Following in the venerable footsteps of Douglas Adams, I welcome you to the fourth novel in my sprawling KP sci-fi trilogy, known now as 'The Stars' series. Beginning with my first fanfic, 'Failure is the Only Option,' it's evolved over the years into two additional full-length novels: 'Across the Stars' and 'Between the Stars,' which managed to snag several KP Fannie Awards last year. But enough of my big-headiness: here's hoping that everyone out there will enjoy this newest offering every bit as much as the others. You can expect the same drama, humor, romance and bon-diggity sci-fi action (sorry, Wade!) that you've grown accustomed to, as well as the inevitable cliffhangers. Booyah!

And the usual disclaimers apply: if you saw it on Disney, it belongs to them, but if you spot any new characters or sitches, I take full responsibility for the power of my imagination. Neither do I gain any financial remuneration for the exercise thereof. And as usual, leave a review, I promise a reply. Enjoy!



The trio of interdimensional aliens hovered just beyond the shimmering portal overlooking the Earth. Eternally vigilant on their mission of observation, the first one began to speak.

"A most unusual and creative solution to a very complex problem."

The second one agreed. "Indeed. Kim Possible managed to save her own planet while simultaneously suppressing the threat to galactic peace that the alternate Lorwardia posed. And with a surprisingly low amount of Lorwardian casualties, thanks to the deft use of the powers granted to her by us."

The third one however sounded a cautionary note. "Yes, but I believe luck had a great deal to do with it as well. It was a big risk she took just to save the lives of a thoroughly despicable race."

The first chided, "Your callous disregard of life in any form is well known. I however believe that she should be thoroughly commended for her actions, as well as her entire team. Especially the one called Stoppable."

The third paused for a moment, then begrudgingly agreed, "Yes. With his mystical powers, he enabled his mate not only to complete her challenging mission, but to survive nearly unscathed as well."

The second warned, "Yes, but failure was narrowly avoided on too many occasions. If I had not temporarily granted Shego the full range of comet powers in order for her to heal Kim Possible, the teen heroine would most likely have perished. And with her, the Earth, along with the entire human race."

The first again chided, "This is true of course. But you've just been severely censured by the Hierarchy for that particular action, and came dangerously close to permanent banishment, especially as they had expressly forbidden any further interference with the humans. If not for the incredible results Team Possible achieved, along with my own personal intervention with our superiors, you would now be observing the interactions of paramecium on one of the alternate Earths, instead of your present assignment."

The second's muted colors glowed in both thanks and humility. "And your intervention is deeply appreciated, let there be no doubt in your mind."

Wishing to quickly change the subject, he turned to the third alien. "And what do your predictions now portend?"

The third's coruscating colors began to swirl in mild agitation. "The outlook now favors stability in Kim's original universe. However, her time-jump-capable ship was drawn into the alternate universe right along with the asteroid she used to render Lorwardia impotent. Even worse, it has been discovered by that dimension's Ron Stoppable, who has used it to slip several years into his own past, for reasons unknown."

The second spoke up. "Reasons unknown? I think not: there is no doubt in my mind that he'll attempt to change the tragic destiny of his own Earth."

The third swirled in irritation at the interruption. "Yes, and with his well-documented randomness, it is virtually impossible to predict what the ultimate outcome of that will be. Thus, the situation is extremely serious and merits our very close attention."

The first grimly continued, "And let us not forget that this is a brand-new parallel universe, inadvertently created by Kim Possible's first incursion. Even though unintentional, her actions have unbalanced the entire Multiverse, and the Hierarchy is now hopelessly divided on what action should be taken next. Which brings us to our present assignment."

He turned to the other two aliens, his tone forceful and unequivocal. "Observation only, with absolutely no contact or interference in any way, shape or form, unless first expressly ordered or approved by the Hierarchy."

He moved closer to the second. "Is that understood, Phred?"

The second's reddish colors paled to near translucence. "Perfectly."

