl about her age saying

"I know right their awesome, I could listen to their music all day"

"I wouldn't say all day but they are awesome" the girl replied when they both caught a glimpse of the two of them with Arcee lying on top of him shirtless.

"Well this is awkward" Jack exclaimed

"Sorry I should have knocked" Miko said as she attempted to not look at Arcee's barely covered breasts (yes attempted didn't expect to see the fourth wall broken in Fan fiction now did you).

"Um, Hi I'm Janet" the girl said blushing wildly at the sight of Arcee.

"Wait didn't I see you in Gym class?" Arcee remembered as she quickly put her shirt back on.

"Um… Yes, you yell a lot" Janet replied with a chuckle

"Well I'm going to take a shower" Arcee said as she stood up nudging Jack slightly

"Yes I um… have things to do as well" Jack added as he followed her lead

Meanwhile in the base the power appears to have been cut as Bulkhead hides behind a stack of crates with Bumblebee while Chromia and Optimus fired their blasters down the corridor from the other side of the main room as Ratchet yelled

"Bulkhead you imbecile you were supposed to scan those crates on Cybertron 'before' bringing them through the spacebridge"

"I thought we dealt with the scraplet infestation in the mines" Bulkhead answered

"If you dealt with them then I wouldn't be trying to build a device capable of freezing a swarm now would I" Ratchet angrily yelled in reply

"I wonder what Jack, Arcee and Miko are doing right now" Raf yelled as he, June and Agent Fowler ducked behind the couch

"Really Rafael now is not the time to… wait a minute that's it" Ratchet began before he activated his communicator

"Ratchet what are you doing?" Optimus asked

"I included a weapon in Jack's suit that should help us deal with these pests if we can get the power back online before they get here" Ratchet answered.

Back in Jack and Arcee's apartment Jack's suit lay on the floor of the bathroom while he said to a giggling Arcee (there's two words no one expected)

"Oh you like that, do you!" just then Arcee's communicator activated and she immediately turned around to talk as Ratchet said

"Arcee you and Jack need to get here quickly"

"Ratchet What's wrong?" Arcee asked

"Scraplets we need Jack's suit" Ratchet replied before his communicator deactivated

Eight minutes later Arcee ran out of their apartment building instantly transforming into her bike form as Jack's suit finished changing and they sped off towards the base.

Meanwhile at the base Bulkhead and Chromia barricaded the entrance to the corridor as Optimus shot the scraplets attempting to scurry over.

"Ok that should do it. I managed to reroute enough power to the entrance to allow Arcee and Jack to enter" Ratchet explained as he climbed out from under his console

"But" Bulkhead asked

"But, we'll need to use the rest of the auxiliary power to charge Jack's suit" Ratchet answered

"So we won't be able to close the doors" Raf added

"So we're scrapped if it doesn't work" Chromia said dropping a crate on top of a scraplet.

Fifteen minutes later Jack stood in the middle of the base at the same height as Arcee's robot form as Ratchet said

"Ok Jack you're going to need to aim carefully we won't be able to keep them contained for long"

Jack quickly walked to the corridor entrance as Bulkhead and Chromia moved some crates away and a cannon appeared out of the suits chest.

"Well here goes nothing" Jack exclaimed as a bolt od blue energy shot from the cannon through the hole in the barricade and down the corridor obliterating all scraplets in the way. When Jack opened his eyes the entire corridor was clear and there was a large hole in the wall at the end

"Well now we restore power and dispose of any remaining scraplets" Ratchet said giving a sigh of relief.

Ten minutes later a scraplet came running around the corner towards the entrance when suddenly Wheeljack stabbed his katana through its exoskeleton pinning it to the floor as he said

"I really hate these bit-brained little bootleg pieces of scrap"

"Well that was the last of them" Bumblebee said as he restacked the crates by the ground bridge

"Great time to relax" Bulkhead replied

"Not so fast Bulkhead, Ratchet has some chores for you" Optimus explained with a chuckle as he grabbed Bulkhead's shoulder plate.