Hey guys, time for another story! :D
As most of you know by now, I'm from the Netherlands. For a while I've been thinking about bringing Greg and Morgan / CSI over to my country in a fanfic. And I finally did! I hope you enjoy what I came up with - it will be a crime story with some Morganders romance of course as I just love them together! :)
Enjoy and please leave me a review letting me know what you think!
Chapter 1
"Russell… Russell!" Morgan ran through the hallways of CSI to reach her supervisor before he'd take off – again. She had been trying to get a hold of him for over twenty minutes, but every time he seemed to disappear. This time he stood still, however, and turned around to look at her.
"There's something you should know," she said, trying to catch her breath. "Remember the case Greg and I have been working on? The tattoo killer?"
"Yeah, I remember," Russell slowly nodded. "What about it?"
"Someone else ran our prints and DNA sample through the system," Morgan told him. Russell frowned. "Someone else found the same prints and DNA at their crime scene as you two did? Who did then? Someone from swing shift? Or dayshift?"
Morgan nodded a little. "Dayshift, yes, in some way…"
Russell looked even more confused. "Dayshift in some way?"
"Someone working for CSI in the Netherlands found the same prints and DNA as we did," Morgan finally told him, a triumphant look in her eyes. "Come over to layout, Greg and I will explain everything!"
"Alright…" Russell, trying to hide his surprise after Morgan's revelation, followed her back to the layout room, where Greg was standing at the table. The table itself was covered with crime scene photos.
"Okay, take me back!" Russell said, looking at the photos and then at Greg.
"Two weeks ago you sent me and Morgan to a crime scene just off the Strip," Greg started the story. "We found a dead male victim, later identified as Jim Van Dyk, who had been strangled by a rope, which we knew thanks to the marks on his neck. On his right upper arm he had a tattoo of the letter X, which was set after he died. Next to the body we found a plastic bag, probably the one to hold the tattoo tools. On it, we found some fingerprints. We also found a dark hair in it, which didn't belong to the victim. We of course ran the fingerprints and DNA from the hair through the system, but no match. We only know the DNA is male. There was no other evidence – no witnesses or surveillance videos, so Morgan and I were unable to find Jim Van Dyk's killer."
"Two days after that you sent us to another crime scene," Morgan continued the story. "This time the victim's name was Mark Jansen. He had also been strangled by a rope and he had a tattoo of the letter X on his upper right arm, set after he had died. We again found a plastic bag on the scene, the fingerprints were a match to the prints we had found at the first scene. We didn't find any hairs, though, but we did find a piece of the rope with saliva on it. The DNA from the saliva matched the DNA from the hair at scene one."
"Three days later Sara investigated the death of Mandy Smit," Greg took over. "When she saw the rope marks on Mandy's neck and the tattoo of the letter X on the right upper arm, she called us. We checked the scene – same plastic bag, same piece of a rope. The fingerprints from the plastic bag and the DNA from the saliva on the rope were again a match to scene one and two."
"We think there might have been a piece of rope at the first scene as well, but that the killer threw it away further from the body, which is why we didn't find it," Morgan said to Russell.
"Alright, so you have three victims killed by the same person," Russell understood. "How does this killer end up in the Netherlands?"
"We think he may have a connection to it," Greg explained. "All three victims do: Jim Van Dyk, our first victim, had a Dutch father, both Mark Jansen's parents were Dutch and Mandy Smit was married to a man with a Dutch father. In fact, she was married to Jim Van Dyk's cousin, Ronald Van Dyk. She never took his name, though, which might be because they were only married for a few months. Ronald Van Dyk died in a car accident only two months after their wedding."
"Okay, so you have two victims who have a connection, but how does your third victim fit in?" Russell said.
"And victim number four," Morgan reminded him. "A woman was found dead in a small town in the southwest of the Netherlands. She had been strangled, the forensic team found a piece of rope at the scene and a plastic bag. On her upper right arm, she had a tattoo of the letter X…"
"They ran the prints and DNA sample through the system and discovered we had put it in," Greg told their supervisor. "When they did, they called us and asked us to come over to them and help them find the killer…"
Russell was quiet for a moment before he said: "Okay, let me see if I get this straight: someone from the Dutch police has asked you two to fly to the Netherlands to help them catch a killer who has also killed three people here in Vegas. Wouldn't it make more sense for them to fly out here? He has killed more people here than in the Netherlands!"