The first then sighed, "And why you decided to assume that peculiarly human appellation is completely beyond me…"

With an air of finality he concluded, "Very well, then. Let us continue…"


The early morning sun began to peek through the curtains of Kim's old bedroom. Ron's eyes fluttered open, and he gazed over at his still sleeping wife. As she stirred beside him, she opened her own eyes and tried to rub the sleep from them.

"Morning, KP."

With a gentle yawn she replied, "Morning, Ron."

He reached over and patted her tummy. "And how's our little mother-to-be feeling this morning?"

Kim groggily replied, "Not too bad at the moment actually, but then again, I just woke up."

She gave him a sly grin. "But I do have a ferocious desire for some pickles and ice cream."

Ron's eyes shot wide open, to which Kim giggled in response. "Just kidding, Ron. However, if you'd whip us up a batch of your delicious flapjacks, I'd be forever in your debt."

With a pleasant smile, Ron eagerly rose from the bed. "Comin' right up, KP."

As he trudged down the stairs, Kim put on her robe and followed.

While Ron deftly began mixing the pancake batter, he suggested, "Y'know, Kim, you don't have to continue immediately with college. The university has already stated very clearly that they would have no problemo at all with you taking a semester or two off if you need to."

She smirked back, "But I'm the girl who can do anything, remember? I just helped save the earth from a devastating asteroid attack. Continuing with my classes even during pregnancy should be a breeze in comparison. Besides, I won't even be due until after the summer break begins."

Ron frowned as he poured several circles of batter on the griddle. As much as Kim had proven herself more than equal to any task she had faced previously, he also knew that she had pushed herself way too far on occasion, and with dire results.

"Sure, but this is a brand new experience for us, especially for you. And since oodles of people have gone through this same kind of sitch before, you might consider taking a page or two from their playbook. And rest a little, maybe?"

Kim was about to shrug it off, but then reconsidered. "Ron, I know myself pretty well, and I'm sure I'll handle it fine. But this is going to be a new sitch for you too. You're going to be a daddy."

Ron grinned back, "Yeah, and right about the same time as you're gonna be a mommy."

She shot him a sidelong glance. "Pretty much the same exact moment, actually. So I'll make you a deal. I'll continue with college this fall, but once the semester is over, I'll review the sitch at that time and see how we're both doing. Sound fair?"

Ron's grin increased. "Deal, KP."

He got a far off look in his eyes as the reality of the situation hit home. "Wow. I'm going to be a father. I'm really going to be a father! I have to admit I'm a little freaked at both the idea and the responsibility, but I… I sure hope I'll be up to the challenge when the time comes."

Kim rubbed his shoulders. "I'm sure you'll be fine Ron. And I'd be more worried if you didn't have butterflies about it."

Ron looked down sadly at the floor. "Well, I wasn't up to taking care of all those Sackies back in high school." He began to choke up. "Those cute little smiley faces still haunt me from time to time..."

Kim giggled back, "Maybe. But on the other hand, you seemed to do real well with your adopted sister, Hana. And don't forget that our adventures over the past few years have definitely helped you become a lot more responsible, so…"

She crinkled up her nose as a tendril of smoke wafted by. "Uh, Ron?"

Her husband instantly snapped out of his reverie as he glanced down at the smoking griddle.

"Aahh!" He quickly flipped over the scorched pancakes. "See? See?! I'm already losing it, KP! And it's only a few weeks into your pregnancy! What's it gonna be like in nine months?"

Kim gave him a gentle roll of her eyes and wrapped her arms around his waist. Gracing him with a confident smile, she softly continued, "Amp down, honey. We're in this together. And this time, we've got each other's backs."

Kim's gentle response had the desired effect, and Ron visibly calmed down. "Sorry, Kim. You're absolutely right. This is now our newest adventure, and maybe even the most important one we've ever faced. And based on the past, I know that together we can overcome any challenges that might come our way."

Her smile widened. "That's the spirit."

