"Someone was sending us a message. I've seen this before. Elena, did you know you could be a potential seer?" I asked seriously.

"A what?" She asked.

"A seer, someone who can sometimes see the future, not on command, only to receive messages." I told her.

"No, I've never heard of that before." She said, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I should have known, your mother, Isobel was one as well. Time to wake up, I'm afraid." I told her. Pulling myself out of her dream and opening my eyes.

She slowly opened her eyes as well, and sat up in the bed.

"Isobel was a seer?" She asked, curiously. I walked over to my bookshelves and grabbed a very ancient looking, leather bound book. My Grimoire.

"Yes. But she did not know until the very end of her life." I told her, flipping through the pages.

"What is that?" She asked me, directing towards the book.

"My Grimoire." I told her. I hadn't told anyone about it, not even my siblings.

"Wait, what?" She asked, clearly confused.

"Before I was turned, I had been the only one of my family to inherit my mothers magical capabilities. Unfortunately when I turned, I lost them." I told her. No one knew except Ayanna.

"You were a-" she asked.

"Yes." I said, cutting her off.

"I'm sorry, I know that must have been hard for you." She said, sadly.

"Only Ayanna and I knew. I was very close to her. But anyway, lets get back to this, shall we?" I said, not really wanting to continue. I opened my Grimoire and started flipping through the pages until I found what I needed.

"It says that when a seer receives messages in the form of a child or child's voice, that it can only be from their own bloodline. Anyone who can see the child in a memory-like state, must be directly related for that to happen." I looked at Elena, who was looking at me.

"How is that possible? We both saw her and neither one of us have direct bloodlines or relatives who aren't vampires. Wait, for them to be a direct relative, that would mean-" she paused and looked at me.

"Yes. But that is impossible." I said in disbelief. There was no way. We were both vampires and vampires cannot procreate. Maybe this was just a side effect of the potion.

"I think this was possibly a side effect of the potion."I told her. I couldn't miss the sad expression on her face.

"But if I'm a seer, then wouldn't she have to be real in the future?" She asked. It was true, if she was truly a seer, this little girl must be real in the future.

"She has to be, but I don't know how she can be. I think the potion does have something to do with this, as well. I don't know how yet." I told her, a smile reappeared on her face.

"Do you think it might have something to do with the fact that one of my deepest desires of my entire existence would be to have a child? You did say the potion effected acting on my desires?" She asked. It was true, the potion does effect her desires, but this still shouldn't be possible. Maybe whoever made the potion made a mistake, causing her desires to become possible if acted on.

"Elena, what exactly do you desire?" I asked suddenly.

"I have always desired a family of my own, a child or children with a man who would love me and our family unconditionally. Why? An;d why do I keep telling everything?" She said covering her mouth once more.

"It's part of the potion, Elena. You know that. And you will start acting on your desires soon, so be ready. But for now, we must get ready. We have a flight to catch." I told her, trying to distract from the problem at hand. We would figure that out later, when the time came. For now, I had to get her across the ocean before she actually could start acting on her desires.

"We are leaving now?"she asked, looking at herself still only in my shirt. I couldn't get enough of that.

"Yes, here are some clothes for you to change into."I said, handing her some of her own clothes that I had gotten from her house. She ran to the bathroom and quickly changed. So many things were going through my mind. How would this beautiful little girl come to be, and why could I see her as well?

Within one minute, she was ready to go.

"Are we running or driving, because I'm starting to feel a little weak again." He said, coming through the bathroom door.

"We are driving. I don't want to make your condition worse." I said as I lead the way to my black Maserati.

I put the two suitcases in the back seat and opened the passenger door for Elena. I was a gentleman, after all. She smiled and sat in the seat as I closed the door and flashed over to my side of the car.

As we drove down the road, at a speed slightly higher than the speed limit, I caught Elena just staring at me.

"Elijah, why are you doing this for me?" She asked again the same as before.

"I already told you why." I said, cautiously.

"Don't give me that. You would not put up with all of this for just anyone. Now tell me why me?" She said. I had to admit, I liked it when she got controlling.

"No, I would not do this for anyone. There is no lie saying that I care very much for you, Elena. You are the only one in this world with that power over me. I used to believe that having any sort of feelings was a weakness, it could only be used against me. However, you have seem to change my mind. It is a strength, two is better than one. I have spent the greater part of 1000 years alone, and from experience, being lonely is not a how I wish to live my life any longer." I said. Her potion must be wearing off on me.

"You aren't alone" she said, grabbing my hand on the center console. I smiled at her.

It was only a short drive to the local airport where my jet was kept. I knew that would be a surprise to her. As we pulled up to the hanger, I noticed her eyes widen at the jet sitting outside with Mikaelson written on the wing.

"You have your own private jet?!" She almost yelled. I laughed.

"Being around for a thousand years allows me to acquire lots of money, and I seem to travel lots of places, I thought a jet would be an appropriate investment." I said calmly.

"Wow. I'm officially jealous." She said, I laughed more. I ran and opened her door, holding my hand out graciously. She took it as she got out of the car. I quickly grabbed the bags and hand-in-hand, we walked to the jet.

The inside of the jet was very modern, with a few seats, a couch, a bed through the back door, and televisions on the walls. I walked her to a seat and put the bags in the overhead compartments. I then excused myself to tell the pilot where we were going.

"So where are we going?" She asked. She looked over at me with the same light in her eyes as she had when human.

"You will see when we get there, darling." I said, letting my old English accent slip a little. I had lived in America long enough for the accent to set in, but I would occasionally slip back to my old language or accent, especially after being around my siblings.

"I like the accent. You should use it more." She said smiling.

I couldn't tell her the other reason why we were leaving the country, at least until we arrived. There was a man out there telling everyone that she was actually Katerina, under an alias. Many people wanted revenge on Katerina, therefore they would be looking for Elena. That must have been why she was slipped the potion to begin with. People want to kill Katerina, I know I did. She had wronged many powerful people. Now Elena was in danger. I knew she would be safe with me, I could protect her. And no other vampire would dare cross me. I had to tell her though. We had to give her an alias for a little while at least, people know how to track. They could track her name even across the ocean.

I had found out about the Katerina ordeal while I was on my way back from Mystic Falls, after stopping by the Salvatore's home. One of my contacts bad called and explained that this man was handing out her information to anyone whom sought it. They didn't know who the man was, he never showed his face, but I assured Kol that if he found him, it would be a free torture and kill. Normally, I would do it myself, but I couldn't leave my Elena unprotected, or with anyone else. Wait, when had I begun referring to her as mine? Dear lord, I was getting very protective of this woman.

I looked over at her, now asleep in the chair. I realized this would be a good time for her to sleep, seeing as she had gotten about 30 minutes of sleep in the last 2 days. At first I hadn't realized that it was in the middle of the night when I had brought her to my home, and the time seemed to pass quickly all day, now it was almost midnight again.

She didn't seem very comfortable laying in the chair, so I gently picked her up without waking her, and took her to the back room, where the bed was. I was grateful that her fever had not returned, as before. As I laid her down in the bed, we hit slight turbulence, causing the plane to shake a little, which made her grasp onto me tightly. She did not wake, but she would not release my torso. I decided against waking her up to loosen her hold, instead I let myself lay down next to her. She curled up into my side unknowingly.