"True, but his last victim was found in the Netherlands," Morgan reminded him. "Ever since he killed Mandy Smit we haven't found anyone else here in Vegas that connects to this case. Probably because he flew back to the Netherlands and is now killing there."
Russell nodded, he understood why the Dutch police had asked Greg and Morgan to fly to the Netherlands.
"I'll have to discuss this with the sheriff," he told them.
"Not necessary."
All three of them turned around and saw Ecklie standing in the doorway.
"I just got a call from the assistant dayshift supervisor in the Netherlands," he said. "She told me the whole story and asked me if I was willing to send you two over to her country to help her team out."
"Are you?" Morgan asked her father. He looked at her. When he didn't say anything, she made a begging face. "Dad, please! Greg and I have been working on this case for two weeks without catching any breaks, this is what we've been waiting for! Maybe if we fly to the Netherlands we can finally catch this guy. If we don't, you'll keep three unsolved murders in your city…"
Ecklie started laughing. Greg and Russell smiled as well. Morgan was definitely good at giving him a guilty conscience! She smiled now too, but kept a questioning look in her eyes.
"Just… give me a minute to talk to Russell, okay?" he finally said.
"Shall we go to my office?" Russell suggested.
"That seems like a good idea!"
The two men left the room, while Greg and Morgan stayed behind. Morgan looked at Greg. "I really wanna go! I hate unsolved cases…"
"If we go, there's no guarantee we'll catch this guy," Greg reminded her. Morgan rolled her eyes. "Nice positive thinking, Sanders! Of course we'll catch the guy! Two Las Vegas graveyard shift members joining the Dutch forensic team… This guy doesn't stand a chance!"
"Well, at least you have enough positive thinking for the both of us!" Greg said. Grinning, Morgan playfully nudged him, to which he responded with an almost cheeky smile. She smiled back at him, suddenly feeling her stomach fill up with butterflies and a warm glow spreading through her body. The almost invisible blush he suddenly had on his cheeks told her he was definitely feeling something as well.
Their moment was interrupted by Russell walking back into the layout room.
"And?" Morgan asked him, quickly turning away from Greg before she'd start blushing as well.
"Go home," Russell told them.
"Go home!" he repeated. "Go pack your bags, you're flying to Amsterdam tonight! Your Dad is arranging all the necessary papers, flight tickets and hotel arrangements."
"I'll need a copy of your passports," Ecklie said, appearing behind Russell. Morgan walked up to him and spontaneously gave him a hug. "Thanks, Dad, you're the best!"
"Just make sure you catch this guy, so I don't waste a lot of LVPD money!" he warned them.
"Don't worry, we'll catch him, Sir," Greg promised him. Morgan looked back at him, a smile around her lips because he had obviously changed his mind. He gave her a guilty smile in return.
"Now go home and get some sleep!" Ecklie said to them. "I'll bring you to the airport myself tonight, make sure you're up and ready – your flight leaves at nine twenty tonight, but you have to be there at six twenty at the latest to check in. Don't be late, you hear me?"
"We hear you, Dad," Morgan smiled. "Don't worry, we'll be up and ready!"
She and Greg left the layout room and walked over to the locker room. Both of them started gathering their things from their locker.
"Have you ever been to Europe before?" Greg suddenly asked Morgan. She looked up and nodded. "Yeah, I've been to Paris. What about you?"
Greg shook his head.
"Well, don't worry, just remember this: it's going to be a long flight!" Morgan told him. "I'll see you in a couple of hours, okay?"
"Okay. Sleep tight," he simply said.
"You too." She smiled at him before she left the locker room. Twelve hours on a plane with a guy she had been falling in love with deeper and deeper every day, going after a killer in another country, working together with her favorite co-worker (who happened to be the same guy she had been falling in love with deeper and deeper every day) away from the rest of their team… She just couldn't help but smile as she drove home. This was going to be great!