She gave him a quick peck on the cheek just as the smoke alarm went off. Swiftly turning around, he grabbed a spatula and pried the now blackened pancakes from the griddle. With a sheepish look, he mumbled, "Uh, KP? How about we go out to breakfast this morning?"

She quickly put her hand over her mouth, not quite stifling the laugh that had just erupted. "Sounds great, Ron. And don't forget, no matter what trials and tribulations we go through, we'll probably handle them a lot better than Drakken and Shego do with theirs."

He added with a chuckle of his own, "You said it, Kim. I shudder to think what poor Drew will be going through over the next nine months…"


Across town at that very moment, a woman's scream of pain pierced the morning calm, followed by the sound of dishes shattering against the wall. In the corner of the room, a cerulean-skinned man cowered, narrowly missing being hit by the shards of dishware.

He mumbled to himself, "Well, at least that's the last of the breakables. Hopefully our new Tupperware will last a bit longer."

A well-placed plasma bolt instantly melted the soft plastic bowl into a gooey puddle.

Drew lifted his eyes toward the ceiling. "Or not…"

Clutching her painful abdomen, his green-skinned wife yelled, "Drakken! You did this to me!"

He replied with a weak smile, "Well, Shego, I don't remember hearing any complaints from you at the moment it, uh, was actually happening…"

Shego tried to avoid reaching her hurl factor as she experienced a new wave of morning sickness. "Yeah, but experiencing this much pain for only a few moments of pleasure seems to be a pretty raw deal if you ask me."

She narrowed her eyes. "You, on the other hand, don't have to suffer through any of this physical torture at all."

Drakken quickly pointed out, "Perhaps not directly, my dear, but if your aim improves even in the slightest, I'll soon be black and blue, instead of just blue."

An evil grin spread across her face. "Well, that gives me a little motivation to increase my accuracy over the coming months then, doesn't it?"

Drakken whimpered as he eyed the door, thinking that a quick escape might be the wisest choice at the moment. Shego saw the look of abject fear on his face, letting out a gentle laugh before continuing in a more conciliatory tone.

"Just kidding, Drew. That would be biting the hand that feeds me. Literally."

He began to relax, if only a little.

Her grimace morphed into a gentler smile. "I may still be as snarky as ever, but I really do love you, Drew. I've actually mellowed a bit over the years, if you haven't noticed."

This caused him to raise a questioning eyebrow.

She sighed back, "Okay, so maybe you haven't noticed. But I have nevertheless. I'll just have to keep reminding myself of that over the next nine months."

She gave a tiny snicker. "But don't forget, no matter what hell we may end up going through together, we'll probably handle my pregnancy a lot better than the Princess and the Ronster do with theirs."

This elicited a knowing chuckle from the former villain.

"Indeed. Ronald isn't nearly as goofy or random as he used to be, but Kimberly Ann's personality is still Type A as all get out…"


After a delicious breakfast, Kim and Ron returned home. The phone rang, and Kim rushed to answer it.


The voice on the other end asked, "Well, Kimmie-cub, how's our new mother-to-be doing today?"

James Possible beamed, proud that he would be a grandfather in just a little under nine months. Kim smiled at the sound of her father's voice and answered, "Just spankin, Dad. And how's the Kepler V coming along?"

"Extremely well, thanks for asking." He hesitated a beat before continuing. "That is, redesigning the ship itself is right on schedule, but…"

Kim tried to discern the unspoken problem. "Let me guess, still having a little trouble with the Kimpossibility Drive, right?"

James frowned. "Actually not so much with the drive itself, but integrating it with the newly rebuilt Pan Dimensional Vortex Inducer is giving us fits. We're presently working out the bugs with its original inventors. However…"

"Hmm, personality differences between Dr. Drakken and the inventors getting in the way, perhaps?"

Kim's grin widened correspondingly with the length of silence on the other end of the phone. "Well, yes, in point of fact. How did you guess?"

She giggled, "Dad, I've only been fighting that megalomaniac for most of my teenage years, remember? And although he's a good guy now, a leopard can't change his spots virtually overnight."

James responded with a chuckle of his own. "Yes, you nailed that one right on the head, Kimmie-cub. I certainly raised one sharp daughter. But in spite of, uh, professional differences of opinion, shall we say, some progress is actually being made. The biggest hurdle is trying to determine exactly how WarRaptor sabotaged the Kepler's star drive in the first place. He left no notes or schematics, and all of his wartechs were summarily executed by Warmonga. So progress has been rather slow. We certainly don't want to turn the new ship into a one-way vehicle to oblivion as he had originally intended."

His tone turned to one of regret. "And unfortunately, it didn't help matters any that the Kepler IV got sucked into that alternate dimension you created. Not that either you or any of the rest of us could have predicted that, or prevented it."

The pretty redhead grimaced. "Sorry about that, Dad. That certainly wasn't my intention."

He gave a small wave of his hand. "Think nothing of it, Kim. In fact, your actions saved not just one, but probably two universes."

He added with a smile, "Merely saving the world on a regular basis is 'so not the drama,' comparatively speaking."

"Maybe so, Dad. But I sure would like to find out what sending that last asteroid through that interdimensional portal managed to accomplish."

James tried to sooth his daughters concerns. "Don't worry, Kimmie. I'm sure that your aim was perfect."

Kim smiled sarcastically. "Yeah, like skipping an asteroid through a planet's atmosphere like a rock on a pond is something I do every day."

"Well, not every day of course. But your track record for amazing feats over the past few years has been prrrrety amazing."

"Yeah, but…" She paused a moment.

"But what, Kim?"

"Well, the idea of a ship able to jump through both time and dimension now lost in another universe doesn't fill me with warm, fuzzy feelings. In the wrong hands, it could be the greatest threat either of our universes have ever faced."

James paused a moment before answering. "While I admit that's possible, we don't even know for sure if the Kepler even survived the transition, let alone the possibility of it being discovered by anybody. And even if it had, Sadie is programmed to limit access to the Kepler's controls to only a select few individuals. If a Lorwardian, or even Zorpox himself tried to board her, Sadie would self-destruct in order to keep the Kepler's secrets safe."

He added with a smirk, "And don't forget that we're all still here. If Zorpox had somehow miraculously survived and found a way to gain control of the timeship, we wouldn't even be having this conversation."

Kim was mollified, if just barely. "Yeah, you're right, Dad. But I sure would like to visit that alternate dimension again, just to make absolutely sure."

"And you'll get that chance, Kim, I promise. With any luck, the Kepler V should be up and running in about a year's time, and then we'll be able to solve each of these mysteries. All of our questions will ultimately be answered, and all of your concerns will finally be put to rest."

Kim sighed deeply. "I hope so, Dad. I sure hope so…"


Meanwhile, in an alternate universe not so far away…

Ron Stoppable brushed a lock of red hair off his forehead as he looked down at his new pet, a naked mole rat.

"Well, Rufus. I have one bon-diggity challenge here. Now that I've used the other dimension's Kepler to turn back the clock four years, I have to change certain events at just the right time in order to prevent Earth from getting totally blown away. And all this while wooing Kim all over again."

He gave a sentimental sigh. "To be honest, I don't know which will be harder: playing the clueless sidekick again, or keeping my feelings for Kim under wraps until the time is right."

Rufus looked up at Ron with an innocent look, oblivious to the meaning of his owner's words.

Ron smiled back at his new little friend. "Yeah, little buddy, I know you can't understand me now, but I have a few ideas about how to fix that too. But all in good time. First on the agenda is to prevent a villain from becoming one in the first place. But before that, I think Kim has a badical idea about how to improve me. And I should be getting a call, right… about…"

The phone obligingly rang at just that moment.


He picked it up, knowing perfectly well who would be on the other end.


"Hi, Ron, it's Kim. Say, if you're not too busy, I have someone here who can transform that mop of hair on your head into something a little more stylish."

"Sounds great, Kim. I'll be right over."

He hung up the phone and flashed Rufus an all-knowing grin.

"And so it begins…"